2022 Preaching Calendar

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Welcome to Your 2022 Preaching Calendar

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Week Date Day of Week Occasion Series Title Sermon Title Original Author Scripture Reference Big Idea
1 1/2/22 Sunday New Years Day None God's New Thing This Year Ernest Easley Isaiah 43 God has a new thing for you in the new year, greater than you can imagine.

SERIES: Escaping the Cage This series covers the pitfalls, or cages, everyone deals with and gives applications to help gain freedom from those "cages."
2 1/9/22 Sunday Escaping the Cage Escaping the Cage of Stress Jordan Easley Psalm 4 When we are overwhelmed by the pressures of this life, we can cry out to God. He hears us.
3 1/16/22 Sunday Escaping the Cage Escaping the Cage of Worry Jordan Easley 1 Corinthians 7:32 When we worry, we choose to forfeit peace in our lives. Instead, pray about everything.
4 1/23/22 Sunday Escaping the Cage Escaping the Cage of Fear Jordan Easley Isaiah 41 When we allow fear to control us, we allow our fear to overshadow our faith.
5 1/30/22 Sunday Escaping the Cage Escaping the Cage of Pride Jordan Easley Jeremiah 9 Our strength doesn't come from ourselves. It comes from the Lord.
6 2/6/22 Sunday Escaping the Cage Escaping the Cage of Bitterness and Anger Jordan Easley Ephesians 4:31 When you live with anger in your heart, you are unable to live the life God designed you live.

7 2/13/22 Sunday Valentine's Day None Valentine's Day: Captured by Love Stan Coffey 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, 14:1 Make love your greatest aim in your life.

SERIES: The Story of You This series teaches that God can redeem your past and rewrite your story.
8 2/20/22 Sunday The Story of You It’s a Good Story Kerry Shook 2 Samuel 22:25 Your life is always telling a story to everyone around you. What is the story you are telling?
9 2/27/22 Sunday The Story of You Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story Kerry Shook Isaiah 49:14-16 Even when you can't see God working, He hasn't forgotten you. He's still working on your story.
9 3/2/22 Wednesday Ash Wednesday None Ash Wednesday Tony Thomas Psalms 51 During the season of Lent, use the time to fast and confess your sin and focus on God.
10 3/6/22 Sunday The Story of You Comeback Story Kerry Shook 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 When you're in the middle of pain and difficulties, look to God. He can turn pain into gain.
11 3/13/22 Sunday The Story of You A Story of Purpose Kerry Shook Acts 13:36 True happiness comes when you discover God's purpose for your life.

SERIES: Rich Toward God This series focuses on stewardship using 3 of the most powerful passages on giving and explores why and how Christians should give.
12 3/20/22 Sunday Rich Toward God The Rich Fool Jeff Strite Luke 12:13-32 How we handle our money is kind of a barometer of our faith.
13 3/27/22 Sunday Rich Toward God Bumper Crop Jeff Strite 2 Corinthians 9:5-15 God doesn't need your offerings. Giving cheerfully is a reflection of your faith and love for God.
14 4/3/22 Sunday Rich Toward God How Much Is It Worth? Jeff Strite Mark 4:1-20 So how much is the salvation of those around you worth to you

15 4/10/22 Sunday Palm Sunday None Christ Our Passover Adrian Rogers 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 Christ dying on the cross was our Passover

15 4/15/22 Friday Good Friday None Good Friday - Kisses From Calvary Donald Cantrell Psalms 85:10, Colossians 1:19-20
God's love for us is shown through Jesus' crucifixion

16 4/17/22 Sunday Easter None Creation Restored: An Easter Sermon Patrick Edwards Acts 16:16-34 We inherently know there is something more to life and to this world because the brokenness we see and experience cannot be all that there is. There is more because we have a Savior!

SERIES: The Call to Worship This series teaches what real worship should look like in our daily lives.
17 4/24/22 Sunday The Call to Worship The Call to Worship - Part 1 William Wynn Psalm 111:1-2, 5-6 God finds joy in our worship. True worship is when we bring God all that we are and lay them on the altar, and praise him in spite of our burdens and lacks.
18 5/1/22 Sunday The Call to Worship The Call to Worship - Part 2 William Wynn Psalm 100; Psalm 40:3 If we are going to worship God in Spirit, then we must come in a spirit of worship

19 5/8/22 Sunday Mother's Day None Gaze of a Godly Mother Robert Dawson Proverbs 31:10-31 Proverbs paints for us the portrait of a Godly mother or virtuous woman.

SERIES: Curious In this series, you'll find insight on biblicical answers to five prominent questions people ask on a regular basis.
20 5/15/22 Sunday Curious Curious - Does God Exist? Joey Rodgers Genesis 1:1 A contemplation of the existence of the Divine requires due diligence and faith.
21 5/22/22 Sunday Curious Curious - Is Jesus the Only Way? Joey Rodgers John 14:6 All religions are not the same; nor do they all point to God.
22 5/29/22 Sunday Curious Curious – Is it a Sin to Doubt Joey Rodgers Matthew 11:1-11 To be curious is to have the urge to explore to know and learn something new. It’s to be inquisitive about life.
23 6/5/22 Sunday Pentecost Curious Curious – What’s God’s Plan for the End? Joey Rodgers 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 A walk through of the what the Bible says about the end times
24 6/12/22 Sunday Curious Curious - How Can I Know God's Will Joey Rodgers Romans 12:1-2 When it comes to life, you can choose to live by fate or you can trust God and live by faith.

25 6/19/22 Sunday Father's Day None A Happy Father's Day Jerry Vines Psalms 128 An understanding of the importance of a father in the family.

SERIES: I Am This is a powerful series on the seven "I Am" statements that Jesus made.
26 6/26/22 Sunday I Am I Am the Bread of Life Jim Perdue John 6:32-35, 48-51 A study of the seven ''I Am'' statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John
27 7/3/22 Sunday I Am I Am the Light of the World Jim Perdue John 8:12, 9:5 Jesus is the light of the world

27 7/4/22 Monday 4th of July None America Needs a Declaration of Dependence J. Vernon McGee Isaiah 37:36 Teach about depending on God as we pray for our nation this 4th of July.

28 7/10/22 Sunday I Am I Am the Door of the Sheep Jim Perdue John 10:7-10 God is the door that allows His ''sheepfold" to enter into an abundance of His blessings and promises.
29 7/17/22 Sunday I Am I Am the Good Shepherd Jim Perdue John 10:11-18 The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep know Him.
30 7/24/22 Sunday I Am I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life Jim Perdue John 14:1-6 Jesus offers us a path, His truth, and promises life more abundently.
31 7/31/22 Sunday I Am I Am the True Vine Jim Perdue John 15:1-11 We draw our strength and our spiritual life from the source of the vine.
32 8/7/22 Sunday I Am I Am the Resurrection and the Life Jim Perdue John 11:25-27 Jesus clearly teaches that the way to experience eternal life, heaven, and untold joy is by coming to know Him. He is ''the resurrection and the life.''

SERIES: Magnetic In this series, you'll find ideas to teach about the church being a magnet to attract the lost rather than monuments that repel them.
33 8/14/22 Sunday Magnetic Crazy Love James Merritt John 13:34-35 Divine affection is the most effective attraction. This kind of love is not something that you can manufacture on your own. It is something that you must take specific steps both to experience it and to express it.
34 8/21/22 Sunday Magnetic Straight Talk James Merritt Acts 6:7 Understanding what it meant to share the message of God's Word.
35 8/28/22 Sunday Magnetic Open Hands James Merritt 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 Understanding the gift of grace
36 9/4/22 Sunday Magnetic Magnetic Personality James Merritt Matthew 16:13-18 We need to be a magnetic church

SERIES: Fearless This series explores some of the best loved stories of the Bible to see how Christ-followers can be bold for justice in a dysfunctional world.
37 9/11/22 Sunday Fearless: Possessing a Lionhearted Righteousness Daniel in the Lion’s Den Scott Maze Daniel 6:1-28 A look into the attributes of Daniel
38 9/18/22 Sunday Fearless: Possessing a Lionhearted Righteousness For Such a Time as This Scott Maze Esther 4 A deep dive into the characters and themes of Ester
39 9/25/22 Sunday Fearless: Possessing a Lionhearted Righteousness David and Goliath Scott Maze 1 Samuel 17 Exploring David, a man who had courageous character, faith and left a legacy

SERIES: Fourth Quarter This series gives teaching and application to help you stay faithful and fruitful all the days of your life.
40 10/2/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter Going the Distance Jeff Schreve Hebrews 12:1-3 Going the distace with God
41 10/9/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter Ambushed Jeff Schreve Proverbs 4:26 We need to be prepared for the many ambushes that the enemy throws our way
42 10/16/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter Shipwrecked by Success Jeff Schreve 2 Chronicles 26:3-8, 15-21 Success can be a wonderful thing but it does have its ups and downs
43 10/23/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter What Not to Wear Jeff Schreve 3 John 1:9-11 God is interested in what we wear, not physical clothing but what we wear spiritally
44 10/30/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter Getting Back in the Game Jeff Schreve 2 Chronicles 33:1-16 God's amazing grace covers all our iniquity
45 11/6/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter Overcomers Anonymous Jeff Schreve Genesis 37 - 41 We all have bad times in life but God's grace helps us make it through to the other side
46 11/13/22 Sunday Fourth Quarter When the Final Gun Sounds Jeff Schreve 2 Timothy 4:5-8 When all is said and done, did you fulfill your call?

47 11/20/22 Sunday None A Thanksgiving Song Robert Dawson 1 Chronicles 16:8-12 Give thanks and praise to God for the many blessings that you have

SERIES: A Thrill of Hope This series gives teaching and application to help you stay faithful and fruitful all the days of your life.
48 11/27/22 Sunday Thanksgiving/Advent Begins A Thrill of Hope The Eternal Word Josh Malone John 1:1-5 Jesus Christ is the Eternal Word
49 12/4/22 Sunday Advent A Thrill of Hope The Witness to the Light Josh Malone John 1:6-8 Friends... in our own way... like John the Baptist we are called to be witnesses
50 12/11/22 Sunday Advent A Thrill of Hope Responding to the Light Josh Malone John 1:9-13 Are you purposely following His direction?
51 12/18/22 Sunday Advent A Thrill of Hope The Glory and Grace of Christmas Josh Malone John 1:14-18 Christmas is a time to behold the glory of Christ

51 12/24/22 Saturday Christmas Eve Bonus None Christmas Eve: A Time to Behold Dave Gustavsen Luke 2:8-11 Christmas is a time to reflect and rediscover the gifts you have received

52 12/25/22 Sunday Christmas None A Humble Christmas: A Christmas Sermon Jonathan McLeod Luke 2:12 The grace of God is amazing. It is this grace that leads us to salvation and inspires us to live with humility.

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