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Date: September 08, 2022

Lesson Plan in Personal Development

Grade 11 – Dickens/2:00-3:00 (Thursday)
Grade 11- Shakespeare/2:00-3:00 (Friday)
Grade 11- Einstein/ 3:00-4:00(Friday)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to
1. Enumerate and identify the three energy systems
2. Explain the differences among the three energy systems and how they work
3. Perform physical activities that use three energy systems

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Energy System
Materials: projector, laptop,
Reference: Physical Education and Health by Lualhati Fernando – Callo and Peter Fermin Dajime pp: 25-28

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Daily Routine
2. Review
1. Differentiate physical activity from exercise
2. It is also known as "cardio" in gym lingo
3. What does FITT stands for?
4. Is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.
5. Classifying Exercise

3. Motivation

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
a. Read the activities found inside the box
b. Carefully decide which ones will be placed in the different tanks
c. After finishing the activity, the teacher will give the correct answer

50 meter sprint Mountain climbing

Lifting a pail of water 100 m dash
200 meter swim sprint 400m track dash
Bike ride over 1 mile Dancing
Push ups 50x jumping jacks
Track and Field throwing events zumba

ATP A-lactic (ATP-

Anaerobic Lactic

Aerobic Energy
CP) Energy Sytem

Energy System


1. How will you differentiate the activities from each column? What do they have in common?
2. How does each energy system work in our body? How does it differ from one another? Explain.
3. How will you define ATP A-lactic Energy System, Anaerobic Lactic System and Aerobic Energy
3. Abstraction
The teacher will use the analysis questions in the discussion while presenting the lesson. The
following concepts will be discussed.

 Our body needs specific amount of energy when we do physical activities.

When we exercise, a low or high amount of energy is supplied to muscles depending
on the duration, intensity, and nature of the exercise. Activities like sprinting and
jumping require a large amount of energy used in short a period of time. On the other
hand, marathon running and long-distance swimming require low but steady amount
of energy over a longer period of time. It is important for our body to get the energy it
needs to effectively perform these physical activities.

 The food that we eat is a source of energy. Eating before doing exercise can
contribute to performance. There is a complex chemical process called cellular
respiration in which our body takes in food and uses it to convert and produce
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP supplies energy to muscle cells for muscular
contraction during physical activity. Creatine phosphate (CP), like ATP, is stored in
muscle cells. When it is broken down, a large amount of energy is released. Three
energy systems work together as we exercise. However, a specific energy system
can dominate depending on the intensity and of type of activity that is being done.

4. Application
Individual Activity: A. Students will set their own fitness goal. (Template will be given)
Group Activity: B. Perform the different test in evaluating fitness level
IV. Evaluation
I. Answer the following questions briefly in one whole sheet of paper.
A. Choose one principle of exercise training and explain it.
B. How do you design an effective exercise program?
C. What are the different test of health related fitness level?

V. Agreement
Interview a physically active person and ask about the test he had undergone to achieve that body. Write it
in a coupon bond.

VI. Remarks
Evaluation and review for the Preliminary Examination

VII. Reflection

Prepared by: Checked by:

______________________ ___________________________
Sherry Mae F. Macuha Mark Dean Gil E.
( SST – III ) ( Master Teacher – II )

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