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Fighter Sell Sword

Human Medium Chaotic Neutral

+2  Leather Armor
 Longbow (20) + quiver
14 +3 30 ft  2 Scimitar
+1 

2 Dagger
● +2  Crowbar
10 +3
 Hammer
13  10 pitons
● +5 

10 torches
10 days ration
-1  Waterskin

+3 +1

Common Cloth
Hooded Lantern
+1  2 Oil Flask
16 1d10  Manacles
 Playing Cards
 50 feet of hempen rope
 Thieves’ Tool

+3 ● +5
16 -1 PROFICIENCIES The fighter class gives you the following
You have the following proficiencies. The rule-
Fighting Style Two-Weapon Fighting. When
0 book explains what proficiencies means.
you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add
Saving Throws. Your saving throw proficiencies
● +3 are indicated by a ● in the Saving Throws list on
your ability modifier to the damage of the second
-1 ●
the left.
Skills. Your skill proficiencies are indicated by a
● in the Skills list on the left.
Second Wind.You have a limited well of stamina
that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm.
On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain
8 ● +3 Equipment. You have proficiency with all type
of armor, Shields, simple and martial weapons. You
hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a
-1 also have proficiency with playing cards set.
short or long rest before you can use it again.
+1 ●
You can speak, read, and write Common, Goblin,
and Dwarvish.
Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious
people among the common races. They have
widely varying tastes, morals, and customs in the
13 +1 ATTACKS many different lands where they have settled.
● +3 You start with the following weapons, which you
can use to make attacks.
As a human, you have the following traits.
Resourceful. You gain Inspiration whenever you
-1 Scimitar. In melee (against a target within 5 feet finish a Long Rest.
of you), you can attack with your Scimitar. Roll
● Skillful. You gain Proficiency in one Skill of
+1 ●
1d20 + 5 to see if you hit. If you do, the target takes
1d6 + 3 slashing damage.
Your choice.
Versatile. You gain the Skilled Feat or another
Dagger. In melee (against a target within 5 feet 1st-level Feat of your choice. (In this case: Skilled)
12 +1 of you), you can attack with a dagger. You can also
throw a dagger at a target up to 20 feet away, or up
to 60 feet away with disadvantage on the attack roll.
As a sell-sword who fought battles for coin, you're
In either case, roll 1d20 + 5 to see if you hit. If you
well acquainted with risking life and limb for a
do, the target takes 1d4 + 3 piercing damage.
chance at a share of treasure. Now, you look
Longbow. You can shoot your longbow at a
forward to fighting foes and reaping even greater
13 target up to 150 feet away, or up to 600 feet with
rewards as an adventurer. Your experience makes
disadvantage on the attack roll. Roll 1d20 + 5 to see
you familiar with the ins and outs of mercenary
if you hit. If you do, the target takes 1d8 + 3
life, and you likely have harrowing stories of
piercing damage.
events on the battlefield.
Now you're looking for something else, perhaps
FIGHTER greater reward for the risks you take, or the
All of these heroes are fighters, perhaps the most freedom to choose your own activities. For
diverse class of characters in the worlds of whatever reason, you're leaving behind the life of a
Dungeons & Dragons. soldier for hire, but your skills are undeniably
25 Fighters learn the basics of all combat styles, suited for battle, so now you fight on in a different
Beyond that basic degree of familiarity, each fighter way.
specializes in a certain style of combat.
This combination of broad general ability and
extensive specialization makes fighters superior
combatants on battlefields and in dungeons alike.
Skilled. You have exceptionally broad learning. Choose three Skills in which
you lack Proficiency. You gain Proficiency in those Skills.
Savage Attacker. You have trained to deal particularly damaging strikes.
When you take the Attack Action and hit a target with a Weapon as part of that
Action, you can roll the Weapon’s damage dice twice and use either roll against
the target.
You can use this benefit only once per turn.


Follow these steps to make this character uniquely yours:
1. Choose a name and write it in the “Character Name” space on the front of
this sheet. Your character’s name can be anything you like, perhaps
drawing from a real-world culture or a work of literature.
2. Decide what the character looks like and determine your character’s
gender. You decide your character’s height, weight, age, and coloration
(eyes, hair, and skin). You can use the art on this page for inspiration or
choose your own direction. You also might want to give your character
other physical characteristics, such as a scar, a limp, spectacles, or a tattoo.
3. Flesh out your character’s personality, and read about your character’s
alignment in the rule-book (you may choose a different alignment from
among the options there). The goal is to choose traits and mannerisms for
your character that you’ll enjoy.

The DM will tell you when you reach 2nd level, 3rd level and then 4th level. When
you reach a new level, you gain the features below for that level.


With each level you gain, you gain one additional Hit Die (d10), which you can
use to heal yourself when you take a short rest (explained in the rule-book).
When you level up, add the new Hit Die to the Hit Dice box on this sheet, and
add 1d10 + 3 to your hit point maximum.


Action Surge. Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal
limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of
your regular action and a possible bonus action.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can
use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only
once on the same turn.


Improved Critical. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or

4th LEVEL FEATURE (2,700 XP)

Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity increases to 18, which has the
following effects:
• Your Dexterity modifier becomes +4.
• Your attack bonus and your damage for Dexterity-based attacks, such as your
Scimitar, longbow, Light Crossbow increase by 1.
• Your modifier to Dexterity saving throws increases by 1.
• Your modifier to Dexterity-based skills increases by 1.
• While you wear light or no armor, your Armor Class increases by 1.
• Your initiative increases by 1.

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