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Big boss: Russian Communist boss

Gennady Zyuganov, a former Soviet-era
propagandist, leads both the Communist Party
of the Russian Federation and the Union of
Communist Parties-Communist Party of the
Soviet Union, which oversees all of the official
active Communist parties in the former Soviet

elected member of the State Duma (the

lower chamber of Russia’s Federal As-
sembly), where he leads the “opposition”
Communist Party faction. 
 Zyuganov faced off against incumbent
AP Images

President Yeltsin in the 1996 election, and

ran as President Vladimir Putin’s main
opponent in the presidential elections

of 2000, 2008, and 2012. Whereas other
leaders opposed to Putin have been im-
prisoned or killed, Zyuganov has not. In-
stead, he’s been more of a friend and men-

tor to Putin than one would expect from
an opponent. Clearly, Zyuganov is Putin’s
designated and approved challenger for
Russia’s staged wrestling-match-style
elections. He provides faux legitimacy,
boosting the image of Russia as a multi-
party state. At the same time, he reinforces
Russian communists eye Ukraine as part of the image that Putin is the ruling opposi-
a new “Eurasian” Soviet Union. tion to communism and that he’s broken
with his KGB past.
 In addition to holding one-on-one meet-
by Christian Gomez an influential force within the Kremlin ings with him, Putin has frequently show-

and over Russia’s “special military op- ered Zyuganov with gifts and awards. For
n Moscow, on December 25, 1991, eration” in Ukraine.  example, on June 26, 2019 — Zyuganov’s
as millions celebrated Christmas in 75th birthday — Putin presented him with
the West, Mikhail Gorbachev re- The Communist Who Never Left  a framed picture of the Palace of Congress
signed from the presidency and the “Red On February 14, 1993, roughly a year and and a copy of the book Materials of the
Banner” flag of the Soviet Union was a half after Russian President Boris Yelt- 23rd Congress of the Communist Party
taken down from the Kremlin for the sin issued various decrees officially ban- of the USSR. However, it was five years
last time. The following day, the briefly ning the Communist Party of the Russian earlier that Putin gave him the most presti-
re-named Soviet of Republics (formerly Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (CP gious accolade. On June 26, 2014 — Zyu-
known as the Soviet of Nationalities) — RSFSR) — Soviet Russia’s republic-level ganov’s 70th birthday — Putin announced
the highest legislative body in the USSR branch of the ruling Communist Party of that he was awarding him the Order of
— officially dissolved the Union of So- the Soviet Union (CPSU) — Leninist ad- Alexander Nevsky for his “achieved
viet Socialist Republics. To most histo- herents formed the new Communist Party labor success, significant contribution to
rians and former Sovietologists, those of the Russian Federation (CPRF). The the socio-economic development of the
monumental events — which took place CPRF immediately declared itself the of- Russian Federation, [and] the implemen-
in less than 48 hours — marked the col- ficial successor of the banned CP RSFSR. tation of the foreign policy course of the
lapse of the Soviet Union and the end of Gennady Zyuganov — a former Soviet- Russian Federation.” (Emphasis added.)
communism in Russia. However, despite era protagonist, CPSU ideologue, and out- This raises the question, what exactly is
repeated and exaggerated claims of its spoken critic of Gorbachev’s perestroika Zyuganov’s foreign policy, and how does
collapse in the early 1990s, the Commu- and glasnost reforms — was named gen- Ukraine fit into it? 
nist Party is in fact alive and well in Rus- eral secretary of the CPRF. And almost
sia today, and has been for quite some 30 years later, Zyuganov remains general Christian Gomez is research project manager for The
time. Russia’s Communist Party remains secretary of the party. Zyuganov is also an John Birch Society.

18 THE NEW AMERICAN  •  MAY 16, 2022

Back to the USSR  stan, and Russia in 2010. The Eurasian fore, in connection with the creation of
On March 26-27, 1993, 370 delegates Economic Community, mentioned in the a fraternal state, the Eurasian Union, we
from 11 former Soviet republics gathered above declaration, has since been renamed have extremely important prospects. Our
in Moscow for the 29th Congress of the the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) task and that of future generations is to
Communist Party of the Soviet Union. and is regarded by many in Russia, includ- realize them.” 
Billed as an event to create an “interna- ing Zyuganov and Putin, as an attempt to  Unless Belarus and Russia recreated
tional socio-political organization,” this not only further economically integrate the this “Eurasian common space,” Zyuganov
little-known 29th Congress of the CPSU former Soviet republics, but restore the told those in attendance, “you and I in this
was where delegates adopted a resolu- territorial integrity of the former USSR. world will serve other people’s interests,”
tion transforming the CPSU into the new And, as the Declaration of the Commu- referring to the United States and Europe.
Union of Communist Parties-Communist nist Parties within the UCP-CPSU states, Zyuganov is a close ally of Belarussian
Party of the Soviet Union (UCP-CPSU), the goal of establishing this Union State dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who is
which lives on to this day. Also led by “must be taken up by the working people, also supported by the Communist Party of
Gennady Zyuganov, the UCP-CPSU is the  fraternal communist parties, and all Belarus in the country’s national assembly. 
the self-declared official successor to the the patriots of the Soviet Motherland.”
CPSU. The UCP-CPSU serves as the um- (Emphasis added.) The UCP-CPSU’s pri- Enter Ukraine 
brella party and governing structure over mary objective is for communists to lead Not surprisingly, Zyuganov and the CPRF
all the official Communist parties active and control the Eurasian Economic Union, are supportive of Putin’s invasion of
within the former Soviet Union. All that thereby restoring the Soviet Union.  Ukraine. In fact, restoring the territorial
remains for Zyuganov and the Communist  While speaking about the necessity of integrity of the Soviet Union via the mod-
parties is to bring back the Soviet Union.  the Eurasian Economic Union at the State ern EAEU is in large part a key motivation
The UCP-CPSU remains dedicated to National Press Center of Belarus in Minsk behind’s Putin’s so-called special military
the restoration of the USSR and the return on July 19, 2016, Zyuganov said, “The de- operation to “demilitarise and denazify
to official Communist Party control over struction of the USSR led to the collapse Ukraine,” as he put it in his nationwide
Russia and the other nations of the former of a balanced global system of world se- televised remarks on February 24, 2022.
Soviet Union. The official Declaration of curity, so the integration of the post-Soviet The importance of Ukraine to Moscow
the Communist Parties within the UCP- space is a vital necessity.” The Russian was best summarized by Gorbachev, who,
CPSU states:   communist leader further added, “There- in August 1991, told a Ukrainian journalist,

Integration needs to ensure the cre-

ation of the Customs Union of Bel­
arus, Kazakhstan and Russia, the
Eurasian Economic Community and
the Collective Security Treaty Organ­
The cause of building the Union
State must be taken up by the work-
ing people, the fraternal communist
parties, and all the patriots of the So-
viet Motherland. Following the pre-
cepts of Vladimir Lenin, we reaffirm
our faithfulness to the principles laid
down in the Declaration on the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics, ad-
opted on December 30, 1922, by the
First All-Union Congress of Soviets.
We are already acting for the step-
by-step revival of a renewed Union
of the Peoples.   

The Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakh-

AP Images

stan and Russia began with a series of

treaties in 1995 to economically integrate
the former Soviet countries, following Soviet communism continues: Gennady Zyuganov speaks at the 35th Congress of the Union
their breakup in 1991. The various treaties of Communist Parties-Communist Party of the Soviet Union (UCP-CPSU) in Minsk, Belarus, on
culminated with the official establishment November 1, 2014. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union officially rebranded itself as the
of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakh- UCP-CPSU in 1993. 19

fascist and neo-Nazi Kiev government,

funding numerous NGOs in Ukraine
through his International Renaissance
Foundation and Open Society Founda-
tions. He has been particularly tight with
Ukrainian oligarch and former Ukrainian
president Petro Poroshenko, who awarded
Soros with Ukraine’s Order of Liberty,
one of Ukraine’s highest honors, in 2015.
Although current Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky came to power
posturing as a champion against corrupt
billionaire oligarchs, he was brought to
power by Ukraine’s richest corrupt bil-
lionaire oligarchs, most notably Ihor
Kolomoyskyi and Victor Pinchuk. Kolo-
moyskyi, who has his fingers in banking,

AP Images
media, metals, and petroleum, owns a con-
trolling interest in the 1+1 Media Group
Communists for the war: Gennady Zyuganov (left) shaking hands with General of the Army that propelled Zelensky to the presidency
Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the general staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with his Servant of the People film and
while visiting the State Duma in 2017.
television series. Pinchuk — the son-in-
law of Ukraine’s former communist dicta-
tor (and Putin comrade) Leonid Kuchma
— is not only super rich, but also well
connected to the globalist elites of Davos
“There can be no Union without Ukraine.” days before the invasion, Gennady Zyu- and Wall Street. Pinchuk, a regular at the
Although Gorbachev was referring to the ganov, as did Putin, accused NATO and World Economic Forum, hosts his own an-
Soviet Union, the same principle applies the West of turning Ukraine into a “fas- nual Yalta European Strategy (YES) con-
to the Eurasian Economic Union.   cist” state.  fab that attracts the same WEF luminaries.
 It was on February 21, 2022 when In his remarks before the Duma, Zyu- His Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s “part-
Putin first informed both French Presi- ganov declared, “Putting a stop to the ners” include the Clinton Global Initiative,
dent Emmanuel Macron and German West’s actions aimed at turning Ukraine Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Pe-
Chancellor Olaf Scholz of his decision into a Fascist state is emerging as the key terson Institute, and Soros’ Open Society
to recognize the breakaway provinces task of the world community.” He added, Foundations. (For more about Zelensky’s
of Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbas “The CPRF is convinced that the West’s and Pinchuk’s ties to the Deep State, see
region of Ukraine as sovereign, inde- military blackmail must get a robust an- the article on page 10.) 
pendent nations. At the time, Putin said, swer in the shape of Russia’s firm stand  A former comedian and actor, Zelensky
“I consider it necessary to take a long- in defense of the civilian population of is a committed globalist and has been deter-
overdue decision: To immediately recog- Donbass and punishment of aggressors.”  mined since the beginning of his presidency
nize the independence and sovereignty of  The day after Russian forces crossed to advance Ukraine’s accession to NATO
Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk into Ukraine, Zyuganov further declared and the European Union, including acceler-
People’s Republic.”  before the Duma:  ating Ukraine’s economic integration with
 Putin’s announcement came virtu- the EU. It has always been the Kremlin’s
ally one month after lawmakers from Only demilitarization and denazifi- official position that Ukrainian member-
the CPRF, led by Zyuganov in the State cation of Ukraine can ensure lasting ship in the EU, and NATO especially, is
Duma, submitted draft resolution No. security for the peoples of Russia, both nonnegotiable and unacceptable, and
58243-8 presenting President Putin “with Ukraine and the whole of Europe. We any move by Kiev in that direction would
a request for considering the recognition consider it important to make wide be paramount to an escalation of conflict.
of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the use of the methods of people diplo- The Zelensky government was well aware
Lugansk People’s Republic as indepen- macy and humanitarian cooperation of this reality prior to Russia’s invasion, but
dent and sovereign states.”  in protecting peace and preventing remained undeterred in its quest to fully in-
 While global condemnation of Rus- the resurgence of Fascism. tegrate with the EU and NATO. 
sia’s invasion of Ukraine has been swift,  While a free, sovereign Ukraine that is
with many in the West comparing Putin Socialists Left and Right  independent of both the EU and the EAEU
to Adolf Hitler and describing the Russian Ironically, socialist billionaire George would be the ideal outcome, such an op-
government as “fascist,” ironically, two Soros has hugely influenced the so-called tion does not appear to be tenable in the

20 THE NEW AMERICAN  •  MAY 16, 2022

foreseeable future. This war is a war over backed coup, Hrushevsky fled to Russia, 1954 the Supreme Soviet announced the
Ukraine’s place in the new world order, where he became increasingly pro-Bol- territorial transfer of Crimea from the Rus-
whether it will be under Brussels’ and shevik. In 1924, he returned to the then- sian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Berlin’s brand of socialism (i.e., Eurocom- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, after to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
munism) or the Russian/Soviet brand of Bolshevik Russia’s victory in their 1917- According to the Supreme Soviet’s pub-
socialism.  1921 invasion of Ukraine. However, by lished decree, the decision was made be-
1931, Hrushevsky had fallen out of favor cause of Crimea’s geographical proximity
No-win Scenario    with the Soviet government and was ex- and economic and cultural ties to the rest
Ukraine’s situation is also reminiscent of iled to Moscow. He died on November of the Ukrainian SSR. The Soviet govern-
the various ethnic conflicts in Iraq and 24, 1934, during a routine surgery in the ment also regarded it as a gesture of good-
certain African countries in which Euro- Russian city of Kislovodsk. Today, he is will and friendship between the Ukrainian
pean powers artificially created the current revered in Ukraine as one of the country’s and Russian peoples. Nevertheless, many
nation-states irrespective of the preexist- greatest historians.  Crimeans see themselves more as Russian
ing boundaries, traditional people groups,  The majority of Ukrainians in the east than Ukrainian, and it is therefore under-
spoken languages, and cultures. Ukraine and south of the country are ethnically standable why such Crimeans welcome
is in reality many nations in one state, Russian and want closer ties to Moscow, Russian intervention and rule as a “return
initially created by socialists after the col- while those in the west consider them- to the motherland.”  
lapse of Tsarist Russia at the end of the selves to be more central European, and  Without Ukraine, and especially with-
First World War.   long for closer ties to Poland, Germany, out Crimea, Russia today is in a weakened
 The Ukrainian People’s Republic was and the rest of the EU.  and vulnerable position. From Russia’s
first established in 1917, following the  The present Ukrainian government has vantage point, they need Ukraine. Ukraine
ratification of the First Universal of the moved to expunge any vestiges of historic was one of the most industrial and pros-
Ukrainian Central Council on June 23, Russian influence and culture in Ukraine, perous of all of the former Soviet repub-
1917. Months earlier, Mykhailo Hrush- including outlawing Russian as an official lics, and was even regarded as the most
evsky, an academic scholar and member language (which was also forced on all important and strategic of all the Soviet re-
of the radical Ukrainian Socialist-Revolu- Ukrainians by the Russian Bolsheviks and publics. This view has even been accepted
tionary Party, has been elected president Soviet government). In the Donbas region by the Communist Party of Bolivia, which
of Ukraine’s revolutionary parliament, and Crimea, Russian is most people’s first declared, “Of all of the Soviet republics,
the Central Rada. Following a German- and only language. In fact, on February 27, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
was, without a doubt, the most important
from all points of view.” 
 The modern-day nation-state of Ukraine
is in many ways the legacy of Vladimir
Lenin, who established the Ukrainian So-
viet Socialist Republic, and Russians today
— especially members of the CPRF and
UCP-CPSU, who want to restore the So-
viet Union in the form of the Eurasian Eco-
nomic Union — cannot fully realize their
objective without Ukraine.  
 For the Kremlin, a union without
Ukraine is destined to fail — and they are
determined not to fail. Unfortunately, for
those innocent Ukrainian civilians caught
in the middle of this socialist tug-of-war,
there is no easy way out, as both global-
ists and communists have their sights
on controlling Ukraine. A Western vic-
tory guarantees Ukraine’s capitulation to
Brussels and collectivist integration with
the European Union. A Russian victory
guarantees the realization of Zyuganov
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and the UCP-CPSU’s decades-long quest

to recreate the Soviet Union via Ukraine
With friends like these: Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) presents supposed “opposition” in an eventual communist-led Eurasian
leader Gennady Zyuganov with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland at a ceremony at the Kremlin Union. Neither outcome is ideal for lib-
on November 21, 2019. erty in Ukraine. n

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