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With the academic school year coming to an end, there are a lot of things that

is happening within the status quo of the Humanities Strand of grade 11. For instance, we've
asked some students via interview on what their current status is with regards to their
academic performances. Some answered that they're trying to hold on to the last stretch 'till
the end of the week for the school year to end, others say they are ready to hop off school and
enjoy the summer break, and some are already in summer break mode, leaving behind some of
their tasks or group work to other classmates. The current sentiments that these students who
we have interviewed hold on to is that they express on how exhausting the last part of their
academic school year actually is. With deadlines and submission requirements piling up, they
sometimes get overwhelmed to the amount of stuff they're required to do in order to pass this
semester and move on to the next academic grade level. Some of these same students as well
has expressed that some of their classmates in groupworks becomes uncooperative due to the
fact that some of their groupmates are already in vacation despite the fact that the academic
school year hasn't officially ended yet. With regards to the general welfare and engagement of
students in their synchronous class sessions, our interviewees stated that they have observed
the decline on attendance to these synchronous classes as time passes by. In context; they have
observed in their particular sections that during the 1st semester, a healthy engagement and
attendance is observed within their classes, but when the 2nd semester entered, especially this
4th grading period, they said that no more than 60% of their class attend the synchronous

In my perspective, I would say that there is a lack of motivation within the

students, but we can not blame them for such things because there might be other factors that
cause the decline of engagements in synchronous classes lately. But I do firmly believe that
once face-to-face setup or limited face-to-face setup of learning will be imposed once again, we
should expect a rise on engagement within the students after 2 years of academic isolation
from their campuses. On some of the student leader's perspective, they have said that they see
themselves still as an active and engaging student leader. Although some of them has
expressed their disappointment when it comes to their classmates or groupmates who are
unresponsive in groupwork activities, they said that they could still handle the situation. In my
case as a student and student leader, I would admit that I have lost the momentum overtime
due to external and internal factors which correlates to the school, but I would not dive deeper
into this situation because I refuse to do so. As HUMSS 11 strand governor, I could still
safely say that the students under my jurisdiction is actively participating in school-related
activities, may it be academic or extra-curricular. Overtime, I have seen the fair share of 'active
student leaders' and I could safely say that I consider myself as one of it.

M A Y 0 4 , 2 0 2 2 Miguel Angelo Pino

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