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20 Best Cold Email Templates

to Warm Their Inbox

20 Best Cold Email Templates to Warm Their Inbox 1
What is a Cold Email? 2
How to Avoid Spam Filters 3
20 Cold Email Templates 5
1. Congratulate a new hire 5
2. Ask for the right point of contact 6
3. Offer market research insights 6
4. Invite them to design market research. 7
5. Invite them to participate in research 8
6. Ask for their opinion 9
7. Encourage them to keep up the good work 10
8. Response to a social media post 11
9. Ask for referrals 12
10. Offer introductions 12
11. Ask for recommendations 13
12. Ask for Advice 14
13. Highlight their name when you can 14
14. Continue your LinkedIn interactions on email 15
15. Congratulate the team 16
16. Compliment them 17
17. Help them in their mission 17
18. Provide immediate value 18
19. Talk to employees 19
20. Talk to customers and vendors of the prospect 20
Cold Emails: Tips for Success 21
Cold emails can be very unforgiving, but they are a necessary evil. You can
send out a thousand emails and get only twelve replies. However, this rate goes
up drastically once you ditch generic templates and start personalizing your

We have compiled 20 best cold email templates for different scenarios. Feel
free to use them with modification – based on your business requirements.

But before we start discussing templates, let’s talk cold emails in general.


What is a Cold Email?

How to Avoid Spam Filters
20 Best Cold Email Templates
Cold Emailing Tips

What is a Cold Email?

A cold email is the first piece of communication that you have with a prospect.
However, cold emails are not just for salespeople. They can be for anyone who
is trying to reach out to someone they do not know well.

For example, a job seeker can send a cold email to the HR department to know
more about available positions.

Cold emails are supposed to benefit both the sender and the receiver. However,
cold emails can also be uncertain. Why would someone open an email from
someone they have never seen or heard in their life? Often, these emails can be
out-of-context, irrelevant, or annoying. Email services now automatically flag
most of these emails as junk or clutter. And most people clean out the junk
folder even without opening the email.

But, you can avoid your emails landing into junk/spam or being trashed with
some advanced knowledge of the recipient, professionalism, and understanding
of human psychology. In the next section, we will share some tips to avoid
spam filters.

Courtesy: SalesHigher

How to Avoid Spam Filters

Writing great personalized emails doesn’t always mean that your email will
make it to the inbox. Modern spam filters are sophisticated and may even flag
legitimate or low-priority emails as spam. On top of that, email service
providers do not disclose their rules for obvious reasons.

That is why your email subject line is so crucial. When clearing out junk, people
at least glance at the subject line of the email. As a salesperson, this is where
you need to focus your efforts.

You can easily understand if your emails are being marked as spam or not by
looking at:

 Open Rates. If there are a lot of people opening your emails, you can be
sure that your emails are not marked as spam.
 Replies. Getting replies to your emails is a sure-shot way of knowing that
people are reading your emails. Getting responses also means that people
are interested in what you have to say. However, getting replies to cold
emails is quite rare.
 Visits to landing pages. If your email contains links to your website and
people have clicked the link, you can be sure that receivers are opening and
interacting with your emails.

To ensure that you avoid the spam filter, you must follow a few email etiquette.
According to the CAN-SPAM Act, you need to ensure that your cold emails are
following the rules. They include:

 The emails receiver should be able to identify who has sent the message.
 Use a subject line that reveals the content of the message.
 State that the message is advertising.
 Provide an easy way to opt out of such emails in the future.

Therefore, while sending bulk emails, you must:

 Segment your list. Sending out the same email to different prospects
without understanding their interests is bad marketing. Furthermore, it
increases the chances of emails being marked as spam.
 Use an active reply to address. When you use a no-reply email address, the
communication becomes one-way and leaves no way for the recipient to get
back to you.
 Use business domains. Do not send marketing emails or sales pitch emails
from your personal account. Always send emails from your business email
address, such as

Now that we have covered the basic etiquette, let’s look at the cold email
templates that work like a charm.
20 Cold Email Templates

When it comes to sales, every rep has their style. You can take your time to
warm up and then make a pitch, or you can be direct in your approach. Your
style will depend on your audience and what you are confident with. However,
before you hit the send button, make sure that your subject line is engaging.

1. Congratulate a new hire

New hires look at emails way more than senior employees do. If you are aware
of someone who has joined a company and particularly in a position where they
can make the decision, send them an email. Congratulate them and wish them
luck in the new organization.

Subject line – Hey [Prospect], congratulations on your new role!


Many congratulations on your new role at [Company]. We have heard great

things about the company.

I am working with [Your Company] and helping businesses make

their [Solutions/Use Cases]. We have helped several organizations in a similar
domain achieve their quarterly goals.

I would like to talk about how we can help your company achieve more and
help you shine in the first few months.
Here is a meeting link if you want to discuss this in detail.

[Your Name]

2. Ask for the right point of contact

People tend to help other people whenever possible. So, if your outreach email
is asking for a small favor, you are likely to get a reply. If you ask the receiver
to help you find the right person, they can either redirect you to the right person
or be that person.

Subject line – [Prospect], I need a favor.

Hey [Prospect],

I am trying to reach the person who oversees [Job Function] in your company.

I am working with [Your Company], where we have helped companies like

yours increase [Results] by [X]%.

It would be great if you can help me get in touch with the right person. Thank
you for your time.

[Your Name]

3. Offer market research insights

This cold email template shows that you have done some homework and are
truly interested in the company. It also indicates that you have something that
they will find useful.

Subject line – [Prospect], would you be interested in this market research?

Hi [Prospect],

Your last financial report shows impressive growth, particularly for a new
company in this highly competitive market.

Fast-growing companies have a significant focus on [Use Case]. We have some

market research data showing how different companies allocate resources to
improve the process.

I believe that our report would be essential in benchmarking yourself. Let me

know if you are interested.

[Your Name]

4. Invite them to design market research.

Market research is often proprietary data. You can leverage that to expand your
outreach efforts. You can ask your prospect what they want to know about their
competition. It can also give more insight into your potential customer and help
you start a dialogue with them.
Subject line – [Prospect], have you thought of designing your own market


You seem to have notable experience in performing [Job Function]. I am

working with [Your Company], and we are designing a survey asking over a
hundred people what they would like to know from their peers from a similar
industry and in a similar role.

Let us know what questions you have in mind.

PS: We’d love to attribute you and your organization to the final report.
[Your Name]

5. Invite them to participate in research

Another version of the previous template is where you ask your prospect to
participate in a survey or research research. If you’re approaching an influential
person, you can also ask for their opinion on the subject.

Subject line – [Prospect], can you help me with this report?


Would you like to participate in [Topic] survey? It will not take more than two
minutes. You can also ask your team members to participate.
As soon as we have a hundred responses, we will share the initial results
exclusively with you.

[Your Name]

Note that you can also offer rewards to encourage participation. Rewards can be
simply a gift voucher, free access to a software/tool/previous report, or anything
your participants may value.

6. Ask for their opinion

People like to share their opinions, particularly on subjects they know. So, ask
for their opinion and let them know that you would like to feature their
response. Do not ask empty questions and be genuinely curious.

Subject line – [Prospect], what are your thoughts on [Topic]?


Your [Team/Department] makes up a significant part of your organization.

We, at [Your Company], conducted a survey asking buyers what they think
about [Topic]. The most common response was that the person they interacted
with was not knowledgeable enough.

Do you think that consumers now are more aware of the products than
salespeople? Do you think that better training of your [Department] will
improve customer satisfaction? Let me know.

[Your Name]

7. Encourage them to keep up the good work

Showing the willingness to collaborate with buyers is one great way to expand
your outreach campaign. You research the brand or the prospect and share a
simple way to improve their profits. Share the data with the brand to help them
improve their efforts. To understand this idea, look at the following cold email

Subject line – We miss your blog posts!

Hi [Prospect],

I have been a regular follower of your blog. However, it seems that you did not
continue blogging after a few months of starting it. Brands often stop blogging
when they do not see immediate results.

However, companies that post blogs generate over 60% more leads than brands
that do not.

I really want you to continue blogging and keep sharing your valuable insights.
[Your Name]

In the above cold email template, we mentioned the blogging activity. You can
tweak it as per your prospect’s interests or field of expertise.

8. Response to a social media post

Your cold email does not need to be something out of the blue. You can interact
with your prospect on social media beforehand and continue that conversation
over email. Emails are great for a more in-depth discussion that could help
generate new ideas and foster new connections. Here is an example template.

Subject line – Your [Social Media Platform] post was interesting!


I wanted to tell you that I read your post on [Topic] on [Social Media
Platform], and it was amazing. It does establish you as a thought leader in this

You mentioned that [Your Product/Service] is becoming essential for [Use

Case]. I was wondering how [Product/Service] for [Use Case] will become
more mainstream in the future.

[Your Name]
9. Ask for referrals
If you have a quota to fulfill, then join a group. It can be a social media group
where people sell to one target market. You can reach out to other sales
professionals like you.

Subject line – [Referral Partner], can you help me with a reference?

[Referral Partner],

It seems that we both sell to [Target Group] in [Your Area or Region]. I often
meet with other salespeople, and we help each other introduce prospects to each
other. My networking group has provided me with great prospects before.

Would you be interested in meeting and talking about how we can help each

[Your Name]

10. Offer introductions

You can introduce other people to your prospect. The requirement does not
have to be in your domain. You can help them in a different area by connecting
them with someone who can help. Both the parties will see you in a positive
light. And in the future, the prospect will remember you and may reach out to
you out of goodwill.

Subject line – [Prospect], would you like an introduction?

You posted a request on [Social Media/Forums] asking for introductions to
people who can help with [Product/Service]. I know some experts who can
help you out. Would you like an email introduction?

[Your Name]

11. Ask for recommendations

Asking for a recommendation shows your respect for your prospect. It shows
humility and that you look up to what they provide for the industry.
Furthermore, it’s a simple task, and most people are more likely to help you out.
Here is an example email that you can send.

Subject line – Can you help me with a recommendation?

Hi [Prospect],

I have been working with my team on [Problem Statement] and I often look up
your blog for references. I believe that you are an expert in this domain.

[Prospect], I would love it if you can recommend some platforms

for [Problem] or redirect me to anyone who does.

[Your Name]
12. Ask for Advice
Like helping, people also like to share their advice when asked. Again, it shows
humility and respect and appeals to the ego of the receiver.

Subject line – [Prospect], I need your advice.

Hi [Prospect],

I came across your [Social Media/Academic/Business] profile, and I’m

amazed to know you’ve been working in [Area of Expertise] for [X] years.
Surely you must have seen multiple advancements in the industry during this

I recently entered this industry and working on a new product right now. If I
shared some of my market research, will you be willing to give the feedback?

[Your Name]

13. Highlight their name when you can

You can put the name of your prospects in your publications and give them
some extra footage. You can ask them to contribute to an article you want to
publish or ask for a quote that you can put in the blog.

Subject line – Do you want to talk about a collaboration?

Hi [Prospect],

Thanks for connecting with me on [Social Media Platform]. Your career

advancement in such a short time truly impressed me.

I believe that your journey can inspire a lot of people who are working
in [Department].

I am currently writing on the [Subject], and I would appreciate it if you

contributed to this blog. Let me know if you are interested.

[Your Name]

14. Continue your LinkedIn interactions on email

You may have interacted with your prospect on LinkedIn. You can continue
that interaction over email. The idea is to combine the power of emails and
social media interactions.

Subject line – [Prospect], do you want to talk about [Topic]?

Hey [Prospect],

I’m really glad that you liked my LinkedIn article yesterday. I wanted to know
what you liked about it. Will you be available to discuss that in more detail?

[Your Name]
15. Congratulate the team
You can find a lot of information about your prospects online. There are plenty
of success stories that you can find on their company website. Look for funding
updates, or check Google News for more information. You can even dig deep
into the LinkedIn profiles for more professional success stories.

When you have the right story and the time is right, use the opportunity to
compliment them.

Subject line – [Prospect], congratulations!

Hi [Prospect],

Congratulations on the impressive [Achievement].

Your platform has always been on the cutting edge, and more consumers are
starting to recognize that. I wish to see what the future holds for you.

Good Luck.

[Your Name]
16. Compliment them
A simple compliment will cost you nothing. You can try that when introducing
yourself to a prospect. You can email your prospect saying that you liked their
blog or something they posted online.

Subject line – [Prospect], Loved your [Activity/Post/Product]!

Hey [Prospect],

Thank you for sharing the update on [Topic]. I have been following your
videos, and your brand does make great products.

I run a [Your Business Description] in [Location] and nearby areas, and I

recommended your products to some of my customers. Would you like to have
a look at the results?

[Your Name]

17. Help them in their mission

If you want to make a cold outreach to CXOs, you can try this template. The
idea is to offer something that helps them in their mission. Often, they provide
the company the direction, and they might listen to your pitch if it genuinely
Subject line – [Prospect], I can help you with [Prospect’s Mission]!

Hi [Prospect],

I have been following you on LinkedIn , and I firmly believe that you steer
the [Department] really well.

I have always been your fan, and I wanted to know if I could help you in your
mission to achieve [Results].

Do let me know.

[Your Name]

18. Provide immediate value

You can directly offer your prospects something that they will appreciate. It
may or may not be your area of expertise. But often, some simple and unbiased
suggestions can help.

Subject line – [Prospect], some insights on your [Campaign/Product


Hey [Prospect],

I am impressed by your brand’s new [Campaign/Product Feature/Service]. I

have already forwarded it to some of my contacts who would be interested in it.

However, I noticed a [Problem]. It is possibly related to [Problem Category].

If you want, I can send a write-up that you can share with your [Department or
Team]. I can also get on a call if it is a priority.

[Your Name]

19. Talk to employees

Talk to employees and gather intelligence on where they are performing well
and where they are struggling. You can target internal departments like finance,
the back-office or the IT. Often, it is difficult to know what they are struggling
with since they are not customer-facing departments. Ask them if your product
or service can help them. If they like your solution, they may pass along the
information to the right contacts.

Subject line – [Prospect], do you need a solution for [Challenge].


According to an informal survey, I got to know your [Department] is

struggling to deploy software updates using [X].

Do you believe that improving their training in this platform will

resolve [Challenge]?
[Your Name]

20. Talk to customers and vendors of the prospect

To get a better understanding of your prospect, you can talk to their customers
and vendors. They can help you make a more contextual introduction.

Subject line – [Prospect], I know the solution!


I recently had a conversation with your [Consultant/Agency/Business

Partner], and they suggested that I get in touch with you. I believe you are
having trouble getting the right [Software/Product/Service] for your projects.

As [Your Expertise], we have an easy fix for that. If you are looking forward
to solving this problem, let us know.

[Your Name]
Cold Emails: Tips for Success
Successful cold mails do have thorough background research. They are way
more than catchy subject lines and personalized content. Hopefully, these
cold email templates will help you with future messages.

Before we wrap up, I would like to share 7 tips for successful emails
from Shibani, our email marketing expert, who has sent over 7 million emails to

1. Don’t start with image-heavy emails. Focus on the content. Html heavy
emails (i.e., emails with a lot of images) may land in spam or promotions
folder. A text-based email will land in the inbox. CTA (Call-to-action)
button is also an image – avoid that.
2. Create a test list of Gmail and Outlook email ids to check whether your
emails reach the inbox or not.
3. Build a trustworthy relationship with the recipient. Include: company
header, view in browser link, unsubscribe option, and your office address in
the footer.
4. Keep your email short and simple. Subject line: First two-three words
reflect email content, which makes them open the email. Don’t use generic
words in the first few words of the subject line.
5. Try A/B Split test on your emailing list.
6. It is easier to attach ppts than pdfs. While sending decks on emails, convert
presentations to pdf format.
7. In general, the top halves of emails get more clicks. If you want to drive
link clicks, place it in the first para.

Read the comprehensive guide on email marketing best practices.

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