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Both El Nino and La Nina have the potential to affect climate and ecosystems on a
worldwide scale. El Nino and La Nina periods normally last nine to twelve months, but
can occasionally last for years. In general, El Nino and La Nina events happen every two
to seven years, but they don't always happen at the same time. El Nino typically happens
more frequently than La Nina. Whereas La Nina is a climate pattern that describes the
cooling of surface ocean water along the tropical west coast of South America, El Nino
has the opposite effect and can have a significant impact on our weather, resulting in
reduced rainfall across parts of eastern and northern Australia, particularly during
winter, spring, and early summer.


There is only one planet where we now reside. There are many resources on the
planet, some of which are renewable and some of which are not, but due to our
ever-increasing population, all of these resources are in grave danger. As we are all
dependent on one another for survival and because the environment is so important to
our wellbeing, it is important to protect every element, conservation and preservation
are essential to saving and helping both animals and trees. For our species to survive,
these are crucial. We waste our priceless resources if we don't protect and conserve
them. We need to learn how to live sustainably, and I believe we are not currently doing
so. The beauty of this environment must be preserved and conserved since we use too
much at a rate that cannot be restored. This is part of our responsibility as the dominant


Human welfare depends heavily on natural resources. We cannot survive without

the fresh water we drink, the plants we consume, or the pure air we breathe. To build
roofs over our heads and heat our homes, we require natural resources. For us to live
and prosper, they are essential. The video made it clear to me that while nature
facilitates human progress, our insatiable need for the planet's resources is accelerating
extinction rates and causing havoc on the planet's ecosystems. We are all on a shaky and
dangerous path when it comes to the significance of sustainable resource management.
We should all consider it and do our part to conserve our natural resources as much as
we can, which includes stopping using or cutting back on the things that have a negative
impact on them.

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