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STATEMENT OF PERSONAL QUALIFICATION AND VISION FOR EWRI: More than two decades of my experience with the ASCE and EWRI along with my current experience with Florida Board of Professional Engineers have been instrumental in formulating the following vision. As one of the most active members of the former ASCE Environmental Engineering Division (EED) along with my current participation in EWRI activities during the past decade, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the institute needs. Following is a brief narrative of the five elements of vision: 1. Develop strategies to increase member participation in the Institute events: Currently, the total participation of the members in the Institute sponsored events such as conference, congress, and seminars is insignificant. It is critical that we need to increase this participation. This may be achieved by establishing the cause-andeffect relationships of the important factors; and then develop strategies to tackle the issues as appropriate. My plan is to reach out the general membership through technical committees, operational and institutional committees (including program committee), and sections and branches (including the newly formed chapters) separately to initiate a study to establish the cause and remedy. 2. Revitalize the technical councils for greater member participation: This may be achieved by reaching out to the current general membership along with invitation to few technical leaders in various disciplines. Generally, a step approach (pilot study) would be more productive emphasizing the particular disciplines with least participation. For example, environmental division was one of the most productive in the past and is not as active at the present time. My plan is to initiate a pilot study by inviting specific inactive but prominent professionals to re-energize the council activities. 3. Increase and expand membership through grass root development: Based on my observation, the link between the sections and chapters of ASCE and the EWRI is missing. ASCE section leaders had expressed that they need more technical leads/guidance/help from the institutes of ASCE. I will emphasize on developing a practice that will bring better trust between the sections and the EWRI in assisting them to meet their needs. For example, EWRI has started establishing chapters, and we need to encourage establishing chapters and actively participate with them. I played the facilitator role in establishing the Central Florida Chapter of EWRI and am currently assisting them to understand the institute operations as appropriate. 4. Enhance international recognition and visibility: Image is critical for others to extend mutual respect and trust. Considering the environmental challenges are so global now-a-days, it is important that EWRI goes beyond the North American borders and extend its professional community to interact directly with other parts of the world. This is true for Europe and other continents. We need to increase our presence in those geographical areas more on community level than individuals to build and gain such trust. I have already made some contribution in this regard by providing leadership role to some of the international 1

conferences, and the institute has progressed in establishing some international chapters. It is critical to see that these chapters function as intended. 5. Develop strategies for better transparency: Perception and trust are essential in attracting and retaining the members, and transparency on the institute activities is one of the key elements. This may need philosophical discussions and development and implementation of policy changes that would be better perceived by the institute membership at large. This is also likely to include fiscal conservancy, which may need closer attention to budgeting process, budget preparation, reallocation of budget to new elements, and allowing sufficient space for discretionary expenses. I have decades of experience in developing budget for small business and not running into deficits. I have over 27 years of diversified professional experience in Environmental, Geotechnical, and Water Resources Engineering disciplines. I started my professional career in academic institution transitioning to public agency in Delaware for couple of years and then continuing professional practice in engineering consulting industry. I am a registered professional engineer and a professional geologist in multiple states. I am currently serving a 3-year gubernatorial appointment to the Board of Professional Engineers in the State of Florida. Through my multi-disciplinary academic background and extensive diversified professional practice, I am well familiar with the needs of both the environmental and water resources disciplines. I strongly believe that the environmental and water resources are interdependent like conjunctive twins. 1. Experience in dealing with complex issues as a Member of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers 2. Extensive experience and recognized technical leadership in cross-institute disciplines: Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Geotechnical Engineering. 3. Extensive Professional leadership experience and comprehensive understanding of the Institute needs. 4. Extensive organizational, operational and executive experience through directly managing profitable small business similar in size to the Institute. 5. One of the most active institute members starting with former ASCE-EED with direct experience with the Governing Board as Treasurer of the Institute. 6. Significant experience in providing multi-disciplinary seminars/workshops for ASCE and other organizations. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Employer: BPC Group, Inc. Job Title: President Employer's 6925 Lake Ellenor Drive, Suite 112 Address: City: Orlando State: FL Zip: 32809

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (DEGREES AND DATES) PhD, Civil Engineering, Drexel University, 1985 M.S., Civil Engineering & Geology, Oklahoma State University, 1981 M.E., Hydraulics Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 1978 B.S., Agricultural Engineering, Orissa University of Ag. & Tech, India, 1976 EWRI/ASCE PARTICIPATION EWRI Ground Water Council EWRI Program Committee EWRI Student & New Professional Activities Council EWRI Watershed Council OTHER EWRI OR ASCE COUNCIL OR COMMITTEE(S): Professional Boards and Committees Treasurer, Governing Board, ASCE-EWRI, 2010. Member, Program Committee, ASCE-EWRI, 2010-present Member, Committee on Professional Practice, ASCE, 2011-present Chair, PB Student Design Competition, ASCE-EWRI, 2008-present Member, TAC EXCOM, ASCE-EWRI, 2003-2005 Chair, Watershed Council, ASCE-EWRI, 2000-2003 Vice-Chair, Watershed Council, ASCE-EWRI, 1999-2000 Chair, Ground Water Quality Committee, ASCE-EWRI and EED, 1998-2000 Chair, Subsurface Remediation Technology Subcommittee, ASCE-EED, 1996-1999 Vice-Chair, Multiphase Flow and Transport Subcommittee, ASCE-EED, 1996-1999 Vice-Chair, Ground Water Quality Committee, ASCE-EED, 1994-1998 Secretary, Ground Water Quality Committee, ASCE-EED, 1992-1994 Chair, Task Committee, Horizontal Well for Subsurface Remediation, ASCE-EWRI, 1999-2003 Vice-Chair, Task Committee, Animal Waste Containment, ASCE-EWRI and EED, 19982003 Chair, Task Group, Contaminated Ground Water Modeling, ASCE-EED, 1991-1993 Secretary, Containment and Mitigation of Toxic Mine Waste, ASSMR-Geotechnical 3

Engineering Division, 1994-1998 Conference and Symposium Co-Chair, 5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment, ASCEEWRI, Marrakesh, Morocco, January 2012 Co-Chair, 2nd International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment, ASCEEWRI, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2009 Co-Chair, Technical Program, 1st International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment, ASCE-EWRI, New Delhi, India, December 2006 Co-Chair, Technical Program, An International Perspective on Environmental Engineering, Joint CSCE and ASCE International Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, July 2002 Chair, Technical Program, Integrated Surface and Ground Water Management, ASCE Specialty Symposium, Orlando, May 2001 Control Member, Conference Steering Committee, Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) in Subsurface Environment: Assessment and Remediation, ASCE Conference, Washington, November 1996 Review Panel Blue Ribbon Panel Member, Natural Attenuation of Hazardous Wastes, Book, ASCEEWRI, 2002 Blue Ribbon Panel Member, Manual on Well Hydraulics, ASCE-EWRI, 2003-2004 Past Reviewer, Journal of Hydraulics Engineering, ASCE ASCE SECTION/BRANCH ACTIVITIES: East Central Branch, FL. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES: Professional Engineer FL, VA, MI Professional Geologist FL, NC Diplomate, Water Resources Engineering AAWRE Certification - HAZWOPER (29CFR 1910) General Contractor FL (in progress) OTHER PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND LEADERSHIP: Member, Florida Board of Professional Engineers, Gubernatorial Appointment, 20082011 Review Panel Blue Ribbon Panel Member, Environmental Site Characterization and Remediation 4

Design Guidance Manual, ASCE, 1998-1999 Past and Current Reviewer, Various ASCE Specialty Conferences and Symposia Past and Current Reviewer, Various ASCE Monographs and Technical Reports Past Reviewer, Journal of Ground Water, AGWSE Past Reviewer, Water Resources Bulletin, AWRA Short Course And Seminar Instructor Course Director. Contaminant Hydrogeology for Site Remediation, Sponsored by American Society of Civil Engineers; Orlando, November 7-9, 1994; San Francisco, December 5-7, 1994; Ft. Lauderdale, April 23-25, 1997; Newark, May 14-16, 1997. Course Director. How to Design, Perform and Analyze Aquifer Tests, Slug Tests and Sieve Data for Site Characterization, Sponsored by American Society of Civil Engineers; Orlando, February 7-9, 1996; Chicago, March 11-13, 1996; Irvine, April 2224, 1996. Co-Instructor. Ground Water Recovery System Design: Numerical Modeling, Management of Contaminated Ground Water and Aquifer Restoration, Sponsored by Center for Professional Advancement; New Brunswick, July 13-15, 1992. Course Director. Practical Applications of Ground Water Hydrology and Hydraulics; Training Course provided to the professional staff of the Division of Environmental Control, State of Delaware, Dover, July to December 1982. Expert Witness (Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering) My consulting experience in private sector began in 1985 as an expert witness for a large chemical fire incident in Michigan involving DNAPLs (chlorinated solvents). Since then I have provided expert witness services for litigations with contaminant migration from a landfill in New Jersey to sinkhole investigation studies in Florida. Independent Peer Review (Environmental, Geotechnical, and Water Resources) I have peer reviewed more than 30 projects relating environmental restoration of Everglades for the State of Florida. I have served as the Independent External Peer Review Panel Member for the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS) Design Guidelines, I-10 Crossing and I-310 Crossing for the USACE in New Orleans, and currently reviewing the HSDRRS-Design Elevation Report and Addenda for USACE. Publications I have more than 50 technical publications in the environmental and water resources disciplines, including fate and transport analysis, stochastic hydrology, and numerical model (finite element, finite difference, and finite analytic) and systems theory development for network analysis. Two of the projects that I served as a leading team member were nominated to NSPE for engineering achievement award: Design of the Hazardous Waste Landfill, Dow Chemical, 1985 and Design of the Subway Tunnel, Baltimore City, 1990. 5

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