CV Nanda Aristiawan

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0823-3179-6984 | | |

Lumajang, East Java, 67359

I am a bachelor of applied engineering in Industrial Chemical Engineering with a comprehensive academical
background in organizing and monitoring factory production process activities inside a factory, process utilities,
health and safety industry, Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), managing projects from early concept to its completion,
have a good leadership and communication skill, and also used to assisting individuals in organizations and
academic studies.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
Industrial Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Vocation (August 2018 – August 2022)
• GPA 3.4 of 4.00

PT Malidas Sterilindo
Internship Program at Production Division (September 2021 – December 2021)
• Studying the production process of cosmetics as a whole and the sanitation systems inside the factory. Also
controlling and ensuring the production process runs according to the parameters and process flow diagrams
that has been ruled to produce products that comply with the standards and passes the quality control

Internship Program at Engineering Division (August 2021 – September 2021)

• Studying the utility system of the factory
• Controlling and ensure the process of making process water.
• Contribute on the efficiency optimization of the reverse osmosis process by controlling the pressure and flow
rate of the inlet

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Industri FV-ITS
Head of Entrepreneurship Department (January 2021 – January 2022)
• Responsible for all of the project and agendas of the entrepreneurship department.
• Responsible for staf development of 13 people including public speaking, team work, and business idea
• Responsible for evaluating staff performance using the Key Performance Indcator.
• Plan, implement, control, evaluate and develop all activities that have been programmed.
• My management, KWU is assessed using KPI getting score of 87.12%

Staff of Entrepreneurship department (August 2019 – January 2021)

• Leader of organizing team of DOTS event that its objective is to develop the business of the HIMADEKKIM
Achievement : The best staff of the Entrepreneurship Department of HIMA DEKKIM FV-ITS 19/20.

Industrial Chemical Engineering Revolution (ICHEVO)
Security and Permit Coordinator (September 2019 - March 2021)
• Supervise a team with 8 members to organize things related about permits, which consist of permits to the
relevant HMD, venue, and transportations

Organizing Committe (September 2018 - March 2019)

• Coordinating the making of event clothes for all members


• Funding Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM-K) Kemdikbud Ristek 2021, with the title of the proposal
“Totebag Multifungsi dari Serat Daun Nanas dengan Tahap Delignifikasi dan Bleaching”
• Participant of Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PKM-K) Kemdikbud Ristek 2020, wit the title of the
proposal “ECO (ESSENTIAL COOKING OIL) : Rasakan Praktisnya Menggunakan Rempah Dapur
Bawang Merah”

• Aspen Hysys V10
• Microsoft Excel
• Microsoft Office
• Microsoft Power Point
• Visio

• Language: English (with TOEFL score of 480) and Indonesian (Native).
• Interpersonal Skills: Leadership, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Motivated, Good listener, Easy to adapt to the
evironments, and Assessment using key performance indicators.

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