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1. What is the relevance of ICT in your chosen course?

ICT and Computer Engineering course has a somewhat kind of similarities or connection, for me
there is a strong bond between them. Information Communication Technology or (ICT) is the
evolution of technology in terms of communication, data gathering: sorting, computing,
analysing and output data or results. In the field of education and socialization ICT involves and
contribute to its progress, it gives efficient solution and scrutinizing the tools used for
communication. While computer engineering study is focus on how to build new devices, design
computer networks and develop new technologies. It is more focus on the hardware and software
parts of computers; on how to work and interact between the software and hardware parts of the
computer. Therefore the relevance between them is the technology that evolves and
communication. Computer Engineers build and develop new mode of computer technologies
while ICT also develops communication and socialization to people. ICT introduces
technological communication to people and computer engineers develop the technology that
being used.

2.) Name at least 4 uses of ICT in our daily lives and explain.

I. Communication- ICT allow us to communicate in easiest and smarter way, nowadays it

ione of the mode of communication ex. Social media apps like facebook, instagram,
twitter, viber etc. for other mode is gmail and also in cellular networks and phones.

II. Entertainment and News- One of the easiest thing to be entertained is social media when
you do leisure activities like now in our current situation having this covid19 pandemic
we cannot go out or do some outside activities to be entertain during in our free time we
use our phones TV to be entertain and in order for us to be update in news.

III. Source of information- the formation is in your hand already in the tip of your fingers in
just one click in the internet it will provide you a lot of information that you needed, no
need to take time in scanning old and huge books for such information but remember be
careful to the sources and be an educated user and always remember your part as a user
and put limitations and boundaries to it.

IV. Education- I think during these days most of the student are having their online class as
mode of learning, teachers and students may able to connect and also learning the process
of digital world.

3. Give 5 positive impacts and 5 negative impacts of ICT in the society.

5 positive impacts of ICT in the society.

1.) Easy and fast communication- ICT enables faster transactions though emails, video
conference and conducts meeting online.
2.) Create more job- it gives more opportunity to people, you can apply online and look for
nearest and hiring companies. This also includes wed site developer, software design and
call center duties.
3.) Access to education- the distance learning and virtual class in known today as mode of
learning to the students, teacher may deliver their modules through email and having
virtual class though google meet, zoom, Microsoft teams etc.
4.) Security- ICT provides encryption for safer application and data protection to hide data
and provides data privacy.
5.) Business- you can conduct business online like online selling which is very convenient
and without paying task.

5 negative impacts of ICT in the society.

1.) Fake information- there’s a lot of information you find in the internet which some of
it cannot be true and untrusted source.
2.) Cyber bullying- One of social media issues that is very rampant, cyberbullying
includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about
someone else.s
3.) Being dependent in social media and reduce physical activity spending too much time
in your gadgets .
4.) Toxic internet user- these are uneducated users that posting everything in the internet
and posting fake identities.
5.) Reduce physical interaction- Being entertain too much in social media and digital
gadgets can reduce physical interactions which makes you became lazy less

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