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The company expects each employee to observe reasonable standards of conduct in the performance of his work, in

his relationship with fellow employees, and in his dealing with customers and business partners. For this purpose,
Hyundai Alabang, Inc. established certain standards of conduct which are consistent with the organization's vision,
mission, and values, government policies and regulations, and which are necessary to promote harmonious and
productive relationships among employees and customers.

1. To affirm the high standards of excellence, integrity, honesty, and fairness, that the organization expects
from all employees
2. To promote fair, ethical, honest, and lawful, conduct by its employees in their business relationships with
other employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, government representatives, and all other business
3. To guide and support employees in identifying, considering, understanding, and appropriately responding to
the business ethics required in the workplace


1.Conflict of Interest:
1. Every employee shall be expected to avoid business, financial, or other direct or indirect, interests
or relationships, which conflict with the interests of the company, or, which divide his loyalty to the
2. Any activity which appears to present such a conflict shall be avoided or terminated, unless, after
disclosure to the appropriate level or management, it is determined that the activity is not harmful to
the company, or otherwise improper.
3. Each employee shall be obliged to disclose his own conflict, or any appearance of a conflict of
interest, for proper review and evaluation by management

2. Corporate Opportunities
1. All employees shall be prohibited from taking, for themselves, personal opportunities that are
discovered through the use of corporate property, information or position, using corporate property
information, or position, for personal gain and competing with the company



5. Confidentiality
1. Disclosure of confidential or proprietary information could be harmful to the company and its
customers, and, in certain circumstances, shall be illegal.
2. Disclosing information of a confidential or proprietary nature outside of the company, or within the
company other than to individuals who have a need to know such information to discharge their
duties, shall be prohibited.
3. An employee, who knows important information about the company that has not been disclosed to
the public, shall keep such information confidential.

6. Equal Opportunity
1. The company shall ensure equal employment opportunity, without discrimination or harassment on
the basis of religion, sex, age, disability, citizenship, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other
characteristic protected by law, as long as, the applicant or employee is competent and qualified for
the job.

7. No Discrimination or Harassment
1. Each employee shall have the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promote equal
employment opportunities and
8. Accuracy and Completeness of Records
1. Compliance with generally-accepted accounting principles and the company's internal systems of
accounting controls shall be required at all times.
2. Any international falsification of any book, record, or account, or the intentional submission of any
false personal expense statement, claim for reimbursement of a non-business expense, or false claim
for an employee benefit plan payment, shall be strictly prohibited.
3. No payment shall be approved or made with the agreement or understanding that any part of such
payment is to use for any purpose other than that described by documents supporting the payment.

9. Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets:

1. It shall be the responsibility of all employees to safeguard company and customer assets, including
intellectual property.
2. The use of company time, materials, assets, or facilities, for purposes not directly-related to
company business shall be prohibited
3. No company funds or assets shall be used for any unlawful purpose. No employee shall purchase
privileges or special benefits through payment of bribes, illegal political contributions, or other illicit

10. Political Contributions:

1. No funds, personnel, materials, or services of the company shall be donated, in any way, in the
political campaign of any candidate for any public office, unless approved by management.

11. Each employee shall be expected to comply with the Policy on Business Conduct. Failure to comply shall
be grounds for corrective action, including dismissal, as the case warrants

12. Department Heads and VP/General Manager shall be expected to oversee compliance with this policy by
those people whom they supervise

13. Instances of non-compliance with this policy shall be reported to HR Department or VP/General Manager
of the company.

14. Department Heads shall take responsibility for the conduct of employees and make sure that any serious
misconduct, recurrent or widespread shall be dealt with appropriately. This shall include identifying and
addressing those activities which may involve ethical issues covered by a specific policy.
The Salesmanship Training (Introduction to Hyundai 7 Step Customer Care Sales Process)

 To enhance the selling skills of the Sales Consultant
 To boost the confidence of the Sales Consultant
 To have a deeper understanding and to standardize the Hyundai 7 step customer sales process

What is selling?
Selling is a process of transferring something to someone else for an agreed price.
Current definition of selling is to identifying the needs of the customer and satisfying those needs.

The Comfort Zone

Panic Zone
Anxiety Zone

Comfort Zone

DAS behavior typology

- Like to make decisions
- Ego - centered
- Like to talk about themselves
- Know what they want and how to get it
- Weak in details
Internal question: Are you ready to fight with me!
- More on facts
- Technical person
- Always asking questions
- Always comparing
- Rational type person
Internal question: Are you well prepared!

- Shy type person
- Easy to along with
- Can't make a decision alone
- More on to emotional motives
Internal question: Do you like me!

Security, Hobby Pleasure, Passion, Loyalty, Tradition

Open and Closed questions

Open questions are used for collecting information. 5 W and 1 H
What, Where, When, Why, Who, How
Closed questions are asked when you want specific answer / information. (Answerable by yes or no)
Can, If, Are, Would

It is the process where it relies the foundation of the sales consultant's sales success.
It is a process of finding potential buyer or suitable people whom he/she can sell products and services.
It is a life-blood of sales because it identifies potential customers.
It is the foundation on which sales success is built
A Qualified Prospect is someone who is most likely to buy because he/she has the MONEY, AUTHORITY and
the NEED for the product.

DEFINITION: Anybody who is in the market looking for a car.

Prospecting Process:
1. Set a Prospecting Goal.
2. Identify Prospect Sources and develop a
prospecting strategy
3. Create a pre-call plan.
4. Contact prospects for the initial appointment Manage Prospects and follow-through.

Why is Prospecting Important?

PROSPECTING Is important to every Salesman because it means finding suitable people to whom
you can sell your product or service and without enough of such people, salesman cannot survive.
P - Provide yourself with a list of Leads
R - Record new suspects daily
O - Organize your prospecting activities. Make it a regular habit
S - Subject “suspects to the M.A.N test. Qualify them.
P - Plan your search. Use your time effectively.
E - Exercise your imagination
C - Collect referred leads from every contact.
T - Train yourself to eliminate "china egg"

Prospect Sources
HIGH Potential Customer
- Initiated Inquiries
- Personal Network
- Existing Customer Relationships
- Within the Company or Organization

MEDIUM Potential
- Trade Shows, Exhibits, Mall Displays
- Internet and other E-Channels
- Organization of Business Professionals
- Government Agencies and Institutions
- Your Competitors

LOW Potential
- Mailers
- Listings - There are numerous listings that can be found for both Individual Leads
(Homeowner Listings, Rotary Listings etc.) or Corporate Leads (Top 100 Corporations,
Annual Reports, Business Journals, etc)
- Newspaper - Classified Ads
- Telephone Directory
- Other Cold Canvassing Methods

The Objectives of Relating

 Got the customer's favorable attention by making the right impression.
 Relax his defenses.
 Obtain his liking and confidence.
 Probe for the benefits he wants most.
 Arouse his interest in hearing your proposition.

Measuring Success
• Improve your conversion ratio
1. By focusing on the QUANTITY of your leads
2. By improving the QUALITY of your leads.
3. By improving your SELLING SKILLS

 The way you dress speaks volumes about who you are as a person and as a Sales Consultant.
 Clothes talk. Whenever you enter a room for the first time, it takes only a few seconds for people you've never
met to form perceptions about you and your abilities. Some of the perceptions people can form solely from
your appearance are:
o Your professionalism.
o Your level of sophistication.
o Your intelligence.
o Your credibility
 You don't have to utter a word. Regardless of who you really are, your clothes always speak first.

Communication Skills
A. GESTURES (55%) - Always observe the use of positive gestures and avoid gestures that can be
misinterpreted by your customers. What you do often says more than your words. Everything you do will
be judged.
"You CHOOSE your behavior. Your behavior can determine HOW your customer will behave."

B. TONE (38%) - In many languages, the only difference between asking a question and making a statement
lies in intonation. So, vary your tone and inflection so that it would express the MEANING, ATTITUDE,
and PERSONALITY that you would like your customer to perceive. The energy in your voice also reflects
your attitude and enthusiasm. Speak with confidence and vary volume level for emphasis.

Voice Quality (Tone)


"It is WHAT you say, and HOW you say it that counts".

Tone it with C-L--A-S-S


C. WORDS (7%) - Of course, what you say will be important. Choose your words carefully. Make them a part
of the professional image you wish to project.
i. Every word you say will either help you to make a sale or help to prevent you from doing so.
 Include Technical Jargon only if necessary
 Use Acceptable Levels of the English Language. Adjust your language based on the
customers style and personality.
 Connotation and Associations of Words must be positive

Execution of Action
 No matter what you do, there is a right and wrong way it can be done. Select the correct methods for fine first
o Introductions
o Handshake
o Business Cards

Environment and Tangibles

From a customer's point of view, if they can see it, walk on it, hold it, hear it, touch it, feel it, simply appreciate
it with their senses - that is part of the over-all Sales Experience. Includes Showroom quality, your Sales
Tools, Your environment

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