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The 18 Backbones of
Proven Sales Copy

1.Position the Problem

Pre-Headline: Call out exactly the people you’re speaking to, in
the language they use to describe themselves or would agree

Example: Attention Men and Women: If you’re struggling to lose

those last 10-15 pounds, battling with slow fat loss, OR suffering
from nagging “problem areas” fat storage in your lower body,
love handles, or belly…

Keep in mind: Be specific in who you’re calling out.

2. Headline

Headline: Give/Take/Heal

Example: Discover the Incredible Fat Burning Workouts New

York’s Premier Fat Loss Expert and Fitness Model John
Romaniello Developed That Helped Him Lose Those Last 17
Pounds and Transform His Body From Soft To ROCK HARD In
Just 6 Short Weeks...

3. Sub-Headline
Sub-headline: Gets more precise with the problem being solved
or beings to describe the thing you’re offering.

Example: Incinerating fat directly from your problem areas is

now a REALITY. Prepare for ridiculous results.

Keep in mind: Get more precise with what problem this is

solving and use the terms that they use.

4. Emotional Trigger

Emotional Trigger: Curiosity; surprise; anger; humor

Caveat: poke, don’t stab. If it’s a negative emotion, go in at an
angle or a degree removed. If you’re going for discomfort or fear
and you drop the hammer right away, they’re more likely to click

Example: Why THIS email generates millions of dollars. In this

email, I’m using a strategy that’s explosively grown my business.
Even if you’re not a “natural” writer. Even if you don’t have a
huge email list. Even if you’re stretched thin with a million

Caveat: Poke, don’t stop. If it’s a negative emotion, go into an

angle or degree removed. If you’re going for discomfort or fear
and you drop the hammer right away they’re more likely to click

5. Introduction
Introduction: Tell them what they’re in for, tell them who you
are, this is your opportunity to humanize yourself on the page
and create a deeper level for understanding between you and
the audience.

Example: Talk about your bio.

Keep in mind: Opportunity to humanize yourself on the page.

Help them understand who you are and word choice is very
specific. Speak in your language because it’s about you!

6. Credibility
Credibility: What makes you successful and use the facts that
are important to them.

Example: Amanda Bucci’s instagram account having a blue

check mark + having over half a million followers. Also, in her
Instagram account bio when she says, “five years 550K+
Instagram Followers, 25 Million YouTube Channel views, and 5_
Million podcast downloads, 50k+ email list subscribers, and a
whole lot of growth later...

Keep in mind: Often your introduction and credibility blends

together. Also, put statistics, facts, and numbers that your
audience cares about.

7. Story
Introduction: The story humanizes the problem and makes it
tactile. You’ll use descriptive language and on occasion get
really detailed to help them feel the experience.

Example: The main obstacle in getting into shape is not

knowing what to do; the indirect obstacle is not having time to
do it. the program you’re offering solves the first by giving them
a plan. The character in the story (often you) needs to overcome
the indirect obstacle of time.

Keep in mind: Follows the frame-hook-turn-dive-payoff model,

but also must relate specifically to the problem you’re solving,
feed back into the credibility you’ve established, feature at least
one imperfect character, and have a indirect obstacle in
addition to the main obstacle

8. Overcoming Objections
Introduction: Proactiv objection handling is KEY. We want to
ease their mind before they even get to ask questions and try to
deconstruct what you’re selling.

Example: Objection- “I can’t afford it”

How to Handle: “ If you could get just one client to pay for this
course, you’d already have made your money back with interest.
Do you think you could just sign one new client with this brand
new skill of yours?”

Keep in mind: 3 categories - financial, suitability, personal


9. Testimonials
Introduction: Your proof! This section is all about sharing the
experience from past clients who had an exceptional
experience. (Give the reader a “they’re like me” feeling. Give
context that they can do it to.)

Example: Social proof videos, excerpts of client conversations,

pictures of text conversations,etc

Keep in mind: Find testimonials of clients who are like your

prospects. Overload them with social proof!

10. Bullets
Introduction: Way of summarizing information because people
will skim over it.


If you:
● Want to lose that last 5% of body fat
● Don’t want to starve yourself
● Only have 30 minutes a day available
Then this is for you

Keep in mind: Most people will skim the sales and go right to
the bullets and it’s where you put your most important ideas
that you want your reader to take away.

11. Offer
Introduction: Value stacking, price anchoring, CTA. More than
just the product it’s ultimately what you’re getting out of the
entire experience.

Value stacking is talking about the benefit they’ll get.

Price anchoring is comparing two different objects to highlight

why the course is a must buy.

Example: You can either change your life...or ya know, have a

burrito, your choice.


You will spend $25k on this mastermind and it’s like getting an
MBA education.

Keep in mind: Compare the price of your program to something

they already spend money on or understand the value of. This
also reinforces the call to action.

12. Deadline
Introduction: Nothing gets done without a deadline and must
have a level of scarcity. Last day of the sale is when you sell the
most product.

Example: Course closes soon so act now if you want lifetime


Keep in mind: You can create deadlines around anything.

Scarcity, availability, price going up, etc.

13. Close the loops

Introduction: Open loops are unfinished tasks, unresolved
storylines, or unanswered questions.

Called the Zeigarnik Effect, states that people remember

uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks.

Example: What I mean is, no matter what happens in the

expanding world of the internet, there are three constants and
you’ve already written everything you need to have all three of
those things...wouldn’t it be nice if people just showed up and

Keep in mind: In copy open loops keeps people reading but, you
must resolve it. The only thing you want unresolved at the end
of the copy is “I need to resolve this by buying this!”

14. Guarantees
Introduction: Every sales page should have some kind of
guarantees. It allows someone to feel safe.

Example: If you’re not happy after 30 days you’ll get your money

Keep in mind: Conditional risks are the future because people

will buy and return. That’s why you give homework to make sure
that they actually do the work and apply it to your business.

15. P.S.
Introduction: Summarizes or restates the offer, problem, or
solution. Reaffirms the buying decision, directly addresses
hesitancy, and imparts extra urgency.

Example: P.S.See what’s it like to have the $1.5 million copy

engine driving your business and being a top earner in your
field. If you’re not happy after 60 days you can return it.

Keep in mind: P.S. work because people skim the page.

16. Call to Action

Introduction: Do the damn thing and it tells people what to do.

Example: Sign up for instant access. Order now. Click here.

Comment here.

Keep in mind: You add it after solving the major issue that your
prospect is trying to solve and have at least 3.

17. FAQ
Introduction: Most questions should address a specific
objection and answer in language that assures it. You’ll be
handling objections across the board in your sales page but this
is perfect to address any of those technical and “knock ‘em out
of the park” objection.

Example: Answer their questions

Keep in mind: Have practical questions answered and use

testimonials to answer their questions.

18. Final CTA

Introduction: Have in between the P.S and FAQ

Example: Click here!

Keep in mind: Have one final push to get them to take action.

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