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Module in Organization and Management
Quarter 1 ● Module 8


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME:__________________________ GRADE AND SECTION ____________

TEACHER: ______________________ SCORE _________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
No. 82 Military Cut-off, Baguio City

Published by:
DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum through
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This module is a project of the DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City through the
Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) which is in response to the implementation of the K
to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education, Schools Division

of Baguio City. It aims to improve students’ academic performance specifically in

Date of Development : September 2020

Resource Location : DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Learning Area : ABM
Grade Level : 11/12
Learning Resource Type : Module
Language : English
Quarter/Week : Q1/W8
Learning Competency/Code : Apply organization theories for effective business

As the author of this learning module, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to
those who meaningfully contributed in the development of this material. To our School
Principal, Ms. Ma. Joan D. Andayan, thank you for the moral support you gave me in crafting
this learning module. To our Assistant School Principal, Ms. Pia P. Duligas, thank you for the
guidance and technical assistance. To my mentors, Mr. Norbert C. Lartec and Ms. Glenda M.
Saludo, thank you for the motivation, imparting your knowledge and expertise on this subject,
and proficiency towards the development of this module. Lastly, my humblest gratitude to
DepEd Division of Baguio for the given opportunity to develop a module for Filipino learners.

Development Team
Frances Anne C. Beraquit Author

School Learning Resources Management Committee

Ma. Joan D. Andayan School Principal
Pia P. Duligas Assistant School Principal
Genevieve C. Tudlong School LR Coordinator
Norbert C. Lartec Master Specialist

Quality Assurance Team

Mary Jane N. Malihod EPS – EPP/TLE/TVL
Leticia A. Hidalgo PSDS – District 7

Learning Resource Management Section Staff

Loida C. Mangangey EPS – LRMDS
Victor A. Fernandez Education Program Specialist II - LRMDS
Christopher David G. Oliva Project Development Officer II – LRMDS
Priscilla A. Dis-iw Librarian II
Lily B. Mabalot Librarian I



Chief Education Supervisor – CID

OIC - Asst. Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent

COPYRIGHT NOTICE .............................................................................................. iii
PREFACE ................................................................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ vi
What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 2
What I Know .............................................................................................................. 3
What’s In ................................................................................................................... 4
What’s New............................................................................................................... 5
What is It ................................................................................................................... 5
What’s More............................................................................................................ 10
Activity 1: Congratulations, Manager! ............................................................... 10
Activity 2: Employee’s Hierarchy of Needs ....................................................... 11
Activity 3: Parts of the System .......................................................................... 12
What I Have Learned .............................................................................................. 12
Activity 4: Classical vs. Behavioral vs. Modern Theories .................................. 12
What I Can Do ........................................................................................................ 13
Activity 5: From Classical to Modern ................................................................ 13
Post-Assessment .................................................................................................... 13
Additional Activities ................................................................................................. 15
Activity 6: Application ....................................................................................... 15
Answer Key............................................................................................................. 16
References ............................................................................................................. 17

Module in Organization and Management
Quarter 1 ● Module 8


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

What I Need to Know


The primary objective of the Organization and Management subject is to aid students
in familiarizing the basic concepts, principles, and processes related to business
organizations, and the functional areas of management. This module will help you understand
the significance of organization structures for effective business management.


This module contains several lessons. To make the most out of them, you need to do
the following:
1. Scan the list of Learning Objectives to get an idea of the knowledge and skills you are
expected to gain and develop as you study the module. These outcomes are based on
the content standards, performance standards, and learning competencies of
Organization and Management.
2. Take the What I Know. Your score will determine your knowledge of the lessons in the
module. If you get 100% of the items correctly, you may proceed to the next module.
However, you are highly encouraged to take this module for a deeper understanding
on the topic.
3. Each Lesson aims to develop one of the learning objectives set for the module. It starts
with an activity that will help you understand the lesson and meet the required
4. Take your time in reading this module. Write down points for clarification. You may
discuss these points with your teacher.
5. Perform all activities and answer all worksheets. The activities and assessments are
designed to enhance your understanding of sets. The activities will also give you an
idea how well you understand the lessons. Review the lessons if necessary, until you
have achieved a satisfactory level of understanding.
6. At the end of the module, take the Post-Assessment to evaluate your overall
understanding about the lessons.

At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1) enumerate the three main organizational theories;
2) differentiate the organizational theories; and
3) apply the organizational theories in the analysis of sample business cases.

What I Know

General Reminder:
Please use another sheet of paper (preferably SHORT BOND PAPER) for your
answers in all the activities included in this module. Write your name (LN, FN, MI)
and section at the upper left portion of your answer sheet.
Activity 1: Pretest
Instruction: Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your answer sheet. Use
CAPITAL letter only.
1. According to Max Weber, the ideal model or approach for management is the
A. administrative management approach. C. human relations approach.
B. bureaucratic management approach. D. scientific management approach.
2. The following approaches are considered under the classical organization theory,
A. administrative management approach C. scientific management approach
B. theory X and Y D. none of the given
3. What is considered as set of specific written instructions on how to perform a task or
A. code of conduct C. rules
B. ethics D. standard operating procedures
4. Who is known as the “Pioneer of the Principles and Functions of Management”?
A. Douglas McGregor C. Henri Fayol
B. Frederick Taylor C. Mary Parker Follet
5. Who is known as the “Father of Scientific Management?
A. Abraham Maslow C. Frederick Taylor
B. Henry Gantt D. Max Weber
6. Who is the proponent of “Theory X and Y”?
A. Douglas McGregor C. Max Weber
B. Henry Gantt D. Mary Parker Follet
7. What organization theory emphasizes on understanding the importance of human
behavior and motivating employees to be more productive?
A. behavioral organization theory C. modern organization theory
B. classical organization theory D. theory X and Y
8. Who suggested that job efficiency can be attained through technical and professional
skills development of the workers?
A. Abraham Maslow C. Henri Fayol
B. Frederick Taylor D. Max Weber
9. What refers to the result of a system such as products and profits/losses, or anything
which is produced by the organization as a system?
A. input C. output
B. feedback D. transformational process

10. What modern theory viewpoint is focused on determining the best possible strategy in
a given situation?
A. sociotechnical viewpoint C. contingency viewpoint
B. systems viewpoint D. administrative viewpoint

Instruction: Write T on your answer sheet if the idea of the statement is correct. Otherwise,
write F.
11. Total Quality Management is a management approach which suggests that
organizations must continuously seek for improvement.
12. Quality assurance is a strategy used in minimizing errors by managing each stage of
13. Quality control focuses on striving for “zero defects” production.
14. Under the systems viewpoint, organizations without technology could result to low
performance and organizations without manpower to operate technological equipment
could also result to immobilization
15. Classical organization theory is used by managers in the early 1900s to increase the
level of job performance of workers.

Have you answered all the questions given correctly? Good job! Now, you may
proceed to the next part of this module.

What’s In

Congratulations, learner! You are now a step closer in understanding the principles of
management and organization. You have previously learned that an organization is a group
or a system comprised of more than two (2) people with the aim of achieving goals and
objectives. An organization makes use of various management theories in order to work
effectively and harmoniously in reaching its purpose. How about we look back at the different
theories of management?

The theories of management or the organizational theories are conceptualized to

explain and study various trends and issues in management. These organizational theories
have three (3) main perspectives: classical organization theory, behavioral organization
theory, and the contemporary or modern organization theory. This module will give you an in-
depth discussion about these theories which you can apply in different business cases later

What’s New

Activity 2: Communicate with Me!

Instruction: Below is a diagram. Explain in NOT MORE THAN five (5) sentences how the
diagram presents the flow of communication in an organization. Write the answer on your
answer sheet.




What is It

In order to attain work efficiency and effectiveness, communication becomes an

essential factor – thus, it is considered as a key concept in an organization. Communication
at different levels in an organization could either be upward, downward, or horizontal. Aside
from this, there are other theories which are conceptualized to solve various organizational
issues. These are known as management theories or organization theories. Organization
theories are considered as knowledge systems which study and explain the organizational
structure, function and operation, and organizational group and individual behavior (Zhu
1999). There are three (3) perspectives: classical organization theory, behavioral
organization theory, and the contemporary or modern organization theory.

The classical organization theory is the main organizational theory used by

managers in the early 1900s. This organizational theory focuses on work efficiency,
particularly on job performance of the employees or workers. There are three (3) known
approaches under this theory namely scientific management approach, administrative
management approach, and the bureaucratic management approach (Valencia, et al. 2009).

Overview Focuses on ways how Focuses on managing Focuses on
to manage work the organization as a development of rules
efficiently. whole. and SOPs to ensure
that employees are
treated fairly.
Main Frederick W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, who is Max Weber, a German
Contributor/s who is known as the known as the “Pioneer sociologist, and
“Father of Scientific of the Principles and Chester Bernard did
Management”, Functions of not encourage red
stressed that job Management”, tape and inefficiency.
efficiency could be distinguished operating Weber advocated five
achieved through and managerial (5) principles in the
technical skills and activities and bureaucracy system to
professional skills developed the major ensure efficiency and
development of functions of effectiveness.
employees. He also management:
added that managers planning, coordinating,
must analyze and organizing, controlling
redesign jobs to and commanding. He
achieve optimum work also identified the 14
performance of each management
worker. principles.
Key 1. Managers should 1. Division of Work – 1. The formal authority
Principles study how the employees work well of a manager is
employees when they are tasked derived from the
perform their according to position he/she
jobs/tasks. They specialization. holds in an
should gather 2. Authority – refers to organization.
information on the the right to issue
knowledge and skills command and goes 2. People should
that workers hand-in-hand with occupy positions
possess to know responsibility. because of their
what are their job- Employees work best performance, and
related needs. when they are given not because of
the authority in line personal contacts
2. Create new rules with their function. and social class.
and methods of 3. Discipline – there
performing tasks. should be an 3. The extent of each
established rules and position’s formal
regulation, and authority and
3. Match the tasks
employees must relationship to other
and the workers
abide to these. positions in an
who possess the
skills and abilities

needed for the 4. Unity of Command – organization should
tasks. As it is essential that be specified clearly.
managers, you need workers in an
to train them perform organization must 4. When positions are
the task according to have only one boss arranged according
the established and no conflicting to hierarchy,
rules. lines of command. authority can be
5. Unity of Direction – easily implemented.
4. Establish a fair and workers in same
acceptable level of department must 5. Managers must
performance. have same goals in a create a well-
Then, provide a single plan. defined rule, codes
reward system for 6. Subordination of of conduct, and
performances above Individual Interest – standard operating
the acceptable level. top-level managers procedures (SOPs)
should set goals so that they can
which best interests control behavior
the organization, and within the
not their self-interest. organization.
7. Remuneration –
monetary reward is an
important motivator
for employees to do
their tasks.
8. Centralization –
employees need to
obey commands
which depends on the
central authority.
9. Line of Authority – a
hierarchy is
necessary for unity of
10. Order – material
order and social
order must be
maintained in an
11. Equity –
managers need to
treat their
employees well
and fairly.
12. Stability of
Tenure of
Personnel –
employees work

better when they
are assured of job
security and career
13. Initiative –
employees must
be encouraged to
have the initiative
to do tasks.
14. Esprit de Corps –
“group spirit” in
French, Fayol
suggested that the
management must
uplift the morale of
his employees by
keenness, and
unity without

One of the problems encountered in applying the classical theory to management is

that it views human as a machine by not taking into consideration an individual’s behavioral
aspects. This led to the behavioral organization theory, which is more focused on
understanding the human behavior. It gave emphasis on human skills rather than technical
skills. One of the many contributors of this theory is Mary Parker Follet, a social worker and
philosopher. Tagged as the “Mother of Management Thought”, she suggested that
management should be more democratic and let employees participate and exercise their
initiative in their work because they are knowledgeable about their jobs. Workers should be
allowed to take part in the work development process (Valencia, et al. 2009). With this, she
developed four (4) principles: (1) knowledge and expertise are essential for managers to
identify the right person for the position; (2) managers need to be cross-functioning in order
to communicate directly with each other and to make decisions fast; (3) self-managed teams
and empowerment which means that managers should act as facilitators and motivate their
workers since the latter have more relevant work knowledge; and (4) integration should be a
part of the managerial process so that conflicts which could arise can be easily resolved.

Another contributor known is Elton Mayo, an Australian psychologist who believed

that workers must be well-treated and their needs must be satisfied in order to increase their
work performance. His Hawthorne Works/Studies (1924-1932) presents the importance of
understanding the behavior, thoughts, and emotions of workers and managers which strongly
contributes to their overall performance. It also suggests that the attitude of the managers
toward the workers (and vice versa) greatly affects the work performance level. This is known
as the Hawthorne Effect.

Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor are two other theorists who proposed a
behavioral management theory which suggests that better human relations could increase
productivity. This is known as the Human Relations Approach. Abraham Maslow believed
that the great motivators of a human being are as follows: physiological needs (food and
water); safety and security; sense of belongingness; self-esteem; and self-actualization. This
is known as the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (refer to Figure 1). He believed that when
these are attained, employees or works would be satisfied resulting to an increase in
productivity. On the other hand, Douglas McGregor developed Theory X and Y. Theory X is
a set which gives assumption on the pessimistic work attitudes and behaviors thus managers
need to construct a plan to eliminate these bad behaviors in order to perform at high levels
while Theory Y is a set which shows optimistic views on workers and considering them highly
capable to perform their tasks.



Love and Sense of


Safety and Security

Physiological Needs

Figure 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Last of the organization theories is the modern or contemporary organization

theory. This theory is based on the concept that an organization is a system which adapts to
the changes in its environment. Under this theory, there are three (3) viewpoints: systems
viewpoint, sociotechnical viewpoint, and contingency viewpoint. The systems viewpoint
regards organization as a system which is composed of four parts which operates together to
achieve a common purpose. The sociotechnical viewpoint shows that workers and
technology must be integrated to maximize organizational performance. It also states that
organizations without technology could result to low performance and organizations without
manpower to operate technological equipment could also result to immobilization. In other
words, it suggests balance for effective working in an organization. Lastly, contingency or
situational viewpoint is focused on determining the best possible approach or strategy in a
given situation. We have to take note that no best management approach is applicable for all
situations. The method or strategy greatly depends on factors or variables which could affect
the situation.

One important concept in management is Quality Management. This concept is

essential in an organization because of its commitment to excellence. It is primarily concerned
with quality control, quality assurance and total quality management. Quality control refers
to the strategy of minimizing errors in each stage of production while quality assurance is

ensuring that workers will strive for “zero defects” in the production process. Total Quality
Management, a very comprehensive management concept, is advocated for organizations to
continuously seek for improvement. It suggests that continuous improvement (kaizen in
Japanese) should be the organization’s top priority. Aside from this, teamwork and trust are
necessary to achieve the organizational goals. Workers must be trained together to build unity
among them. Feedback from clients and employees is also necessary as it seeks to find what
needs to be improved in the organization. Lastly, the organizations must establish acceptable
standards to eliminate any organizational problem.

Job well done, learner! Now, let’s see what you have understood about the
lesson that we had. You may now proceed to the activities given.

What’s More

Activity 3: Congratulations, Manager!

Congratulations! You were promoted as the Operations Manager of McDollibee Food

Enterprise, a 24/7 fast-food chain. The owner gave you the said position because he sees that
you are very willing and confident on taking a new responsibility. He gave you a scroll which
symbolizes your new journey as the operations manager.

I know that it is your first to handle a supervisory position and I can see that you
are very open for new responsibilities. For the past years, this fast-food chain
has been doing well. However, I encountered different problems with the
previous operations manager’s management. He had his own rules and one of
which is to keep changing the crew’s schedule. You know very well that there
should be eight (8) crews in the morning shift (4am to 12nn), six (6) crews in
the afternoon shift (12nn to 8pm), and six (6) crews in the evening shift (8pm to
4am). Since you were one of the crews before, you know that most of the
customers flock in the afternoon and evening and this results to grievances
from customers and overwork of afternoon and evening shift crews. Another
problem is once a crew is on leave, there are no other crew who knows how to
do the task except him/her. Also, there is an increase in employee turnover
ratio. I hope that during your term as the operations manager, you can find
ways on how to solve these.

Sincerely Yours,

The Owner

Instruction: Analyze the given situation and answer the following questions in NOT MORE
THAN ten (10) sentences. Please refer to the rubric.


Content 5 points
Grammar 2 points
Organization of thoughts 3 points
TOTAL POINTS 10 points

1. Being the operations manager of McDollibee Food Enterprise, what strategies should
be implemented to solve the problems given?
2. Assuming that you have an assistant operations manager, what tasks will you assign
to him/her? Why?
3. What advice can you give the owner to improve his / her organization? Explain.

Activity 4: Employee’s Hierarchy of Needs

According Abraham Maslow, all human beings need to satisfy their needs and wants
in order to attain self-actualization.

Instruction: Below is an Employee’s Hierarchy of Needs. Fill-in each level of the pyramid a
one-sentence answer on what an employee needs in an organization in order to attain the
different hierarchy of needs. You may base your answers from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Write your answers on your separate answer sheet.


Activity 5: Parts of the System

Under the systematic viewpoint, an organization is viewed as a system which is

composed of four parts which operates together to achieve a common purpose.

Instruction: Below is a diagram which shows the four parts which the organization use under
the systems viewpoint. Explain in NOT MORE THAN ten (10) sentences what it wants to
convey. Refer to the rubric given. Write your responses on your separate answer sheet.


Content 5 points
Grammar 2 points
Organization of thoughts 3 points
TOTAL POINTS 10 points




What I Have Learned

Activity 6: Classical vs. Behavioral vs. Modern Theories

Instruction: Copy and complete the table below on your separate answer sheet.

Classical Theory Behavioral Theory Modern Theory

Give at least two (2)
Give at least two (2)
Type of organization
which the theory can
be best applied to

What I Can Do

Activity 7: From Classical to Modern

Instruction: Analyze the given business case and answer the question in NOT MORE THAN
ten (10) sentences. Refer to the rubric for the assigned points. Write your answer on your
separate answer sheet.


Content 5 points
Grammar 2 points
Organization of thoughts 3 points
TOTAL POINTS 10 points

You own and manage Pangga Consultancy Services. You have eight (8) employees,
one of whom is the company’s secretary. The secretary is in her early 50s and she presently
uses an old typewriter, which needs to be replaced. You are not sure, though, if you will replace
it with a desktop computer with a word-processing application because the estimated cost for
replacement is Php30,000 yet you know it can make the secretary’s work faster and easier.
Since the secretary will use the computer, you asked for her advice regarding the matter before
purchasing. She was hesitant and it made her feel somewhat insecure. How do you plan to
solve this matter?


Activity 8: Multiple Choice

Instruction: Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your answer sheet. Use
CAPITAL letter only.
1. According to Max Weber, the ideal model or approach for management is the
A. administrative management approach. C. human relations approach.
B. bureaucratic management approach. D. scientific management approach.
2. The following approaches are considered under the behavioral organization theory,
A. administrative management approach C. human relations approach
B. theory X and Y D. none of the given

3. What is considered as set of specific written instructions on how to perform a task or
A. code of conduct C. rules
B. ethics D. standard operating procedures
4. Who is known as the “Pioneer of the Principles and Functions of Management”?
A. Douglas McGregor C. Henri Fayol
B. Frederick Taylor C. Mary Parker Follet
5. Who is known as the “Father of Scientific Management?
A. Abraham Maslow C. Frederick Taylor
B. Henry Gantt D. Max Weber
6. Who is the proponent of “Theory X and Y”?
A. Douglas McGregor C. Max Weber
B. Henry Gantt D. Mary Parker Follet
7. What organization theory emphasizes on understanding the importance of human
behavior and motivating employees to be more productive?
A. behavioral organization theory C. modern organization theory
B. classical organization theory D. theory X and Y
8. Who suggested that job efficiency can attained through technical and professional
skills development of the workers?
A. Abraham Maslow C. Henri Fayol
B. Frederick Taylor D. Max Weber
9. What refers to the result of a system such as products and profits/losses, or anything
which is produced by the organization as a system?
A. output C. input
B. feedback D. transformational Process
10. What modern theory viewpoint is focused on determining the best possible strategy in
a given situation?
A. sociotechnical viewpoint C. contingency viewpoint
B. systems viewpoint D. administrative viewpoint

Instruction: Write Ton your answer sheet if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write F.
11. Classical organization theory is used by managers in the early 1930s to increase the
level of job performance of workers.
12. Quality assurance focuses on striving for “zero defects” production.
13. Quality control is a strategy used in minimizing errors by managing each stage of
14. Total Quality Management is an approach used in management which suggests that
organizations must continuously seek for improvement.
15. Under the systems viewpoint, organizations without technology could result to low
performance and organizations without manpower to operate technological equipment
could also result to immobilization

Additional Activities

Activity 9: Application
Instruction: Choose ONLY one of the options below. Answer the questions that follow on your
separate answer sheet.

Option 1: Movie Time!

Watch “The Founder” movie, a story about the beginning of McDonald’s. Describe in NOT
MORE THAN ten (10) sentences how Ray Kroc discovered and implemented Total Quality

Option 2:
Search a well-known business organization which started locally and has expanded
internationally. Identify its largest international market. Determine the managerial/organizing
skills of the owner/manager which made it possible to reach the international market.

Option 3:
Interview an entrepreneur who just reached five (5) years in the business industry. Ask the
entrepreneur what are the top five (5) managerial skills he/she has which made his/her
business successful in five (5) years.

Good job! Now that you have finished answering the module, it’s time for
self-assessment. Let’s see how well you understood the lesson in this

Please encircle happy face if your answer to the question is yes.

ASSESSMENT Encircle the sad face if your answer to the question is no and you
are highly encouraged to go over the module again.
Can I enumerate the three main organizational theories?
Am I able to differentiate these organizational theories?
Can I apply these organizational theories in simple business cases?

WHAT I KNOW Answers may vary for:
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. T
12. F
13. F
14. F
15. T
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. F
12. T
13. T
14. T
15. F
Answer Key
Benjamin, Riaz, and Clarence Darro B Del Castillo. 2016. Organization and Management.
Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Group, Inc.
Quero, Rachel A. 2017. Organization and Management. Makati City, Philippines: DIWA
Learning System, Inc.
Valencia, Edwin G., Roberto M. Arguelles, Adelberto Ll. Areola, Napoleon I. Barnachea, Jr.,
Glory S. Drequito, Dionaida V Fontanilla, April L. Macasieb-Gumnad, and Asuncion
G. Nazario. 2009. Principles of Management and Organization. Baguio City: Valencia
Educational Supply.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education-Schools Division of CAR
(Office Address, Wangal, LTB)
Email Address:

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