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AR MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTE Mf) “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW” Manila RE ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ISTERED ELECTRICAL 00 Fak <6 PHA Tuesday, March 21, 2017 ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS HA fo 70, Sele 201g INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the ox corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided, STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. The executive officer of the Board of Electrical Engineering is @PRC Commissioner C. Civil Service Commission B. Chairman of the Board of EE D.IIEE President 2. The differential of the shear equation is which one of the following? load on the beam C. bending moment of the beam tensile strength of the beam D. slope of the elastic curve 3. The differential of the shear equation is which one of the following? ®load on the beam C. bending moment of the beam B. tensile strength of the beam D slope of the elastic curve 4, The conductor used to connect the grounding electrode to the equipment grounding conductor, to the grounded conductor, oF to both, of the circuit at the service equipment or at the source of a separately Gerived system, ‘A. Grounded Conductor B. Grounding Conductor C. Equipment Grounding Conductor ©)Grounding Electrode Conductor 5, Motors must be labelled with the following: nameplate rating, manufacturer's name and ete, This is: @monufacturing rule B. construction ule. wiring design rule. installation ule 6. Which ofthe folowing isnot a pat of the requirements to take RME? A Taken 1-year electrcian's course and 3-years apprenticeship B. Taken 2.years electricians course and 2-years apprenticeship . Taken 3-years of BSE with apprenticeship Graduate of BSEE 7. Whatis the primary purpose of PEC? A to serve as guide for the untrained personnel Bis o conserve electrical energy is the practical safeguarding of persons and property, D. to serve as manual guide for design 8, The process of outsmarting the search engine. ‘A. Google Fooling ©Search Engine Optimization B. Rank Enhancement D. Search Engine Hacking 9. The Board of Electrical Engineering is composed of one chairman and how many members? 2 B3 C4 DS 10. Process of posting latitude and longitude to pictures and images. A Podcasting © Geotagging . Flagging ©. Posting 11. Aprice tag of P1450 is paid in 70 days, but if paid within 36 days it will have a 5 percent discount. rate of interest. A 523 percent B. 69.20 percent (©54.13 percent D. 59.7 percent 12. You are standing on a bathroom scale in an elevator. In which of these situations must the scale read the same as when the elevator is at rest? @Moving up at constant speed . Moving down with increasing speed 5B. Moving up with increasing speed D. In free fall (after the elevator cable has snapped) 12, Wich ones the portion a an instruction cyte where tho instructions sent rom memory tothe nsirution register LOAD B. ACCUMULATE ©. EXECUTE Oretcu 14 For REE board examination, he pasing general average is 70 percent provided her is no grad below @s0 percent B. 60 percent ©. 65 percent D. 40 percent ULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTER AA mM “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW” Mf) Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 15. What is the weight percent of mathematics subjects? A40 B30 c.45 @25 16. A beam with rectangular cross-section with breadth of 20 em. Determine the depth of the beam if the ‘maximum shearing stress in the beam is 30 kg/om? and Vrs = 10,000 kg. ®z25 cm 8. 23cm C. 20cm D. 30m 17. What percentage of the human body will float in fresh water? Average density of human body jis 980 kg/cu. m. AgB @2 €.96 D4 10, Abankis advertising 9.5 percent account that yield 9.84 percent annually. Find how often interest is compounded A Monthly 8 Bimonthly © duenerty D. Annually 19. What is work-in-procass classified a8? ean asset 8. a lability C. an expense D. owner's equity 20. What is the formula for @ straightine depreciaton rate? tho pereent-percent net salvage value 100 percent net salvage value Qe aatinated service estimated seretc life percent net salvage value op tezagenetsalvage value estimated service value ‘estimated service life 21. HTTP: is an identifier that appears at the beginning of most Web page. What does HTTP stands for? A. Hypertext Time Protocol C. Hypertext Transmission Process B. Hypertime Text Protocol Obypertext Transfer Protocol 22. For a fluid, viscosity is defined as the constant of proportionality between shear stress and what other variable? the spatial derivative of velocity C. the time derivative of density. the time derivative of pressure the spatial derivative of density 23. You need P40,000 per year for four years to go to college. Your father invested P50,000 in a 7 percent account for your education when you were bom. f you withdraw the P40,000 atthe end of your 17°, 18", 49°, and 20" years, how much money willbe left in the account at the end of your 21" year? ®P17,000 8, P25,000 ©. P34,000 . P40,000 24, Aloan of P4,000 is made for a period of 16 months ata simple discount rate of 7 percent, what futuro amount is duo athe end ofthe loan period? A'P3,635.18 8 P3,598.57 ©. passe 22 Opsari.76 25. The thermodynamic statement of the conservation of energy of a system is the Ofirst aw B. second law ©. third taw D. zeroth law 26. In sizing of wire, this is: ‘A manufacturing rule 8. construction rule )uwiring design rule. installation rule 27. Express a pressure gage reading of 35 psi in absolute KPa? A218 B. 182 Ox D.314 28. Find the value of J in the program: Jn + 12 IF (1EQ.3) GOTO 16 delet GOTO 15 46 CONTINUE Ox BO C.40 D.15 29. Galvanized steel are steel products coated with A. Carbon B Sulfur ©zZine D. Nickel MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTERS” “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW" ‘Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 30. Which of the following materials is not viscoelastic material? A Glass B. Rubbor Metal 4d. Plastic 31. What is the study of heat and its transformation of energy? @ Thermodynamics —_B, Thermophysies . Thermoplastic D, Thermochemistry 32, Which of the following may be the Poisson's ratio of a material? A052 B.0.56 6.0.63 ©oss 33, A property of a material which it can be rolled a wire? ‘A Duetlty ®Malieabitty ©. Lustre D. Elasticity 34. What is a measure of the average speed with which accounts receivable are collected? ‘A Current ratio B. Quick ratio C. Acid test ratio. © Receivablo turnover 35. What do you call the ratio of the net income to owner's equity? ®retum on investment B. gross margin C.rate of return D. interest expense 36. What is the minimum height of the track of a roller coaster such that it can go around a loop without falling off or going off the track? 1 Anse @n= che 37. What isthe old Electrical Engineering law? A RABIS @RA 184 ©. RA 9136 D.RA7920 38, What is another term for “acid-test ratio"? A Current ratio © Quick ratio ©. Profit margin ratio __D. Price-earning ratio 38, Aline to ground system, the white conductor that carries current in normal operation is? @reutral B. ground C. grounding conductor D. grounding electrode 40. A 4.wire system has a high-leg voltage that is indicated by a wire of color____. A black ®orange C. brown Dred 41. What are considered as the “building blocks” for engineering materials? Atoms B. Elements €. Matters D. Compounds 42, Which of the following is not a structural class of stools? G00! and die B. high-strength, low-alloy C. carbon D. stainioss 43, Defects seen by optical or electron microscope A alteration @abberation . atomization D. deformation 44, Which is not a programming language used in web development? AXML @FORTRAN C.HTML D. Javascript 45. Which is not used in programming applications? AC 8. Java © oracte D. Visual Basic 48, What size in AWG should the wire be for 70 A overcurrent protection device? AB © C4 D3 47. In the writing of PEC 2009, what is the version of National Electrical Code that was patterned to? A 2008, (©2005 2001 D. 2002 48, A 50-kg metal cylinder, 2.0 m long and with each end of area 25 sq, om., stands vertically on one ond, What pressure does the cylinder exert on the floor? 98.1 KPa B. 784.8 kPa C.392.4KPa ©1262 kPa 49. Accylinder weighs 150 Ibf. Its cross-sectional area is 40 square inches. When the cylinder stands vertically on one end, what pressure does the cylinder exert on the floor? ‘A 52kPa @26 kPa ©.14.4 kPa D.63.2kPa MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTERS “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW" Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS lr, what is tho order of tuming on? ‘C. modem, computer, router modem, router, computor 50. After installing a new modem and router to a comput ‘A computer, modem, router B. router, modem, computer 51, Astee! bar is 12m long at -3.7°C, What is the increase in its length when the bar is heated to 5°C. The linear expansion for steel, ais 12 x 10°C. A125em (125mm '52. Which of the following is the process that cannot be found in a Camot engine cycle? @lsobaric expansion B. Adiabatic compression C. Adiabatic expansion D. Isothermal expansion 53. What is the branch circuit rating for hermetic motor 80,A?_ C.25em D.2.5mm Ae 8.92 © 100 D120 4. The largest solid conductor for raceway is 2 : Asmm @ssmm* C. 14 mm D.3.5mm' 55. To consider as continuous load @Shours or more B. 4 hours or more ©. Shours or more D. 6 hours or more 56. How many branch circuits in 55 KVA load, with 220 v and 20 A branch circuit? Anz ®2 c.14 D.15 57. Find the specific volume of water with, density of 1,000 kg/m’. ‘A.0.004 m'tkg B. 0.002 m"“kg ©0001 mg D, 0.003 mg 58, NGCP wams alert if tropical disturbance within 24 hours. A yellow ®bio Cred . weather disturbance 59. In computing, what is a tape drive? @a data storage device B. an OCR device C.apointing device —_—D. a multimedia device 60. Ifthe velocity of the flow in a 2-cm radius hose is 1.2 mls, what is the output velocity in a 0.5 cm radius jet issuing from a nozzle attached at the end of the pipe? ®0.182 mis 8.48mis C.0.3mis 0.0075 m/s 61, Find the capacitance of the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor with area of 40 sq. cm. and 10 mm apart = 8.854 x 10"? Fim 3.54 8.354 221 0.224 62, The continuous current must not exceed. ofthe rating of the conductor? A 60 percent B. 70 percent © 80 percent D. 80 percent 63. If a man’s body in a bathtub with 1,200 kg water loses heat at 4.2 x 10° J/hr. If the initial temperature of water is 20°C, what wl be ts temperature after 1 hour? 100 8.120 C. 80 ©7 Leatm 64, Find the density of UFs (M = 352.02 kg/kmol) at 25°C and 1 atm, R* = 0.0821 @44o0 B.171.5 gL €.2059/L D.24.59/L = 100m. What 65, A motorcycle moves at a constant speed of v = 12 misec around a curved road of radi is the magnitude and general direction of the motorcycle's acceleration? @ 1.4 mis! towards the center of curvature C. 1.1 mis? towards the center of curvature B. 1.4 m/s? away from the center of curvature D. 1.1 mis? away from the center of curvature 66. A flywheel with a moment of inertia of 2 kg-m? is applied a torque of 5 N-m. Ifit starts from rest, speed of the flywheel, in rpm, after 5 seconds? wats ihe A.2967 © 119.6 c.s978 0.92.76 67 is an act of sending e-mails or creating web pages that are designed to collect an individuals online bank, credit card or other login information? ‘A Malware B. Hacking C. Cracking © Phishing MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTE! “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW" Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 668, The original amount of money invested, borrowed, or deposited A Interest © Principal . Funds D. Stock 69. The internal rate of return of a project that involves an initial investment with subsequent positive cash flows is 18 percent. Four companies are considering the project. Given the following respective minimum attractive rates of return (MARR), which company will be most likely to accept the project? R Company MARI A 12 percent 8 14 percent c 18 percent D 49 percent ®ecompany A B. company B C. company C D. company D 70. What is the amount of P12,800 in 4 years at 5 percent compounded quarterly? A P15,641.59 ©P 1561459 C.P15,461.59 D. P15,146.95 71. A diagram drawn to help visualize and simplify problem having diverse receipts and disbursements. A, Budget B. investment . year-end-convention (6) Cash-flow 72. A loan of P5,000 is made for a period of 15 months, ata sir ‘amount is due at the end of the loan period? A. P5,712.40 B, P5,690.12 ©Ps.937.50 D.P5,873.20 ple interest rate of 15 porcent, what future 73. 3.0 Ibm of air are contained at 25 psia and 100 deg F. Given that Rey = 53.35 flbfflbm-*R, what is the volume of the container? ALOT eu ft B47uf ctsaun OrI9a.t 74, Which of the following relations defines enthalpy? Ab=uee @h=urpv cneuse Dn=pveT 75. What refers to chemically combined elements with definite proportions of the component elements? A Mixture B Molecule © Compound D.Alloy 76. Which of the following cannot be a property of a gas? A. Density B Pressure Oviscosiy D. Temperature 77. The relationship between the extension of a spring and the force required to produce the extension is AF=ma B.F=pN OF=« 78. The place where buyers and sellers come together. @Market 8. Business . Recreation Center. Buy and sell section 79. The linear portion ofthe stress-strain diagram of steel is known as the ‘A. modulus of elongation 8. plastic range ©. ineversibie range @)elasticrange 80, For which ofthe following is the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) not used? A. construction projects . preparation of bids and proposals B. computer programming assignments © weveing problems 81. Inany collision, which of the following is conserved? A. kinetic energy B. velocity ©momentum D. potential energy 82, What is another term for modulus of elasticity? A. Bulk modulus B. Shear strain C. Constant of elongation) Young's modulus 83. Which of the following is added to the drinking water distribution system for disinfection? A Soda ash @® Chlorine ©. Lime D. Iodine 84. An enclosed channel designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as permitted by the Philippine Electrical Code. A Duct @ Raceway ©. Cable Tray D. Tube CAA MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTER “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW” Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 85, Sec. 23 of Art III of RA 7920: Issuance of Certificates of Registration. The professional is required to renew license every _years upon payment of registration fees. At 8.2 ©3 D4 86. A man borrowed P2,000 from a bank and promised to pay the amount for one year. He received only the amount of P1,920 after the bank collected an advance interest of P80.00. What was the rate of discount? AAMT ©400 c.367 0.4.50 87. Service conductors made up in the form of a cable. ®Senvice cable B Service Receways — C. Service Drop D. Service Lateral 88. For hospitals, a general lighting load of ___ VA/m? shall be used. AN B.24 cs Ow 89. A method of identifying the location of a given data record by its name A Tracking B Linker C. Signature © tashing £0. Dalisay Corporation's gross margin is 45 percent of sales, Operating expenses such as sales and ‘administration are 15 percent of sales. Dalisay is in 40 percent tax bracket. What percent of sales is their profit after taxes? oe BS c.24 D0 91. See. 14(9) (i) of Anticle II. Examinaton and Registration, states that prior to commencing of work, the foreign professional shall secure special permit from the @®Commission B. IEE ¢. PDEA D. Bureau of Immigration 92. The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) was created under @po 223 BPD 59 C. £0223 D. £059 93. A car dealer advertises the sale of a car model for a cash price of P260,000. if purchased on installment, the regular downpayment is 15 percent and balance payable in 18 equal monthly installments at an interest rate of 1.5 percent per month. How much will be required monthly payments? A. P15,783.90 8, P15,632.11 ©. P15,289.12 © P15,185.78 94, The ratio of C, and C, is called: A Isothermal Index @) Adiabatic Index C. Hyperbolic Index. None of these 95, Which of the following is the opposite of elasticity? A ticidity B. malleabilty C. ductility O plasticity 96. If 1/3 hp pump runs for 20 minutes, what is the energy used? A006 erg B.025kW @030My D.0.11 KW 197. What is the area under the curve on a temperature-entropy diagram? @teat B. Work C. Entropy D. Volume 98. Which of the following refrigerant is highly toxic and flammable? @NMs b.COz €.CO5 D.R42 99. Oxygen is converted into ozone by A great heat B. high pressure etectric discharge Dall ofthese 4100. What rules are included in Article IV of RA 7920? ‘A Rule 1t0 10 @®Rule 11 to 20 ©. Rule21 to27 D. Rule 28 to 34 “END SUBMIT THIS TEST QUESTION SET TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWER SHEET TO YOUR WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST QUESTION SET OUT OF THE ROOM WILL BE A GROUND FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION

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