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Tugas 1. Materi: Spektrofotometer UV-Vis

Kerjakan soal berikut dan unggah melalui

1. The acid-base indicator HIn undergoes the following reaction in dilute aqueous solution:
HIn ⇄ H+ + In-
color 1 color 2
The following aborbance data were obtained for a 5.00 x 10 -4 M solution of HIn in 0.1 M NaOH
and 0.1 M HCl. Measurements were made at a wavelength of 485 nm and 625 nm with 1.00-cm
0.1 M NaOH A485 = 0.052 A625 = 0.823
0.1 M HCl A485 = 0.454 A625 = 0.176
In the NaOH solution, essentially all of the indicator is present as In -; in the acidic solution, it is
essentially all in the form of HIn.
a. Calculate molar absorptivities for In- and HIn at 485 and 625 nm.
b. Calculate the acid dissociation constant for the indicator if a pH 5.00 buffer containing a
small amount of the indicator exhibits an absorbance of 0.472 at 485 nm and 0.351 at 625
nm (1.00-cm cells).

2. Seorang mahasiswa telah menentukan kadar asam salisilat dalam tablet aspirin. Larutan standar
asam salisilat dibuat dengan cara sebagai berikut: ditimbang 0,5 gram asam salisilat, dilarutkan
dalam 150 mL aquadest dan ditambah 10 mL larutan NaOH 1 M dan dipanaskan sampai
mendidih. Kemudian larutan dimasukkan dalam labu takar 250 mL dan diencerkan sampai tanda
tera (larutan A). Satu tablet aspirin (berat 500 mg) dilarutkan dalam 150 mL aquadest dan
ditambah 10 mL larutan NaOH 1 M dan dipanaskan sampai mendidih. Kemudian dimasukkan
dalam labu takar 250 mL dan diencerkan sampai tanda tera (sampel).
Data Pengamatan:
No Larutan A (mL) FeCl3 0,02 M (mL) Absorbansi
1 0 10 0,000
2 0,1 9,9 0,127
3 0,2 9,8 0,205
4 0,3 9,7 0,328
5 0,4 9,6 0,414
6 0,5 9,5 0,516
Sampel (mL)
7 0,5 9,5 0,333
a. Berapa konsentrasi (ppm) larutan standar asam salisilat (larutan A)
b. Berapa persen (% b/b) kadar asam salisilat dalam tablet aspirin

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