Notes For World Religions

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World Religions (Concept notes)

Topic: Differentiate the religion from Spirituality, Theology, and Philosophy of


1. To identify the differences between Religion and Spirituality
2. To know the functions of Theology and Philosophy of Religion
3. To define the meaning of Atheism, Naturalism, and Materialism

In religions, there are ceremonies that may include: Formal ceremonies, Sermons,
Commemorations, Commemorations of Saints

- Form of practices or services to god.
- Religion performing prayers, scarifices, and meditations techniques like yoga.
- Practices of Hinduism religion.
- In religion, they perform baptism as a sign of welcome for a new member.
- Having festivals, feist, funerary services, matrimonial services.
- Performing music, art, dancing, social services, and other cultural aspects are
parts of religion practices.

In spirituality, it is a religious process or reformation which aims to recover the

original shape of man. It is oriented the image of God. It is a spiritual dimension
and this has the deepest purposes that shows proper values and meanings by which
human beings lives.

The differences of religions and spirituality:

1. Religion may focus on doctrines and rules to be follow by its adherence whereas
spirituality focuses on the soul that dwells within a person.
Religions - rules and doctrines Spirituality - soul within us (person) and need to
follow the god's will.
2. Religion - more focus on the outside expression of faith. While in Spirituality
is focus on the within. When in spirituality, it shows how you speak, it shows the
values teach you in terms of how you deliver the proper words and how you care for
others. In religion, you get to pretend that you're religious when you're really
3. The religions are institutions and we work on institutionalizing some of its
sector. Whereas in spirituality, it does not necessarily involve the ideas of
institutions because it may work interpersonal level.

Theology - is the study of God. The goal is to attain the truth and formulating
explanation that makes sense of the various parts of scripture. The desire of
theology is to picture who is God and what will God expect to the human race. It
will also study not only the existence of God but also why and what the purpose of
God's existence to human race.

Philosophy of Religion - It is a mother of all branches of knowledge. It performs a

systematic explanation and inquiry including religion.
Religion is a human's way to God. It introduces God, God's purpose to every human,
and why is there a God.
Philosophy of religion - is a reflection of human's lived experience with God. It
will talk about the reflection of people's experience once they live their life
with God.

Religion normally affirms the existence of deities, whereas philosophy of religion

rationally inspects religious issues and concerns without the presumption of the
existence of God or reliance on acts of faith. 
Atheism - "A" meaning without "theism" meaning theos or god. Atheims rejected the
beliefs of a supernatural origin of the universe and the afterlife. They believed
that death is the ends of mans existence and the holy spiriture and any
theological foundation of morality are rejected.

Naturalism - It is all scientific investigation, and science is the sole basis of

what can be known. Everything that exists in the universe is based on science or
explainable by the study of science.

Materialism - is a physical function based on emotions, reasons, thoughts, dreams,

wishes and desire.

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