Test 1 - Key

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Question 1. This is a ________ position, and must not be captured by the enemy.

A. weighty B. momentous C. notable D. key

Question 2. After hearing news of the attack, the general made plans for an immediate ate
________ against the enemy.

A. reverberation B. retaliation C. resurrection D. repulsion

Question 3. The generals ________ the country in a lighting coup d’etat.

A. took over B. overruled C. ran over D. overwhelmed

Question 4. Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore ________ in the area.

A. organization B. harmony C. order D. regulation

Question 5. He was wounded in the ________ stages of the battle.

A. end B. middle C. intermediate D. closing

Question 6. The soldiers ________ around the square.

A. walked B. strolled C. marched D. ran

Question 7. The advancing army wreaked terrible ________ for their previous defeats.

A. vengeance B. reprisal C. retaliation D. vindictiveness

Question 8. The bombardment from sea and air ________ large parts of the city.

A. abolished B. demolished C. liquidated D. drowned

Question 9. War is ________ as open-armed conflict between countries or factions within countries.

A. defined B. declared C. defaulted D. delineated

Question 10. The soldiers gave themselves up without ________ up a fight.

A. making B. taking C. getting D. putting

Question 11. An looked very severe in a black dress with white collar and ________.

A. cuffs B. bottoms C. ends D. hands

Question 12. The most expensive ________ coats are made of mink.

A. feather B. skin C. hair D. fur

Question 13. He arrived wearing a suit, but he put on his ________ before he went into the

A. overcoat B. overalls C. overwork D. underclothes

Question 14. After joining the tennis club, Pete started wearing a smart ________ with a badge on
the pocket.

A. tunic B. cardigan C. blazer D. waistcoat

Question 15. He turned up his ________ to protect his neck from the cold wind.

A. collar B. cap C. scarf D. sleeve

Question 16. It’s a smart restaurant and men have to wear a ________.

A. blouse B. coat C. dress D. jacket

Question 17. She bought a new ________ for the birthday party.

A. dress B. cloth C. vest D. wear

Question 18. My father always wears a blue silk handkerchief in his ________ pocket.

A. shoulder B. chest C. breast D. heart

Question 19. Hearing a knock at the front door, the woman threw a(n) ________ over her pyjamas
and went downstairs to open the door.

A. pants B. nightdress C. evening dress D. dressing gown

Question 20. He was wearing a dark green tie over his créant ________.

A. shirt B. jacket C. scarf D. blouse

Question 21. As he took his suit out of the ________ he noticed a stain on the sleeve.

A. drawer B. cupboard C. cabinet D. wardrobe

Question 22. Jeans and T-shirts will never go out of ________.

A. fashion B. trend C. image D. tendency

Question 23. I need a funny ________ for the fancy-dress party. Any ideas?

A. dress B. uniform C. costume D. suit

Question 24. That’s a very ________ suit you are wearing. Is it a new one?

A. proper B. smart C. tasty D. well-dressed

Question 25. I’m the only one at this party in a long-dress - I feel quite out of ________.

A. order B. turn C. practice D. place

Question 26. Long dresses are in ________ again.

A. fashion B. form C. mode D. craze

Question 27. He couldn’t find two that matched, so he was forced to wear ________ socks.

A. mixed B. uneven C. odd D. unlike

Question 28. Everyone else was so smartly dressed that I felt ________ in my shabby clothes.

A. embarrassed B. disgraced C. ashamed D. happy

Question 29. It was not a grand occasion, so we were asked to wear ________ clothes.

A. cheap B. informal C. simple D. unofficial

Question 30. My wife has excellent ________ in clothes.

A. choice B. flavour C. gusto D. taste

Question 31. Computer technology will bring ________ a revolution in business administration.

A. over B. about C. across D. up

Question 32. If you like to wait a moment, sir, I will just ________ your file on the computer screen.
A. call up B. pull down C. bring in D. pick up
Question 33. Digitally ________ messages can be delivered via cable direct into our homes.

A. deciphered B. dialled C. numbered D. encoded

Question 34. The word processor ________ of a keyboard, a monitor and a printer.

A. composes B. comprises C. consists D. constitutes

Question 35. Make sure you ________ your computer before you leave the office.

A. shut down B. restart C. close D. lock up

Question 36. Your computer can’t read your flashcard because you haven’t ________ it into the
back of your computer properly.

A. ensured B. inserted C. donated D. required

Question 37. Are you able to ________ CDs on your computer?

A. burn B. cook C. bake D. toast

Question 38. How long are you going to be ________ the computer? I need to send an email.

A. at B. on C. in D. to
Question 39. The difference in their computer skills was attributed to the generation ________.

A. space B. difference C. gap D. hole

Question 40. Oh no! This stupid computer has ________ again!

A. crashed B. broken down C. failed D. had an accident

Question 41. What do we call a woman whose husband uses the internet too much?

A. widow B. dot com C. cyberwidow D. housewife

Question 42. A(n) ________ picture on a screen that represents a specific file, directory, window,
option, or program.

A. image B. icon C. symbol D. avatar

Question 43. When you want to transfer data from a source to a destination, you have to copy and

A. glue B. send C. connect D. paste

Question 44. We have a huge ________ with detailed information about all our customers.

A. database B. storage C. treasure D. stock

Question 45. If you write a lot of similar letters, you can save a lot of time by using a ________.

A. pattern B. template C. form D. standard

Question 46. A ________ is a piece of equipment that is used to send information from a computer
through a telephone system.

A. modem B. connector C. website D. link

Question 47. A ________ is the opening or main page of a website, intended chiefly to greet visitors
and provide information about the site or its owner.
A. net page B. own page C. homepage D. webpage
Question 48. A ________ is a computer program which allows you to look at pages on the internet.

A. browser B. navigator C. search engine D. blog

Question 49. Most computers have enough ________ to store a vast amount of information.

A. room B. memory C. space D. disk

Question 50. You can operate my new CD player by ________ control.

A. battery B. gadget C. remote D. high-tech

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