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The future (1): will

O Spontaneous decisions
We can use w ill (or the short form 11) + bare infinitive to refer to the future when we
make an instant or spontaneous decision to do something:
A: I haven't seen the minutes o f the last meeting yet.
B: Sorry - I'll em a il them to you now.
We often use the will future after I th in k and I don't think:
A: I don't th in k I'll stay on in Geneva after the conference.
B: Nor will 1 .1 thin k I'll g et a flight back home straight afterwards too.
The negative of will is won't (w ill not):
I won't stay long. I've got a meeting at 2.15.
Common mistakes: We don't use won't after I think.
wrong: *1 thin k I won't come to the conference.
right: I don't thin k I'll come to the conference.

© Predictions
We can use will to make predictions and to state facts that will be true in the future:
Over the next few years, there will b e a massive increase in TV channels because o f the growth in
cable, broadband and satellite services.

Q Future time words

We use a present tense (not: *will) to refer to the future with time words like: if, when,
before, a s soon as, after, etc:
I will contact you as soon a s I get the information, (not: *will get)
(See also Unit 19, Conditionals)

© Offers, promises, requests

Will can also be used to ask if someone is willing to do something, to make requests,
promises, and threats, and to offer help:
I'm afraid the line is busy. Will you hold? (asking if they are willing)
A: Will you give me a hand with these boxes? (making a request)
B: O f course - I'll ta k e the big one. (offering help)
Don't worry about the meeting. I w ill support you. (making a promise)
The wrord won't can mean is not willing to or is refusing to:
There's something wrong with the printer. It w on't p rin t copies in reverse order.

The future (1): will 51

EXERCISE O Spontaneous decisions
M atch the responses in the box to the com m ents in the speech bubbles.

There’s another
__ 2 □
I’m afraid the line I insist on seeing
24 hour tube strike from
ic hnc\/ the manager.
8 tonight. /

Here are the plans for r I’m afraid the lamb

the new building. is finished.
b w

a Very well madam, I'll go and call her. d OK, I'll have the lasagne,
b Is there? I think I'll work from home tomorrow then, e Thanks, I'll have a look at them later,
c No thanks, I'm driving. I'll have an orange juice. f Don't worry - I'll call back later.

E X E R C IS E O Predictions
A governm ent com m ittee is looking at various experts' predictions for the econom y
next year. M atch the notes to the graphs and forecast the changes using will.

Irv.diAS'fcriAl prodiACtiorv. wil

rise. slw >ly.

Consumer prices/remain stable

Inflation/rise slowly
Industrial production/rise sharply
Interest rates/fall sharply
Unemployment/fall slowly

52 The future (1): will

EXERCISE © Future time words
Put the verbs in brackets into the w ill future or the present simple.
1 Sally's working on the sales forecast at the moment. I will <^ive. (give) you the figures
as soon as I ^e.t (get) them.
2 Most people expect that th e re ...........................(be) trouble when the G7 meeting
...........................(take) place next month.
3 The shipment isn't in yet, but the a g e n t.......................... (phone) us as soon as it
4 Give me the report and I ........................... (show) it to the lawyers before they
5 Because of the bad publicity I expect our share p ric e .......................... (fall) when the
Stock M arket...........................(open) again on Monday.
6 When the com pany...........................(move) production to Malaysia, most of the
workers h e re ...........................(lose) their jobs.
7 I ...........................(give) you a ring next time I .............................(come) to Helsinki and
maybe wTe can arrange dinner.
8 When the strike...........................(be) over, everyone.............................(feel) happier.
9 We can't avoid a rise, but our sales...........................(fall) when w e .............................(put)
our prices up next year.
10 Don't worry about the office. I ............................ (tidy) it up before Mr Kosser
...........................(get) back.

EXERCISE © Offers, promises, requests

Rewrite the follow ing sentences using w ill or won't.
1 Has anyone offered to collect you from the airport?
Will anyone, collect you TroM -the. a irp o rt?
2 I promise not to be late again.

3 The finance group 3i has agreed to loan us $ 18m for the project.

4 The company has offered a 5% pay rise in return for a no-strike deal.

5 I promise not to discuss this information with anyone.

6 They have refused to increase our discount.

7 The company has offered to pay my relocation expenses.

8 The cash machine is refusing to take my card.

9 Let me give you a hand with those boxes.

The future (1): will 53

TASK 1 Make spontaneous decisions using I'll... based on the com m ents below.
1 You won't be able to get to Paris. The air traffic controllers are on strike. Then I'll talce. Eurostar.

2 I'm sorry. The wine waiter says we have no more Chateau-Lafite '64.

3 I'm afraid Mr Howard's line is busy.

4 The BA flight is fully booked, but there is still availability with Lufthansa.

5 One of your clients - Mrs Mason - just rang. She sounded very upset about something.

TASK 2 Look at the topics below. Write three short paragraphs predicting w hat the world
will be like in 20 years' tim e. See the example.
1 Medical developments
In 20 ye.ars' tiMe., there will be. new wayS o f curing disease. People will live,
longer, and tra n sp la n ts will be. very SiiM^le and e-f-Pective. O n the. oth er hand,
there, will also be. new diseases, and SoMe coMiMon b a cte ria will becoMe
r e s is ta n t to drw^S.
2 The Internet and e-commerce

3 The world of wrork in 2100

4 My life and career

TASK 3 Complete the sentences using a verb in the present tense.

1 Don't worry, I'll go and see the lawyer before I si^n the co n tra ct.
2 I think our Sales Director will leave as soon a s ........................................................................
3 You needn't wait for Mr Takashi. I'll stay here u n til...............................................................
4 My boss will be delighted i f ..........................................................................................................
5 Everyone is very stressed, but things will get better w h en ....................................................
6 I am fairly sure that I will get promoted as soon a s ................................................................

54 The future (1): will

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