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Introduction: This survey is conducted as part of a participatory research to generate basic information from CSOs that are valuable in their efforts to promote participatory governance. Specific objectives of the research are as follow: 1) to determine the current status and functionality of LDCs, 2) to know the degree of compliance of LGUs in accrediting CSOs and reconstituting the LDCs, 3) to identify the awareness and level of participation of CSOs in the LDCs and other governance mechanisms, and 4) to determine the transparency and accessibility of information within the LGU. Thank you for your participation! Instruction: Please answer all the questions completely, including those with follow up questions (as indicated by arrows ). Put a check mark on the space corresponding to your answer. For open-ended questions, please use the space provided to write your answers. If you have queries or clarifications on the questions, feel free to contact us. I. Respondents Profile Survey no:

Name of Respondent: ______________________________________________ Designation: _______________________ Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Contact nos: _______________________ Primary sector served: _______________________________________________________________________________ Network affiliation: _________________________________________________________________________________ Municipality being assessed: _____________________________ Province: ____________________ Region: ________ II. 1. General State of Civil Society Participation

Are you aware of other NGOs, POs, or CSO networks operating in your municipality? __ Yes estimate number: __________ __ No 2. Identify below which sectors do the NGOs, POs, or CSO networks in your municipality serve and thematic areas. Put a check mark on the space provided. Multiple answers are allowed. Sector Check Themes Check 1. Farmers 1. Agrarian reform 2. Fisheries 2. Environment 3. Indigenous peoples 3. Education 4. Women 4. Health 5. Children, youth 5. Agricultural development 6. OFWs, if any 6. Rural employment 7. Others, please specify: 7. Livelihood / microfinance / cooperatives 8. General family welfare 9. Infrastructure 10. Disaster relief & rehabilitation 11. Local governance 12. Peace and order 13. Others, please specify: 3. Are you aware of the Local Government Code (LGC) and its provisions on CSO participation? __ Yes Rate your level of awareness from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest: __________ __ No



Has your organization attended trainings/seminars about the LGC or other topics related to participatory governance? __ Yes Provide details (date of training, who organized, topic): _______________________________________ __ No __ I dont know Are you aware of the composition and functions of the Municipal Development Council? __ Yes Rate your level of awareness from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest: __________ __ No Status of Accreditation, Selection, Reconstitution and Functionality of the Municipal Development Council (MDC) and Local Special Bodies * Note: If the accreditation process and reconstitution of the MDC and LSBs for this year is still on-going, please answer the questions in the next section with 2007 as the reference year (previous term). Presently, does your municipality have a database or directory of NGOs and POs in your area? __ Yes Is it regularly updated? __ Yes __ No __ I dont know __ No __ I dont know For this year, has a meeting or dialogue been called by the municipal office for all the CSOs to validate the directory or database of NGOs and POs? __ Yes __ No __ I dont know For this year, has a Notice of Call for Accreditation been issued by the Sangguniang Bayan? __ Yes __ No __ I dont know For this year, is your organization accredited by the municipal office? __ Yes When? ____________________ Were you issued a Certificate of Accreditation/Sanggunian Resolution? __ Yes __ No __ I dont



6. 7. 8.

know __ No __ I dont know 9. Is the current list of accredited NGOs and POs posted in a publicly accessible place within the municipality? __ Yes __ No __ I dont know 10. Rate the efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of the NGO and PO accreditation processes in your municipality using the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. Rating: ____ Brief explanation: ___________________________________________________________________ 11. For this year, was a meeting convened by the municipal office for all accredited organizations for the selection of representatives in the MDC and LSBs? __ Yes __ No __ I dont know 12. Currently, are the following bodies existing, functioning, and have CSO representatives? Fill in the matrix below. If the local special body is existing in your municipality, please rate its functionality and provide a brief explanation for the rating. In the last column, cite if there are CSO representatives within the body. Rate functionality Brief explanation on With CSO Body Existing? (1 to 5, with 5 being rating representatives? the highest) Municipal Development __ Yes __ Yes Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal School Board __ Yes __ Yes __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Health Board __ Yes __ Yes __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Peace and Order __ Yes __ Yes Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know

Are the following non-LGC local special bodies existing and functioning in your municipality and have CSO representatives? Fill in the matrix below. If the local special body is existing in your municipality, please rate its functionality and provide a brief explanation for the rating. In the last column, cite if there are CSO representatives within the body. Rate functionality Brief explanation on With CSO Body Existing? (1 to 5, with 5 being rating representatives? the highest) Municipal Anti-drug Abuse __ Yes __ Yes Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Agriculture and __ Yes __ Yes Fishery Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Cooperative and __ Yes __ Yes Coordinating Council / __ No __ No Municipal Cooperative __ I dont know __ I dont know Development Council Municipal Council for the __ Yes __ Yes Elderly __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Disaster Risk Reduction and __ Yes __ Yes Management Council __ No __ No (formerly the Disaster __ I dont know __ I dont know Coordinating Council) Council for the Protection of __ Yes __ Yes Children __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Literacy __ Yes __ Yes Coordinating Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Fisheries and __ Yes __ Yes Aquatic Resource __ No __ No Management Council __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Agriculture and __ Yes __ Yes Fishery Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Gender and __ Yes __ Yes Development Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Price __ Yes __ Yes Coordinating Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Council for the __ Yes __ Yes Welfare of Disabled Person __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Municipal Sustainable __ Yes __ Yes Organic Agriculture Council __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Others (specify): __ Yes __ Yes __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know Others (specify): __ Yes __ Yes __ No __ No __ I dont know __ I dont know


In general, how were the CSO representatives selected? __ Elected among the CSOs themselves (with consensus) __ Appointed by the CSOs (without consensus) __ Appointed/selected by the local chief executive __ I dont know 15. Rate the efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of the CSO representative selection processes in your municipality using the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. Rating: ____ Brief explanation: ___________________________________________________________________ 16. In the past, which of the following functions of the Municipal Development Council had you significantly participated in or were crucial in your organizations advocacy? You may select more than one function. If your organization had participated or is currently participating in this function, kindly rate your level of participation and provide a brief explanation in the last column for the rating. Rate level of Function Participation? participation (1 to 5, Brief explanation with 5 being the highest) Formulation of development __ Yes plans and policies __ No __ I dont know Formulation of annual public __ Yes investment programs __ No __ I dont know Appraisal and prioritization of __ Yes development programs and __ No projects __ I dont know Implementation of development __ Yes programs and projects __ No __ I dont know Formulation of local investment __ Yes incentives __ No __ I dont know Monitoring and evaluation of __ Yes development programs and __ No projects __ I dont know 17. Were the various sectoral committees organized in the MDC? Identify from the list below. Social development committee __ Yes __ No __ I dont know Economic development committee __ Yes __ No __ I dont know Physical and infrastructure committee __ Yes __ No __ I dont know Environment and natural resources committee __ Yes __ No __ I dont know Administrative and institutional development committee __ Yes __ No __ I dont know IV. 19. Other Enabling Mechanisms on Participatory Governance Is there an LGU-assigned desk or support mechanism for CSOs established in your municipality? __ Yes Describe: ____________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know Is there a feedback mechanism established in your municipality to generate citizens views on the reach and quality of services of government? __ Yes Describe: ____________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know




Were there public consultations organized by the municipal office to generate citizens feedbacks or inputs on particular policy, legislation, program, or project of the municipality? __ Yes Describe: ____________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know Are there any existing municipal policies that directly support CSO networking, strengthening, and expansion activities or similar endeavors (example, Empowerment Ordinance)? __ Yes Describe: ____________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know In general, how would you rate your municipality in its openness or receptivity to participatory governance? Use the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. Rating: ____ Brief explanation: ___________________________________________________________________ Transparency and Accessibility of Information Are the local ordinances and resolutions accessible in your municipality? __ Yes In what form? (electronic copy, hard copy) _________________________________________________ __ No, these are not accessible __ I dont know Is a Public Information Office or Desk established in your municipality? __ Yes __ No __ I dont know Are the information on local government plans and programs disseminated through any form of media (i.e., bulletin board, newsletter, brochure, website, others)? __ Yes How? _______________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know Is the municipal budget publicly disclosed? __ Yes In what form? ________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know Are there efforts or initiatives by CSOs in your municipality to promote transparency? __ Yes Describe: ____________________________________________________________________________ __ No __ I dont know



V. 24.

22. 23.



VI. 29.

Others List at most three capacity-building needs of CSO representatives in the MDC for them to effectively participate in planning. a) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ b) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ c) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________



What do you think are the 3 most pressing problems in your MDC? Identify at most three problems. d) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ e) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ f) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ What are your recommendations to improve the functionality of the MDC and enhance CSO participation in local governance? Provide at most three recommendations. g) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ h) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ i) ________________________________________________________________________________ __________

Date accomplished: ________________________

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