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INSTRUCTIONS: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer in this sheet. Duration of this test is 60 minutes.


1. Multimedia application which can also manipulate video and sound, and even connect to databases to build
web-based applications or multimedia interactive. Aplikasi multimedia yang juga dapat digunakan untuk
video dan suara bahkan terkoneksi ke database untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis web atau juga interaktif
a. Photoshop b. Dreamweaver c. Adobe Flash d. CorelDRAW

2. Flash application also can be use to design and develop ____________.

Aplikasi Flash juga dapat digunakan untuk mendesain dan membuat _________.
a. presentation b. animation c. photo slideshow d. All mentioned

3. Default file extension for main working document in Flash:

a. .swf b. .fla c. .exe d. .mov

4. Kindly observe the image below:


From Flash workspace above, define arrow no. 1:

a. Stage c. Timelines
b. Property inspector d. Flash Tools Panel

5. Based on image of question no. 4 please define arrow no. 2: _______________.

Berdasarkan gambar soal no 4, tentukan yang ditunjukkan anak panah no 2 ___________.
a. Stage b. Property inspector c. Timeline d. Flash Tools Panel

6. Based on image of question no. 4 please define arrow no. 3: _______________.

Berdasarkan gambar soal no 4, tentukan yang ditunjukkan anak panah no 3 ___________.
a. Stage b. Property inspector c. Timeline d. Flash Tools Panel

7. Based on image of question no. 4 please define arrow no. 4: _______________.

Berdasarkan gambar soal no 4, tentukan yang ditunjukkan anak panah no 4 ___________.
a. Stage b. Property inspector c. Timeline d. Flash Tools Panel

8. The grey area surrounding the Stage is the: Area abu-abu disekitar Stage adalah:
a. Toolbar b. Layers c. Work area d. Timelines

9. It includes everything you need to create, select, or edit graphics on the Stage.
a. Layers b. Flash Player c. Timelines d. Flash Tools Panel
10.It uses for change dimensions and background color of The Stage:
a. Work Area b. Panels c. Timelines d. Document Properties

11.The Timeline consists of three main components, EXCEPT:

a. Layers b. Frames c. Keyframes d. Library

12.Flash can create graphic using drawing tools which is type of _______________ image.
a. Bitmap b. Vector c. Animate d. CAD

13.It allows for point-to-point drawing, and precise control over curves and lines in between.
Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk menggambar dari satu titik ke titik lain dan mengendalikan kurva dan garis
secara presisi.
a. Line tool b. Text tools c. Rectangle tool d. The Pen tool

14.It can be found from the Tools Panel to draw a line.

a. Line tool b. Text tools c. Rectangle tool d. The Pen tool

15.They look like transparent sheets of acetate stacked on top of each other on the Stage: ___________.
Dapat diumpamakan seperti lembar transparan yang saling bertumpukan satu dengan lainnya diatas Stage:
a. Keyframes b. Layers c. Timelines d. Tools

16.It is a place to define a change to an object's properties for an animation or include ActionScript code to
control some aspect of your Flash document. It is known by __________________. Merupakan tempat
untuk mengubah property objek suatu animasi atau memasukkan koding ActionScript untuk mengendalikan
beberapa aspek dari dokumen Flash.
a. Keyframe b. Layer c. Timeline d. Tools

17.In Flash if user need to type a text, kindly use _____________.

a. Drawing tools b. Selection tool c. Text tools d. Rectangle tool

18.The default frame rate use in Flash is ______________.

a. 30 fps b. 12 fps c. 25 fps d.14 fps

19.A gradual blend between two or more colors, used for complex color transition:
Suatu campuran bertahap antar dua warna atau lebih, digunakan untuk transisi warna yang kompleks:
a. Colors b. Gradient c. Shadow d. Swatches

20.User can transform graphic objects, as well as groups, text blocks, and instances using ____________.
Pengguna dapat mengubah objek grafis, begitu juga kelompok, blok teks dan instance menggunakan ____.
a. Selection tool b. Free Transform tool c. Rectangular tool d. Drawing tool

21.To transform a gradient or bitmap fill by adjusting the size, direction, or center of the fill ___________.
Untuk mengubah suatu gradien atau bitmap dengan menyesuaikan ukuran, arah atau pusat isian dengan _.
a. Gradient transform tool c. Rectangular tool
b. Polystar tool d. Gradient tool

22.Steps how to import picture to stage are _______________.

a. File - import - import to stage c. Home - import - import to stage
b. Edit - import - import to stage d. No correct answer

23.Series of steps to rotate the object 900 CW: _________. Tahapan untuk memutar objek 900 arah jarum jam.
a. Edit - Transform - Rotate 900 CW c. Window - Transform - Rotate 900 CW
b. Modify - Transform - Rotate 90 CW d. No correct answer

24.Reusable graphics, images, and animations stored in your document’s library.

Grafis, gambar dan animasi yang digunakan ulang, ditempatkan pada library dokumen disebut:
a. Library b. Assets c. Symbols d.Objects

25.Users can convert a graphic to a Symbol by chosing:

a. File > Save As c. Ctrl+L
b. Window > Library d. Modify > Convert to Symbol
26.Creates a new symbol in the library and is the same command as Insert > New Symbol or New Symbol from
the Library panel’s menu. Untuk membuat symbol baru pada library dan perintah yang sama dengan Insert
> New Symbol atau membuat symbol dari menu panel library.
a. New Folder b. New Symbol c. Panel Menu d. Properties

27.It is a quick way of seeing your animation as you build it.

a. Save as b. Publish Setting c. Library d. Test Movie

28.A single sequence of frames that can include any number of movements and tweens on a single object.
Suatu tahapan tunggal frame yang termasuk beberapa gerakan atau tween terhadap satu objek tunggal.
a. Graphic b. Keyframe c. Motion Tween d. Instance

29.Shortcut key that can be used to test the Flash movie: _____________.
a. CTRL+Enter b. Shift +Enter c. Enter d. No correct answer

30.Series of steps to Break Apart of bitmap image in Flash: Langkah memecah gambar bitmap pada Flash:
a. Window - Break Apart c. Modify - Break Apart
b. Edit - Break Apart d. No correct answer

31.This panel can be used to choose colors, save them as swatches, and modify gradients.
Panel ini dapat digunakan untuk memilih warna, menyimpan sebaga swatch dan modifikasi gradien.
a. Color panel b. Transform panel c. Align Panel d. Flash Tool panel

32.It helps you align elements along their horizontal or vertical axes. Dapat membantu pengguna menempatkan
elemen pada axis horisontal atau vertical.
a. Color panel b. Transform panel c. Align Panel d. Flash Tool panel

33.It has a unique Timeline featuring four main frames in each layer—Up, Over, Down, and Hit.
Memiliki Timeline yang unik terdiri dari empat frame pada setiap layer —Up, Over, Down, dan Hit.
a. A Graphic b. A button symbol c. Stage d. Movies

34.Photoshop file that can import to Flash is ____.

a. .jpeg b. .gif c. .swf d. .psd

35.Flash can read and import these file types, EXCEPT: Flash dapat membaca dan mengimpor tipe file berikut,
a. .ai b. .dxf c. .bmp d. .exe

36.Icon save and print in Flash interface are a part of _____________.

a. Main toolbar b. Controller toolbar c. Edit bar d. Layer

37.Icon start and stop movie are a part of __________.

a. Main Toolbar b. Controller toolbar c. Edit bar d. Layer

38.It is extension used for Flash video files.__________ is supported by Flash Player version 7 and higher.
Merupakan ekstensi yang digunakan pada video Flash. ________ dapat mendukung Flash player versi 7
atau lebih.
a. .flv b. .mpeg c. .avi d. .mov

39.Series of steps to publish Flash content to Web available format: _____________.

a. File - Publish c. Edit - Publish
b. Window - Publish d. No correct answer

40.It convert the FLA file to a GIF, JPEG, PNG file. Digunakan mengubah file FLA menjadi GIF, JPEG, PNG.
a. Save As b. Publish Setting c. Publish Command d. Test Movie

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