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MLS 405/LABORATORY 2022-2023

TOPIC GUIDE ▪ Bear in mind that during pre-analysis, knowing
3 phases of testing process that many errors happen in this phase, you
● Pre-analysis must be able to be focus and really occupy
o Pre-collection variables your work. No distraction allowed, but again,
o Specimen collection sometimes things really go awry, things go
o Lab policies wrong, so it is always important that those
▪ Time of collection errors should not happen frequently because if
o Reasons for specimen rejection they do happen frequently on your watch, then
o Specimen transport it would question your ability as a medical
o Specimen processing technologist.
▪ Centrifugation phase
● Post-analysis ● TIME VARIATIONS
Because there are specimens or there are types of
THREE PHASES OF TESTING PROCESS collection that have specific times because of the
● PRE-ANALYSIS nature of their periodicity inside the human body
o Activities that take place before testing o Cortisol: higher in the morning (diurnal
o Test ordering and sample collection variation)
● ANALYSIS o Microfilaria: best at night
o Activities that actually produce a result o Malaria: between chills (multiple smears)
o Running a sample on an automated analyzer
● POST-ANALYSIS ▪ Example: The hormone cortisol is higher in
o Patient reporting and result interpretation the morning because this hormone exhibits
diurnal variation it is higher in the morning and
PRE-ANALYSIS PHASE as the day progresses the level of cortisol also
● 32%-75% of all testing errors occur in this phase
decreases. It is important that if your test
● Errors in this phase create rework or additional
requests of your patient are cortisol, you have
investigations that may cause unnecessary
to collect the sample in the morning so you
procedures and costs to the patients and to the
can actually collect higher level compared to
health care system
the lower levels later that day
● Factors:
▪ Also, in parasitology, it was discussed that
o Pre-collection variables
there are blood parasites that exhibit
o Specimen collection
periodicity like microfilaria of the Brugia and
o Specimen transport
Wuchereria. They must be collected best at
o Specimen processing
night because of their periodicity in their
preferred time of appearance in the
▪ Example: You collected a sample for an FBS
bloodstream so that they can be collected and
from a patient. Unfortunately, you were not
viewed under the microscope and. In the case
able to use either the red top or the gold top
of malaria, one of the recommended times for
tube but instead used an EDTA tube which
collection is between the chills of the patient.
contains anticoagulant and will interfere with
Sometimes one smear is not enough so it
the orchestrations of the chemical of the
requires the collection of multiple smears in
clinical chemistry analyzer methods. So, in that
order for the medical technologists to be able
case, you committed an error during specimen
to specify the correct species of malaria
collection by using the wrong tube so of
present inside the patient and at the same
course you should collect another sample from
time to be able to determine the stages of the
the patient. That is a big red flag because that
malarial parasite in the patient's blood smear.
is considered an unnecessary procedure
because if you were able to use the correct
o Strenuous exercise can alter a patient's result.
tube in your 1st attempt then the 2nd attempt
In the case of creatinine, if a patient had a
would have been prevented. The materials,
strenuous exercise prior to blood collection,
time, and effort used in 1st attempt will now be
then creatinine is expected to be increased
considered waste. Now you will perform again
because of the muscle breakdown.
a 2nd attempt using the correct tube so you
o Example: Glucose levels tend to lower after a
will again use a new tube, syringe, cottons,
period of strenuous exercise because of the

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MLS 405/LABORATORY 2022-2023
energy that you have spent doing that exercise increases although the increase in
and that is important to bear in mind because in hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC count is
the case of FBS it is typically, ideally and transiently (for a while, not permanent).
routinely collected early in the morning because ▪ So, let the patient be if they are already in a
of its fasting nature. If a patient has to go to the supine position.
laboratory early in the morning for an FBS o Prolonged tourniquet application may increase
extraction, then the patient should have not serum enzymes, proteins, and protein-bound
performed any exercise prior to collection substances
because exercise defeats the purpose of ▪ It is not really recommended to tie the
actually measuring the accurate glucose levels. tourniquet around the arm of our patient in a
It is always important that before a FBS long period of time.
collection, or any blood collection for that o Patients should be advised to avoid changes in
matter, no strenuous exercise is advised. the diet, consumption of alcohol, and strenuous
exercise 24 hours prior to blood collection
● DIET ▪ This is not in our hands anymore because
o Glucose and triglycerides increase after eating most of our patients, especially for the
▪ We have specimens that requires fasting like outpatients (OPD), they enter the lab only
FBS that requires 8-10 hours of fasting and when it is already extraction time. So, we do
for lipid profile is 10-12 hours of fasting, so not have any opportunity to talk to them a
it’s very important that these tests are strictly day before the day of blood collection
confined into fasting states so as not to because that is under the domain or
erroneously measure these analytes. jurisdiction of their physician.
▪ So, we just trust that their physicians
● STRESS mention these things to them so accurate
o Increases ACTH, cortisol, and catecholamines reporting of blood collection is done.
▪ If you are stressed, your stress hormones ▪ In the case of patients who are admitted in
are released therefore they will increase in the hospital, obviously their diet is controlled
your circulation. Under stressful conditions, it depending on their condition and alcohol is
is expected that there are increased levels of not consumed inside the hospital and they
ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone, could not perform any strenuous exercise
cortisol, and our fight or flight hormones inside the hospital.
which is the catecholamines, epinephrine
and norepinephrine. ● AGE
▪ Again, aside from not allowing our patients o Analytes higher in children and they are higher in
to have strenuous exercise before a blood infants, that's why it's very important to know the
collection, it is also advised that a patient age of the patient. It's one of the important
should not be in a stressful state prior to information that is asked to inpatients and
blood collection in order to prevent any outpatients. So, the machine can use its pre-
possible false increase of any of the stress programmed reference intervals or reference
hormones. range of the results.

o For outpatients, they are supposed to be sitting. o For example, males have higher creatinine
o For admitted patients, either they are seated or because of more muscle mass compared to the
they may remain lying down in their hospital average muscle mass in women.
o Upright: increases hydrostatic pressure which SPECIMEN COLLECTION
increases protein concentration TEST ORDER
▪ Do not extract blood when the patient is • One of the most frequent errors: selecting the wrong
standing since it can also eventually cause a lab test
false increase in the measurement of o We only do whatever is written on the test
growth, so that is inaccurate result. request or whatever is checked on the test
o From supine to sitting position: increases request
hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC count • May be electronic or in writing
▪ If the patient changes their position from o If written manually, it is important that it is
supine to sitting position, this scenario also readable

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MLS 405/LABORATORY 2022-2023
• Verbal requests may be made during emergency fail, it should be done by the other medtech
situations and should be documented na.
o Official lab request must be placed after the ▪ Ask for help sa co-workers
blood is drawn
● ‘add ons’ o If the patient is unavailable
o Additional tests requested on a specimen ▪ Pag pasok sa room, wala ang patient.
previously collected Hanapin or mag wait sa lab.
o Pahabol tests on a specimen previously o If the patient is combative
collected ▪ Nanununtok, nagwawala, some patients spit.
▪ Example: Blood (serum) is collected now for ▪ Wait for the patient to calm down or restrain
FBS after 30 minutes the doctor requested for the patient
creatinine, urea, ammonia, and etc. That can o If the patient becomes ill or faint
be accommodated if the specimen that will be ▪ Should we pause, ask for first aid, let the
used is the same from previous collection. In patient rest for a while, fast the next day, etc.
the case of creatinine, urea and ammonia, it • Time of Collection
requires a serum specimen so it can be done. o ASAP collection
o Problems (Disadvantages): specimen is not ▪ As soon as you are vacant/free
the proper type, residual volume is insufficient, ▪ Urgent but can wait
storage conditions result in analyte deterioration o Stat collection: collected and analyzed
▪ Not the proper type - example the specimen immediately
collected is serum for FBS, then the doctor ▪ Drop what you’re holding, stop what you’re
asks for pahabol blood typing which requires doing
whole blood. Blood typing tube is EDTA ▪ Collect the sample immediately
which is not the tube for FBS collection. This ▪ Urgent but can’t wait
needs to have another collection from the o Timed specimens: OD, TID, BID, Qn (e.g.
patient. Q12, Q8, Q6, Q4, Q1)
▪ Residual volume is insufficient - the ▪ OD (once a day_Time: ask the nurse / doctor
specimen you’ve collected previously can no station)
longer accommodate the doctor’s follow up ▪ TID (Thrice a day_every 8 hours; when to
request. So, it’s not possible to add on. Wag start? Ask the doctor)
tipirin. It’s always better to collect another ▪ BID (Twice a day_every 12 hours; when to
sample than to risk. start? Ask the doctor)
▪ Storage conditions- there analyst that can ▪ Qn (Q- every; n – Hour) Ex: Q4_every 4hrs
easily deteriorate for example, electrolytes. o Trough specimens: reflect the lowest level in
Example: if blood is collected for FBS and the blood; drawn 30 minutes before the drug is
then after 5 hours the doctor requested for administered
sodium potassium. This is not allowed ▪ To determine the dosing interval
because 5 hours is already a long period of ▪ Measures kung gano kabilis maeliminate sa
time for the electrolytes. Electrolyte has system ang drug na binigay
deteriorated. If the length of time that has ▪ Used to detect the level of medications sa
elapsed is long then collect another sample to system ng patient
be safe. ▪ Refers to the lowest level of the drug in the
o Advantage: Save laboratory time to collect again blood
and use new sets of tubes and syringes if the ▪ Common drugs: Anti-seizure drug, some
specimen is same antibiotics, and immunosuppressants
• Laboratory Policies o Peak specimens: drawn shortly (30mins) after
o If a patient refuses to have blood drawn medication is given
▪ Varies from one laboratory to another – this ▪ To determine the dosing interval
has to be put down in writing in order for the ▪ Measures kung gano kabilis ma absorb and
application to be uniform to all the staff. Then maeliminate sa system ang drug na binigay
it should be relayed to our personnel in order ▪ Used to detect the level of medications sa
to know what to do. system ng patient
o If the patient was unable to be drawn ▪ Refers to the highest level of the drug in the
▪ Typical attempts to draw blood in the same blood
medtech is two times, if third attempt is still ▪ Common drugs: Anti-seizure drug, some
antibiotics, and immunosuppressants

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MLS 405/LABORATORY 2022-2023
o 2-hour postprandial
▪ 2-hour after meal to collect the sample
o Glucose tolerance test
▪ Multiple extraction
▪ Fasting sample then iinom ng glucose
solution provided by the laboratory then after, PNEUMATIC TUBE SYSTEM
blood extraction after 1hr then 2hrs then 3hrs
after maubos ang drink depending on the
doctor’s request


• Hemolysis/lipemia (high lipid content)
o Hemolysis: Increase in potassium level of the
patient; cellular electrolyte
• Clots present in an anticoagulated specimen
o Hindi proper ang mixing yung blood sa
anticoagulant • Black circle: For sending
• Non-fasting specimen when test requires fasting • Yellow circle: Destination (to receive) then suction
• Improper blood collection tube back to laboratory
• Short draws, wrong volume • It maintains the integrity of specimen transport
• Improper transport conditions (e.g. no ice for blood
o Ex. Arterial blood gas – no ice; it needs ice to ● Ideally, all measurements should be performed within
preserve the analytes that we have to measure 45 minutes to 1 hour after collection
• Discrepancies between requisition and specimen o Rule: If received by the laboratory, immediately
label test it
o Do not conclude agad agad ● Plasma or serum is preferred for most biochemical
• Unlabeled or mislabeled specimen determination
o Serum is the specimen of choice due to its
• Contaminated specimen/leaking container
simplicity in collection and handling and no
interference from anticoagulants
▪ Plasma is the liquid form anticoagulated blood,
• Transport of blood, urine, body fluids, and tissue therefore, an addition of anticoagulant which
specimens from collection site to the lab interferes testing
• Excessive agitation must be avoided to minimize ▪ Some anticoagulants may have granules that
hemolysis may be suctioned by the built-in pipette
o If hemolyzed, reject analyzer that causes blockage, hence, serum
o If sige uyog uyog ang test tube, it can lead to is commonly used
hemolysis ● Serum or plasma must be stored at 4 to 6 degrees C
• Samples for bilirubin testing must be protected from if analysis is to be delayed for longer than 4 hours
light o Ex: collection of blood first before the request,
o Ma lower ang concentration nang bilirubin pag malfunction (machine)
ma expose sa lights
o If naay bilirubin, prepare a paper to cover test CENTRIFUGATION PHASE
tubes ● A centrifuge uses centrifugal force to separate
• For local, onsite transport, pneumatic tube systems phases of suspension by different densities
may be used ● One should look for a centrifuge with the highest
o Rapid efficient, and cost-effective possible centrifugal force and not the rotational
o Blood specimens are placed in a carrier with speed
liners to prevent leakage and padding to ensure ● Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) = (1.118 × 108 -5 ) ×
it remains intact r × (rpm)2
o r: radius in cm between the axis of rotation and
the center of the centrifuge tube
o Rpm: speed in revolutions per minute
o Why is RCF more important that rpm?

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MLS 405/LABORATORY 2022-2023
▪ Rpm may be a good indicator of a centrifuge, ▪ Qualitative abnormalities of blood cells:
but RCF is better when it comes to measure should prepare blood smear for further
the force applied on an object in a rotating evaluation
environment - Common for patients with leukemia (large
▪ RCF—stable, consistent, constant WBCs; immature WBCs are released by
the bone marrow) and blood cancers
o Flags for problematic results
▪ If values fall outside the linear range:
automatic or manual dilution and then
- Common in creatinine, patients with kidney
failure have a high creatinine levels
● Critical values
o Also known as panic or alert value
o Requires rapid communication with a healthcare
provider who can provide necessary medical
▪ Ex: myocardial infarction—if it increased/high,
report to the nurse station or doctor’s
• Horizontal centrifugation is better the RCF is larger
emergency room
compared to fixed-angle centrifugation.
▪ Ex: low platelet count—critical value for
• In fixed-angle centrifugation, there is a possibility of
interaction between RBCs and buffy coat and plasma dengue patients or for any patients with blood
because it is slanted. In horizontal, it is evenly disorders. If it will fall perilously low, elicit
distributed and only a little leakage of RBCs bleeding to the patients
• Laboratories may have horizontal centrifugation like
microhematocrit centrifuge, although it only uses
capillary tubes instead of test tubes

● Sample Introduction and transport to cuvette or
dilution cup
o There are machine where you can place the
whole test tube but there are also other machine
where it uses sample cup; it varies
● Addition of reagent
● Mixing of sample and reagent
● Incubation
● Detection and calculations
● Readout and result reporting

● Alarms and flags
o Refers to a prompt given by the machine which
gives a signal that there is something wrong with
the sample
o Role of flag—allows medtech to perform the
necessary corrections to produce accurate results
o Flags for problem specimens
▪ Inadequate samples
▪ Presence of high concentrations of interfering
substances (lipids, hemoglobin)
- Automatically reject before putting it in the
machine to save time
o Flags for specimens that require additional
analysis with another method
▪ Commonly seen in the hematology

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