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What is a Product Manager?

For most people the term of product manager is still foreign to hear. Even so, this profession
is arguably in great demand today. Judging from the name, the product manager is related to the
product. A product will not be liked by the public if it is not developed properly. In developing a
product, there are various steps that must be passed, starting from finding ideas, determining
business goals to user problems. The product manager is there to package these steps so that the
product can be accepted and liked by the community. So, what is a product manager? Here's the
Definition of product manager
A simple way to understand, product manager is a profession that is responsible for the
planning and development of a particular product. This profession has the goal of maximizing
sales and revenue for products that have been developed. In product design, a product manager
must design a new product that has high appeal after analyzing past sales data, trends, uniqueness
of similar products, and consumer demand.
Therefore, this work requires an unprecedented revolutionary idea and great effort to create
something original. In addition, the product manager is also responsible for overseeing the team
for the entire strategy, from drafting ideas, identifying potential products, conducting market
research, to developing marketing strategies.
Roles and responsibilities
As explained above, this profession has broad roles and responsibilities. Broadly speaking,
here are some responsibilities that a product manager must carry out:
• Translating products, being a translator of the company's vision into the products that are made.
• Review schedules to make decisions on inventory requirements, worker requirements, work
procedures, and other tasks.
• Collaborate with other teams to develop products
• Coordinate with stakeholders and provide useful features for clients
• Directing the production, processing, distribution, and marketing activities of the
• Develop quality control on production goods
• Analyzing and making production operational reports
• Solve production problems from idea execution to product operations
• Evaluate workers and resolve worker complaints

After knowing the big picture about this profession, do you think you are interested in starting a
career as a product manager?
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Product Requirements Document and Its Function

When making a product, there are many components that must be in it. All these
components are summarized and stored in a document called a product requirements document
(PRD). Then, what are the contents of the PRD? Here will be discussed in more detail about PRD!

In the product design process, there are several stages that must be passed. The first thing
that is needed is to do research and look for pain points from customers, outputs to find out what
is needed, and others before the product is finally released to the public. Pain points are problems
experienced by customers, and we must develop a product design that will be a solution to the
problems faced. PRD enters the output stage, created after finding a solution to the pain points that
you want to develop.
Product requirements document itself is a document used in product design development.
The contents of the document are data about functionality, expected results, and other requirements
that must be met so that the product can be perfected and enter the next stage. In short, the product
requirement document is a checklist that must be met before the product can enter the trial phase
and be released in general. This document will later help the product manager to manage the

In addition to facilitating the process of developing a product, PRD has other main functions,
including the following:
• Combining each step in a complete picture of a product with the option to include or eliminate
some features and detect potential problems in a timely manner
• Assist in visualizing the time required for the project or product development process
• Assist the development team to understand the budget required in the product development process
• Help create a sense of understanding between the client and the development team

That was a glimpse of PRD as the main document in product development. As documents and
data, PRD is very important for various parties to ensure product development can be carried out
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Travel Luck
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Product Requirements Document

1. Objective
2. Release
3. Features
4. User flow and design
5. Future work

1. Objective

Vision Can be used by all Indonesian

Goals Top-rated social traveling app within 12 months

Double revenue year over year
Initiatives Complete a UI refresh
Improve the mobile experience
Enhance GPS capabilities
Persona(s) Travelers

2. Release

Release Travel.IO
Date 23 November 2022
Initiative Improve application performance

Milestones 10/06/22 – 10/12/22

Planning -> Research -> Design -> Implementation -> Follow up

Features Find travelers

Dependencies Google Maps to detect nearest location

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3. Features

Feature Travel with strangers

Description Gather solo travelers that want to join a trip with other travelers

Purpose Connecting travelers to join in a trip together

User problem Hard to find people outside their circle to go for a trip together

User value Make it easy to find partners for traveling

Assumptions Business, user, or technical assumptions

Not doing Anything that is out of scope for this feature

Acceptance criteria Conditions of acceptance

4. User flow and design

Link :

5. Future work

Future features Purpose Priority

Booking hotels Easier for people to book a Do

hotel in their trip
Transportation rental Easier for people to rent Schedule
vehicles in their locations
Booking travel packages with strangers Find people to fulfill the Delegate
travel packages so the trip
will be cheaper
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