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Assignment 1 & 2

Course name: Principle of Management

Course code: MGT101
Section: 5

Submitted By:
Shariar Hossain
ID: 2018-3-10-106
Dept. of Business Administration
East West University
Manager’s Role in Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction.

Managers are individuals needed for running organizations. Managers are moreover mindful for
directing the different offices inside an organization. In any organization, overseeing employees
ought to be the primary need of all managers. The way employees work inside the organization
is profoundly subordinate on the relationship they have with administration. Managers hence
play a basic part in propelling employees. A persuaded employee will be more productive and
proficient within the work environment. An employee with strained connections with Managers
ought to endeavor to preserve a positive relationship, as such profitable connections empower
managers to realize organizational objectives and destinations. Successful administration permits
managers to capitalize on the qualities of each employee. A manager can persuade his employees
to utilize their qualities to see an entrepreneurial trade succeed. The victory of a manager in
empowering his employees to be profitable interprets into the victory of organizational
operations, since the company is able to attain the objectives it has set for itself. Managers who
have a vision for their organization can make employee inspiration that will see an organization
rise and succeed. Managers have to be set up the perfect approach to utilize to motivate
employees to work harder and more viably inside the organization. Managers can propel their
employees by considering the distinctive employee needs displayed in Maslow's “Theory of
Human Motivation”. Managers must guarantee that employees are able to meet their
physiological needs whereas working within the organization. The description of the work that a
person attempts must be adequately palatable in terms of money related benefits. An employee
would be motivated to perform in the event that his work permits him to meet his fundamental
needs. Other needs such as security needs, adore needs, and regard needs. Management can
propel employees by looking at the regard needs of employees. This could be done by
recognizing the employees for their efforts. Managers ought to moreover consider each of the
employees with rise to significance in arrange to motivate everybody to work in their particular
workstations. Employees must be able to work in organizations that enable individual
development. Employees must have a sense of improvement and progression when working in
their organizations. Managers must motivate employees to perform by making openings for
proficient development. Preparing programs inside the organization are pointers that a chief
wants to keep his employees. It is additionally a pointer that management wishes to bring its
agents to higher levels of achievement. Managers must guarantee that the organization receives a
preparing framework created when contracting an employee. It is the duty of managers to
guarantee that they make a sound relationship with employees. Employees must be able to
operate where they can illustrate their potential without boundaries. An environment where
employees work at their best implies there's a least of strife. The strife meddling with the work
environment; managers must therefore ensure that all employees get it the got to dodge all
shapes of struggle and to center on work in harmony. Employees must work in a situation where
they believe each other; where employees feel comfortable working with each other. It is the
nearness of such situations that employees feel motivated to work and completely lock in within
the duties endowed to them. The manager plays a crucial part in guaranteeing that employees
maintain sound connections within the working environment. The manager ought to accept the
part of group pioneer. As a group leader, he has to try to take it and know his employees. By
having a great understanding of his employees, the manager gets it the interface and
specialization of each employee. At that point, he will relegate assignments and duties
concurring to the employee's specialization. A motivated employee is one who has the
opportunity to illustrate his or her potential, managers can empower this by permitting
employees to choose the assignments and duties they feel are best. Managers who need to
motivate their employees to do model work must be able to spot ability among employees. A
manager can distinguish positive characteristics in many employees. Rather than selecting
excellent employees between rest, a perfect manager will define a methodology to capitalize on
these characteristics. The manager must decide an compelling procedure to capture ability and
change it into execution. In any organization, it is inconceivable to discover employees.
Employees show diverse aptitudes and abilities that a manager must be able to tackle and utilize
to guarantee the victory of the trade. A manager who centers on employee strength is able to lead
the employee to victory. The manager is additionally able to energize employees to embrace the
group soul that they can depend on to attain organizational goals. Taking the time to construct
connections with employees through individual intuitive could be a basic step managers can take
to preserve resolve. Employees got to feel the acceptance and respect of their executives.
Employees need management input to get it work issues. Numerous inspiration issues emerge
from a manager's failure to lock in with employees to construct connections and give suitable
criticism. There's a management association in work inspiration known as outward inspiration.
This sort of inspiration employments acknowledgment and remunerate as components. As
mentioned earlier, employers have to be construct connections with employees. Individuals
appreciate and feel more secure when connections are built. Also, criticism is basic to employee
victory. The concept of work fulfillment and inspiration is twofold, employees need to be
recognized and remunerated, and managers must get it the inspirations that guarantee this
objective. Employees need to be portion of the group and they need to share the victories and
disappointments of the organization. In this manner, input and acknowledgment are dynamic
fixings for motivational success.

The Decentralization of Decision Making and Employee Involvement

within the Workplace.

Decentralization in business is when day by day operations and choice making control are
assigned by top management to center and lower level managers and now and then indeed group
individuals. Organizations with a decentralized structure permit upper management to center
more on development openings and major choices, instead of day to day duties. Traditional
decentralized approaches may still apply inflexible systems with checks and controls, whereas
radical sorts of decentralization expand the scope of choice making. Decentralized choice
making can improve a corporate ethos and operational character. Or it can muddle it. By finding
the culminate adjust between dispersing independence and holding all the things will make
organization special. Decision making forms can either progress company’s progress or block it.
They can enable employees and allow them more independence, or tie their hands in convention.
As a company develops, it dangers getting to be more awkward and less versatile to the ever-
changing markets. Decentralized choice making implies fair that, engaging employees to create
more key and operational choices on their claim without managerial hand-holding. It could seem
like ceding control. But legitimately executed, it can really make for a more responsive and agile
company with an enabled and exceedingly motivated workforce. It can make the kind of
energetic work environment culture that pulls in the workers who can take trade to the following
level. But it can too lead to tremendous leadership challenges and a rudderless that leads to
disastrous misfortunes. Since group individuals and supervisors are utilized to working freely, a
decentralized organization is more competent of keeping up self-sufficiency in case
circumstances emerge where trade proprietors ought to be absent from work. Businesses
fascinated by scaling up can encourage the method simpler on the off chance that they’re
decentralized. For example, in the event that a fast food stores chooses to open another area in a
different state, decentralization can grant the modern area flexibility to function independently.
As a result, they’ll be able to customize their approach to superior meet wants of the unused
advertise. Whereas centralized organizations need to hold up for decisions to be affirmed,
decentralized organizations are free sufficient to create choices rapidly. This is particularly
imperative when quick arrangements are essential to anticipate losing a client. Decentralized
structures engage group individuals to utilize their information, involvement, and mastery to
create important commitments at work. This approach too soothes a few of the burdens from
commerce proprietors, so they can spend less time on day by day operations and more time on
development. Decentralized organizations with solid pioneers can do ponders for a company’s
notoriety, but decentralized organizations with lower-level managers who need authority
aptitudes or competence can do the precise inverse. This is less likely to happen in bigger
organizations with a gifted bunch of center managers. Each chief may have their inclinations,
conclusions, and ways of doing things, which can befuddle forms, rules, and common questions.
With so numerous diverse leaders, conclusions, and plans, it can be intense for two distinctive
divisions to collaborate on a modern venture or arrange capacities together. Decentralized
organizations call for more managers to require obligation for group individuals and the overall
organization which suggests they ought to be paid more. This can include up rapidly and fetched
way more than fair enlisting a number of managers. For each office to be self-sufficient, benefit
capacities (like accounting and marketing) must be given for each office. This can be a
inefficient drain on assets. Indeed decentralization may have some up and down, but by focusing
on every major detail an organization can improve its workplace a lot. It will be mainly
responsibility of the manager to make sure that every department are moving along and having
well synchronous.

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