Readings in Phil. History

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History deals with the study of past events.

It is Testimonies of witnesses is whether oral or written,

derived from the Greek word historia which means may have been created to serve as records.
learning by inquiry.
The historians deal with:
Aristotle “history as a systematic accounting of set
natural phenomena that is, taking into consideration  Dynamic or genetic – the becoming
the chronological arrangement of the account.”  Static – the being
 Interpretative – explaining why and how
Factual History presents readers the plain and basic things happened and were interrelated
information of the events that took place, the time and  Descriptive – telling what happened, when
date which the events happened, the place with which and where and who took part
the events took place and the people that were
involved. Written Sources of History

Speculative History goes beyond facts because it is 1. Narrative or literature – are chronicles or tracts
concerned about the reasons for which events presented in narrative form, written to impart a
happened and the way they happened. “It tries to message.
speculate on the cause and effect of an event”.  Scientific Tract is typically composed in
order to inform contemporaries or
Historians are the individuals who write about history. succeeding generation.
They also study the records or evidences that survived  Newspaper Article intended to shape
the time. opinion.
 Ego Document or Personal Narrative
Historiography is the practice of historical writing. It might be composed in order to persuade
is also the imaginative reconstruction of the past from readers of the justice of the author’s
the data derived by the process of historical method. actions.
 Novel or Film might be made to entertain,
The Limitation of Historical Knowledge is the
to deliver a moral teaching or to further a
incompleteness of records that has limited man’s
religious cause.
knowledge of history.
 Biography might be written in praise of
History as a subjective process of re-creation the subject’s worth and achievements.
 Panegyric is a public speech or published
The historian’s aim is Verisimilitude (the truth, the text in praise of someone or something.
authenticity, plausibility) about the past  Hagiography is the writing of the lives of
Historical Method is the process of critically
examining and analyzing the records and survivals of
2. Diplomatic Sources – are documents/records an
the past.
existing legal situation or create a new one. The
Historical Analysis is an element of historical method “best” source.
where historians investigate, collects and examine  Eschatocol is the attestation of those
sources. responsible for the document, which may be
the author, writer, counter signer, principal
Artifacts or Documents are the raw materials out of parties involved and witnesses to the
which history maybe written. enactment or the subscription.
3. Social Documents are information pertaining to
Historical data are sourced from artifacts that have
economic, social, political, or judicial significance.
been left by the past.
They are records kept by bureaucracies.
A source is an object from the past or a testimony
Non-Written Sources
concerning the past on which historians depend to
create their own depiction of that past. 1. Material Evidence – also known as
archaeological evidence is one of the most
Relics or remains, whose existence offer researchers a
important unwritten evidences.
clue about the past.
2. Oral Evidence – also an important source of
information for historians. Much is told by tales or
sagas of ancient peoples and folk songs or popular  To establish a reconstruction of the historical
rituals from the pre modern period of Philippine situation of the author and recipients of the
history. text.
 Interviews is another major form of oral
evidence  Source Criticism – analyzes and studies the
sources used by biblical authors
Primary Sources  Form Criticism – seeks to determine a unit’s
original form and historical context of the literary
Primary Sources are original, first-hand account of an
event or period that are usually written or made during
 Redaction Criticism – which regards the author
or close to the event or period. These sources are
of the text as editor of the source materials
original and factual, not interpretive.
 Tradition Criticism – which attempts to trace the
Examples: developmental stages of the oral tradition from its
historical emergence to its literary presentation?
 Diaries/Journals/Letters  Canonical Criticism – which focuses its
 Newspaper/Magazine interpretation of the bible on the text of biblical
 Government Records(Census, Marriage, canon
 Photographs, maps Higher Criticism deals with more important matters
 Postcards/Posters than the external form.
 Recorder Speeches
External Criticism determines the authenticity of the
 Interview w/ participant or witness
 Interview with people who lived during the
time Forgery was not unknown during the Middle Ages.
 Songs
 Plays/Novels/Stories Internal Criticism determines the historicity of the
 Painting/Drawings/Sculptures facts contained in the document.

Secondary Sources Test of Authenticity. To distinguish a hoax or a

misrepresentation from a genuine document.
Secondary Sources are materials made by people
long after the events being described had taken 15th Century – anachronistic paper was rare in Europe
place to provide valuable interpretations of
historical events. It analyzes and interprets 16th Century – pencils did not exist
primary sources. It is an interpretation of second- 19th Century – typewriting was not invented
hand account of historical event.
Isographies or the dictionaries of biography giving
Examples: examples of handwriting.
 Biographies Seals are a historical seal that has been subject of
 Histories special study of experts.
 Literary Criticism
 Books written by 3rd party Content Analysis is a systematic evaluation of the
 Art and theater reviews primary source.
 Newspaper or Journal articles that
interpret The period of discovery and expansionism began in the
15th Century.
Historical Criticism examines the origins of earliest
texts. It has two important goals: The Philippine island has been rediscovered in 1521
by the Spanish commissioned authority, Ferdinand
 To discover the original meaning of the text in Magellan.
its primitive or historical context and its literal
sense. Ferdinand Magellan is a Portuguese navigator who
gained confidence and support from the monarchy of
Antonio Pigafetta is the chronicler of the document Queen Juana is the Christian name given to the first
entitles “The Voyage around the World” baptized queen who had the great desire for conversion
according to Pigafetta.
The Historic Voyage began in 1519 and was
successfully completed in 1522. Image of Sto. Nino is the gift which was given by
Magellan to the native queen.
Atlantic Ocean is the first ocean where the sailing
ships headed by Ferdinand Magellan crossed after April 7, 1521 is the date of historic battle in
leaving Spain in 1519. Matan/Mactan.

Pacific Ocean is the vast water body that can be found September 6, 1522 date of arrival of the remaining
east of the Philippine islands. fleet in San Lucar, Spain.

Strait of Magellan is a small passage or isthmus

traversed by Magellan’s fleet somewhere at the tip of
the South American continent.

Uraca a language they called to a fish they presented

and a vessel of palm wine.

Cochi is the fruit which the palm trees bear.

Named as Archipelago of St. Lazarus because they

stayed there on the day and feast of St. Lazarus.

Schione lord of the above-mentioned people, had his

face painted and had gold rings suspended to his ears.

Boloto which they refers as a small boat.

Ballanhai which they refers as a long boats.

Traprobana a captain’s slave from Sumatra.

Blood Compact or casi casi is the ritual that pertains

as a sign of brotherhood and welcoming.

Areca a kind of fruit shape of a pear.

Mazzava or Mazaua is the island where the historic

mass was celebrated.

Barbastigly a kind of bird which are as large as

eagles found in the island of Satighan.

Butuan and Calagan the best cinnamon of any


Bignaday is a vessel similar to a prahu.

Five Ships of Magellan-Elcano Expedition

 Trinidad
 San Antonio
 Concepcion
 Santiago
 Victoria

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