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Review Wonder Woman Movies

Berlianada Rizki P as Editor

Diki Nugraha as Host

Dinda Khairunnisa as Movies Critics

Ersal Kusuma S as Ares

Fitra M Fauzan as director

M. Zakariyya as Steve Trevor

M. Ilmi as Audience

Novia Fadhilah S as Host

Tribuana Salsabil as Diana (Wonder Woman)

Diki, Novi : Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Diki : well well well, welcome back again in Dikin Show!

Novi : okay, in this episode we will talk about one of the most popular
movie in foreign countries.

Diki : yes of course! This movie is one of DC’s movie, guess what?

Novi : yeah sure i know the title is Wonder Woman, right?

Diki : yup, you are right! Okay, here we have guests from wonder
woman players and some of wonder woman film crew.

Novi : So first, please welcome the movie critics, the director, and the editor of
the Wonder Woman’s movie!

Diki : I want to ask the director first, what was the problem you face
during the shooting?

Fitra : Okay hmm… It was not easy to make a relation between the
character and the actor/actress.
Novi :okay, so why you choose Gal Gadot as wonder woman and how
much did you spend for the production of this movie?

Fitra : I see gal gadot has a character that fits perfect the wonder woman
and she is a very talented actress. For the cost, we spent around $149 million.

Diki : the next question is for the movie editor, so miss was it difficult to
create effects or animations in the wonder woman movie?

Atun : yeah, it's quite difficult for me to make such real effects or
animations, because the genre of this movie is fantasy and action, so definitely
there is a lot of fighting scenes with special effects like explotion, lightning, and
the others. so I tried to make that kind of scene looks so real with added some
visual effects or animation so the audience could feel the atmosphere in the

Novi : now we will ask the movie critics about this film, so miss how
about this film?

Dinda : crowded, earnest, sometimes sloppy, but constantly entertaining. I

feel the final appearance of the movie is less than satisfactory with unrealistic
battles, but Wonder Woman is a smart, shining, and satisfying movie than any
other superhero movie.

Diki : okay, now we will ask the opinion from the audience, i’ll choose
that boy who wear DC t-shirt.

Novi :Wow you look very exited boy, I bet you’re a big fan of DC. And
what’s your name boy?

Ilmi : yes, iam. I am a big fan of DC. As you can see here (pointing his t
shirt), So cool right? Oh yeah I am The Incredible Ilmi.

Diki : Yes yes that is really really amazing! Incredible! So boy, how do
you feel after see this movie and how about the movie?

Ilmi : as a big fan of DC Comics i am so amazed and this film is very

cool, wonder woman is different from other DC movie because this film
managed to unite between romance, humor, and darkness. so not just war

Novi : Yes I think so. And what’s your favorite scene in this movie?
Ilmi : Oh yeah! Yes! My favorite scene is when Wonder Woman
fighting with Ares, That was so cool! HAHA I love it so much! Yeah!

Diki : Yeah Boyyy!

Novi : Okay thank you boy. You may sit again. So after the break time
we will back again with the main characters of Wonder Woman!

Diki : Thank you so much to our guest for coming to this show. Don’t
go anywhere we will back again after the break time, so stay tune!


Diki : Welcome back again to Dikin Show! Now as we promised, we

will back again will back again with the main characters.

Novi : so please welcome! Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, and David Thewlis!

Diki : Okay first of all, I want to start from Gal Gadot.

Novi : So I want to ask you, was it hard to act as Wonder Woman?

Tribun : Honestly, it was pretty hard to be a Wonder Woman. I must

be professional and totally in playing this character. so I need special training to
play this character.

Diki : can you tell us how the wonder woman’s character is?

Tribun : wonder woman is a demigod who has superhuman powers,

she is adopted daughter of the queen Hippolyta. she wants to defeat ares,
because ares is son of zeus who wanted to do damage.

Novi : so ares how about you?

Ersal : the character of Ares here is evil, he wants to destroy all mankind
and he is the enemy of the wonder woman. I have to play the role of ares totality
to keep this movie alive and amazing.

Diki : and how about you steve?

Zaka : the steve character here is good, he is an English spy who washed
up in Themyschira and here he saved by diana A.K.A. wonder woman. he is
also the lover of diana. I also must have a full of chemistry Diana’s character.

Novi : okay , maybe that’s all we talk about wonder woman, and thank
you for the guests who have come to this show. See you again in the next

Diki : yeah, so don’t miss us next week.

Diki, Novi : Good bye and wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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