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Automation of Laboratory Equipment for

Characterization of a Fiber Laser





Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar Ricardo Sevilla-Escoboza

University of Guadalajara University of Guadalajara


Rider Jaimes-Reategui Roger Chiu-Zarate

University of Guadalajara University of Guadalajara


Available from: Ricardo Sevilla-Escoboza

Retrieved on: 28 September 2015
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)

Automation of Laboratory Equipment for Characterization of a

Fiber Laser
Huerta-Cuellar G.1, Sevilla-Escoboza J. R.2, Echenausía-Monroy J. L.3, Vera-Ávila V. P.4, Jaimes-Reátegui R.5,
Chiu-Zárate R.6
Laboratorio de Sistemas Dinámicos y Aplicaciones Ópticas, Centro Universitario de Los Lagos,
Universidad de Guadalajara, Av. Enrique Díaz de León 1144, Paseos de la Montaña, Lagos de Moreno, Jal., 47460, México.
Abstract— In this paper we present the design and The aim of this project is to show the automation of all
configuration of virtual interface for the purpose of automate involved the equipment for characterization and differents
the acquisition and analysis of digital signals from the phenomenological behaviors encountered in an EDFL. This
response of an erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) through a project was executed in the Optical Applications and
GPIB port using the National Instruments Software,
Dynamics Systems Laboratory in the Centro Universitario
LabVIEW. We automated an Aeroflex 3250 Series Spectrum
Analyzer, a Tektronix AFG3011 Waveform Generator and an de los Lagos (CULagos), where we used the facilities and
Agilent DSOX3102A Oscilloscope. With the automation of the the experimental arrangement used in previous works, as
instruments above mentioned a characterization of an the fact that noise induces intermittent switches between
erbium-doped fiber laser on power spectra and in the domain coexisting states (attractor hopping phenomenon) [3], a
of time will be achieved as well the construction of the phenomenological results that shows the behavior of real
necessaries maps for the total description of the EDFL systems for which is encountered a noise amount previous
dynamic. a bifurcation point as an volcanic eruption or heart attack
[4]. Another phenomenological behavior that has been
Keywords—Characterization, automation, interface,
frequency power spectrum, time series.
encountered in the experimental arrangement used for this
work describes the apparition of suddenly rogue waves was
I. INTRODUCTION reported [5, 6, 7]. Between others natural phenomena the
EDFL has been used to show the synaptical behavior
The National Instrument (NI) programing software, between neurons [8, 9]. Moreover of the usual
LabVIEW, is a widely used as an engineering tool. Some applications of the EDFL as amplificator in communication
applications of this software ranging from data acquisition systems an optoelectronic logic gate has been developed,
and signal processing [1], instrument control, automation using our experimental set-up [10]. Behavior showed in the
and validation of test systems, monitoring embedded laser dynamics of the attractor hopping [3] also shows a
systems and control, among others. LabVIEW is not the Brownian dynamics as shown by G. Huerta-Cuellar et al.
only system design software that provides engineers and [11] with an original proposal for deterministic Brownian
scientists the tools needed to create measurement and motion generation.
control applications. There are other programing softwares
that also provide us with different tools for measurement II. METHODOLOGY
and control systems such as MATLAB, but since our
project required the generation of a graphical interface, As was mentioned above, during the experiment we
which was friendly to the end user and also easy to use. used a Waveform Generator (WFG), a Spectrum Analyzer
The last is the reason that we decided to use the National (SA) and a Digital Oscilloscope (OS) with their
Instruments Software, without mention that the latter corresponding GPIB-USB cables, which are the means of
provides an opportunity to strengthen the system of simple communication between the designed interface and the
and practical way without affecting the simplicity with equipments. A computer (PC) with the programming
which it is presented to the end user. software, LabVIEW in his 2012 version, was used to
The use of IVI VISA tool of LabVIEW [2] was chosen establish communication with each one of the instruments
for develop the necessary applications for the project to control.
because is not limited to a single type of instruments or The experimental setup shown in Fig. 1 consists of a
means of communication between these, as it provides a 1560-nm EDFL pumped by a 977-nm laser diode (LD)
wide range of pre-developed drivers for use in instruments (PL980).
and the option to develop their own drivers for any
instrument automation.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)
The 4.81-m Fabry-Pérot fiber laser cavity is formed by As first step for achieves the project objective, we
an active 88-cm long heavily erbium-doped fiber (EDF) implement all the necessaries drivers for establish
with a 2.7-μm core diameter and two fiber Bragg gratings independent communication with each one of the
(FBG1 and FBG2) with 0.288-nm and 0.544-nm full equipment to control, since the experiment was previously
widths on half-magnitude bandwidth, having, respectively, mounted. The main objective for making this procedure is
100% and 95.88% reflectivity at laser wavelength. generate a driver backup of each instrument and then
Following the set-up description, an optical isolator (OI) incorporate them in a global program that is capable of
has been arranged so that only allowed laser emission will control the whole experiment.
be counter propagating referred to pump propagation. In order to achieve this, the driver for the first instrument
The fiber laser output, after passing through a developed was the spectrum analyzer, because the
wavelength-division multiplexer (WDM), is measured with complexity of this was higher than the others ones. The
a photodiode (PD), which converted the optical signal in an whole process consist in create the necessary blocks for
electrical signal, connected to the OS and to the SA for its establish the remote mode with the instrument and can
analysis and characterization. All components are control it since the computer. Ones that the correct
connected by a single-mode fiber laser. In our experiment, communication with the spectrum analyzer was achieved,
we choose the pump current so that the laser relaxation we proceed to create his correspondent virtual instrument
oscillation frequency, fr, is about 30 kHz in the absence of which is capable to control each one of the configuration
the external signal. parameters in the equipment and generate the acquisition of
the data into a pre-defined folder for storage them and use
them for their subsequent analysis.
The creation of any of the virtual instruments that we
used during the experiment consist of different stages,
which are the initialization, where it’s configured the
channels for establish the communication between our
computer and the corresponding instrument, it’s here where
we select the GPIB address of the equipment and we order
to start the remote mode. After that, we pass to the stage of
configuration, where we indicate whole the parameters that
we need for the correct function of the instruments, then
each instrument take his values and fix the corresponding
configuration. It’s also in this part where we indicate to the
instrument (spectrum analyzer and the digital oscilloscope)
Fig. 1. Experimental setup for EDFL analysis. the function of data recording and the name of the folder
where this are will be stored.
III. DEVELOPMENT AND RESULTS In case of the spectrum analyzer, we also determine a
function, where this make a search of the maxims peaks of
By developing the algorithm to design the virtual frequency, the number of peaks is also pre-defined in the
interface, WFG control is performed to define the parameter section. In the final interface the user can see 3
frequency and amplitude of the signal that is used for different graphics, one which displays the response of
modulate, which is sent to the LDC. This is an important EDFL in the domain in time, other that shows the response
part because the response of the EDF depends from the in the spectrum of frequency and the last one displays the
modulation signal that we decide inject. Otherwise, the response along the time of the maxims peaks of frequency.
laser output is connected to the digital oscilloscope and to
the spectrum analyzer, that are also controlled by the
virtual interface, by which we can define all kind of
parameters for the correct visualization and analysis of the
obtained data.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)

Fig. 4. User Interface where is visible the controls section and the
graph of the maxims peaks of frequency.

The design of the user interface has the whole necessary

controls for establish the complete configuration that the
user needs to operate the experiment, and, as was described
before, the user, besides having the controls for establish
the configuration of the experiment, has three graphs where
Fig. 2. Graphic representation of the sweep frequency control. can see the response, in real time, of the EDFL. A part of
As was mentioned before, the response of the laser the user interface is shown in Fig. 4.
depend of the modulation frequency (fm) that we inject and On Fig. 4, it can sees the part of the user interface for the
all the parameters are determined since the virtual interface control of the experiment, it means, the whole necessary
that the user has access, that is the reason for the creation of controls for determinate the operating mode as well as the
the control shown in the Fig. 2, that describes the function graphic of response of the maxims peaks of frequency
of the sweep frequency that is applied al the LDC. along the time.
Ones that we had created the three virtual instruments
for each one of the equipment, was continued with the
stage of coupling them for create the algorithm capable to
control the whole experiment since the computer and this
way generate the final user interface. The integration of all
the algorithms for the automation is show in Fig. 3 in way
the flowchart.

Fig. 5. Experimental temporal bifurcation diagram of EDFL.

Fig. 5 shows the experimental bifurcation diagram of the

Fig. 3. Final Algorithm Flowchart.
peak-to-peak laser intensity with the modulation frequency
The final version of the whole process for the fm as a control parameter. The implemented LabVIEW
experiment automation is shown in the figure below, where interface was complemented with a switching virtual
it is possible to see all the stages previously described such interface in order to change the initial condition of the
as the initialization of the instruments, variables capture for system. Because the EDFL has a multistate behavior, the
each instrument, configuration of the equipments, data change of initial conditions can provide us all differents
acquisition, display graphics and data storage for ending states presents in this system.
the process.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)
To construct the bifurcation diagram, where the In Fig. 6 is shown as can be visualized frequency spectra
modulation frequency fm, varies from 0 to 150 kHz and for and time series in the controlled equipment, spectrum
each kilohertz there are 50 switches of initial conditions, in analyzer and oscilloscope respectively. In the figure 6a) it
order to find all possible behaviors. For every change of is presented the corresponding power spectra at the
initial conditions, a time series is generated and it is stored relaxation frequency of the system that, as was mentioned
and processed in order to get the local maxima, which each in the former paragraph, is of 30Khz, and in the figure 6b)
point is used to construct the bifurcation diagram. As it can see 2 signals, the signal (1) correspond to the
mentioned in some previous papers [3, 4, 6, 7]. Since modulation signal that is injected at the system and the
EDFL is a class-B laser, it is regulated by the main laser signal (2) is the response from the laser in the domain of
resonance, which appears in the vicinity of fr. One can see time, which also correspond to the relaxation frequency of
the coexistence of different periodic and chaotic attractors the system.
for certain modulation frequencies, i.e. for fm=99 kHz,
depending on initial conditions, are found period-1 (P1), IV. CONCLUSIONS
period-3 (P3) and period-4 (P4). The P3, P4, and P5 In this paper we shown the procedure performed to
attractors are born and dead in the saddle-node bifurcations monitor laboratory equipment used to realize the
as showed in [3, 6]. The crisis and inverse period-doubling characterization, both time series and power spectrum,
bifurcations are also seen near fm ≈ 70 kHz and 76 kHz, using NI LabVIEW software.
respectively, in the same manner that the P3 window within With the realization of this work is controlled an
the chaotic region (chaos) is found close to fm ≈ 58 kHz. In experimental arrangement for development of basic
general, a laser system modulated above its relaxation science, which is very convenient because the parameters
oscillation frequency is not so sensitive to pump to be introduced to the experiment and data acquisition is
modulation as when it is modulated below fr. Such done automatically. Besides, the time spent capturing
behavior concerns not only laser systems but also other information becomes very short compared to the time spent
nonlinear oscillators. on traditional sampling time. Furthermore, the amount and
quality of information that can be obtained with the
automation of equipment will be used to generate graphs
and tables of better quality than would be by conventional
data acquisition methods, as is shown in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 6. a) Visualization in power spectra of the relaxation frequency of

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)
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