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1.1.1 Prior to the commencement of operations, LGU shall supply to the

Contractor the names and addresses of relevant owners and occupiers. The
Contractor shall notify LGU in writing in advance of his intention to start
work within each area of ownership or occupation.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall keep records of the dates of his entry onto and
departure from all property and lands of each owner and occupier, together
with the dates of the erection and removal of all enclosures, and shall furnish
copies of these records when required by LGU. He shall keep and furnish
copies of similar records in respect of roads, footpaths and thoroughfares.

1.1.3 The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and licenses from the local
government unit or other public or private authorities concerned for the
proper implementation of the Contract. Any payments or deposits for such
permits and licenses shall be borne by the Contractor

1.1.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and servicing a site
compound, which shall be of sufficient size to accommodate LGU's site office,
and the Contractor's own office and storage requirements. The Contractor
shall provide LGU with full details of its proposals for review.

1.1.5 All temporary buildings the Contractor proposes to erect on site shall be
subject to the approval of LGU in respect of size, construction and position.


1.2.1 Where appropriate, LGU shall arrange for surveys to be carried out, in
conjunction with the Contractor and the Highway Authority, owners or
occupiers, properties, lands and crop, which may be affected by the Works.
Two sets of photographs dated and titled shall be made.

1.2.2 Before any work affecting such highways, properties, lands or crops is
commenced, the Contractor shall confirm in writing to LGU that the
relevant survey is a true and accurate record of their condition.

1.2.3 A survey, including a pictorial record, of the condition of the site prior to the
commenced of any works shall be made by the Contractor and agreed by


1.3.1 Where the type and locations of temporary site fencing are described in the
Contract, the Contractor shall erect such fencing as soon as he is given
possession of the relevant portion of the Site The Contractor shall regularly
inspect and maintain all such fencing, any defects being made good without
delay. Access shall be provided in, temporary site fencing as necessary for the
use of the occupiers of adjacent lands. Temporary site fencing shall remain in
position until either it is replaced by permanent fencing or the Works are
sufficiently completed to enable that portion of the Site to be brought into

1.3.2 Fences to compounds in highway shall have lights at the top of each fence


1.4.1 The Contractor shall supply to LGU details of the level and location of the
temporary benchmarks and reference points, which he proposes to use.
Temporary benchmarks shall be located within 60 m of the Site and shall
have the agreed level recorded on them.

1.4.2 The Contractor shall satisfy himself that the existing ground levels as
indicated in the Contract are correct. Should the Contractor wish to dispute
any levels he shall submit to LGU a schedule of the position of the level
considered to be in error and a set of revised levels. The existing ground
relevant to the disputed levels shall not be disturbed before LGU's decision
as to the correct level is given.


1.5.1 The Contractor shall clean and maintain, until the completion of the Works,
accommodation for LGU as described in the Contract Specific Document.
Offices and other accommodation shall be erected, furnished, equipped and
ready for occupation and use within 7 days of the Works Commencement
Date, and fully serviced within 28 days of that Date.

1.5.2 Where movable offices are required by the Contract, these shall be relocated
from time to time as directed by LGU.

1.5.3 Where the Contract requires telephone facilities for LGU, such facilities shall
have separate connection direct to a public telephone exchange with privacy
of conversation for LGU.

1.5.4 LGU Office. The office shall be installed on adequate foundations in an

approved position within the site compound shown on the Drawings.

The following utilities and services shall be provided by the Contractor:

3 Electricity, potable water, separate direct telephone line, a foul drainage
system and an adequate means for disposal of rain water from roofs and
paved areas. A wash point shall be provided outside the offices. All temporary sewerage facilities should be connected to the public foul
system. Where this is not feasible, a sealed tank without an overflow shall be
provided. The Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements
required to comply with national and local regulations. The office building shall be insulated, lined internally and be fully fitted
including full height internal partitions, lockable internal doors, windows,
opening lights with security shutters, plumbing, power points, fluorescent
lighting, with suitable ceiling, floor and wall finishes. The Contractor shall
provide an adequate supply of consumables and shall arrange for the LGU
office and movable offices to be cleaned daily. Air conditioning will be required for all rooms within LGU's office Appropriate fire fighting equipment shall be provided and maintained in a

serviceable condition by the Contractor. The dimensions given below are indicative of the minimum requirements and
permission for minor variations in order that commercially available pre-
fabricated buildings may be used will not be unreasonably withheld.

The office building shall be partitioned internally to provide the following

rooms with floor areas measured in square meters not less than those shown:

Office Type A(m2) A(m2) A(m2) A(m2)

Main Office 15 10 10 10
General Office 15 10 - -
Kitchen/Meeting Room 15 15 15 5
Washrooms (Male) 2 2 2 2
Washrooms (Female) 2 2 2 2
Store 2 2 '2 2
Parking space required (no. of cars) 6 3 '2 2
Typical Number of Permanent Site Personnel 3 2 1 *

• (Only Visiting)

The type of office required is stated in the Contract Specific Document. All
rooms are to be connected by a hall or common passageway.

A cylinder night lock, together with a five-lever mortise lock is to be fitted to the
external door of the office, three keys being provided for each lock. The door shall

also be fitted wit a standard size letter plate and large letterbox.

A suitable surface car parking are shall be provided adjacent to the LGU office for
the exclusive use of the LGU staff and visitors.

Furniture and Equipment for LGU Accommodation. Furniture and equipment as

detailed below shall be provided for the use of LGU as appropriate to the office type
stated in the Contract specific Document.

Main Office A B C D

Kneehole Desk 1.5x0.9x0.75m with locking drawers 1 1 1 1

Armchair 1 1 1 1

Conference Table Approx 2x1x0.75m 1 1 - -

with A1 size plan Drawer

Chairs Stackable 6 3 2 2

4 Drawer Locking Steel file Cabinet

With fittings for suspended fill system 2 2 1 1

Bookcase or Bookshelves (1m wide/3 shelves 1 1 1 1

Vertical Plan file A1 size 1 1 1 1

Fireboard wall Panel approx 4 sqm 1 1 1 1

Coat and Hack rack 1 1 1 1

Freestanding and Adjustable Drawing Board AO size 1 1 1 1

And Drafting Machine

Waste Bin 1 1 1 1

Appropriate Fire extinguisher 1 1 1 1

General Office A B C D

Desk 1.35x0.9x0.75m width with locking drawers 2 1 - -

Chairs 2 2 - -

Plan Table with 3 No. AO size plan drawer 1 1 - -

Vertical Plan File AO size 1 1 - -

Fireboard wall Panel approx 4 sqm 1 1 - -

Bookshelves (m wide/shelves) 1 1 - -

Coat and Hat Rack 1 1 - -

Waste Bin 1 1 - -
5 Within thirty (30) calendar days following the issuance of the Certificate of
Completion, the Contractor shall, with LGU's approval, remove all
temporary facilities. Reinstatement. Upon completion of Works and removal of the

accommodation the area of any site offices shall be fully reinstated to a
standard no less than that appertaining prior to commencement of the works
unless shown otherwise in the documents.


1.6.1 The Contractor shall not undertake or allow billposting or advertising of any
kind upon the Works without the written consent of LGU.


1.7.1 The Contractor shall confine his constructional operations within the Site, or
such other areas of land as may be negotiated, and shall instruct his
employees not to trespass.

1.7.2 Subject to any unavoidable disturbance, which may be necessitated by the

execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall not interfere with any
sporting, fishing or other rights, which may be enjoyed on or near the Site.

1.7.3 Before exercising any right negotiated by him in connection with way leaves
or accommodation outside the Site, the Contractor shall notify LGU in
writing of such arrangements.

1.7.4 The Contractor shall not be permitted to bring animals onto the site.


1.8.1 Before interfering with access to any property, the Contractor shall provide
alternative arrangements. The Contractor shall notify LGU and the relevant
occupiers in writing 14 days in advance of any such interference and shall
confirm to LGU that alternative arrangements have been agreed.

1.8.2 The Contractor shall not obstruct access to any manhole or other surface


1.9.1 Details of all claims or warnings of intended claims, which the Contractor
may receive in respect of matters against which is required by the Contract
to indemnify the Employer shall be notified without delay to LGU, who shall
likewise pass to the Contractor any such claims or warnings which may be

submitted directly to LGU or Employer.

1.9.2 A similar exchange of information shall also be made in relation to all

complaints, which may be received.

1.9.3 The Contractor shall notify LGU in writing immediately following any
damage or injury arising out of the execution of the Works.


1.10.1 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid causing any
unwarranted damage to roads, properties, trees and other features and,
during the currency of the Contract, shall deal promptly with any complaints
by owners or occupiers.

1.10.2 Where any portion of the Works is close, across, or under any existing
facilities, the Contractor shall temporarily support and work round, under
or adjacent to all facilities in a manner designed to avoid damage, leakage or
danger, and to ensure uninterrupted operation.

1.10.3 Should any leakage or damage be discovered, the Contractor shall at once
notify LGU and the owner concerned, as appropriate and the Contractor
shall afford every facility for the repair or replacement of the facilities


1.11.1 The Contract drawings may indicate what are believed to be the positions of
the existing facilities close to the Works, but no warranty is given as to the
accuracy or completeness of this information. In particular no service
connections to individual properties are shown.

1.11.2 The accepted program of Works shall show information necessary to enable
LGU to arrange for all diversions, or removals, of existing facilities described
in the Contract to be carried out at the appropriate time.

1.11.3 The Contractor shall liaise with all relevant utility agencies and other owners
of the existing facilities before commencing any excavations and shall satisfy
himself as to the exact-position of existing facilities, which may affect or be
affected by the construction of the Works.

1.11.4 The Contractor shall notify LGU in advance of any diversion or removal of
existing facilities, which he may require for his own convenience or because
of his proposed method of working and shall comply with any reasonable
requirements of LGU with respect to them.

1.11.5 Should any facilities found to exist which is not indicated, or not as indicated
in the Contract, the Contractor shall at once give written notification to


1.11.6 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of any public or private
body whose plant, facilities or equipment are affected by the Works.

1.11.7 The Contractor shall consult with the relevant body prior to the removal of
any services, which are either indicated as being abandoned on the drawings
or will be made redundant by service diversions arranged by LGU.


1.12.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the tidiness of the Site in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract.


1.13.1 Before any person is engaged on work in contact with water supplies
involving restricted operations he shall be notified of the need for personal
hygiene and the danger of contamination, shall complete a medical
questionnaire provided by the Employer and, where there is need, shall be
tested to indicate that he is not a carrier of typhoid or other waterborne
disease. The Contractor shall notify LGU of any person who has been
certified by a doctor as suffering from an illness associated with looseness of
the bowels, and no such person shall be employed on such work until the
Employer's medical adviser is satisfied that it is safe for him to be so

1.13.2 When undertaking connections into existing water mains the Contractor
shall take such measures as are necessary to prevent ingress of water into the
water main. LGU shall be informed immediately if any ingress of water takes

1.13.3 Immediately prior to making a connection, a solution of 20 ppm chlorine

(sodium hypochlorite) shall be sprayed:

i) Inside and outside the existing pipe work

ii) Into and outside the existing pipe work within the excavation
iii) Around the excavation

1.13.4 When undertaking work in reservoir catchments, adjacent to watercourses

or around existing water treatment facilities, the Contractor shall take
measures to ensure that the water supplies (either raw or treated water) do
not become contaminated.

1.13.5 When undertaking work in reservoir catchments, adjacent to watercourses

or around existing water treatment facilities, the Contractor shall take

measures to-ensure that water supplies (either raw or treated water) do not
become contaminated.

In particular:
i) Refueling of plant shall be carried out adjacent to the fuel storage
ii) Where plant will be traversing steep slopes, fuel tanks shall be filled to
such levels that fuel cannot overflow from the tanks.


1.147.1 The Contractor's submitted safety policy shall detail arrangements to be

made in the event of an emergency arising.

1.14.2 The Contractor shall acquaint himself and his employees with any relevant
local arrangements, which are in existence for dealing with emergencies.

1.14.3 The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangement with hospitals and
medical clinics that will give medical attention to such emergencies.


1.15.1 All electrical installations forming part of the Temporary Works, including
site offices and cabins, shall comply with the relevant provisions of the latest
Philippine Electrical Code and the rules and regulations of relevant national
and local undertakings including the requirements of the local electricity
distribution company (e.g. MERALCO) and telecommunications companies
(e.g. PLDT, Globe etc).

1.15.2 The Contractor shall submit for approval by LGU, full details of proposed
electrical installations. The submission shall be in the following form:

• Distribution Diagram
• Plan showing cable routes
• Design calculation sheets

1.15.3 Installation shall be tested in accordance with National and Local

Ordinances or Laws governing the installation of electrical works.

1.15.4 A distribution drawing shall be mounted adjacent to the main supply point.
This drawing shall be revised as necessary when an extension or modification
is carried out. The name and telephone number of the electrical installer
shall be displayed at this point.

1.15.5 Each office or cabin shall be equipped with an isolating device, fitted to the
outside adjacent to the main doorway, connected to isolate the whole

electrical installation within the individual office or cabin.


1.16.1 If the Contractor is to be responsible for the design of all or part of the
Permanent Works the extent of his responsibility will be defined in the
Contract Specific Specification.

1.16.2 For the elements of the Permanent Works for which the Contractor has
design responsibility, it shall submit 2 copies of fully checked and signed off
calculations as specified in the Contract Specific Specification to LGU for
information. Calculations shall be in English on A4 (210mm x 297mm) or
Letter (11"x8.5") paper; full references and details of any computer
programs used shall be given.


1.17.1 Drawings supplied by LGU are as listed elsewhere in the Bid Documents.

1.17.2 Drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be provided on an on-going

basis to an agreed schedule as the design proceeds. They shall contain a title
block of a format agreed with LGU. Drawings shall be to scale and include a
graphical scale. All dimensions shall be given in metric units. All relevant
drawings shall show plant references. All drawings submitted by the
Contractor shall be fully checked and signed off prior to submission and
include the drawings status e.g. Draft/For Approval etc.

1.17.3 Drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be categorized during the

duration of the Contract as follows:

Design submitted for review and approval.

Construction- Design drawings of approved status and other drawings

used by the Contractor for the construction of the
Works (3 No paper prints shall be submitted to LGU)

As built Construction drawings incorporating any changes made

prior to the issue of a taking over certificate (4 No paper
prints shall be submitted to LGU).

1.17.4 Electronic Drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be prepared in a

format readable by AutoCAD (latest version) and shall not exceed Al size.
Amended drawings shall have their amendments highlighted by indicating
the version number within a triangle next to the amendment.

1.17.5 The design drawings and other information to be submitted by the

Contractor shall be tabulated in the Contract Specific Document.


1.18.1 The Contractor shall have in place a Quality Management System.

1.18.2 The Contractor may be requested to submit copies of, the Quality
Management System operating procedures, working instructions and prefer
that will be used during the Contract.

1.18.3 LGU reserve the right to audit or review the Quality Management System
operated by the Contractor, or his Sub-Contractors, particularly as applied
to the Contract.

1.18.4 The Contractor shall submit the initial version of their Quality Plan during
the pre- commencement stage. The plan shall cover, but not limited to, the
• Policy statement
• Procedures and instructions to be used or developed for the Contract
• Organizational structure
• Authority and responsibility schedule
• Co- ordination of suppliers and interface management
• Inspection and test and commissioning plan

1.18.5 The Contractor shall seek endorsement of their Quality Plan from LGU
prior to commencing work on site. All subsequent revisions shall be
submitted to LGU for comment or information.


1.19.1 The Contractor shall submit a copy of the of the Construction Health and
Safety Plan approved by the Bureau of Working Condition, Department of
Labor and Employment, on the date agreed during the pre-commencement


1.20.1 When the work is required on, to or adjacent to an existing live sewer, the
Contractor must take all necessary measures, including standby provision if
required, to deal with and maintain the flow in the sewer so as not to cause
damage or inconvenience.


1.21.1 The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with any enactment
relating to noise.

1.21.2 Noise levels permissible during construction are given in the table below and
are to be measured at 1 meter from the face of any noise sensitive building.
For the purposes of this Contract, a noise sensitive building is classed as —

a) Boundary walls or fence of a single domestic dwelling;

b) External face of building of a condominium or similar building;
c) External face of building of a hospital/medical center.

Day of Week Time Period Overall Max Allowable 5

(24 hr clock) (xB) Minute Max
Monday-Friday 0800-1800 70 85
Monday-Friday 1800-2200 50 55
Monday-Friday 2200-0800 40 45
Saturday 0800-1200 70 85
Saturday 1200-2400 40 45
Sunday All day 40 45

1.21.3 Noise assessments shall be included in method statement.


1.22.1 All manuals shall be A4 or letter (8.5"x 11") sized, hardbound, loose-leaf

1.22.2 The Contractor shall supply three copies of the manuals for approval by
LGU. The period for review and approval shall be not less than 3 months.

1.22.3 The Contractor shall supply four copies of approved manuals prior to issue
of the Taking-over Certificate.

1.22.4 The manuals shall contain as a minimum:

a) Design
i) Design Criteria
ii) Design limitations and durability considerations
iii) Construction history including site photographs

b) Location of Services
i) Details of the location and nature of utilities and services,
including heating and ventilation, emergency/fire fighting
systems and emergency escape routes.

c) Requirements for Inspection and Maintenance

i) Itemization of those areas requiring periodic inspection and
maintenance and frequency of such inspections and
maintenance, including heating and ventilation.

ii) Description of hazardous areas and precautions to be taken

during access to such areas.

d) Materials

i) List and Specification of all materials and products used in the

construction of the buildings together with names, addresses
and telephone numbers of manufacturers, suppliers and sub-

e) Guarantees and Warranties

i) The Contractor shall obtain copies of manufacturer's
guarantees and design warranties relevant to all building
components and materials used in the construction.

f) Demolition and Replacement

i) Details of any special measures required for demolition shall

be provided where potential hazards are built into the
structure, such as pre-tensioned beams or suspended floors.


1.23.1 Requirements for Plant Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be as

specified in Mechanical and Electrical Technical Specifications.


1.24.1 In sufficient time to allow the items to be ordered and delivered before the
Works are taken over, the Contractor shall provide the spares reference, the
manufacturer, the manufacturer's reference for the spare, the number used
in the Works and the plant reference on which they are used.

1.24.2 Spares supplied shall be suitably packaged for long term storage in an
unheated store with the packaging clearly marked with the spares' reference
number. Spares shall be manufactured from the same materials as the


1.25.1 The Contract Specific Document may list the tests for equipment that LGU
requires to witness before delivery.

1.25.2 All materials to be used may be inspected by LGU before delivery to site.
Provide sufficient notice to allow inspections if required.


1.26.1 Where equipment is to be delivered to site, at least five working days before
equipment is delivered to site, two copies of a written application for

authority to deliver shall be submitted to LGU. The application shall show

the items to be delivered and the proposed delivery date.

1.26.2 If delivered equipment is not to be immediately incorporated in the Works it

shall be suitably protected, packed and stored. Each package shall have a list
of contents on it and two copies of the lists submitted to LGU.


1.27.1 It shall be demonstrated that equipotent bonding of equipment is carried out

in accordance with the current regulations.


1.28.1 The Contractor shall employ the services of a licensed Sanitary Engineer to
direct and supervise all Sanitary Engineering work in accordance with the
provisions of Republic Act No. 1364 known as the Sanitary Engineering Law.

1.28.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall exercise all sanitary
precautions and control at the job site to safeguard the public health and the
living conditions of his staff.

1.29 SIGNS

1.29.1 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, erect and maintain LOCAL

GOVERNMENT UNIT project identification signs for each working area.
All signs shall be placed at strategic location designated by LGU.

1.29.2 The sign shall be 3M Scotchlite' reflective sticker materials or approved

equivalent 1.2mx 2.4m in size and shall be posted in front of the construction
site. The sign shall be placed and stuck on a Galvanized Iron sheet gauge #16
mounted on a steel frame acceptable to LGU.

1.29.3 For pipe laying and other excavation activities, the CONTRACTOR shall
furnish a 3M Scotchlite reflective sticker material or approved equivalent
0.6m x 0.45m in size. It shall be stock on aluminum or galvanized iron sheet
gauge #16 and shall be placed and hang on a galvanized pipe A-Frame
structure. A minimum of two signs for every one hundred meters of open
excavation shall be displayed while the construction is on going. Additional_
sign shall be placed on the corner of every street where there is change in the
direction of the excavation activities.

1.29.4 Templates of LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT. logo and mascot will be

issued to the contractor.

1.29.5 The CONTRACTOR shall submit layout of signs to LGU before fabrication
of any is made. Obtain approval before fabrication.

1.29.6 Upon completion of the work, all signs shall be removed from the site.

1.29.7 These signs shall be separate and distinct to the requirement of the DPWH,
Police and other safety signs.


1.30.1 The Contractor shall provide its personnel and visitors with appropriate
safety equipment, such as helmets, safety footwear, gloves, waterproof
clothing, dust masks and safety belts. The use of such safety equipment shall
be compulsory.
1.30.2 Emergency equipment such as gas masks, signaling devices, flashlights in
good working condition, etc. shall be stored in the Contractor's office.


1.31.1 The Contractor shall organize a fire brigade equipped for the fighting of any
fire that may break out on the construction site, in temporary structures, etc.
An adequate number of fire extinguishers shall, at all times, be available at
each construction site or camp and shall be maintained in satisfactory
working order. Fire protection facilities shall be of the gas, dry powder or
other suitable chemical or pumped water type.


1.32.1 During the performance of the work and any associated operations, the
Contractor shall carry out proper and efficient measures, acceptable to LGU,
to reduce dust nuisance and to prevent any damage to crops, dwellings or
causing nuisance to persons. The Contractor shall be held liable for any
damage resulting from dust originating from his operations.


1.33.1 All employees of the Contractor working at the site shall be in uniform with
the following color scheme:

a. Supervisor White
b. Other workers Blue

1.33.2 The uniform may be t-shirt and shall be painted with company's name and
address and the LGU logo.

1.33.3 All employees of the Contractor working at the site shall have proper




2.1.1 All materials shall bear the seal or mark of the agency that verified the
suitability or compliance of said materials to the specific standard.

2.1.2 Shop drawings and samples of materials to be used shall be submitted for
LGU approval.

2.1.3 After the Contract has been awarded, the Contractor shall submit to LGU
for approval a list of his proposed suppliers and sources of materials
required for the execution of the work.

2.1.4 The materials subsequently supplied shall conform to the quality of samples
approved by LGU.

2.1.5 Names of additional suppliers and sources of materials may be submitted by

the Contractor during the execution of the Contract; but no supplier and
source shall be changed without the approval of LGU.

2.1.6 The Contractor may submit for LGU approval equivalent or better
alternative materials than those specified in this specification.

2.1.7 All standards referred to herein shall mean the latest edition of that

2.1.8 Products and substances, which may come in contact with potable water,
shall not be used unless they have prior approval of LGU.


2.2.1 Materials and components shall be stored and stockpiled in such a manner as
to preserve their quality and condition to the standards required by the
2.2.2 The quantity of materials stored and stockpiled on the site shall be consistent
and sufficient as required for the efficient implementation of work as


2.3.1 Materials and components shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid any
damage or contamination and in accordance with all applicable
recommendations of the manufacturers.

2.3.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the use, installation, application
or fixing of materials and components shall be in accordance with all
applicable recommendations of the manufacturers. Where appropriate, the
Contractor shall make use of any technical advisory services offered by


2.4.1 Fine and coarse aggregates for concrete shall comply with the provisions of

2.9.2 Fine aggregates shall be washed natural sand conforming to ASTM C33.

2.4.3 Coarse aggregates shall be well graded and shall conform to ASTM C33.


2.5.1 Portland cement shall be factory-produced by the cement manufacturer and

shall comply with the provisions of ASTM C150.

2.5.2 Blended hydraulic cements shall comply with the provisions of ASTM C595.

2.5.3 Masonry cement shall comply with the provisions of ASTM C91.


2.6.1 An admixture to the concrete may be used if approved by LGU in writing.

Accelerating, retarding and water-reducing admixtures for concrete or grout
shall comply with ASTM-C494. Such admixture may be a hydroxylated
carboxylic acid type or a hydroxylated polymer type but shall contain no
calcium chloride.

2.6.2 Calcium chloride shall not be used in concrete which is to be reinforced,

contains embedded metal, or has been designed to retain an aqueous liquid.
However, when used with sulphate- resisting cement or in concrete to be
reinforced or contain embedded metal the chlorine ion content of admixture
shall not exceed 2% by mass of the admixture or 0.03% by mass of the
cement. Admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used in reinforced
concrete designed to retain aqueous liquid.

2.6.3 Admixtures for the production of Air-Entrained concrete shall comply with
the requirements of ASTM C260.

2.6.4 Fly ash and natural pozzolans for use in concrete shall comply with the
requirements of ASTM C618.

2.6.5 Ground granular blast furnace cement for use in concrete shall comply with

the requirements of ASTM C989.

2.7 SAND

2.7.1 Sand for grout shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C 404.

2.7.2 Sand for mortar shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C 144.

2.7.3 Sand fill shall consist of clean, inert, hard, durable grains of quartz or other
durable rock, free from loam or clay, surface coatings, and deleterious
materials. The allowable amount of materials passing a No. 200 sieve shall
not exceed ten percent (10%) by weight. The maximum particle size shall be


2.8.1 Bedding and pipe zone materials for buried pipelines shall comply insofar as
applicable with the following standards and manuals:

Pipe Material Standards


2.8.2 Pipe surrounds materials for metal and concrete pipes shall be graded as

2.8.3 Pipe surround material for thermoplastic pipes shall be sand consisting of
clean, inert, hard, durable grains of quartz, free from loam or clay and other
deleterious materials. The allowable amount of materials passing a No. 200
sieve shall not exceed ten percent (10%) by weight. The maximum particle
size shall be 6mm.

Pipe Nominal Maximum Particle Size Suitable Processed Granular

Diameter (mm) (mm) Materials
Up to 100 6 6mm Nominal Single sized
Over 100 to 300 10 10 mm nominal Single sized or 10mm
to 5mm graded
Over 300 to 550 14 14mm nominal single-sized or 14 to
5mm • graded

Over 500 20 14 or 20 mm nominal single-sized

or 14 to 5mm graded or 20 to 5mm •


2.9.1 Dowel bars for expansion joints shall conform to the requirements of

2.9.2 Dowel bars shall be straight, free from burrs or other deformations
restricting slippage in the concrete. Before delivery to the site of work, a
minimum of one half (1/2) length of each dowel bar shall be painted with one
coat of approved bitumen paint.

2.9.3 The sleeve for dowel bars shall be metal of an approved design to cover 50
mm plus or minus 10 mm of the dowel, with a closed end of the sleeves at
least 25 mm from the end of the dowel bar. Sleeves shall be of such design
that they do not collapse during construction.


2.10.1 Material free from grass, roots, brush or other vegetation and free from
boulders or rock pieces having maximum dimensions greater than 75 mm
may be used as backfill material.


2.11.1 Material free from organic matter, does not contain stone or rock fragments
larger than 10 mm in greatest dimensions and is non-cohesive shall be used
as selected sandy material. Not more than 50% of the material shall pass the
No. 200 Sieve. The material shall lend itself to ease of compaction and shall
be placed at a moisture content approaching its optimum for compaction.


2.12.1 Bank run gravel shall be a durable and graded soil aggregate conforming to
Type I gradations A through D and/or Type II gradations E and F of ASTM
D-1241. Before placing this material, the Contractor shall submit
representative samples to LGU for approval.


2.13.1 Crushed stone bedding material shall be hard, durable crushed rock or
gravel, free draining, free from organic matter and graded to comply with
the following limits:

Sieve Size Percent by Weight passing
25mm 100
20mm 90-100
15mm 10-50
10mm 0-20
5mm 0-5

Sieve Size Percent by Weight passing
38mm 100
25mm 90-100
20mm 10-50
15mm 0-20
10mm 0-5


2.14.1 Embankment materials shall be free from brush, roots, grass or other
organic materials. Cobbles and rock pieces having a diameter less than
150mm may be used. The amount of material passing the No. 200 sieve shall
not exceed 50% by weight.


2.15.1 Lime for mortar shall be in the form of putty complying with the relevant
provisions of ASTM C207.


2.16.1 Cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the
following table, using the minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary
fluidity and to render it capable of penetrating the works.

Class Nominal Mix by Mas

G1 1 -
G2 1 3
G3 1 10

2.16.2 Cement grout shall be used within one hour of mixing except when
containing retardant admixture.

1. Non-shrink grout shall be pre-bagged and conform to the

requirements of ASTM C1107.

2. Admixture for concrete and grout shall comply with ASTM C494.
3. Sands for grout shall comply with ASTM C404.


2.17.1 Bar reinforcing steel shall be Hot-rolled non-weldable deformed, new billet
steel bars conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 40 for bar 5_012 and Grade 60
for bar .016 unless noted otherwise or its equivalent upper PNS-49. Steel
reinforcement shall be free from loose mill and rust scale and from coating
that may destroy or reduce the bond.

2.17.2 Steel mats or fabric shall corn ply with ASTM A 185, ASTM A 497 or ASTM
A 704M.

2.17.3 Steel reinforcement shall ba ir mill identification symbols and shall be tagged
with the size and mark number so that differer it types may be identified.
They shall be stored off the ground.
2.17.4 The following steel bar sizes shall be used for all reinforced concrete design:
Bar Designation Approximate cross Approximate Unit
Sectional Area (mm) Weight (kg/m)
10 78.54 0.616
12 113.10 0.888
16 201.06 1.578
20 314.16 2.466
25 490.88 3.853
28 615.75 4.834
32 804.25 6.313
36 1017.83 7.990

2.17.5 Testing of steel reinforcement lent shall conform to PNS 49.

2.17.6 Every batch of steel reinforcement delivered to the site shall be tested to
verify mass and tensile properties for every shipment of 5,000 kg or fraction

2.17.7 The test shall consist of 5 specimens. Abbreviated testing may be considered
on a particular batch at discretion of the Engineer. If the bar pattern of the
specific diameter is acceptable for abbreviated testing the test shall consist of
3 specimens.

2.17.8 The specimen should be selected from different bars in the batch. A batch
(lot) is defined as any quantity of bars of the size and grade manufactured by
the same mill, covered by the same mill certificate and delivered to the site at
any one time. Steel bars in more than one delivery to the site within the short
period may be considered as part of the same batch.


2.18.1 Pre-formed filler for joints sha11 conform to the requirements of AASHTO
M33 (ASTM D994),AASHTO M153, AASHTO M213 or AASHTO M220,
ASTM D1056, D1751 & D1752.

2.18.2 Holes in pre-formed joint filler shall be accurately bored or punched out to
accommodate dowel bars.
2.18.3 The material comprising the joint filler shall be of such quality that it can be
satisfactorily installed in position at the joint.

2.18.4 Adhesives used to retain pre-formed joint fillers in place during construction
shall have no harmful effects on concrete and shall be obtained from the
manufacturer of the joint filler.

2.18.5 Pre-formed filler for joints in structures to retain aqueous liquids shall have
maximum water absorption of 0.30% by volume and a non-recovered
compression set of 20% of the original thickness, both tested in accordance
with ASTM D3574.


2.19.1 Tying wire for steel reinforcement shall be Gauge 16, GI wire conforming to
ASTM- A82.


2.20.1 Forms shall be of wood, plywood, steel, or other approved material, free
from roughness and surface irregularities.

2.20.2 Except as otherwise expressly approved by LGU, all materials brought on

the job site for use, as forms, shoring or bracing shall be new material.


2.21.1 Cover blocks and spacers shall be designed to maintain the correct clear
cover of concrete over steel reinforcement, shall be as small as possible,
consistent with their purpose and of a shape acceptable to LGU.

2.21.2 Concrete cover blocks shall be manufactured with a 10mm aggregate size
and otherwise produced to the same specification as the surrounding
concrete. Wire cast in the block for the purpose of tying it to the reinforce
rent shall be Gauge 16 GI wire in accordance to ASTM A82.

2.21.3 Spacers shall be of rustproof material and shall not produce staining or
otherwise be detrimental to the concrete or steel .


2.22.1 Waterstops shall be of plasticised PVC complying with the relevant provision
of ASTM D412/D746/D747/D792.

2.22.2 Rubber waterstops shall have :he following properties when tested in
accordance with the relevant part of BS 903:

Part of BS 903 Property Requirements

Al A26 Density 1100 kg/m3(± 5%)
A2 Hardness 60-70 IRHD
Tensile strength Not less than 17.5 N/mm2
A2 A16 Elongation at breakpoint Not less than 45% Not
Water. absorption (48 hours exceeding 5%


2.23.1 Bricks shall comply with the provisions of the relevant standards in the table

Purpose use ASTM

General Purpose Building Brick C62
Facing Bricks C216
Concrete Building Bricks C55
Sewer And Manhole C32

2.23.2 Concrete hollow blocks shall comply with the provisions of PNS 16.


2.24.1 Mortar shall be mixed only as and when required in the relevant proportions
indicated in the following table, until its color and consistency are uniform.
The constituent materials shall be accurately gauge d, allowance being made
for bulking of sand.
Nominal Mixed By Volume
Class Cement: lime Cement: Sand Class Masonry
Putty: sand with Plastilizer cement: Sand
M1 1:0 to ¼:3 1:2- ½ to 3 M5 1:2 to 2- 1/2
M2 1:1/2 :4 to 4 ½ 1:3 to 4 M6 1:2- ½ to 3 -1/2
M3 1:1:5 to 6 1:5 to 6 M7 1:4:5
M4 1:2:8 to 9 1:7 to 8 M8 1:5- ½ to 6- 1/2

2.24.2 All mortar shall bE conveyed fresh to the work as required for use. Mortar,
which has begun to set, or which has been site-mixed for a period of more

than one hour in the case of Classes M1, M2, M5 and M6, and two hours in
the case of Classes M3, M4, M7 and M8 shall not be used.

2.24.3 Mortar for making good holes cut through existing concrete walls shall be
Class M2, with the addition of an epoxy compound, mixed in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions. Alternatively, a proprietary ready
mixed epoxy mortar may be used. In either case, the Contractor shall
provide full details of the proposed material to LGU for review.

2.24.4 Non-shrink grouts and mortars shall be a ready mixed proprietary brand,
mixed and used entirely in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

The Contractor shall provide full details to LGU's for review.


2.25.1 Joint sealant for concrete shall be all approved two component elastomeric
synthetic rubber compound, of liquid polysulphide polymer base and shore
hardness of at least 20 after a 7 day curing period, The shore hardness shall
be as defined in ASTM D2240.

2.25.2 Self-leveling type sealant shall be used in all horizontal joints in slabs 2.31.3
Non-sagging type sealant for all wall and overhead joints.

2.25.4 Primer shall be as recommended by the sealant manufacturer.

2.25.5 The bond breaker (non-liquid) between sealant and joint filler shall be
polyethylene or other release material approved by the engineer.

2.25.6 Joint sealant used for precast concrete shall be SIKAFLEX-T68 or approved


2.26.1 Cast iron pipes and fittings shall conform to the requirements of ISO 13.

2.26.2 Fittings shall conform to AWWA C110.

2.26.3 Cast iron pipes and fittings and special castings shall be lined with cement
mortar to conform to AWWA C104.

2.26.4 Pipes and fittings shall have an outside bituminous coating approximately 25
microns thick.

2.26.5 The nominal wall thickness of cast iron pipes shall not be less than as given in
the following table:

Nominal Outside Nominal Wall

Diameter Diameter Thickness
'(mm) (mm
50 -
75 98 7.2
100 118 7.5
150 170 8.3
200 222 9.2
250 274 10.0
Others To manufacturer's


2.27.1 Cast iron soil pipes and fittings shall conform to the provisions of ASTM

2.27.2 The pipe and fittings shall be coated with bituminous paint material.

2.27.3 Cast iron soil pipe and fittings shall have bell-and-spigot ends with rubber
gaskets conforming to the requirements of Class Extra Heavy Cast iron soil
pipes and fittings of ASTM A74.


2.28.1 Ductile iron pipes and fittings shall comply with the provisions of ISO 2531.

2.28.2 Pipes and fittings shall have an outside bituminous coating approximately 25
microns thick.

2.28.3 Ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be cement mortar lined to conform to
either AWWA C104 or ISO 4179.

2.28.4 Wall Thickness for Ductile Iron Pipes

Nominal Diameter (mm) Outside Diameter (mm) Minimum wall Thickness

75 98 6.1
100 118 6.3
150 170 6.4
200 222 6.8
250 274 7.2
300 326 7.7
330 378 9.0
400 429 9.0
500 532 9.0
600 - -


2.29.1 Steel pipes and fittings shall comply with the provisions of AWWA C200.

2.29.2 Steel pipes shall be lined either in the shop in accordance with AWWA C205
or AWWA C210 or in place in accordance with AWWA C602.

2.29.3 Steel pipes shall be coated either in accordance with AWWA C203
(bituminous enamel) or AWWA C205 (cement mortar lining and coating).

2.29.4 Steel cylinder for pipe and fittings shall be fabricated from hot-rolled steel
sheets or plates conforming to ASTM A283 Grade D, or ASTM A570 Grade
C with a minimum yield point of 227.50 MPa.

2.29.5 Dimensions for steel fittings shall conform to AWWA C208. 2.35.6 Joints
may be of the following types:

a) Mechanical Type

b) Push -on-type

c) Welded joints

d) Shop Welded flange

2.29.7 All requirements pertaining to the thickness, application and curing of lining
specified for straight pipe shall also apply to fittings except that if the fitting
can not be lined centrifugally, it shall be lined by hand.

2.29.8 Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Pipes (for depth of cover of 1.20m to 2.
5m only) shall be as follows:

Nominal Diameter (mm) Nominal Wall Thickness (mm)

400 4.76
450 4.76
500 4.76
600 4.76
750 6.35
900 7.93
1050 7.93
1200 8.10

2.29.9 Acceptable Joints

a) 400mm to 500mm —Joints shall be flanged, or shall be plain coupling.


b) 600 and above - Welded joints will be acceptable, provided demonstrate

his ability to restore lining in-situ in advance undertaken.



2.30.1 Unplasticized PVC pressure pipes and fittings shall comply with the
provisions of ISO 4422 and PNS-65.

2.30.2 Unplasticized PVC pressure pipes and fittings shall be extruded blue.

2.30.3 Pipe rating shall be Series 8 minimum conforming to PNS-65 or ISO 4422.

2.30.4 Joints shall be push-on-type joints or plain end or couplings.



2.31.1 Unplasticized PVC pipes and fittings for sewers and drains shall conform to
the provisions of ASTMD2729, ASTMD 3034, ASTM F679 and ISO 4435.

2.31.2 The Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) for unplasticized sewer and drainpipes
shall be equal to or less than SDR 26 for pipe with an earth cover of 3-5
meters and SDR 32.5 for pipe with an earth cover less than 3 meters.

2.31.3 The tolerances for outside diameter and wall thickness for unplasticized
sewer and drainpipes shall be in accordance with ISO 3606.


2.32.1 Polyethylene pipes and fittings shall be made from non-toxic materials and
shall be colored blue.

2.32.2 Extrusion compounds for pipes and fittings shall be:


b) HDPE - KEMCOR HD 2468 RIGIDEX PC 001-55


c) MDPE - KEMCOR 0898


Contractors may submit to LGU alternative extrusion compounds for

consideration, however, the Contractor will have been expected to proposed
such alternatives with its bid. Any such alternatives will be subject to third
party testing, the successful results of which may lead to the inclusion of such
alternatives to the approved compounds listed above.

2.32.3 Pipe and tubing rating and dimensions shall conform to ISO 161, SDR = 11.

2.32.4 Joints shall be selected from the following:

a) Thermal butt fusion

b) Flange assembly, which may consist of polyethylene sub-end, butt-

fused to end of the pipe and metal slip-on flange.

c) Victaulic coupling with special stub-ends designed to accept the

coupling butt fused to end of the pipes.

d) Loose flange adaptors with polyethylene pipe anchoring facility.

2.32.5 Fittings for PE tubing shall have compression type joints. Composition,
sampling and testing of fittings shall be in accordance with ASTM B584.

2.32.6 Threads of coupling shall be in accordance with ISO 228 and ISO 7.

2.32.7 Insert stiffeners shall be applied to all compression joints and shall be
stainless steel type 304 or 316, as per ASTM A480M.

2.32.8 Inspection and testing of pipes and tubing shall be in accordance with ASTM
D1248 and D241.


2.33.1 Marker tape for buried water mains shall be colored orange PVC or
polyethylene mesh or ribbon at least 50mm wide, incorporating a corrosion
resistant tracing system.

2.33.2 The ribbon shall be printed with the words "WATER PIPES BELOW” or
"SEWER PIPES BELOW" in bold capital letters at intervals not exceeding


2.34.1 Elastomeric joint seals for water mains and drainage pipes for push-on and
mechanical joints shall be generally stylene butadiene rubber (SBR), unless
specified otherwise by the manufacturer and shall be obtained from the

2.34.2 Joint lubricants shall have no d-3Ieterious effects on either the joint rings or
the pipe material and shall be unaffected by the conveyed liquid. In the
jointing of water mains, lubricants shall be non-toxic, shall not impart taste
odour or colour to the water and shall not support bacterial growth. The

Contractor shall submit a non-toxicity test conducted by an independent

laboratory acceptable to LGU are his expense.


2.35.1 Flanges for pipes and fittings shall comply with the standards given in the
following table as applicable:
Pipe/Fitting Type Flange Specification Standard
DI ISO 2531

2.35.2 Flange mating dimensions and drilling shall conform to ISO 7005.

2.35.3 Pressure rating for flanges shall be as stated in the Contract Specific


2.36.1 Gaskets for flanged joints shall generally be of the inside-bolt-circle type.
They shall have a nominal thickness of 3mm and shall be EPDM Rubber or


2.37.1 Valves for pipeline installation shall comply with the relevant provisions of
the appropriate AWWA standard as set out below:

Valve Type AWWA Standard

Resilient Seated Gate AWWA 509
Air Valve AWWA 500
Check Valve AWWA 500
Rubber Seated AWWA C504
Butterfly Valve

2.37.2 Valves shall have flanged ends in accordance with ISO 7005. 2.44.3 All valves
shall be coated and lined with 100% powder epoxy.

2.37.4 The pressure rating of valves shall be as stated in the Contract Specific


2.38.1 Reinforced concrete pipes and fittings shall be designed in accordance with

2.38.2 Cement shall conform to ASTM C150 Type II and shall not contain more
than 0.60% total alkali as determined in accordance with ASTM C14M.

2.38.3 Aggregates shall meet the requirements of ASTM C33 except the
requirements for gradation shall not apply.

2.38.4 Steel reinforcement shall be either conforming to ASTM A82 or ASTM

A496, welded wire mesh conforming to ASTM A185 or ASTM A497, or plain
billet-steel bars conforming to ASTM A615M.

2.38.5 The pipe shall have bell and spigot type joints with a groove either on the bell
or in the spigot to retain a rubber gasket.

2.38.6 Fittings for use with reinforced concrete pipe shall be of equal thickness of
wall and minimum cover for reinforcement as required for pipe. Fittings
shall be shop-fabricated unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings.


2.39.1 Un-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings shall comply with the provisions of
ASTM C14. 2.50.2 Fittings shall be of at least equal thickness of wall as
required for pipe.

2.39.3 Cement shall conform to ASTM C150, Type II and shall not contain more
than 0.60% total alkali as determined in accordance with ASTM C14M.

2.50.4 Aggregates shall meet the requirement of ASTM C33 except that the
requirement for gradation shall not apply.

2.39.5 The pipe joints shall have bell-and-spigot joint with a groove either on the
spigot or in the bell to retain a rubber gasket.


2.40.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings or Contract Specification,

hydrants shall be either of the traffic model type or spring type
manufactured in accordance with AWWA.

2.40.2 For spring type hydrant, hinges, washers, bolts and valve keys shall be
stainless steel as per ASTM A276 type 304.


2.41.1 Electrodes, filler rods and wires shall be compatible with the grade of steel to
be welded and shall be in accordance with the steel or plate manufacturer's


2.41.1 Bolts, anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall be of low carbon steel, grade B of
ASTM A307 and shall be hot-dipped galvanized in accordance with ASTM
A153. Bolt head and nut shapes shall be hexagonal and shall conform to ISO
272. Each bolt shall be long enough to extend entirely through the nut but
not more than four (4) threads beyond. Washers shall be provided under
nuts and under the heads of bolts.

2.41.2 Bolt length shall be sufficient to ensure that nuts are full threaded when
tightened in their final position.
2.41.3 Stainless steel nuts, screws, washers and bolts shall generally be used
throughout the Works and shall comply with the relevant provisions of
ASTM F593 and ASTM F594.

2.41.4 Where bolting is incompatible with the material being fixed, suitable
isolating washers and sleeves shall be used.


2.42.1 Sleeve type coupling shall be in accordance with AWWA M11. The middle
ring and followers shall be coated internally with coal tar epoxy seal coat in
accordance with AWWA C 210.

2.42.2 The coupling shall be coated and lined with 100% powder epoxy.


2.43.1 Brass fittings shall be manufactured of leaded red brass with the following
metal components:

The composition, sampling and testing of the metal shall be in accordance

with ASTM B 584.

2.43.2 Corporation stops, straight coupling adaptors and ferrules shall be male
threaded on the inlet ends tapered ISO 7 and compression joint at the outlet

2.43.3 Service stops and angle valves shall be female threaded ISO 7 tapered
threads on the outlet end and compression joint at the inlet end.

2.43.4 Compression joints for tubing shall be provided with stainless steel stiffener
and lock ring to prevent pull out.


2.44.1 Saddles for uPVC pipe shall be made of cast iron. Saddles for cast iron and
ductile iron shall be made of cast iron with single or double strap. Straps
shall be made of red brass or of steel coated with epoxy or hot-dip galvanized
in accordance with ASTM A 153. Welded straps shall not be accepted.

2.44.2 Saddles shall be constricted fro n one or a combination of the following

a) Ductile Iron - Minim um tensile strength of 415 MPa in accordance
with ASTM A 536.

b) Red Brass - 85-5-5- 5 in accordance with ASTM B 584. c) Cast Iron

- Gray Iron in accordance with ASTM A 48, Class 30.

2.44.3 Saddles for all pipe materials shall be shaped to fit various pipe diameters.
Gaskets shall be provided for all saddles are shall be either Buna N or
Neoprene rubber.


2.45.1 Rubber gaskets for mechanical and push-on joints shall be continuous ring-
type, made of special composition rubber it , accordance with the respective
pipe standard specifications. Each gasket shall have a den ‘r,, homogenous
section, a smooth surface free of blisters, pits and other imperfections and s.
all be of sufficient volume to fill the groove when the joint is assembled to
make the joint watertight.


2.46.1 CI valve boxes shall be installed for all buried valves. Valve boxes shall be of
the telescopic slide type or screw type with hinge cover installed. CI shall
conform to ASTM Al26 Class B.


2.47.1 Plastic sheeting for waterproof underlay shall be free from tears and voids
and shall be substantially free from pinholes and other discontinuities. It
shall comply with ASTM D2103.


2.48.1 Structural steel sections shall comply with the relevant provisions of the
following standards:

Structural Steel, ASTM A36

Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe, ASTM A53, Grade B

High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel, ASTM A242
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium Steel, ASTM
Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in
Rounds and Shapes, ASTM A500
Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing, ASTM
A501 High-
Yield Strength Quenched Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding,
Structural Steel with 290 MPa Minimum Yield Point, ASTM A529
Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets and Strip, Structural Quality, ASTM A570,
Grades D and E
High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbian-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality,
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel with 345 Mpa Minimum Yield
Point to 100 mm Thick, ASTM A 588
Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, High-Strength, Low-
Alloy, with Improved Corrosion resistance, ASTM A606
Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, High-Strength, Low-
Columbian and/or Vanadium, ASTM A607
Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural
Tubing, ASTM A618

2.48.2 The Contractor shall furnish LGU with affidavits stating that steel provided
meets the required specification.


2.48.1 Timber shall be a seasoned, dry and free from large, loose and unsound
knots, sap bleeding, shakes or other imperfections. All exposed timber shall
be smoothly dressed and well sanded.

2.48.2 Generally timber species, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings shall be
as listed in the following table:
User/Purpose Species
Timber exposed to the weather such as Guijo or Yakal
doorframes, window frames and
external joinery. Timber in direct
contact with masonry or concrete
Timber for general internal carpentry Apitong
purpose, i.e. internal framing, joist,
studs etc.
Timber to receive Paint Finishes Tanguile


2.49.1 Glass shall be tinted plate glass with thickness appropriate to the exposure

2.49.2 Glazing compounds shall be non-setting and pigmented to match the colors
of the glazed units.


2.50.1 Ready mixed paints for buildings shall be external quality.

2.50.2 Boiled linseed oil for paints and varnishes shall comply with the
requirements of ASTM D260.

2.50.3 Knotting, for use as an impervious covering for knots and resinous areas
shall be site mixed and comprise equal parts, by volume, of shellac flakes and
methylated spirits

2.50.4 Stopping shall comprise a mixture of one-third white lead and two-thirds
ordinary whiting and linseed oil putty, with a small quantity of gold size.

2.50.5 Paint remover shall be non-flammable, solvent based.

2.50.6 All paint materials shall be first class quality. The Contractor may select
another bonafide and reputable manufacturer's product, providing it first
satisfies LGU that the selected product is equivalent in quality to those
specified, and also receives approval in writing to use the substituted paint
product. However, all paints shall be obtained from the same manufacturer
as far possible.

2.51 WATER

2.51.1 Water for use with cement or in contact with potable water mains and
installations shall be potable, clean and free from deleterious amounts of
acid, alkali, oil and organic matter.


2.52.1 Common nails shall conform to UBC Standard 25-17. Nails shall be
galvanized, aluminum or stainless steel as appropriate where exposed to


2.53.1 Handrails and balusters shall be manufactured from material complying

with the provisions of the appropriate Philippine Standards.

2.53.2 After manufacture, mild steel and aluminum handrails and balusters shall be
hot dip galvanized or anodized, as appropriate, in accordance with ASTM


2.54.1 Mild steel chain shall be 8mm nominal size non-calibrated chain. After
manufacture, mild steel shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with
ASTM A513. When tested each chain shall withstand a breaking force of 30.
KN and a proof force of 15 KN. Chain links shall be welded and have an
internal length not exceeding 45mm and an internal width of between 12mm
and 18mm. The fins caused by welding shall be removed and the weld shall
be smoothly finished all round.


2.55.1 Liquid chlorine shall conform to ANSI/AWWA B301.


2.56.1 Sodium Hypochlorite shall conform to AWWA B300.


2.57.1 Calcium Hypochlorite shall conform to AWWA B300.


2.58.1 Conform to Item 200 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways,. Bridges

and Airport.


2.59.1 Conform to Item 201 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.60.1 Conform to Item 202 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.61.1 Conform to Item 203 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.62.1 Conform to Item 204 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.

2.62.2 Conform to Item 205 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.63.1 Conform to Item 206 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.64.1 Conform to Item 207 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.65.1 Conform to Item 300 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.66.1 Conform to Item 301 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.67.1 Conform to Item 302 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.68.1 Conform to Item 303 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.69.1 Conform to Item 304 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.70.1 Conform to Item 305 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.71.1 Conform to Item 306 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.72.1 Conform to Item 307 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.73.1 Conform to Item 308 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.74.1 Conform to Item 319 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.75.1 Conform to Item 310 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.76.1 Conform to Item 311 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.77.1 Conform to Item 6110 of DPWH Stand6rd Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.78.1 Conform to Item 601 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.79.1 Vertical and horizontal thrust blocks shall be made of concrete having a
compressive strength of not less than 20.0 Mpa after 28 days curing period.

2.79.2 Thrust blocks shall be placed against solid undisturbed ground.



2.80.1 Conform to Item 3108 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.81.1 Conform to Ran 319 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges
and Airport.


2.82.1 Conform to Item 310 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.83.1 Conform to Item 311 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.84.1 Conform to Item 6t10 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.85.1 Conform to Item 601 of DPWH Standard Specifications, Highways, Bridges

and Airport.


2.86.1 Vertical and horizontal thrust blocks shall be made of concrete having a
compressive strength of not less than 20.0 Mpa after 28 days curing period.

2.86.2 Thrust blocks shall be placed against solid undisturbed ground.




3.1.1 The contractor shall carry out its operation in such a manner as to avoid
damage to existing adjacent or underground structures, or deterioration of
the Final Surfaces of excavation.

3.1.2 If the Contractor encounters ground in the Final Surface, which he considers
unsuitable, or if the final surface is damaged or allowed to deteriorate, LGU
shall be promptly informed. The unsuitable ground or damaged surfaces
shall be excavated and then filled to formation level with material as
approved by LGU. Any voids, which result from over excavation, shall be
refilled with the material as indicated in the contract specific or as approved
by LGU.

3.1.3 The Contractor shall carry out its excavation work with all necessary
precautions and put in place adequate support at the side faces of excavation
and employ all appropriate measures to ensure safety and stability, and
avoid the weakening or damage to the foundations of structures.

3.1.4 The sides of the excavation shall be vertical and shall be adequately
supported at all times, except where battered sides are possible. A detail of
the cross-section for battered side excavation shall be submitted to LGU for
acceptance prior to its implementation. Any slippage of faces of excavation
shall be stabilized and made good.

3.1.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of all unsuitable and
surplus excavated material off the Site except with the permission of LGU.
The Contractor shall be removed from the site and dispose of all excess
excavated material at its own expense. The location of the spoil disposal area
shall meet all legal requirements for such sites. LGU, at its discretion, may
identify an area within the on-site area of disposal, but it shall trim and
grade the on site spoil area to meet the requirements of LGU at no extra cost.

3.1.6 Excavation for structures shall progress in uniform horizontal layers, with
extreme caution exercised as the face of the excavation approaches the line
and grade of the foundation base. LGU shall be notified promptly when the
excavation is within 500mm of the final cut surface or foundation elevation.
Excavation equipment shall be of a size and type suitable for carrying out the
work as specified. During final excavation to sub-grade level, The Contractor
shall take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent disturbance and
remolding of the sub-grade. In load bearing soil (i.e. soil under structures,
pipelines and roadways), final excavation to sub-grade shall be by hand or by
using lightweight machines with smooth edge buckets.

3.1.7 Adverse Weather Condition. LGU reserves the right to suspend or limit
earthwork operations during periods of extended adverse weather conditions
and the Contractor shall have no basis for claiming such, as a reason for
delays or extra payments. It is expressly understood that the job site is
located in an area subject to yearly periods of heavy tropical rainfall. The
Contractor shall schedule its earthwork taking account of this wet season
period of the year.


3.2.1 Clearing and grubbing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of the DPWH Standard Specification, Item 100.


3.3.1 The Contractor shall excavate test pits, which shall be limited in size
sufficient to fulfill their purpose. In addition the Contractor shall excavate in
advance sufficient test pits to determine the exact location of, and to avoid
damage to, existing underground structures and utilities so that progress of
excavation work will not be delayed.

3.3.2 Test pits in sealed roadways that will be re-excavated shall be temporarily
restored with 50mm thick asphalt.


3.4.1 The Contractor shall take all practicable measures to reduce the vibration
inducing settlement resulting from any sheet piling operation.

3.4.2 Natural material surplus to requirements for backfilling shall only be

deposited on site as approved by LGU.

3.4.3 Excavated artificial material shall dispose of by the Contractor.

3.4.4 When stockpiled, excavated material shall be stored in areas remote from


3.5.1 Turf to be re-laid shall measure approximately 1 m by 300 mm, when cut
and shall be of uniform thickness than 40 mm.

3.5.2 Turf shall be green when cut; they shall be kept moist and shall be laid
within one week after cutting.

3.5.3 The level of topsoil beneath turf shall be such that the final grass surface
after compaction shall be flush with adjoining grass surface.


3.6.1 Topsoil shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation. It shall
include all turf not required for relaying or not acceptable for turfing.

3.6.2 Topsoil that may exist on the site shall be stockpiled separately and kept free
from weeds and reused on the Site.


3.7.1 The Contractor shall not allow lying in any part of the Work. Water arising
from or draining into the work shall be drained or pumped to an approved
disposal point. Any drainage sumps required shall, where practicable, be
sited outside the area excavated for the permanent work, and shall be re-
filled with concrete Class ‘B’ to the level of the underside of the adjacent
permanent Work.

3.7.2 The Contractor may install water ingress retaining structures, or may use
sand bagging or any appropriate measures acceptable and with the approval
of LGU to prevent or minimize the seepage inflows of water into permanent
structure working areas.

3.7.3 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in any de-watering
process to prevent any adjacent ground from being adversely affected by loss
of fines, which may cause settlements and damage to adjacent structures,
utilities, roadways and other properties.

3.7.4 Any groundwater control system required shall be installed and maintained
continuously until such time backfilling has been completed.

3.7.5 The Contractor shall obtain any necessary consent to discharge.

3.7.6 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a plan documenting the measures
it will take to control sediment run-off at the site at least forty-two (42)
calendar days before commencing any earthwork at the site. No earthwork
will be allowed until the Engineer approves the Contractor’s sedimentation
control program.


3.8.1 Where temporary drains are required, they shall be laid in a narrow trench or
grip formed below the bottom of the excavation in an approved position. The
pipes shall be open-jointed and shall be surrounded with free-draining
granular material.

3.8.2 Grouting pipes shall be inserted in the line of the temporary drains at intervals
not exceeding 25 m and the drains shall solidly filled with grout glass G3 or
G4 and the grout pipes will be cut off on completion.


3.9.1 Backfilling shall, whenever practicable, is undertaken immediately the

specified operations preceding it have been completed. Backfilling shall not,
however, be commenced until the work to be covered has achieved strength
sufficient to withstand all loading imposed thereon.

3.9.2 Backfilling around permanent work shall be undertaken in such manner as

to avoid uneven loading or damage.

3.9.3 Filling material to excavations not situated in highways or prospective

highways shall be of the same excavated material available on site suitable
for backfilling and shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 250 mm
unconsolidated thickness and compacted to form a stable backfill.

3.9.4 Where the excavations have been supported and the supports are to be
removed, these, practicable shall be withdrawn progressively as backfilling
proceeds in such a manner as to minimize the danger of collapse, and voids
formed behind the support shall be carefully filled and compacted.

3.9.5 All backfilling material shall be inert and non-toxic.

3.9.6 The Contractor shall, in accordance with the requirements of appropriate

affected bodies, carry out reinstatement around all structures or apparatus
encountered and affected during the Work. Existing surrounds shall be
reinstated over the full width of the excavation. Particular attention shall be
given to the replacement or provision of any protective slabs or identification

3.9.7 Trenches shall be fully backfilled before the end of each working day. No
trench greater than 5 m in length shall remain open at the end of the working
day. The remaining open trench shall be securely fenced/barricaded.

3.9.8 Backfilling of water retaining structures shall not commence until they have
passed their water tightness test.

3.9.9 Over excavation shall be backfilled with material approved by LGU.


3.10.1 Embankment and other areas of fill shall be formed of suitable materials
capable of normal compaction to form a stable fill, deposited and compacted
as soon as practicable after excavation, in layers of thickness appropriate to
the compaction plant used. Prior to placing embankment, topsoil shall be

stripped and the base surface scarified to 300mm depth. All grass and roots
shall be removed. After scarification, the base shall be compacted by rolling
and fill placed with maximum lifts of 300mm. Compaction of the base and
embankment fill shall not be less than 90% of the maximum density as
determined in accordance with ASTM D698, Method D. Moisture content
shall be as possible and suitable for the compaction required.

3.10.2 The filling shall, where practicable, be built up and compacted evenly, and
shall be maintained at all times with a sufficient camber or cross fall and a
surface sufficiently even to enable surface water to drain readily from it.


Reinstatement of Carriageways, Footways, Footpaths, Cycle Tracks and


3.11.1 Reinstatement of streets, which are maintainable highways, shall be

undertaken in accordance with the relevant provisions of the DPWH
Standard Specifications, Part E and Part H.

3.11.2 Pavement shall be restored to its original design strength and thickness or
better, including the damage caused by the Contractor outside of the trench
width, at his expense.

3.11.3 Concrete pavement shall be restored using a five days curing concrete period
for major roads an seven days concrete curing period for other national
roads, in both cases attaining the flexural strength of 3:80 Mpa and
compressive strength of 24Mpa.

3.11.4 Epoxy shall be used in concrete pavement less than five years old as well as
on roads subjected to constant heavy loading to bond the existing and the
restored pavement. The epoxy shall have a specified tensile strength 55 to 62
Mpa and compressive strength of 90 to 103 Mpa.

Reinstatement of Curbs, Channels, Edging and Quadrants

3.11.5 Curbs, channel, edging and quadrants disturbed by the work shall be re-laid
with existing units, providing they are not damaged. Where existing units are
not suitable for re-use, the Contractor shall provide replacement units of
similar texture, color and type, consistent with those adjacent and complying
with the relevant provisions of the DPWH Standard Specifications, Part H,
as appropriate.

3.11.6 The relaying of curbs, channels, edging quadrants etc. shall be in accordance
with Part H of DPWH Specifications. In-site curbs and channels shall be
reinstated to conform to adjoining curbs and channels shall be reinstated to
conform to adjoining curbs and channels.

Reinstated of manholes and Surface Boxes

3.11.7 The frames of all manholes and surfaces boxes shall be reinstated by bedding
and haunching in Class “A” mortar unless, in the case of surface boxes, they
are to seat in the recess of an appropriate precast concrete section. Frame
tops shall be flush with the adjoining surface on all sides.

3.11.8 Specified requirements for reinstatement are included in the Contract

Specific Specification, which shall be read in conjunction with the DPWH
Specifications. Reinstatement shall be appropriate to the actual existing
highway construction. To this end the Contractor shall in conjunction with
LGU record the highway construction encountered during excavation.

3.11.9 The Contractor shall carry out the final reinstatement of all public highways
affected by the Contract within six months of completion of anny interim

3.11.10The Contractor shall allow the Highway Authority to carry out inspections of
trenches, backfilling operations, interim and final reinstatement.

3.11.11Trench reinstatement shall be carried in stages so that the length of trench

not having full interim reinstatement at any one time shall not exceed 50
meters. Traffic shall not be permitted to run on trenches not having full

3.11.12Damage to carriageway surface or curb lines caused by the activities of the

Contractor or by subsequent ground movement shall be reinstated to the full
depth of the carriageway construction. Where LGU agrees that the damage
is superficial or where the stated trench width is within 500mm of the curb
face, only the wearing course need to be removed and replaced.


3.12.1 Non-maintainable highways shall, except where otherwise described in the

contract, be reinstated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
DPWH Specifications, Parts D and Part E.


3.13.1 On completion of work in unpaved land the Contractor shall break up the
surface of all land affected, to a depth of at least 300 mm before replacing top
soil, and shall cultivate and restore the land as closely as possible to its
original condition.

3.13.2 Surfaces to be shown with grass seed shall reduce to a fine tilt and cleared of
stones and extraneous material greater than 50 mm in size. The seed shall be
sown at the proper seasons, evenly distributed and applied at a rate of not
less than the quantities given in the following table.

Nature of area to be Level Surfaces Sloping Surfaces

seeded (Slope < 1:6) g/sq. m (Slope >= 1:6) to cuttings
and embankment g/sq. m
Lawns 40 40
Surrounds to tanks and 25 35
Process plants
Playing Fields and 20 20
Agricultural Lands 15 15
Roadside Verges 6 10

3.13.3 Surfaces to be turfed shall be prepared as for seeding. The approved turf
shall be placed, butted, interlocked and tamped and the joints filled with fine
sandy oil. On sloping ground where they may be likely to slip, turf shall be
laid diagonally. Any subsidence-taking place shall be made good by taking
up the turf, filling with good finely sieved topsoil and replacing the turf in the
manner specified above. Any turf that dies shall be replaced with new turf.

3.13.4 The Contractor shall re-seed or re-turf reinstated areas as necessary until a
good sward is obtained. The Contractor shall keep reinstated grass areas
weed-free and maintained at 25-40 mm growth for the duration of the

3.14 TREES

3.14.1 The handling, planting, staking etc. shall be in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the DPWH Standards Specifications, Item 611, and with the
governing Laws of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources


3.15.1 The position of all land drains intercepted or disturbed shall be prominently
marked at every point of intersection with the work. The Contractor shall
record these positions; depts., pipe diameters and the types of construction,
and a copy of these records shall be given to LGU. Care shall be taken
during the progress of the Work to prevent the disturbance of markers.

3.15.2 Prior to the permanent reinstatement of land drainage the Contractor shall
clear the ends of existing drains, where intercepted by excavations, and shall
afford facilities to LGU and the landowner or occupier to inspect them and
determine the extent of replacement may be necessary.

3.15.3 The backfill of intercepting excavations shall be compacted in 200 mm layers,

to give a firm bearing immediately before replacement pipes are laid and

shall be brought up to the level of the underside of the land drains or of any
support to be provided.

3.15.4 The affected land drains shall be cut back into firm ground until, in each
case, a section is exposed which is unaffected by the Work.

3.15.5 Replacement pipes or support beams shall bear on undisturbed ground for at
least 500 mm at each end. The replacement pipes shall be of the same
internal diameter as the section of drain to be replaced and shall be properly
connected at each end.

3.15.6 Records shall be kept of all drainage system reinstatement work carried out,
and a copy shall be given to LGU.

Treatment of Existing Land Drains.

3.15.7 Where existing land drains are crossed by pipeline they shall be reinstated as

A timber batten, having a cross-section not less than 150 mm x 80 mm,

impregnated with approved timber preservative, shall be fixed across the
trench in the line of the field drain. This should be at least 1 meter longer
than the drain to be supported and shall be set so that the field drain can be
laid upon it to the correct line level. Clayware tiles, or pipes similar to those
in the existing drains, shall be laid upon the batten and held in the place with
timber fillets on either side of the field drain.

3.15.8 Where interceptor land drains are required they shall be connected into
existing land drains or discharged into a watercourse at such a point as
agreed by LGU, the owner, tenant or occupier of the hand.

3.15.9 ‘Trenchless’ methods of laying shall not be used.

3.15.10The drains shall be installed using 10 mm single sized granular fill material
to the underside of the topsoil.

3.15.11Existing drains shall be connected to interceptor drains by purpose-made

junctions. The Contractor shall ensure that the intercepted drains are clear
at the point of connection.


3.16.1 Any section of wall, fence or hedge damaged or removed during construction
of the work shall be replaced by a similar type unless expectedly stated in the
Contract Specific Document.


3.17.1 Piling shall be in accordance with the DPWH Standard Specifications, Item


3.18.1 Demolition of tanks and structures shall be as described in the Bid

Documents and all demolished structures shall be reduced to 0.50 m (1.50 m
in highways) below finished ground level, unless otherwise stated in the C.


3.19.1 Filling disposal shall be detailed and importing of materials onto site shall be
carried out in accordance with an approved earth works plan.


3.20.1 The disposal of any materials arising from construction activities, including
process waste from commissioning, shall be the responsibility of the


3.21.1 Backfill on roads subject to traffic load shall be tested by the Contractor for
the required compaction using the test procedures specified in ASTM D 1556
and with transportation and other facilities to be provided by the Contractor.
The reference maximum soil density shall be as determined by using the
Standard Proctor Compaction Test, ASTM D 698. Tests for backfill shall be
mandatory while test for pipe zone backfill may be waived for sand or gravel

3.21.2 Test frequency shall be for every 150 linear meters of backfill and for all


3.22.1 Prior to installation, the Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the
type of sheeting and bracing to be used and its intended method of placing
and maintaining it as required to support and protect the sides of
excavations. Care shall be taken to prevent voids outside the sheeting, but if
voids are formed, they shall be immediately filled and rammed.
3.22.2 All sheeting and bracing not left in 0lace shall be carefully removed without
endangering the new installations, the existing utilities, or adjoining
property. All voids caused by withdrawal of sheeting shall be immediately
refilled with sand and compacted by the ramming with suitable tools, by
watering, or any other method acceptable to LGU.

3.22.3 The Contractor shall leave in place sufficient sheeting and bracing to prevent
any caving-in or moving of the ground likely to cause a safety hazard to
persons or damage to structures.


3.23.1 The Contractor shall place structural fill of selected, approved fill material
within the of the influence of a structure in compacted lifts to support
structural foundations by transmitting the applied load to undisturbed
natural soil of suitable bearing capacity. The zone influence of a structure is
defined as starting at a distance of one (1) meter outside a footing end, and
sloping outward and downward at a 1:1 slope to undisturbed material.

3.23.2 Structural fill shall be furnished where existing materials encountered at

bearing elevations are found to be unsuitable.

3.23.3 Structural fill shall be well-graded and non-plastic material. Before any
structural fill is placed over the existing ground surface, the ground shall be
cleared and grubbed and the topsoil shall be stripped. Structural fill particles
shall be sound and not more than five percent (5%) shall pass the no.200
sieve, or more than fifty percent (50%) the no.40 sieve. The materials shall be
free from organic matter, clay clumps or other deleterious materials. The
maximum particle size shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the lift

3.23.4 A Sieve analysis of the proposed structural fill material shall be submitted
for review and approval by LGU at least 28 days before the first use of the
material. In addition, samples of structural fill shall be submitted to LGU for
sieve analysis for each 2500 m3 of structural fill placed, or whenever the
source of quality of fill material is varied. LGU may reject structural fill
material any time. The Contractor will not be responsible for the cost of
routine material testing, except for the initial test required above and any
testing requested on rejected material which shall be paid for by the

3.23.5 Structural fill layers shall be place in lifts of 200 mm in depth after
compaction. Fill material shall be approved by LGU, and hauled to the fill
and tipped directly on the fill lift being placed. Material shall be spread on
each layer by graders or dozers. The engineer may select the locations where
individual lands are to be dumped.

3.23.6 Each lift shall be brought to near optimum moisture content prior to
compaction. No compaction of completely dry materials shall be permitted.
Each lift shall be compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) of Modified
Proctor optimum density using pneumatic tire rollers or smooth drum
vibratory rollers of capacities approved in advance by LGU. Should any test
reveal inadequate compaction of a structural fill layer, then the entire layer
shall receive at least one additional complete pass of the roller. A complete

pass shall include a single coverage of the entire layer including twenty
percent (20%) overlap of drum width. If after a reasonable amount of re-
compaction is completed as determined by LGU, and satisfactory results
have not been obtained, then the Contractor shall remove the lift and replace
it with satisfactory material. Care shall be taken to avoid contamination of
structural fill with other materials. The Contractor shall be required to
replace any such contaminated structural fill layers at its own expense.

3.23.7 The minimum number of passes per lift is two (2), after which the contractor
may conduct whatever test work it deems necessary to determine the degree
of compaction obtained. Additional passes of the roller shall be required
until adequate results are obtained. Retesting of compaction shall be at the
contractor’s own expense.

3.23.8 In areas inaccessible to large rollers, hand-held vibratory tampers may be

used to obtain adequate compaction as defined above; but use of hand-held
equipment must be approved in advance by LGU.

3.23.9 Structural fill shall be brought up to the required grade in lifts of equal
compacted depth. Each lift shall meet the requirements of this Section of the
Standard Engineering Specification.



3.24.1 All excavation and engineered fills shall be constructed to the lines, grades
and dimensions shown on the Drawings, as directed by LGU or approved in
the Contractor’s design.


3.24.2 LGU may modify lines, grades or dimensions at any time prior to or during
construction and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in its
Unit Prices or to any extra cost as a result of such changes other than those
cost changes derived from modified quantities.

Construction Surveys

3.24.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for properly setting out all the structures
and slopes. All extra work and over-excavation caused by the Contractor’s
negligence in setting out shall be at its expense, and shall be corrected
immediately upon the request of LGU.

Over Excavation

3.24.4 The Contractor shall use care, and the most appropriate methods of
excavation, to avoid carrying excavation beyond the lines and grades shown

on the drawings, or loosening of material or the breaking of rock outside of

the excavation limits. If for any reason, excavation or disturbance is carried
beyond the lines and grades shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall, at
its own expense, remove the excess material and take the necessary measure
to restore the required lines and grades with either approved fill material or
concrete, as directed by LGU. Should the Contractor wish to excavate
beyond the limits given in the Drawings, it may only do so after obtaining
prior permission from LGU. Such excavation and any backfilling with
approved materials shall be at the Contractor’s own expense. This
requirement excluded additional excavation specially ordered by LGU.


Modification of Design Slopes Where Needed

3.25.1 If Geological condition during the performance of the work do not permit
excavation of slopes as shown on the drawings, LGU will modify the design
slopes. Additional work resulting from such changes shall be measured and
paid for according to the corresponding Unit prices. No later claims for
additional payment will be considered if the Contractor has changed the
slopes without the approval of LGU.

Slides, rock Falls or Over-break Due to Improper Methods

3.25.2 If slides, rock falls or Over-break occur resulting ineffective excavated

surfaces beyond the excavation lines shown on the drawings which, in the
opinion of LGU, are due to improper working method or negligence by the
Contractor, the Contractor shall remove the resulting material and place
approved backfill material in the over excavated voids at its own expense.

Slide, Rock Falls or Over-break Due to Adverse Geological Conditions

3.25.3 If slides or over-break occur as a result of geologically adverse conditions not

reasonably foreseeable by the Contractor despite the use of proper and
careful excavation methods, the cost of removing the material and placing
approved backfill material shall be paid for under the Contract at applicable
Unit Prices.


3.26.1 Materials excavated from the site, under certain circumstances, may be re-
used for backfill on the project. All materials proposed by the Contractor for
re-use shall be approved by LGU based upon test performed by LGU or
independent testing agencies and as specified herein and as dictated by
accepted practice. Initial tests performed to the purpose of determining the
acceptability of on-site materials for re-use shall be paid for under the
contract. Any retesting required of or requested by the contractor for any
reason whatsoever shall be paid by the contractor.


3.27.1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a program for stockpiling of both
on-site and imported materials on the site or at the other locations. The
program shall identify those locations available to the Contractor at no
additional cost, except that the Contractor shall bear the cost of constructing
all necessary temporary facilities such as access roads, drainage ditches, etc.
LGU assumes no liability whatsoever if adequate on-site locations are not
available and it must review and accept the Contractor’s stockpiling




Concrete Usage Mix Designation Minimum Compression

Strength @ 28 days (MPa)
Sewer Application Concrete SAC 24
Water Retaining Concrete WR 28
High Strength Structural HSS 28
General Structural A 24
Sub-Structure B 21
Mass Concrete C 17
Porous No-Fines Concrete No-Fines 2.75


4.2.1 In miscellaneous work involving small quantities of concrete, and where

permitted by LGU, a small mixer may be used. Any concrete placed under
such conditions, however, shall be mixed for not less than 1-1/2 minutes after
all the materials are in the mixer drum.


4.3.1 Where concrete is to be obtained from a ready mix supplier, the Contractor
shall obtain LGU’s approval of the source and production methods and
facilities, and it shall conform to ASTM C94, and the requirements herein.

4.3.2 Batch deliveries shall not exceed the rated capacity specified for the mixer by
the manufacturer of that equipment. The Contractor shall submit affidavits
for this approval of LGU from the ready mix concrete supplier, certifying
that the proposed mix to be supplied will satisfy the requirements of these

4.3.3 The Contractor shall inform LGU what alternative suppliers are available if
the approval of the source referred to above has to be withdrawn by LGU
during the currency of the Contract or the supplier unable to deliver on time
or breakdown of facility.

4.3.4 The delivery ticket required for each load of ready-mixed concrete shall, in
addition to the information prescribed under ASTM C33, detail:

a) the type and nominal maximum size of aggregate

b) the type or name and proportion of any mixture,
c) the actual cementitious content,
d) The position of the concrete in the work.

e) The time when water was introduced into the mixed concrete.
f) The time when the concrete mix was deposited.

4.3.5 All delivery tickets shall be kept at the site and shall be made available for
inspection by LGU.

4.3.6 Ready mixed concrete shall be sampled and tested in accordance with the
following methods.

Sampling/Test Methods Applicable ASTM Standards

Compressive C31
Compression Test C39
Yield Unit Weight C138
Air Content C138/C173/C143
Slump C143
Sampling Fresh Concrete C172


4.4.1 Ready mixed concrete mixes shall conform to ASTM C94. The mix design
shall be submitted to LGU for codifying at least fifteen (15) days prior to
placing concrete or before the start of concrete production. Concrete design
mix shall be done by weight. Contactor shall submit test certificates of

4.4.2 Further information specified in the procedures to be used in producing and

transporting concrete shall be given to LGU at appropriate times.

4.4.3 The use of site-produced concrete shall in general, be allowable. The

tenderer shall submit details of any proposals he may have, together with his

4.4.4 Unless otherwise described in the Contract, the cementitious content of

concrete shall not be less than 300 kg/m3. In any structural member, the
maximum water/cement ratio 0.65. Concrete in members of structures that
are to retain an aqueous liquid shall have a maximum free water/cement
ratio of 0.450.

4.4.5 The maximum size of aggregate in any structural member shall not exceed
25% of the minimum thickness of the member with an upper limit of 20 mm,
unless describe otherwise in the supplementary document.

4.4.6 The frequency of sampling shall, except otherwise describe in the Contract,
be as follows.

Type of Structure Sample to represent

A Volume of (m3)

Critical Structures 10
Intermediate Structures 50
Heavy Concrete Construction 100

The ‘type’ of structure shall be determined by LGU.


4.5.1 Mortar shall be mixed only as when required in the relevant proportions
indicated in the following table until its color and consistency are uniform.
The constituent materials shall be accurately gauged, allowance being made
for bulking of sand.

Nominal Mix by Volume

Class Cement: Lime Cement : Sand Class Masonry
Putty : Sand With plasticizer Cement: Sand
M1 1:0 to ¼:3 1:2-1/2 to 3 M5 1:2 to 2-1/2
M2 1:1/2:4 to 4-1/2 1:3 to 4 M6 1:2-1/2 to 3-1/2
M3 1:1:5 to 6 1:5 to 6 M7 1:4:5
M4 1:2:8 to 9 1:7 to 8 M8 1:5-1/2 to 6-1/2

4.5.2 All mortar shall be conveyed fresh to the work as required for use. Mortar,
which has begun to set, or which has been site-mixed for a period of more
than one hour in the case of classes M1, M2, M5, M6 and two hours in the
case of Classes M3, M4, M7 and M8 shall not be used.

4.5.3 Mortar for making good holes cut through existing concrete walls shall be
Class M2, with the addition of an epoxy compound mixed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instruction. Alternatively, a propriety ready mixed epoxy
mortar may be used. In either case, the contractor shall provide full details of
his proposal to LGU for review.

4.5.4 Non-shrink grouts and mortars shall be a ready mixed and used entirely in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Full details shall be
provided by the Contractor for LGU’s review.


4.6.1 Cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the
following table, using the minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary
fluidity and to render it capable of penetrating the works.

Class Nominal Mix by Mass

Cement Sand
G1 1 -
G2 1 3
G3 1 10

4.6.2 Cement grout shall be used within one hour of mixing except when
containing retardant admixture.


Compressive Strength Tests

4.7.1 Trial mixes are required for every class of concrete for use in the works.
Three separate batches of concrete shall be made using materials typical of
the proposed source of supply and, where practicable, under full scale
production conditions. The suitability of the proposed mix proportions to
meet the specified strength shall be determined in accordance with ASTM
C31 and C39 and ACI 211.1.

4.7.2 The workability of each of the trials batches shall be determined and three
cylinders made from each batch test at 28 days.

4.7.3 Additional sets of cylinder from each batch may be required for tests at an
earlier age.

4.7.4 The suitability of the proposed mix proportions to meet the specified
maximum free water/cementitious ratio shall be determined in accordance
with ASTM C31 and C39 and ACI 211.1.

4.7.5 Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C39, ASTM C31 and ASTM 172.
Obtain cylinder samples at the rate of three (3) sets of five (5) samples for
each day’s pour or for every 150 cu. m. of concrete poured or for every 500
sq. m. of area for slab or wall whichever is greater. Test two (2) cylinders at
14 days and two (2) cylinders for 28b days and hold one (1) year.

Slump Test

4.7.6 LGU will make a slump tests from each batch of concrete at the time of its
being placed in position, in accordance with ASTM C143.

4.7.7 The contractor shall provide the required labor, materials and equipment to
make the slump tests.


4.8.1 For Porous No-Fines concrete, the proportions of aggregate, cement and
water shall be determined by trial mixes, starting with a cement-aggregate
ratio of 1:8 by volume and a water/cement ratio of 0.45 weight. The trial mix
shall be considered suitable when all the aggregate particles are coated with a
shining film of cement grout. The water content shall be just adequate to
ensure that the cement paste completely coats the aggregate. The concrete,
when placed shall maintain large voids with no layers of laitance.

4.8.2 To prevent unsatisfactory mixing of the cement half the water is to be placed
in the mixer first followed by the aggregate and then the cement. The
remainder of the water is to be added after the aggregate and cement have
been partly mixed. No-fines concrete shall not be mixed by hand. Vibration
shall not be used to compact the concrete. Three test cylinders of no-fines
concrete shall be made of each trial mix and further three cylinders made of
the chosen mix. The minimum strength of the chosen mix shall be 2.75 Mpa
at twenty-eight days.

4.8.3 Following the successful testing of the trial mixes, a sample specimen, not less
than 1.22 m2. in area and of the thickness of the permanent work of no-fines
concrete shall be made and subjected to a porosity test. The method of testing
shall be to LGU’s satisfaction and the test carried out in the presence of
LGU. The test shall be considered satisfactory if the head loss through the
specimen floor does not exceed 0.03 m of water at a rate of flow of 200 liters
per square meter per hour. If this head loss is exceeded, the no-fines concrete
mix shall be redesigned to LGU’s approval and further tests performed.

4.8.4 No-fines concrete shall not be placed in the work until the results of the trial
mixes and of the porosity test have been approved by LGU.

4.8.5 No fines concrete shall be cured for fourteen days and, before further
concrete is poured against the no fines concrete, 1000 gauge polythene
sheeting shall be placed over the no-fines to prevent the sealing of the voids
by the cement paste of the newly poured concrete.

4.8.6 When no-fines have been cast in position, the Contractor shall ensure that all
surfaces are kept clean. Any area that, in LGU’s opinion, has become so
contaminated that it would not perform its function as a drainage layer shall
be removed and replaced.

4.8.7 When the polythene sheeting is laid, the contract shall take all precautions to
prevent damage to the sheeting by the movement of plant, equipment, labor,
etc. Any damage shall be made good, to LGU’s satisfaction.

4.8.8 Aggregates for ‘no-fines’ shall be rounded gravel. Limestone aggregates shall
not be permitted.


4.9.1 Where air-entrained concrete is required, it shall have an average air content
by volume of the fresh concrete at the time of placing in accordance with
ASTM C260.


4.10.1 Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be

used in the production of concrete.


4.11.1 Workability of fresh concrete shall be such that the concrete can be handled
and placed without segregation and, after compaction, can completely fill the
formwork and surround all reinforcement and ducts.

4.11.2 The quantity of water used shall not exceed that required to produce a
concrete with appropriate workability to be placed and compacted in the
required location. (See also Sub-clause 4 of Clause 4.4).


4.12.1 Concrete shall be transported from the mixer and placed in the Work as
rapidly as practicable by methods, which will prevent the segregation or loss
of any of the ingredients and will maintain the required workability. It shall
be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final position and all equipment
for transporting concrete shall be kept clean. No concrete shall be placed
until the depth and character of the foundation, the adequacy of the forms
and false work and the placement of the steel reinforcement of embedded
items have been inspected and approved by LGU. Before depositing concrete,
all debris, foreign matter, dirt and water shall be removed from the forms
and the surface of any concrete previously placed, such as a manhole base or
horizontal construction joint shall be cleaned and then brushed with cement

4.12.2 The Contractor shall give three working days notice to LGU of its intention
to commence concreting.

4.12.3 Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted in its final position within 30

minutes of discharge from the mixer, unless carried in purpose-made
agitators operating continuously, when the time shall be within 2 hours of the
introduction of the cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of the discharge
from the agitator.

4.12.4 The plant used for compaction shall be operated continuously during the
placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has virtually

ceased, and in a manner which does not promote segregation of the


4.12.5 Whenever vibration has to be applied externally, the design of formwork and
disposition of vibrators shall be as such to ensure efficient compaction and to
avoid blemishes.

4.12.6 Concrete shall be placed in a continuous operation and compacted in layers

not exceeding 400mm thick, such that no concrete is deposited on concrete,
which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams or planes of
weakness within the section.

4.12.7 Concrete shall be placed during daytime as far as practicable except with the
consent of LGU. If permission has been obtained by the Contractor to carry-
on working during nighttime, an adequate lighting system must be provided.
Fast blowing water shall not be permitted to flow over the surface of fresh
concrete within four days after placement.

4.12.8 When troughs and chutes are used in placing concrete, their angle of
inclination with respect to the horizontal should not exceed 30 degrees. When
pipe is used, it shall be kept full of concrete with its discharge and

4.12.9 Concrete shall not be allowed to drop onto place from a height exceeding
one-and-one-half (1-1/2) meter inside forms for walls nor from a height
exceeding two (2) meters on floor slabs.

4.12.10The addition of water after batching to compensate to stiffening of the

concrete before placing will not be permitted.

4.12.11Outdoors concreting shall not be started during the rain. If concreting is

already in progress, it shall be suspended if the rain adversely affects the
quality of the placed concrete.

Pumped Concrete

4.12.12Positive displacement pumping or other approved methods may be used to

place concrete in locations approved by LGU. The type and arrangement of
equipment shall be subject to approval by LGU, and the equipment shall be
operated only by experienced persons. Pneumatic placing shall not be
allowed. If in the of LGU, the pumped concrete does not produce satisfactory
end results, the Contractor shall discontinue the pumping operation and
proceed with placing of concrete using conventional methods.

4.12.13The equipment and its method of operation shall allow the concrete to enter
the forms at a low velocity.

4.12.14 Concrete pumps and auxiliary equipment shall be in good condition and
shall be maintained as such throughout. Though washing down of all parts
that come in contact with concrete shall be performed after each concreting

4.12.15Aluminum conduits for conveying the concrete shall not be permitted.

4.12.16The minimum conduit size shall be 100mm diameter.


4.13.1 The resultant temperature of the combined materials in any batch of

concrete at the point and time of delivery to the work shall not exceed 6ºC
above the prevailing shade temperature, when the latter is over 21°C.

4.13.2 The Contractor shall not permit any cement to come into contact with water
at a temperature greater than 60°C.

4.13.3 Where the temperature of the fresh concrete is likely to exceed 32°C,
concreting shall not be permitted unless measures are taken to keep the
temperature below the level.


4.14.1 Careful attention shall be given to the proper curing and protection of all
new concrete. This work shall be protected from the elements, fast flowing
water and from defacement. Concrete shall be cured for a period not less
than that given in the following table by methods that shall ensure that
cracking, distortion and efflorescence are minimized.

Type of Structure Curing Time (Days)

Vertical Walls and roof slabs/Beams and
columns 14

Thrust Blocks 7
Bedding Concrete 3
Supporting for Existing Concrete 14
Other Minor Structures 7


Trust Blocks and bedding concrete maybe backfilled after concrete hardened
sufficiently to permit removal of forms, but pipes cannot be filled with water
until 7 days have passed.

4.14.2 Components, which are intended to have a similar exposed surface finish,
shall receive the same treatment.

4.14.3 Care shall be taken not to disturbed concrete by direct or indirect loading,
striking of forms or otherwise, until it has hardened sufficiently.

4.14.4 Construction loads shall not be allowed on beams, decks or slabs until the
concrete has attained its designed strength or shall the Contractor impose
loading exceeding the design loading.

Water Curing

4.14.5 Concrete shall be moist cured by maintaining all surfaces wet continuously
(not periodically) for the duration of the entire curing period or until covered
with fresh concrete. Wooden forms shall be wetted immediately after
concrete has been poured and shall be kept wet with water until removed.
Water for curing shall be free from any elements, which will cause staining
or discoloration of the concrete.

Curing with Moist Earth

4.14.6 Encasement concrete and thrust blocks may be cured by this method, in lieu
of the burlap method. The surface shall be covered with moist earth
minimum 0.15 meter thick, for not less than four (4) hours and not more
than twenty four (24) hours after the concrete is placed.


4.15.1 The Contractor shall keep up to date records of the dates and times when
concreting is carried and of the water and temperatures at those times. The
records shall be supplied to LGU every week.


4.16.1 Formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of mortar from
the concrete and to maintain the correct position, shape and dimensions of
the finished work. It shall be so constructed as to be removable from the cast
concrete without shock or damage.

4.16.2 The forms shall be capable of producing a consistent quality of surface as

described in the Contract.

4.16.3 Where holes are required in forms to accommodate projecting

reinforcement, fixing devices or other built-in items, precautions shall be
taken to prevent loss of mortar matrix.

4.16.4 Formwork shall give access for the preparation of joint surfaces before the
concrete has hardened.

4.16.5 For the purpose of compliance with the provision of Clause 4.14, the
Contractor’s method of constructing formwork shall allow for props to soffit
forms to remain in position continuously for the period described.

4.16.6 Unless described otherwise all exposed vertical and horizontal ariser shall be
finished with a 25 mm x 25 mm chamber, with the exception of :- weir tops,
sheer nosing, and horizontal ariser abutting flooring , covers or stairs head.


4.17.1 The interiors of all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before any concrete is
placed. The faces of the forms in contact with concrete shall be clean and
treated with a suitable release agent, where applicable.

4.17.2 Where a concrete surface is to be permanently exposed, only one release

agent shall be used throughout the entire area, Release agent shall be applied
evenly and contact with reinforcement and other embedded items shall be
avoided. Where the concrete surface is to receive an applied finish, care shall
be taken to ensure the compatibility of the release agent with the finish.


4.18.1 Formwork shall be removed without shock or disturbance of the concrete

and shall be in accordance with ACI-347.

4.18.2 Formwork to vertical surfaces or sloping formwork not supporting concrete

in flexure shall not be removed until the concrete strength shall be sufficient
to meet any wind loading upon the concrete likely to arise at the time when
the formwork removed and

a) The concrete strength (as confirmed by test on cylinder cured under

representative conditions) has reached 5 N/mm2 or;
b) For concrete containing Portland cement only, on the absence of
cylinder test results, a minimum period shall have elapsed since the
concrete was poured equivalent to 11 hours at 15°C for unsealed
plywood forms, or 8 hours at 15°C for impermeable forms.
4.18.3 Formwork supporting concrete in flexure shall not be removed until concrete
strength (as confirmed by tests on cylinders) has reached adequate strength
to support its own weight plus additional loads on it.

4.18.4 The Contractor shall give adequate notice to LGU of his intention to strip


4.19.1 Top formwork shall be provided to surfaces with a slope of 30°C or more
from the horizontal.


4.20.1 Cutting and bending of reinforcement shall be in accordance with ASTM

A615 and shall be done without the application of heat. Bends shall have a
substantially constant curvature.

4.20.2 Reinforcement shall not be straightened or re-bent without the approval of

LGU. If permission is given to bend projecting reinforcement, care shall be
taken not to damage the concrete and to ensure that the radius is not less
than the minimum specified in ASTM A615.


4.21.1 Reinforcement shall be firmly supported in position and secured against


4.21.2 Non-structural connections for the positioning of reinforcement shall be

made with typing wire or other fixing devices. Precautions shall be taken to
ensure that projecting ends or ties or clips do not encroach into the concrete

4.21.3 The concrete cover shall be not less than the required cover minus 5 mm and
where reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member, not
more than the required cover plus:

5mm for bars up to and including 12 mm size

10mm for bars over 12 mm up to and including 25 mm size
15mm for bars over 25 mm size


4.22.1 Concrete shall not be placed until reinforcement is free from any substance,
which might adversely affect the steel or concrete chemically or reduce the
4.22.2 Reinforcement, which is to remain exposed for future extension of the work
shall be coated with cement grout.


4.23.1 Laps and joints in reinforcement shall be made only at the positions
described in the Contract or as agreed by LGU.


4.24.1 Reinforcement shall not be welded on site except where permitted under the
Contract. All welding procedures shall be subject to the prior approval of
LGU in writing.


4.25.1 Where pipes, sleeves, water stops or other items are built into concrete, they
shall be rigidly secured in position o prevent movement and shall free from
external coatings, which might reduce the bond. The contractor shall take
precautions to prevent the formation of air pockets, voids or other defects
while the concrete is being placed.


4.26.1 Except where construction joints in concrete are described in the Contract,
the Contractor shall obtain LGU’s approval to the positions and details of
such joints before any work is commence.

4.26.2 Joint lines shall be arranged to coincide wherever possible with features of
the finished work.

4.26.3 Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints. No

concrete shall be placed against in-situ concrete that has been in position for
more than 30 minutes, unless a construction joint is formed.

4.26.4 Concrete shall not be allowed to taper off to a thickness than 50 mm. Vertical
joints shall be formed against a stop board suitably notched to accommodate
the reinforcement. The top surface of each lift of concrete shall be straight
and level unless described otherwise in the Contract.

4.26.5 Where a kicker is used, it shall be at least 70 mm high and shall be

incorporated with the previous concrete.

4.26.6 The surface of any concrete against which new concrete is to be cast shall be
free from laitance and shall be roughened to the extent that the large
aggregate is to exposed but not disturbed. The joint surface shall be cleaned
immediately before the fresh concrete is placed against it.

4.26.7 Where practicable, such preparation of joints shall be carried out when the
concrete has set but not hardened, if not a bonding agent shall be applied
(ASTM 881).


Screeded Finish

4.27.1 The concrete shall be leveled and screeded to produce a uniform plain or
ridged surface as required. No further work shall be applied to the surface
unless it is a first stage for a wood float or steel trowel finish.

Wood Float Finish

4.27.2 The Screeded finish shall be wood floated under light pressure to eliminate
surface irregularities.

Steel Trowel Finish

4.27.3 When the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent laitance from being worked to the surface to the Wood
Float Finish shall be steel-trowel under firm pressure to produce dense,
smooth, uniform surface free from trowel marks.

4.27.4 Where the type of finish shall be wood floated finish.


Rough Finish

4.28.1 This finish shall be obtained by the use of moulds or properly designed forms
of closely jointed sawn boards. The surface shall be free from substantial
voids, honeycombing or other large blemishes.

Fair Finish

4.28.2 This finish is obtained from forms designed to produce a hard smooth
surface with true, clean arises. Only very minor surface blemishes shall be
permitted and there shall be no staining or discoloration. Any projections
shall be removed and the surface made good.

Fair Worked Finish

4.28.3 This finish shall be obtained by first producing a Fair Finish and filing all
surface blemishes with fresh, specially prepared cement and fine aggregate
paste while the concrete is still green. After the concrete has been properly
cured, the faces shall be rubbed down if required, to produce a smooth and
even surface. If the surface is to exposed in the final work, every effort shall
be made o match the color of the concrete.


4.29.1 Only tie bolts, which avoid embedding any metal parts permanently within
50 mm of the concrete surface, shall be permitted. Voids remaining after the
removal of all part of each tie bolt shall be filled flush with the surrounding
concrete using a freshly prepared cement and fine aggregate paste. In the
case of structures designed to retain an aqueous liquid, the Contractor shall

ensure that the measures adopted shall not impair the water tightness of the


4.30.1 Concrete surfaces in the final work shall have no abrupt irregularities to an
extent observable by eye. Subject to retaining the required concrete cover to
reinforcement, other deviations from the surfaces described in the Contract
shall be no more than the following possible amounts:

Deviation from Line, Level, Vertically Cross

Type of Finish Sectional Dimension or Length (mm)
Screeded or Rough 10
Any Other 5


4.31.1 Where appropriate, indelible identification and orientation marks shall be

put on all pre-cast concrete components in such a position that the marks
shall not show or be exposed in the finished work.


4.32.1 Rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free
from oil, standing or running water, mud, loose rock, objectionable coating,
debris, and loose or unsound fragments.

4.32.2 Immediately before concrete is placed, all surfaces shall be cleaned

thoroughly by the use of high velocity air-water jets, brooming, wet sand
blasting, bush-hammering, or other satisfactory means is including
combinations of the above.

4.32.3 Rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be kept wet for at
least 12 hours during the 24 hour period prior to placing concrete and shall
be in a damp condition at the time of placing, with all pools of water


4.33.1 Before any concrete is cast against previously placed concrete, the surface of
the old concrete shall be prepared as described in this specification. When
placing wall concrete on top footings or other horizontal joints, a 9.5mm
maximum size gravel concrete mix with the same compressive strength as the
regular concrete mix shall be placed for a height of 0.15 m from the following
or horizontal joint.

Repair of Defective Concrete

4.33.2 As soon as forms are removed, all surfaces shall be carefully examined and
any irregularities shall be immediately rubbed or ground in a satisfactory
manner in order to secure smooth, uniform and continuous surface.
Plastering or coating of surfaces to produce a smooth surface will be
permitted. No repair shall be made until after inspection by LGU, and then
only in strict accordance with directions. Concrete containing voids, holes
honeycombing, or similar depression defects, shall be completely removed
and replaced; provided that where required or approved by LGU defects
shall be repaired with gunite or with cement mortar placed by an approved
compressed air mortar gun. In no case will extensive patching of
honeycombed concrete be permitted. All repairs and replacements herein
specified shall be promptly executed by the Contractor at his own expense.

4.33.3 Defective surfaces to be repaired shall be cut back from true line a minimum
depth of 15mm over the entire area. Feathered edges shall be avoided. Where
cutting and chipping is required to remove all laitance or soft materials, the
surface shall be wetted sufficiently in advance before shooting with the gunite
or with cement mortar. While the repair material is being applied, the
surface under repair will remain moist but not so wet as to overcome the
suction upon which a good bond depends. The material to be used for repair
purposes shall have the same sand, cement and air proportions as the mortar
in the mix of the concrete to be repaired.

4.33.4 Surfaces of repaired concrete shall receive the same kind and amount of
curing treatment as required for the surrounding concrete.

4.33.5 The use of a well-established brand of epoxy mortar for the repair of
concrete will be allowed only with the prior consent of LGU. The method of
repair shall follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

4.33.6 Stains and discoloration of exposed concrete surfaces shall be removed in a

manner approved by LGU.


4.33.7 Steel reinforcement shall not be spliced at points other than those approved
by LGU. Lapping length requirements shall be approved by LGU. When it
becomes necessary to move the position and type of splice shall be subject to
the approval of LGU.

4.33.8 Welded splices, if acceptable to LGU, shall conform to the requirements of

ACI 318 and all welding shall be done in accordance with the “reinforcing
Steel Welding Code” (AWS D 12.1).



4.34.1 Acceptance criteria are outlined in ASTM C-94 (Sections 16 and 17) and ACI
Code of Practice 214. Concrete which achieves the required compressive
strength will be accepted as satisfactory provided placement, finish and
tolerance meet the specified requirements.

4.34.2 Concrete may be accepted if the average of the test results indicates a
deficiency of not more than fifteen percent (15%) provided further that no
individual test is deficient by more than fifteen percent (15%) of the required
strength subject to cost reduction in accordance with the following schedule:

Percent (%) Deficiency In Average Percent (%) of Unit Price Reduction

Less than 3 0
3 to less than 5 15
5 to less than 10 30
10 to 15 40
More than 15 100

4.34.3 Concrete represented by test results wherein the average strength indicated a
deficiency of not more than fifteen percent (15%) but with an individual test
that is deficient by more than fifteen percent (15%) will not be eligible for
payment but may be accepted or ordered replaced at the discretion of LGU.
4.34.4 Concrete represented by compressive strength tests, which fail to achieve the
required strength as, specified shall be liable to rejection and subsequent
removal and replacement.

4.34.5 The Contractor may be given the opportunity by LGU to verify the strength
of the concrete based on tests results of diamond drill core samples cut from
the suspect concrete.

4.34.6 Such core samples shall be taken and tested in accordance with ASTM C 42
except that they shall have an L/D ratio of not less than 1.25 prior to capping
for testing. All core samples so tested shall be water cured for a minimum of
24 hours prior to testing and shall be tested in a saturated state.

4.34.7 Rebound Hammer Tests (ASTM C 805) may be carried out by the
Contractor prior to drilling core samples from suspect concrete but the
results of such rebound tests will not be used as basis for acceptance or non-
acceptance of the concrete.

4.34.8 All cost associated with the cutting, preparing and testing of diamond drill
core samples will be borne by the Contractor. Acceptance of the subject

concrete and subsequent payment for the concrete be based on the result of
such tests.


4.34.9 If any test specimen fails as per PNS 49, retest shall be permitted on two
random specimens for the batch. Is all results of these retest specimens meet
the requirements, the batch shall be accepted, if not, it shall be rejected. All
cost associated with testing and retesting will be borne by the Contractor.


4.34.10After removal of form works, any defective concretes surface beyond repair
shall be rejected, demolished and replaced with new concrete. The evaluation
and acceptance of concrete shall be in accordance with Chapter 17 of ACI




5.1.1 Pipe-laying shall conform to the procedures given in the following AWWA
Standards and Manuals and as modified in the Specifications:

a) Cast-Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe - Standard C600

b) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Manual M23
c) Steel Pipe - Manual M11
d) Concrete Pressure Pipe - Manual M9
e) Fiberglass Pressure Pipe - ASTM C3839
f) Polyethylene Pipe (PE) - ASTM D2774

5.1.2 Where socked pipes are required to be laid on a granular or sand bed, or
directly on a trench bottom, joint holes shall be formed in the bedding
material or excavated Final Surface to ensure that each pipe is uniformly
supported throughout the length of its barrel and to enable the joint to be

5.1.3 Pipes shall be laid on setting blocks only where a concrete bed or cradle is

5.1.4 Where pipes are required to be bedded directly on the trench bottom, the
final Surface shall be trimmed and leveled to provide an even bedding to the
pipeline and shall be free from all extraneous matter that may damage the
pipe, pipe coating or sleeving.

5.1.5 No protective cap, disc or other appliance on the end of a pipe or fitting shall
be removed permanently until the pipe or fitting which it protects is about to
be jointed. Pipes and fittings, including any lining or sheathing, shall be
examined for damaged and the joint surface and components shall be
cleaned immediately before laying.

5.1.6 Suitable measures shall be taken or end cap shall be provided to prevent soil
or other material from entering pipes, and to anchor each pipe to prevent
flotation or other movement before the work is completed.

5.1.7 Where pipeline marker tape is specified, it shall be laid between 150 mm and
300mm above all pipes. Where a tracer system is specified it shall be
continuous and adequately secured to valves and fittings.

5.1.8 Over-excavation shall be backfilled with material shown on the drawing or

approved by LGU.

5.1.9 Final manufacture of special or cut pipes shall not be undertaken until actual
on-site dimensions have been determined.

5.1.10 Polyethylene pipes shall be snaked horizontally in the trench and shall be
allowed to come to equilibrium temperature with the trench before final
backfilling and connections are made.

5.1.11 Unless otherwise detailed in the Bid Documents, the Contractor shall submit
details of its proposed method of crossing rivers and esteros. Preliminary
details should have been submitted with the bid.


5.2.1 Bedding for pipes shall be constructed by spreading and compacting the
bedding material over the full width of the pipe trench. After the pipes have
been laid, additional material shall, if required, be placed and compacted
equally on each side of the pipes, and where practicable, this shall be done in
sequence with the removal of the trench supports.


5.3.1 Pipes to be bedded on or cradled with concrete shall be supported on pre-

cast concrete setting blocks, the top face of each block being covered with two
layers of compressible packing.

5.3.2 Concrete, provided as a protection to pipes shall be, class B (17 MPa),
minimum 150 mm thick placed to the required depth in one operation.

5.3.3 Where pipes with flexible joints are used, concrete protection shall be
interrupted over its full cross-section at each pipe joint by shaped
compressible filler.

5.3.4 Rapid hardening cement shall not be used in concrete for the protection of
plastic pipe.

5.3.5 Plastic pipes shall be wrapped with a layer of plastic sheeting before being
surrounded by concrete.


5.4.1 After completion of the relevant operations in Clause 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, fill
material shall, where required, be placed and compacted over the full width
of the trench in layers not exceeding 150 mm before compaction, to a finished
thickness of 150 mm above the crown of the pipes.

5.4.2 Subsequent filling shall then be carried out as specified in Sub-clause 2 of

Clause 5.6.


5.5.1 Pipes to be laid in headings shall be supplied in lengths suitable for handling,
jointing and packing within the working space available.

5.5.2 Heading shall be driven from shaft to shaft or in such other lengths as may
be described in the Contractor before any pipe-laying is commenced.

5.5.3 After pipe-laying, headings shall be packed solid with 17 MPa concrete so as
to fill voids. Where manual packing is employed, each pipe shall be
surrounded before laying and jointing the nest page.

5.5.4 When Grouting pipes of headings is described in the Contract, grouting

pipes shall be left in the top of the heading protecting behind each head tree
and the whole grouted solid with grout. Grouting shall be carried out at the
end of each shift or after three settings have been packed; whichever is the


5.6.1 Except where welded steel pipelines or self-anchoring joints are used, thrust
from bends and branches in pressure pipelines shall be resisted by concrete
thrust blocks cast in contact with undisturbed ground.

5.6.2 Any additional excavation required to accommodate thrust blocks shall be

carried out after the bend or branch is in position and the thrust face shall be
trimmed back to remove all loose or weathered material immediately prior
to concreting.

5.6.3 Thrust Blocks shall be allowed to develop adequate strength before any
internal pressure is applied to the pipeline.

5.6.4 Butt fusion and electro fusion joints in polyethylene pipes shall be carried out
entirely in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction.

5.6.5 Plastic pipes shall be wrapped with a layer of plastic sheeting before being
surrounded by concrete.


5.7.1 Pipe jointing surfaces and components shall be kept clean and free from
extraneous matter until the joints have been made or assembled. Care shall
be taken to ensure that there is no ingress of grout or other extraneous
material into the joint annulus after the joint has been made.

5.7.2 Where pipes with flexible joints are required to be laid to curves, the
deflection at any joint as laid shall not exceed three quarters of the maximum
deflection recommended by the manufacturer.


5.8.1 Fusion welded in high density and medium density polyethylene pipes shall
be made only between pipes having the same physical characteristics. Joints
between pipes from different manufacturers shall only be made with the
specific approval of LGU.

5.8.2 When solvent welded u-PVC pipes are jointed outside the trench, they shall
not be lowered into place until the period recommended by the manufacturer
for complete setting of the joints has elapsed.

5.8.3 A pipe section containing a completed weld shall achieve the same strength
characteristics as the parent pipe.

5.8.4 Butt fusion and electro fusion joints in polyethylene pipes shall be carried out
entirely in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.


5.9.1 In the following specification and procedure terms used are defined.

a) Drag pressure (Pd) – The ram pressure necessary to just overcome

the frictional drag and cause the pipe to move continuously.
b) Fusion Pressure - The ram pressure required to generate 0.15
Mpa interface stress.
c) Heat Soak - The period in seconds during which the pipe
ends are left to “soak” against heater plate, with the ram pressure
between 0 and Pd.
d) Welding Pressure - the sum of drag Pressure and fusion Pressure.

5.9.2 Two district butt fusion welding techniques shall be employed:

a) single Pressure procedure for MDPE pipes ≤ 315mm and HPPE pipes
of 250, 280 and 315 mm diameter of SDR = 11.
b) Dual pressure procedure for MDPE pipes > 315 and HPPE pipes of
250, 280 and 315 diameter with SDR = 11.

5.9.3 The welding machine shall have a frame containing clamps, which are
sufficiently robust to rebound the pipe to be joined; the clamps shall be
accurately aligned.

5.9.4 Generally, pipes shall be put in the machine with the manufacturer’s
markings aligned.

5.9.5 The machine shall have a minimum of two rams mounted on the pipe
centerline axis. The interface stress generated by the rams will be a
maximum of 0.15 N/mm2.

5.9.6 Using the procedure outlined, the Contractor must calculate the machine
cylinder pressures to achieve the interface stress, specified (after allowance
for “drag”). The calculated pressures for each pipe size must be clearly
indicated in a table either held by the welder or attached to the machine. An
example of such table is shown as Table 3.

5.9.7 The rams shall move freely under a constant pressure and control the
movement of any sliding clamps. All slides must be free from rust and kept
well maintained and lightly lubricated.

5.9.8 The machine must incorporate a mechanism for alignment and automatic
releasing of the heater plate from the heated weld surfaces.

5.9.9 Adequate power shall be supplied to the planning tool such that continuous
swarf of uniform thickness is removed during planning. The trimming blades
of the planner shall be sharp and have defect free cutting edges. They shall
be kept clean at all times.

5.9.10 When in use, the planner shall be mounted securely within the frame of the
welding machine such that there is no tendency for the tool to twist during

5.9.11 The heater plate shall be made from aluminum or alloy and be uniformly
coated with PTFE having adequate release properties. Release agents will not
be allowed.

5.9.12 The PTFE coating shall be colored to show any contaminants. The plate shall
be electrically heated and be providing with a calibrated thermostatic

5.9.13 The heater plate must be aligned square to the pipe ends, such that there are
no gaps greater than 0.5mm when the pipe is pushed against the plate under
drag pressure.

5.9.14 The heater plate generator shall have adequate power supply at 110v to
deliver sufficient heat to maintain the plate surface temperature at between
225°C and 240ºC when cold pipe is in contact with the plate.

5.9.15 The plate surface temperature shall be measured at several points at the
section to be in contact with the pipe.

5.9.16 A protective holder that shield the plate against draught and dust
contamination shall be provided for the plate when not in use. It must be
used at all times to store the plate. The holder shall not contain any loose or
fibrous material that could contaminate the plate. It must be kept clean at all

5.9.17 Only approved de-beading tools will be permitted. Any such tool shall be
demonstrated to de-bead without notching the pipe and shall remove the
bead in a continuous strip. Welds may only be de-beaded when they have
cold to ambient temperature.

5.9.18 Ram pressures must be monitored on a calibrated gauge of at least 50mm

diameter or using a transducer that is calibrated over a given range to ± 5%.

5.9.19 The range of the gauge shall be such that the combined drag and fusion
pressures are not within 20% of either gauge limit.

5.9.20 All welding shall be carried out with the equipment and operator in an
approved shelter. The shelter must provide adequate protection against rain,
wind and draughts (to prevent ‘chilling’ of the plate and of pipe ends after

5.9.21 The shelter shall be maintained in a neat and tidy condition and precautions
taken against accumulation of dust.

5.9.22 No welding will be permitted in the open air without cover.

5.9.23 Prior to inserting the heater plate, the far ends of the pipes shall be covered
to prevent any cooling of the plate by internal draughts.

5.9.24 For in trench welding all surface water shall be pumped from the trench and
a shelter to protect from rain, wind, draughts and dust shall be assembled
over the working area at all times when the welding is in progress.

5.9.25 All grease or foreign matter on the trimmer blades must be removed with
isopropanol or other approved solvent prior to trimming.

5.9.26 Prior to any welding session and after cooling to ambient temperature, the
cold heater plate must be thoroughly washed with copius quantities of clean
water. Care must be taken not to scratch the coating on the plate. Washing
shall be accomplished with new paper-based tissue.

5.9.27 Grease and oil films on the heater plate surface shall be removed from the
cold plate with solvent.

5.9.28 Prior to any welding session, the Contractor shall perform a ‘dummy’ weld,
using the equipment and welder, he proposes to use for the session, LGU
shall witness the dummy weld procedure. Should the procedure and finished
weld be satisfactory, LGU will permit the session to commence. Neither the
equipment nor the welder shall be changed mid session without the approval
of LGU. The dummy weld shall be handed to LGU for testing by others.

5.9.29 Pipes cuts shall only be made using a saw having not less than 10 teeth per
inch. It is recommended hat power jigsaws be used for cutting.

5.9.30 The diameter of pipes to be welded shall mate such that the maximum lip due
to mismatch is within the tolerances given in table 1. When matching ends
are outside these tolerances then the pipe shall be re-aligned and re-

5.9.31 The ends of pipes to be planed shall be cleaned with clean water on both
outside and inside surfaces to remove mud, dirt and grease. They shall then
be dried using new, clean, tissues. (greases shall be removed with he
approved solvent)

5.9.32 During planning, a continuous swarf ribbon will be obtained by the time
planning ceases. Following planning, dust and loose shavings shall be
removed from the surfaces by wafting with paper tissue. The machine
surfaces shall not be touched by hand or clothing.

5.9.33 Then the machined surfaces are matched together under fusion pressure (Pf)
there should be no gap greater than 0.25mm.

Single Pressure Welding Procedure:

5.9.34 For each weld to be undertaken the drag pressure (Pd) shall be measured
three times, the average calculated and this shall be recorded as the Drag

5.9.35 Heating. The pipe shall be pressed against the heater plate to form the initial
bead using a total pressure equal to the fusion pressure (Pf) to generate 0.15
Mpa interface stress plus drag pressure (Pd).

5.9.36 The initial bead size shall be as given in Table 4 and be formed uniformly
around the circumference.

5.9.37 Heat Soak. After initial bead-up, the ram pressure shall be reduced to
between 0 and drag pressure (Pd) alone, with the pipe left to ‘soak’ against
the plate for times as given in Table 4.

5.9.38 During the removal of the heater plate, no molten polymer shall stick to the
heater plate. If this occurs the weld shall be aborted, the plate cleaned and
the plate surface quality examined.

5.9.39 The maximum plate removal time, before the hot ends are brought together,
shall be as given in Table 2.

5.9.40 The hot pipe ends shall be brought together in a smooth, controlled manner
within 1 to 3 seconds, and the ram pressure raised to the total welding
pressure (Pd + Pf).

5.9.41 The weld beads should ‘roll’ back in a uniform manner and there should be
no sign of bubbles or contamination present. The weld bead sizes shall be as
given in Table 1.

5.9.42 Cooling:

a) For pipe supplied as coils on drums the clamps may only be released
and the welded section removed after the full cooling times given in
Table 4.
b) For pipes supplied as straight lengths, the clamps may be carefully
released after the cooling times given in Table 4 and the welded pipes
allowed to cool further. Care shall be taken to apply only minimal
stresses before cooling is complete.

‘Dual Pressure’ Welding Procedure

5.9.43 Dual Pressure Cycle. The objective of dual pressure welding is to allow the
molten polymer (formed after heating of pipe ends) – to cool with the
minimum positive pressure. Therefore, the conventional fusion stress of (0.15
Mpa) is only applied for 10 seconds after bringing the pipe ends together to
allow the melt on each surface to mix and a bead to form to clear any
contaminants from the weld interface. Thereafter, the stress is reduced to
1/6th of this level. The procedure is shown schematically in figure 3.

5.9.44 The data outlined in Table 5 give typical machine conditions in detail:

5.9.45 For each weld to be undertaken the Drag Pressure (Pd) shall be measured
three times, the average calculated and this shall be recorded as the Drag

5.9.46 Heating. The pipe shall be pressed against the heater plate to form the initial
bead using a pressure equal to (Pf) to generate 0.15 Mpa interface stress plus
drag (Pd).

5.9.47 The initial bead size shall be as given in Table 5 and be formed uniformly
around the circumference.

5.9.48 Heat soak, after initial bead-up, the ram pressure shall be reduced to drag
pressure (Pd) alone, with the pipe left to ‘soak’ against the plate for 10
seconds/mm wall thickness plus 1 minute. (Times given in Table 5).

5.9.49 During removal of the heater plate, no molten polymer shall stick to the
heating plate. If this occurs the weld shall be aborted, the plate cleaned and
the plate surface quality examined.

5.9.50 The maximum plate removal time, before the hot ends are brought together,
shall be given in Table 2.

5.9.51 The hot pipe ends shall be brought together in a smooth, controlled manner
and the ram pressure raised to the total fusion pressure Pd+Pf.

5.9.52 The weld beads should ‘roll’ back in a uniform manner and there should be
no sign of bubbles or contamination present.

5.9.53 After 10 seconds of application of fusion pressure, the pressure shall be

reduced smoothly to the cooling pressure (Pc) = drag pressure (Pd) + 1/6 *

5.9.54 Cooling:

a) The weld shall be cooled in the machine clamps under the

reduced pressure of Pc until the maximum weld interface
temperature is below 90°C.
b) The Clamps may be carefully released after the cooling times
given in Table 5 and the welded pipe allowed to cool further-
provided that the care is taken to apply only minimal stresses
before cooling is complete.

Note the following relates to both Single pressure and Dual Pressure

5.9.55 The external bead shall be removed from all welds using as approved de-
beading tool, which does not damage the pipe. The bead shall only be
removed when cold.

5.9.56 The bead shall be uniform on both sides of the weld face and equal in size (to
within ± 2mm). They shall have no wrinkles or discontinuities and shall have
overall dimensions as given in table 1.

5.9.57 On examination of the internal bead surface (and the external pipe weld
surface) after de-beading there shall be no sign of any circumferential slit
detect between weld beads. It should not be possible to separate the bead.

5.9.58 To assist in the identification of slits, the beads should be repeatedly flexed in
different locations, thus opening any slits, which may be present. If a white
yielded region is visible at the bead junction along the entire length of the
bead, this is a sign of a weld with no contamination.

5.9.59 If any defect is seen, the weld shall be rejected and cut from the pipe.

5.9.60 All further production welding shall cease until equipment has been
examined and thoroughly cleaned and further trial welds made and accepted
after testing.

5.9.61 Testing of welds will be undertaken by LGU up to a maximum of 2 welds per

day plus dummy welds.

5.9.62 Records:

a) The Contractor will be required to keep a daily log of welding

conditions used for each weld made.
b) Each weld must be clearly marked with the weld number at two
points (approx. 180° orientation) using a black indelible marker pen
or metal stamp. The weld-numbering format must be agreed with
c) The weld conditions outlined in Table 3 shall be noted each weld. A
copy of each day’s records shall be given to LGU.

Pipe Wall Mismatch on Initial Beading Typical Final

Thickness Diameter Pressure Bead Sizes
(mm) (mm) (N/mm2 ) (mm)
5-12 1.0 0.15 8-12
12-18 1.0 0.15 10-15
18-25 1.5 0.15 15-20
25-35 2.0 0.15 20-30
35-45 3.0 0.15 30-40
45-60 4/4.5 0.15 30-40

*Plate Temp = 225°C to 240ºC

N.B. Pipe may only be removed from clamps when the interface temperature is less
than 90°C.

Table 2. Plate Release Times

(Assuming no air movement in proximity of welding equipment)

Ambient External Temperature Time to remove Heater Plate

(ºC) (s)

10-15 12
15+ 15

N.B. These times are maximum values


Table 3. Example of Weld Record Sheet

Contract: _______________________ Contractor: __________________

Client : Manila Water Company Welding Machine: _____________

Welder(s): _______________________ Pipe Material: _________________

Pipe Supplier: ______________________ Wall Thickness: _______________

Pipe Diameter: _____________________

Date Weld Ambient Plate Drag Fusion Soak Soak Plate Fusion Cooling
No. Temperature Temp Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Release Time Time
ºC ºC (bar) (bar) (bar) (s) Time (s) (Mins)

Table 4

Single Pressure Butt Fusion Welding Conditions for MDPE and HPPE: 9mm to 315mm

Machine: Fusion Eqpt. BF4 (Mk2) Effective Cylinder Area (cm)2: 17.1
Heater Plate Surface Temperature: 225°C to 240°C

Outside Wall Bread Initial Soak Soak Fusion Cooling Cooling Cooling
Diameter SDR Thickness Up Bead Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Times
(bar) Size (bar) (bar) (minutes) (minutes)
(mm) (mm) (approx) (records) (bar) after 10 in Clamps Out of
(mm) sec. Clamps
Add Add Add Coils, Coils,
drag Drag Drag Clamp Clamp
until until
Cooling Cooling
completed completed

90 26 3.5 0.8 2 95 Drag 0.8 0.8 10.0 5.0

90 17.6 5.1 1.2 2 110 Drag 1.2 1.2 10.0 5.0
90 11 8.2 1.8 2 140 Drag 1.8 1.8 10.0 5.0

110 26 4.2 1.2 2 100 Drag 1.2 1.2 10.0 5.0

110 17.6 6.3 1.8 2 125 Drag 1.8 1.8 10.0 5.0
110 11 11.4 3.6 6 175 Drag 3.6 3.6 10.0 5.0

125 26 4.8 1.6 2 110 Drag 1.6 1.6 10.0 5.0

125 17.6 7.1 2.3 2 130 Drag 2.3 2.3 10.0 5.0
125 11 11.4 3.6 3 175 Drag 3.6 3.6 10.0 5.0

160 26 6.2 2.6 2 120 Drag 2.6 2.6 10.0 5.0

160 17.6 9.1 3.8 2 150 Drag 3.8 3.8 10.0 5.0
160 11 11.4 3.6 3 175 Drag 5.8 5.8 10.0 5.0

180 26 6.9 3.3 2 130 Drag 3.3 3.3 10.0 5.0

180 17.6 10.2 4.8 3 160 Drag 4.8 4.8 10.0 5.0
180 11 16.4 7.4 3 225 Drag 7.4 7.4 10.0 5.0
225 26 8.7 5.2 3 145 Drag 5.2 5.2 10.0 5.0
225 17.6 12.8 7.5 3 190 Drag 7.5 7.5 10.0 5.0
225 11 20.5 11.5 3 265 Drag 11.5 11.5 10.0 5.0

250 26 9.6 6.4 3 155 Drag 6.4 6.4 10.0 5.0

250 17.6 14.2 9.2 3 200 Drag 9.2 9.2 10.0 5.0
250 11 22.7 14.2 3 288 Drag 14.2 2.4 15.0 7.5

280 26 10.8 8.0 3 170 Drag 8.0 8.0 10.0 5.0

280 17.6 15.9 11.6 3 220 Drag 11.6 11.6 10.0 5.0
280 11 22.7 14.2 3 288 Drag 17.9 3.0 15.0 7.5

315 26 12.1 10.1 3 180 Drag 10.1 10.1 10.0 5.0

315 17.6 17.9 14.7 3 140 Drag 14.7 14.7 10.0 5.0
315 11 28.6 22.6 3 345 Drag 22.6 3.8 15.0 7.5

Table 5

Dual Pressure Conditions Needed for Pipes Shown as Shaded

Dual Pressure Butt Fusion Welding Conditions for MDPE and HPPE: 355mm to 1000mm

Machine: Fusion Eqpt. BF6 Effective Cylinder Area (cm)2: 27.86

Heater Plate Surface Temperature: 225°C to 240°C

Outside Wall Bread Initial Soak Soak Fusion Cooling Cooling Cooling
Diameter SDR Thickness Up Bead Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Times
(bar) Size (bar) (bar) (minutes) (minutes)
(mm) (mm) (approx) (records) (bar) after 10 in Out of
(mm) sec. Clamps Clamps
Add Add Add
drag Drag Drag

355 26 13.7 7.9 3 195 Drag 7.9 1.3 10.0 5.0

355 17.6 20.2 11.4 3 260 Drag 11.4 1.9 15.0 7.5
355 11 32.3 17.6 3 385 Drag 17.6 2.9 15.0 7.5

400 26 15.4 10.0 3 215 Drag 10.0 1.7 10.0 5.0

400 17.6 22.7 14.5 3 285 Drag 14.5 2.4 15.0 7.5
400 11 36.4 22.4 3 425 Drag 22.4 3.7 20.0 10.0

450 26 17.3 12.7 3 235 Drag 12.7 2.1 10.0 5.0

450 17.6 25.6 18.4 3 315 Drag 18.4 3.1 15.0 7.5
450 11 40.9 28.3 3 470 Drag 28.3 4.7 20.0 10.0

500 26 19.2 15.6 3 250 Drag 15.6 2.6 10.0 5.0

500 17.6 28.4 22.7 3 345 Drag 22.7 3.8 15.0 7.5
500 11 45.5 35.0 3 515 Drag 35.0 5.8 20.0 10.0

560 26 21.5 19.6 3 275 Drag 19.6 3.3 10.0 5.0

560 17.6 31.8 28.4 3 280 Drag 28.4 4.7 15.0 7.5
560 11 50.9 43.8 3 570 Drag 43.8 7.3 20.0 10.0
630 26 24.2 24.8 3 300 Drag 24.8 4.1 10.0 5.0
630 17.6 35.8 36.0 4 420 Drag 36.0 6.0 15.0 7.5

630 11 57.3 55.5 4 635 Drag 5.5 9.2 20.0 12.5

710 26 27.3 31.5 3 335 Drag 31.5 5.3 15.0 7.5

710 17.6 40.3 45.7 4 465 Drag 45.7 7.6 20.0 10.0

800 26 30.8 40.0 3 370 Drag 40.0 6.7 15.0 7.5

800 17.6 45.5 58.0 4 515 Drag 58.0 9.7 20.0 10.0

900 26 34.6 50.7 4 405 Drag 50.7 8.4 15.0 7.5

900 17.6 51.1 73.4 4 570 Drag 73.4 12.2 20.0 10.0

1000 26 38.5 62.6 4 445 Drag 62.6 10.4 15.0 7.5

1000 17.6 56.8 90.7 4 630 Drag 90.7 15.1 20.0 10.0

Calculation of Welding Machine Ram Pressure

P ra

Area (A)

Force (F) = Pressure (p) * Ram Area (ra)

I.e. F= P* (ra) or P= {f/ra}

Interface Pressure (IP) = {F/pipe area (A)}

Pipe Area (A) = л * {D-t) *t (D=0D)

Therefore; Ram Pressure (P) = (IP) * π *(D-t) *t


(If (ra) in (cm)2 then multiply (ra) by 100)






Single Pressure Welding Cycle for PE Pressure Pipes

1. Calculate Fusion Pressure (Pf): Based on Interface Pressure =

0.15Mpa, See figure
2. Measure drag Pressure (pd)
3. Check plate surface Temperature is between 225°C and 240°C
4. Form Initial Bead using Pressure Pf
5. Reduce Pressure to between 0 and drag pressure.
6. Soak against plate (for the times given in table 5)
7. Remove plate swiftly
8. Build up pressure to Pf+Pd (in controlled manner)
9. Do not remove from clamps until interface is below 90°C
10. Cooling times are given in Tables 4 and 5


Dual Pressure Welding Cycle for PE Pressure Pipes


Figure 3

11. Calculate Fusion Pressure (Pf): Based on Interface Pressure = 0.15

Mpa, see Figure.
12. Measure Drag Pressure(Pd)
13. Check Plate Surface Temperature is between 225°C and 240°C
14. Form Initial Bead using Pressure pf
15. Reduce Pressure to between 0 and Drag Pressure
16. Soak Against plate (for the times given in Table 5)
17. Remove Plate Swiftly
18. Build up pressure to Pf + Pd (in controlled manner)
19. Hold pressure Pf for 10 seconds – to allow Bead to roll-over.
20. Decrease pressure to (pd + 16*pf) and maintain this pressure during
21. Do not remove from clamps until interface is below 90°C
22. Cooling Times are given in Tables 4 and 5.


5.10.1 Flanges shall be properly aligned before any bolts are tightened.

5.10.2 Jointing compounds shall not be used when making flanged joints, except
that, to facilitate the making of vertical joints, gasket may be secured
temporarily to one flange face by a minimum quantity of clear rubber
solution. Bolt threads shall be treated with graphite paste and the nuts
tightened evenly in diametrically opposite pairs.


5.11.1 Ogee joints shall be so made that the required jointing material fills the joint
cavity. Any surplus jointing material extruded inside the barrel shall be
trimmed off and, where practicable, pointed on completion.


5.12.1 The process of welding steel pipelines shall be in accordance with AWWA

5.12.2 The ends of pipes shall be cut and prepared and free from fins, planar
defects, tears and other surfaces defects, prior to welding. Cleaning to base
metal shall extend for at least 25mm from the end of the pipe on both
internal and external faces.

5.12.3 The Alignment of abutting pipe ends shall be such as to minimize the internal
offset between surfaces.

5.12.4 The contractor shall submit his proposed welding procedure to LGU for

5.12.5 After each welded pipe joint has been made, a coating and lining equivalent
to the factory applied coating of the adjacent pipes shall be applied across the
joints. The succeeding pipe will not be lowered on the trench unless the lining
of the preceding pipe is repaired and the joint passed the air leak test.


5.13.1 Pipes shall be cut by a method which provides a clean square profile, without
splitting or fracturing the pipe wall, and which causes minimal damage to
any protective coating. Where necessary, the cut ends of pipes shall be
formed to the tapers and chamfers suitable for the type of joint to be used
and any protective coating shall be made good.

5.13.2 Where ductile pipes are to be cut to form non-standard lengths, the
Contractor shall comply with the manufacturer’s recommendation in respect
of ovality correction and tolerances to the cut spigot end.

5.13.3 Where ductile iron pipes of 450mm and greater are specifically required to
be cut for use with fittings having fine tolerance on diameter and ovality,
then only pipes purposely ordered for cutting shall be used. These pipes are
identified by the manufacturer. Cutting shall be carried out entirely in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Consequential damage to
pipe lining and coatings shall be made good, with compatible materials.

5.13.4 Where cement mortar lining has been damaged, before repairing the lining,
all loosely adhering materials shall be removed.

5.13.5 Cement mortar for repair shall be 1:2:5 cement: sand mortar.

5.13.6 The use of cut concrete or clay pipes shall be kept to a minimum.

5.13.7 The cut ends of reinforced concrete pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned and two
coats of epoxy resin coating applied to seal the end.


5.14.1 Permanent ground markers shall be constructed at locations shown. A

schedule of coordinates of the ground markers shall be supplied to LGU on
completion of the contract.


5.15.1 The positions of the internal face of any pipeline, shaft or tunnel shall not
deviate from the required position by more than the following permissible

Work Category Dimension or Alignment Possible Deviations

Pipeline Line and Level 20mm
Pipe Jacking Line 75mm
Level 50mm
Shafts and Chambers Vertically 1 in 300
Shafts and Tunnels Finished diameter 1%
but not exceeding
Tunnels without
Secondary Lining Line (Shield Drive) 75mm
Line (Hand Drive) 50mm
Level (Shield Drive) 50mm
Level (Hand Drive) 25mm
Tunnel with
Secondary Linings Line 20mm
Level 10mm

Shaft, tunnel and sewer Maximum lipping

lining segments between edges of adjacent
segments 5mm


5.16.1 Mating dimensions for sleeve type couplings shall be suitable for the pipe to
be joined and shall provide permanent tightness and strength with flexibility.
The coupling shall be complete with rubber gaskets, nuts and bolts.

5.16.2 Installed couplings shall be coated externally with petroleum paste wrapped
with petroleum tapes and covered with an outer wrapping of PVC tape.
Petroleum tape shall be overlapped to the recommendations of the
manufacturer or a minimum of half the width of the tape and extended to
300mm beyond its side of the coupling.

5.16.3 The Contractor or shall submit samples of petroleum paste and petrolatum
tape proposed along with the manufacturer’s brochures giving engineering
data, application recommendations, and other instruction necessary for a
satisfactory application. Protection proposed shall have been in use for at
least 5 years.


5.17.1 Bell and spigot shall be cleaned and carefully examined.

5.17.2 Lubricate the rubber ring gasket thoroughly with a vegetable compound
soap before placing into position and the same time lubricate the inside face
of the bell or the spigot end.

5.17.3 Ensure that the rubber ring gasket is properly seated in the spigot groove
with a uniform tension maintained around its entire circumference, or in he
bell end as applicable.

5.17.4 Ensure that the spigot enters the bell in correct straight alignment, and not at
an angle. After engagement, the joint may be deflected in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.

5.17.5 Pipe of sufficient size to admit a man shall have a gasket checked for correct
position with a feeler gauge from the inside of the pipe, particular attention
being given to the bottom half of the pipe. Temporary steel or wood inserts
shall be placed between the tip of the circumference of the joint. Upon
determination that the gasket is in its fullest extent as recommended by
manufacturer. The gasket position for pipe of smaller size shall be examined
around the entire circumference from the outside.

5.17.6 Joints of pipe 600mm diameter and larger shall be pointed on the inside with
(one (1) part cement to three (3) parts sands) cement mortar after the
backfill has been placed.


5.18.1 At points of connection to existing mains, the Contractor shall supply

excavate and inspect the pipe or valves to determine the material type and
make measurements. Following measurements, the holes shall be backfilled
and the surface temporarily restored with asphalt pavement.

5.18.2 Based on the field data, the Contractor shall prepare and submit sketch for
LGU’s approval.

5.18.3 Where called for on the drawings, the Contractor shall supply ad install
specific fittings as well as any other fillings required for interconnections.
Where specific fittings are not called for, connection can be made by use of a
tee, saddle tap, direct tap, direct welding or other means appropriate to the
type of being used.

5.18.4 Generally, the connection will be made with the pressure at the existing
mains reduced to zero unless it would not be possible to do so. The
Contractor shall coordinate with the concerned LGU units regarding the
locations of all valves to be sure that they are operable. LGU will provide
assistance in developing this plan.

5.18.5 Prior to any connection work, the Contractor shall notify LGU of his
intention to commence the particular work. No interconnection work shall be
commenced unless an approval by LGU has been given in writing.

5.18.6 The Contractor shall inform LGU regarding the expected duration of any
water service shutdown due t his interconnection work. However, shutdown
of any water main for a period exceeding twenty-four (24) hours will not be
permitted. For it’s part, LGU shall notify all consumers in the area who will
be affected by any water interruption.

5.18.7 Before starting the work that may interfere with the existing water service
distribution, the Contractors shall do all possible preparatory work,
including the availability of tools, materials, labor and equipment that will be
required to complete the work.

5.18.8 Maximum sanitary precautions shall be exercised by the Contractor during

interconnection work in order to guard against any health hazard that could
precipitate if without due care and precautions being undertaken.


5.19.1 The Contractor shall submit to LGU, shop drawing of pipe supports he
intends to adopt for construction purpose.


5.20.1 Services connections shall be with corporation or ferrule.

5.20.2 Corporation stop shall be stopped at a 45-degree angle pointing upward.

Ferrules shall be tapped at the top of the water mains.

5.20.3 Service connection tubing may be installed under concrete pavement by

boring horizontally beneath the pave surface at the Contractor’s option. The
Contractor shall prove and demonstrate that his method will not disturb the
existing pavement and the base course method nor methods involve jacking a
temporary casing, the casing may not be withdrawn if such operation shows
any danger of damage to the pavement or service connection. Boring by
water jetting is not permitted.



This section is intended only for small-scale building work to be carried out under
the conditions described in the Contract. Where more extensive building work is to
be carried out, additional requirements will be specified in the contact Document.


6.1.1 Brickwork and block work shall comply with the provisions of the DPWH
Standard Specifications, Part 1. Stonework shall comply with provisions of
ASTM C 503-89 and ASTM C 568-89.

6.1.2 The moisture content of the bricks shall be adjusted so that excessive suction
is not exerted on the mortar.

6.1.3 Bricks in each course shall break joints correctly with the bricks underneath.
The courses shall be laid parallel with joints of uniform thickness and shall
be kept straight or regular curved as required. Vertical joints shall be in
alignment as required by the bond and both vertical and horizontal joints
shall have an average thickness of 10mm. Bricks forming reveals and
internal and external angles shall be selected for squareness and built plumb.

6.1.4 Brickwork and block work shall rise uniformly. Corners and other advanced
work shall be raked back and not raised above the general level more than
1.00 m. No brickwork or block-work shall be carried up higher than 1.50 m.
in one day. No bats or broken bricks shall be incorporated in the work unless
essential for bond. Where cut blocks are required, all cutting shall be carried
out with a mechanical cutting disc.

6.1.5 Completed brickwork and block-work shall be protected at all times from
scaffold splash, mortar dropping, grout leakage from suspended slabs and
the harmful effects of weather. Brickwork and Block-work shall be allowed
to set thoroughly hard before cutting or chasing is carried out.

6.1.6 The required class of mortar and type of cement shall be described in the
contract or, shall comply with the relevant provisions of the DPWH Standard
Specifications, Item 705.

6.1.7 The required thickness and bond for brickwork and block-work is indicated
on the drawings.


6.2.1 Bricks and blocks shall be laid in mortar, properly bedded and jointed and
all joints filled with mortar at every course.

6.2.2 Where the surface of walling does not provided as adequate key, the joints on
faces of walls to be plastered shall be raked out 12mm.

6.2.3 The type of jointing and pointing shall be described in the Contract.

6.2.4 Provision shall be made in the Contract for sample areas of different wall
types and finishes.


6.3.1 Construction of damp proof courses shall comply with the manufacturer’s
instructions and requirements.

6.3.2 Damp proofing shall comply with the provisions of ASTM D41, ASTM D43,
ASTM D226, ASTM D227, ASTM D449 and ASTM D450.


6.4.1 Over sail corbelling shall not exceed 30mm on each course.


6.5.1 Where brickwork or block work is to be bonded to concrete, this shall be

achieved by means of the wall surface, and brickwork and block work shall
be brought up subsequent to the concrete.

6.5.2 Additional ties shall be provided near the sides of all openings such that there
is one for each 300mm height of the opening.


6.6.1 Underpinning in brickwork or block-work shall be carried up to within one

course of the underside of the existing structure and allowed to set. The
remaining course shall be bedded in mortar and wedges with slate pieces
lightly against the existing structure.


6.7.1 Centering and Lagging used for the Constructions of Brickwork and Block-
work shall remain in place for such time as is necessary for the brickwork
and Block-work to develop sufficient strength to prevent sagging or cracking
of joints.


6.8.1 The Surface of in-situ concrete shall be cleaned of dust, loose particles and
other matters. Surfaces shall be wetted immediately before plastering is


6.9.2 Where the finishes thickness of the plaster is to be greater than 20mm. then 2
coats shall be used and the thickness of the base coat shall not be less than

6.9.3 Concrete masonry and hollow block surfaces shall be dampened by brushing
or spraying with clean water, mixed 1 part bonding agent to 5 parts water.

6.9.4 The Plastering mortar shall be a mixture of Portland cement and washed
sand in the proportions of 1 volume cement to 3 volumes of sand, together
with 1 part of liquid bonding additive to 3 parts of water. The dry cement
and sand shall be thoroughly mixed before the mixture of the liquid additive
is added to the dry mortar mix. The complete mixture shall then be mixed
into a workable mortar paste.

6.9.5 Before the base coat has hardened, it shall be evenly scored to assist in
bonding the finish coat. When the base coat has hardened enough to receive
the finish coat, it shall be dampened and the finish coat applied. The finish
coat shall be finished to give the appearance of a rubbed finish, or as
otherwise required to match the surrounding surfaces.

6.9.6 Plastered surfaces shall be shielded from the direct rays of the sun for two (2)
days and shall be kept moist.


6.10.1 Other floor, wall and ceiling finishes, where required by the contract are
specified on the drawings and in the supplementary Document.


6.11.1 Framing members shall not be spliced between bearing points and shall be
bolted or spiked together, and shall occur over bearings only.

6.11.2 Holes for bolts shall be of the same nominal diameter as the bolt. Plate
washers shall be installed under heads and nuts of all bolts in contact with
wood. Nuts shall be drawn tight and threads burred to prevent loosening.

6.11.3 Screws shall be screwed and not driven into place. Pilot holes may be drilled
for screws the same diameter as the shank.

6.11.4 All dressed lumber after planning shall not vary from the required
dimensions by more than ten percent (10%). Thickness and width of lumber
shall be uniform throughout its length. Lumber shall not be delivered to the
site in lengths shorter than 2.5 meters.

6.11.5 When wood frames are to be installed against concrete or masonry, the face
of wood in contact with masonry shall have two (2) coats of wood
preservative compound or asphalt as approved by LGU, applied and allowed
to dry before fixing.

6.11.6 Generally cutting and shaping of all timber shall be completed before
preservative treatment is carried out. When any cutting or shaping has to be
carried out after treatment, the cut or worked surface shall be given two (2)
coats of wood preservative compound or asphalt as approved by LGU,
applied and allowed to dry before fixing.

6.11.7 Where timber is to receive decorative finishes, then, after the application of
any preservatives and drying out, any knots or resinous areas shall have 2
coats of knotting applied before finishes.


6.12.1 All steelwork shall comply with the provision of the ASTM A36/DPWH
Standard Specification, Item 712, as described in the Contract.

6.12.2 All Members shall be cut to length by cold sawing.

6.12.3 Where structural member is supported on masonry or brick work, the

minimum length of baring shall be 100mm.

6.12.4 End Connections, base plates and other requirements shall be shown on the
plans or described in the contract.

6.12.5 Where steelwork is to be galvanized, it shall be as described in the contract

or Drawings.

6.12.6 No unplanned holes shall be cut on site in structural steelwork. Clamps shall
be used for supporting equipment from structural steelwork. Enlargement of
bolt holes on site shall be carried out (and their protective coating made
good) to the approval of LGU.

6.13 ROOFS

6.13.1 Roof members shall be built in place or fabricated and erected and as shown
in the contract Drawings.

6.13.2 Flats and gutters shall be covered with type WBP plywood or tongued and
grooved boarding laid diagonally to falls of not less than 1 in 120 for lead and
copper and 1 in 60 for bitumen felt or, as described in the Contract.


6.14.1 Floor joist shall be either built into brickwork or Block wok or held in
galvanized steel joist hangers, and shall be trimmed or as directed by LGU.
Bridging shall be spaced at every 1.80m apart and shall be 50mm thick to the
full depth of the joists or 38mm by 50mm herringbone strutting.

6.14.2 Boarding shall be cramped up and nailed with cut flooring nails. Trimmed
openings shall have mitred boarders’ 75mm in width.


6.15.1 Door frames shall be fitted into prepared openings drilled and plugged at 3
points per jamb and shall have 100mm by 12mm diameter galvanized steel
dowels to posts let into flooring and bedded in non-shrink or epoxy grout.

6.15.2 The joint between external doorframes and adjacent walls shall be
continuously pointed with gun-applied butyl or other approved non-setting


6.16.1 Window frames shall be securely fixed to openings in accordance with

manufacturer’s instruction and shall be continuously pointed with gun-
applied or other approved non-setting mastic.


6.17.1 Glazing work for building shall be described in the Contract Specific
Specification and Drawings.


6.18.1 All painting shall be carried out by craftsmen who are qualified and skilled
in the trade.

6.18.2 Manufacturer’s printed instruction shall be strictly followed in the

application of propriety coatings.

6.18.3 Wood surfaces to be painted shall be first cleaned of dirt, oil or other foreign
substances with mineral spirits, scrapers, sandpaper or wire brush. Coatings
shall be applied only on thoroughly dry surfaces and during periods of

favorable weather, not in extreme heat, nor in dust or smoke-laden air, nor
in damp or humid weather.

6.18.4 No consecutive coat of paint shall be of the same shade, with the exception of
white. Each coat shall be given a minimum drying time of 72 hours and shall
be inspected by LGU prior to application of the next coat. Areas found to
contain runs, roughness, or other signs of improper application shall be
required to be recoated in accordance with the instructions of LGU.

6.18.5 Woodwork shall be sanded smooth. Nail holes and minor imperfections shall
be filled with putty between first and second coat; color of putty shall match
stain in the case of stained work.

6.18.6 Drop cloths shall be installed to protect floors and equipment from splatter
and droppings.


6.19.1 Roof coverings shall be as shown on the plans and described in the Contract
specific Document.

6.19.2 DN HI RIB long span roofing will be used with a thickness of 0.40mm, alloy
coating of aluminum and zinc for rust-proofing and coating standards
conforming to ASTM A-792.


6.20.1 Installation of plumbing for domestic water supply and for sewer systems
shall be described in the Contract.


6.21.1 The Contractor shall box out and/or cut openings through walls, floors and
ceilings for the passage of pipes and cables and shall provide and fix in
position approved tube sleeves cut off flush with the finished surface. All
openings and ducts shall be sealed on completion to prevent the passage of
toxic or explosives gases.


6.22.1 Tolerances for building works, except where otherwise described in the
contract, shall not exceed the permissible deviations from levels and
dimension for the corresponding types of work given and described in the


6.23.1 Nails shall not be driven closer together than ½ their length unless driven in
drill holes, or closer to the edge of the member than ¼ its length. Holes
drilled slightly smaller than nail diameters shall be used when necessary to
prevent splitting. The nails shall penetrate the second or farther member to
not less than ½ of the length of nail. Common nails shall be used unless
otherwise specified or shown.


6.24.1 Frames shall be set plumb and square in a true plane. Steel shims shall be
provided tight between frame anchors and structures, and rigidly attached.
Metal shall not be smaller than 6mm thick angular bar. Frames shall be of
the welded unit-type. Special frames, over-sized frames, and frames with
transom shall be provided where required.

6.24.2 All finished worked shall be strong and rigid, neat in appearance, square,
true, and free of defects, warp or buckle. Corner joints shall have all contact
edges tightly closed, with trim faces mitered, welded and finished smooth.


6.25.1 Adequate illumination shall be provided while work is in progress. Whenever

required by LGU, the Contractor shall provide additional illumination to
cover all areas to be inspected.


6.26.1 The Contractor shall, at all times, keep the premises free from accumulation
of waste material and rubbish caused by his employees or subcontractor’s
personnel. At the completion of the painting, all tools, scaffolding, surplus
materials shall be removed from and around the building, and the paint
work area shall be left “broom clean”.

6.26.2 Upon completion of the work, all staging, scaffolding and containers shall be
removed from the site or destroyed in a manner approved by LGU. Coating
spots and oil or stain upon adjacent surfaces shall be removed and the job
site cleaned. All damage to adjacent surfaces resulting from the work
performed under the Contract shall be cleaned, repaired or refinished to the
satisfaction of LGU at no additional cost to the Contract.


6.27.1 A warranty inspection shall be conducted following completion of all coating

and painting work. The Contractor r his authorized representative shall
attend this inspection. All defective work shall be repaired in accordance
with the specification and to the satisfaction of LGU. LGU may, by written
notice to the Contractor, re-schedule the warranty inspection within the
Contract guarantee period, or may cancel the warranty inspection


6.28.1 All welding shall be done by experienced welders using the metal-arc method
or gas shielded arc method as described in the American Welding Society’s
(AWS) “Welding Handbook” as supplemented by other pertinent standards
of AWS. Welding of parts shall be done only where shown, specified or
permitted by LGU.

6.28.2 In assembly or during welding, the Component parts shall be adequately

clamped, supported and restrained to minimize distortion and for control of
dimensions. Weld reinforcement shall be as specified by the AWS Code.
Upon completion of welding, all weld splatter, flux, slag, and burrs left by
attachment shall be removed. Welds shall be repaired to produce a
workmanlike appearance, with uniform weld contours and dimensions.




7.1.1 On completion of construction and before any testing or disinfection, internal

surfaces of pipelines shall be cleaned thoroughly in such a way to remove all
oil, grit and other deleterious matter.


7.2.1 Before testing any pipeline, the Contractor shall ensure that it is anchored
adequately and that thrusts from bends, branch outlet or from the pipeline
ends are transmitted to solid ground or to suitable temporary anchorage.

7.2.2 No pipeline with the following features shall be tested until the curing
periods have elapsed:

Feature of Pipeline Curing Period

Cement Mortar Lining and Coating 7 days

Cement Mortar at joints 8 days
Thrust Block 7 days

7.2.3 Open ends and open outlets from appurtenances shall be plugged properly.


7.3.1 The Contractor shall notify LGU at least one clear working day beforehand
of his intention to test a section pipe.

7.3.2 Contractor shall submit a sketch of section of pipeline to be tested. The

sketch shall include the section schematically in profile; and show points of
air release or water injection, water disposal and the point of observation.


7.4.1 Non-pressure pipelines laid in open excavation shall be tested after they are
jointed and before any concreting or backfilling is commenced, other than
such as maybe necessary for structural stability white under test.

7.4.2 The pipelines shall generally be tested by means of an air or water test or in
certain circumstances by a visual or closed circuit television (CCTV)
examination, in lengths determined by the course of construction, in
accordance with a schedule approved by LGU.

7.4.3 A further test shall be carried out after the backfilling is complete.


7.5.1 The test pressure for non-pressure pipelines up to and including 750mm shall
not be less than 1.2m head of water above the pipeline soffit or ground water
level, whichever is the higher at the highest point, and not greater than 6 m
head at the lowest point of the section. Steeply graded pipelines shall be
tested in stages in cases where the maximum head, as stated above, would be
exceeded if the whole section were tested in one length.

7.5.2 The pipelines shall be filled with water and a minimum period of two hors
shall be allowed for absorption, after which water shall be added from a
measuring vessel at intervals of 5 minutes and the quantity required to
maintain the original water level noted. The length of pipeline shall be
accepted if the quantity of water added over a 30-minute period is les than
0.50 liter per linear meter of nominal diameter.


7.6.1 Non-pressure pipelines shall be air tested by suitable means until a pressure
of 100 mm head of water is indicated in a U-tube connected to the system.
The pressure shall be maintained for two minutes to allow temperature of the
air to come to equilibrium with the pipe walls.

7.6.2 The pipeline shall be accepted if the air pressure remains above 75 mm head
of water after a period of 5 minutes without further pumping, following a
period for stabilization. Failure to pass test shall not preclude acceptance of
the pipeline if a successful water test can subsequently be carried out in
accordance with clause 7.5.


7.7.1 Where internal inspection of pipelines by CCTV is required, the Contractor

shall provide all necessary equipment, including suitable covered
accommodation for viewing the monitor screen, together with personnel
experienced in operation of the equipment and interpretation of results.

7.7.2 The intensity of illumination within the pipe and the rate of draw of the
camera shall be such as to allow a proper examination of the inside of the
pipe. Provision shall be made for the movement of the camera to be stopped
and its position recorded and for permanent photographs to be taken at any
point requested by LGU.


7.8.1 Non-pressure pipelines (including tunnels) and manholes shall be tested for
infiltration after backfilling. All inlets to the system shall be effectively
closed, and any residual flow shall be deemed to be infiltration.

7.8.2 The pipeline, including manholes, shall be accepted as satisfactory if the

infiltration, including infiltration to manholes, in 30 minutes does not exceed
0.50 liter per lineal meter per meter nominal diameter.

7.8.3 Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above test, if there is any
discernible flow of water entering the pipeline a any point, which can be
located the Contractor shall take such measure as are necessary to stop such


7.9.1 Hydrostatic testing of pressure pipelines shall be in accordance with section

4, AWWA C-600.

7.9.2 For pipe sizes smaller than 300mm diameter, the hydrostatic test pressure
shall be 100 meters of water column based on the elevation of the lowest
point in the pipeline under test and corrected to the elevation of the test
gauge. The duration of the pressure test and leakage test shall be for a period
of two (2) hours for each test. Any defective pipe, fitting, joint, valve, service
connection or hydrant shall be removed and replaced and the test shall be
repeated until satisfactory to LGU.


7.10.1 On completion of the hydraulic test of water mains, a foam swab shall be
passed through the main for cleansing.


7.11.1 Disinfection of water mains shall be in accordance with AWWA C-651.


7.12.1 On completion of construction, and before any disinfection, internal surfaces

of structures designed to retain an aqueous liquid shall be cleaned
thoroughly in such a way as to remove all oil, grit and other deleterious



7.13.1 After cleaning, and as far as practicable before any earth or other filling is
placed against the outside wall faces, concrete structures designed to retain
an aqueous liquid shall be filled with water at a uniform rate of no greater
than 2 m in 24 hours. A period of 7 days shall be allowed by the Contractor
for stabilization, after which the water level shall be recorded by approved
means at 24-hour intervals for a test period of 7 days. During the test period
the total permissible drop, after allowing for evaporation and rainfall, shall
not exceed 1/500 of the average water depth of the full tank or 10mm,
whichever is less.

7.13.2 Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the above test, any leakage
visible on the outside faces of the structure shall be stopped. Any rectification
of cracks in the wall section shall, where practicable, be carried out from the
inside face.


7.14.1 Flat roofs of structures shall be watertight and shall, where practicable, be
tested on completion by lagooning with water to a minimum depth of 25mm
for a period of 24 hours.

7.14.2 Where it is practicable, because of roof falls or otherwise, to contain 25 mm

depth of water, the roof shall be thoroughly wetted by continuous hosing for
a period of not less than 6 hours.

7.14.3 In either case, the roof shall be regarded as satisfactory if no leaks or damp
patches shown in the soffit.

7.14.4 The roof covering shall be completed as soon as possible after satisfactory


7.15.1 Immediately before acceptance of any structure for potable water, the
interior shall be disinfected using chlorinated water to give a residual of not
less than 20 mg/liter of free chlorine. The structure shall be emptied, flushed
with clean water and then filled with water having chlorine residual of not
more than 0.50 mg/free chlorine to normal top water level.

7.15.2 After 24 hours the Contractor shall arrange for a sample to be taken for
bacteriological analysis. The structure shall be deemed to be disinfected if
there are no coliforms in that sample.


7.16.1 The pressure in the main shall be raised to test pressure at a uniform rate.
The time taken between commencement of pumping and achieving test
pressure (tL) shall be recorded. This is the Pressure loading time.

7.16.2 The pressure will be expected to decay with time due to the characteristics
stress relaxation in polyethylene. Readings of pressure decay versus time
shall be taken from valve closure, with time being recorded in minutes.

7.16.3 As the pressure decay is of exponential form the use of natural logarithms is
necessary when comparing reading.

7.16.4 Take a first reading pressure P1 at t1 where t1 is equal to the pressure loading
time tL

Note tlc = t1 + 0.4 tL

7.16.5 Take a second reading pressure P2 at a decay time of approximately 7tL ; this
time = t2.

Note t2c = t2 corrected = t2 + 0.4 tL

Calculate N1 = Loge P1 – loge P2

loge t2c – loge tlc

7.16.6 For a sound main this ratio N1 will be between 0.045 and 0.13. If the value is
less than 0.045 then there is too great a volume of air in the main. This air
will have to be removed before a satisfactory test can be performed.

7.16.7 Take a further reading of pressure P3 at a decay time not less than 15tL. Let
this time be t3.

Note t3c = t3 corrected = t3 + 0.4 tL

Calculate N2 = Loge P2 – loge P3

Loge t3c - Loge t2c

If N2 is greater than 0.13 an unacceptable leak is indicated.

7.16.8 The sensitivity of the test may be increased by extending the value of t3.

7.16.9 On completion of any test sequence, the remaining pressure shall be released
slowly and at as near a constant rate as possible.

7.16.10When further pressure testing is required, such test must not be attempted
until a period equal at least 5 times the previous test period has elapsed.




The Following clauses apply to all elements of the Works. The Contractor
has design responsibility for the entire Works.


11.2.1 Design shall be carried out to the requirements of the National Building Code
of the Philippines and National Structure Code of the Philippines

11.2.2 Materials used and appearance of structures etc. shall be consistent across
the works regardless of the design origin. Plant shall be designed and
manufactured to ensure maximum standardization of individual.

11.2.3 All plant and materials shall be suitable for use at ambient temperatures and
climate conditions at the site.

11.2.4 Where LGU has preference on subjective choices within standards these
have been specified below. If no choice is specified the Contractor is free to
decide which to use.

11.2.5 The design shall avoid the creation of hazardous areas.


11.3.1 Concrete structures shall be designed to the requirements of ACI-318 or

ACI-350 and ACI-244 if applicable.

11.3.2 The following design crack widths shall be used:

0.1mm All above ground works and roofs tanks.

0.2mm All below ground external walls and base slabs to water
retaining or excluding structures.
0.3mm All internal division walls (including those subjects to
differential water loading) baffle walls, columns and beams to
water retaining or excluding structures.

+ All elements in contact with chlorinated water shall be designed using Wmax
= 0.2 mm or 0.1 mm as appropriate.


11.4.1 Buildings shall be designed to the requirements of the National Building

Code of the Philippines regardless of whether formal approval is required. If
the formal approval is not required the Contractor shall complete the
“Certificate of Design Compliance”. Compliance with approved document
M, access for disabled people, is not required.


11.5.1 Structural steel work shall be designed to the National Structural Code of the


11.6.1 Masonry shall be designed to the National Structural Code of the



11.7.1 Timber shall be designed to the National Structural Code of the Philippines.


11.8.1 Open type and plate flooring together with support beams etc. shall be
designed to the relevant part of the National Building Code of the Philippines
for the loading it is likely to experience with minimum uniformly distributed
load of 5kN/m2 (unfactored).

11.8.2 Individual floor panels must be bolted down to prevent unauthorized

removal and prevented from sliding sideways by means of permanent
steelwork or non-removal locating studs.

11.8.3 Elevated areas of flooring shall have toe boards.


11.9.1 Stairs and ladders shall be designed to the requirements of the National
Building Code of the Philippines for semi-public locations. The clear width of
stairs shall be suitable for the intended use with a minimum of 800mm. Ship
ladders will not be permitted.


11.10.1Conduits shall be designed using roughness factors, k appropriate for the

pipe material in good, average and poor condition. The reference from the k
values are taken shall be stated in the calculations submitted.

11.10.2Sufficient freeboard with a recommended minimum of 150mm shall be

provided to prevent overtopping of walls under all flow conditions and
numbers of units in service. Allowances shall be made for dynamic effects,
flow round bends and inflow or outflow.


11.11.1Buried pipelines shall be designed with a minimum cover of 750mm. where

less cover is available appropriate protective measure shall be taken. Thrust
shall be transmitted to blocks or anchorages. Thrust blocks and anchorages
shall be designed with a minimum factor of safety of 1.25. Thrust blocks for
continuously welded steel pipes shall be designed to resist 0.5 of the
calculated thrust.

11.11.2Surge pressures shall be taken into account in the design of pressure

pipelines. Pressure pipelines shall normally be designed to remain full while
in service, inflow check valves shall be filled with appropriate. Pressure
pipelines shall be laid at gradients not less than 1 in 200 either rising or

11.11.3Air valve and air vents appropriate to the fluids in the pipeline and of
adequate airflow capacity are required at high points and significant changes
in hydraulic gradient. They shall be sited at field properly boundaries where
possible. The maximum spacing between air valves shall not exceed 500m.

11.11.4Line valves shall be positioned where access can be gained from the roads.
They shall isolate lengths of pipelines not exceeding 1500 m regardless of size.

11.11.5Blow-off and drain points shall be provided to allow pipelines to be

substantially emptied to appropriate discharge points. Blow-off and drain
points on pipelines containing chlorinated water shall allow for the provision
of dechlorination facilities.

11.11.6Pipe work cast through the walls of structures shall be jointed either side of
the wall. Flange adaptors shall be incorporated to allow removal of above
ground pipework. They shall be adequately supported and restrained.

11.11.7Non-buried pipework shall be supported in accordance with the

manufacturer’s instruction. Valves, meters, strainers and other equipment
mounted in pipe work shall be supported independently of the pipes to which
they are connected.

11.11.8 Formed bends shall be used in the conveyance of raw water and treated
water. Fabricated bends are acceptable for clean water applications. Long
radius bends shall be used in pipelines conveying septage or sludge.

11.11.9Pipelines conveying wastewater, chemical slurries, sludges, etc. shall be

provided with rodding points and/or inspection covers to facilitate clearing of
blockages without dismantling the pipe work.


The provision of this clause do not apply to Main Drainage works. If any
Main Drainage works design is included in the contract the contract Specific
Document will contain details.

11.12.1Surface water drainage shall be designed to accommodate the 1 in 20 years

rainfall event.

11.12.2Where geo-textiles are used to line drainage trenches they shall be designed
as filtering membranes.


The provisions of this clause do not apply to main drainage works. If any
main drainage Works design is included in the Contract Specific Document
will contains details.

11.13.1Manholes shall be provided on gravity pipe-work at each abrupt change of

horizontal or vertical direction. The minimum allowable manhole size is
1500mm diameter.


11.14.1Overflows shall be sized to pass the maximum possible flow. Allowance must
be made parallel plant items being out of service. Overflows shall be designed
to not operate until full utilization of the plant is achieved.

11.15 ROADS

11.15.1Road construction shall be designed for heavy vehicles with provisions

against shove resulting from turning movements.

11.15.2Road widths and minimum radii shall be designed to accommodate the

vehicle type specified in the Contract Specific Documents.

11.15.3Roads shall be designed to limit traffic speed to a maximum of Mph.

11.15.4Road gradients shall generally not exceed 1 in 12 and nowhere shall exceed 1
in 8. Roads shall be cambered where necessary. Adverse cambers shall be

11.15.5Roads and hard standings in chemical delivery areas and sludge tanker
points shall be impermeable and have a sleeping policeman bund to prevent
spillages entering the general road drainage. Drainage from these bunded
areas shall be to a sewer or to the head of the works.


11.16.1Earthwork in general shall comply with National Building Code of the

Philippines and National Structural Code of the Philippines.

11.16.2Mown grassed slopes shall not exceed a steepness of 1 in 3.


11.17.1Rafts, piles etc. shall be designed to the requirements of National Structural

Code of the Philippines.


11.18.1Ground anchors shall be designed to reset all likely forces with a safety
factor for at least 2.


11.19.1Sufficient clearance must be available for all items of machinery, panels,

valve etc., to be operated, maintained and removed. All equipment must be
positioned so as to be accessible for operation and maintenance.

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