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Etapa 1



Yamile Andrea Jiménez Aristizabal


Grupo: 102609-8

Periodo: 08-03-2022


Fabio Alonso Bonilla Gómez


Programa: Administración de empresas

CEAD Medellín – Zona occidente

Actividad 2.

1. What is a customer and what does customer service mean.

A customer is any person who has a latent or felt need, who is looking for a product or

service with certain requirements and conditions in order to fully satisfy it. The client is

important because he is the point of support and the greatest asset on which the entire

structure of a company rests.

The client is the most important person in our work, he does not depend on us, we depend on

him, he does not interrupt the work, it is the purpose of this, the client is not only profit; he is

a human being with feelings and deserves to be treated with respect, he is vital in our

business, the client helps us to improve the service, the client is always right.

Customer service means: Act in which support is provided to customers of an entity,

whether private or public, of products and/or services using a set of practices or procedures

that cover the general need, doubts, suggestions, claims and repairs. technical, such as

specific and punctual problems that require special attention.

2. Make a diagram about the different types of clients.

Haz un diagrama sobre los diferentes tipos de clientes.

3. What are the principles and new scenarios of customer service?

Cuáles son los principios y nuevos escenarios de la atención al cliente
Although there are no behavioral guidelines that guarantee success when it comes to offering

quality customer service, here are the five most important aspects when contacting a potential


Prior disposition: The knowledge acquired must be accompanied by practice so that it can

become job skills

Respect and kindness: The greatest respect that can be offered to a client is to listen to him

with sincerity and honesty, among the attitudes that clients highlight the most when they

receive exquisite treatment from the worker is kindness , customer perception is what

ultimately decides levels of satisfaction

Involvement in the response: the most advanced form of listening that one person can offer

another is empathy, understood as the highest level of listening, which is the ability to

become involved in the response to the client, to really put oneself in the position of the being

able to know how to give the right treatment to each type of client.

Customer service: The elements that generate customer satisfaction are multiple and affect

different aspects, some especially significant are: courtesy and friendliness with customers,

dedication of the appropriate time for each client, efficiency in conflict resolution, kindness

and treatment received , waiting time for receiving services, willingness of the organization

to solve problems, speed of service delivery Leading companies consider that they offer their

clients an excellent service if they meet the following requirements: reception of the client,

listening, information, advice and sales.

Vocabulario adecuado: Un requisito indispensable de todo buen comunicador es adaptarse a

su interlocutor, hay que tener presente que lo que realmente importa durante la comunicación

es que el cliente nos comprenda en todo momento, por lo que hay que expresarse en términos

adaptados a él, para lograr este objetivo hay que: huir de los tecnicismos, no creer que los
clientes deben conocer todas prestaciones del producto, este aspecto se soluciona

aprendiendo el vocabulario adecuado a cada tipo de persona , a su nivel sociocultural , sobre

todo, a sus necesidades y deseos.

Appropriate vocabulary: An essential requirement of all good communicators is to adapt to

their interlocutor, we must bear in mind that what really matters during communication is that

the client understands us at all times, so we must express ourselves in terms adapted to him,

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to: avoid technicalities, not believe that customers must

know all the product's features, this aspect is solved by learning the appropriate vocabulary

for each type of person, at their sociocultural level, above all, their needs and wishes.
4. Currently there are new trends for customer service, ¿what are these new trends?

las nuevas tendencias de servicio al cliente es mejorar la atencion y el servicio a los

usuarios .todas las marcas priorizan este aspecto dentro de sus procesos , pues se ha demostrado
que la lealtad de los clientes influye tambien en la mejora de resultados de la empresa . algunas
tendencias de atencion al cliente son:
El imperativo economico y la voz del cliente: L amyoria d elas empresas cumple con este
requisto necesario para aumentar el desempeño de las funciones tacticas de la atencion al cliente
y dar el paso hacia el proceso de atencion estrategica .los principales compononetes influye
funciones de atencion al cliente , sistema de gestion de la relacion con el cliente ,y,
principalmente la capacidad de la voz del cliente , la ultima es un mecanismo que describe toda
experencia del cliente utilizando todos los ingresos .
tecnologia centrada en mejorar la experiencia del cliente y del empleado :cada vez la amyor
la presion por destacar , por lo que los engocios deberan valerse de la tecnologia inteligente para
mejorar la crewatividad de sus empleados

Actualmente existen nuevas tendencias para la atención al cliente, ¿cuáles son estas nuevas

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