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August 31, 2022

Everything is primarily subject to debate.Men of letters may have opinions for or against
everything.To be frank,we have the right to freedom of thought,conscience and religion.According to
a school of thought,custom,consensus and the exercise of reason are the principal supports of
conscience.Can you remember what Shakespeare's Antonio said about conscience--"Sir,where lies

that?If it were a kibe(chilblain) it would put me to my slipper.,but I feel not / This deity in my
bosom."---Thought,perception,will,memory,emotion and imagination including all unconscious
cognitive processes that we -the humans experience,-all these together constitute our 'mind'.Our
body is a physical entity and 'mind' is an independent one that can exist without 'brain' and brain
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can without mind.The most complex system in the universe is our 'brain'-that consists of around 86

billions of nerve cells with innumerable connections.It can store the same amount of information as 3
million hours of TV programmes. The brain has no nociceptors and so itself does not feel pain.This is
why-while the patient is awake-surgery can be done by neurosurgeons.Needless to say-the brain can

eat itself if it doesn't get enough sleep.The geniuses when feel extreme pain and can't express to

others--most likely a gloom overcomes them--that results in the drain of such extra-ordinarily-
valuable brains. FREEDOM MEANS

There's no shadow of doubt that-one can get both amazing and amusing theme in the age-long Freedom means free the domain from
others /They may be enemies may be even
three questions--purely philosophical.The questions are--who are you ? what are you? and why are
brothers /To have an authority over the
you??Tagore tried to answer the first question----"Who are you?--asked the sun of the first day at land /To keep up one's long-cherished …
the new appearance of existence.--No reply.Years after years passed by.The latest sun of the day
uttered the same question--on the western seashore in the silent evening.--No answer."    --In

reply to the second question the poet said--"I'm the harbinger of the Lord--O furious monk.I break

thy ascetic meditation.I'm the heaven's conspiracy--I'm a poet.To thy hermitage I come time and
again."      ---In answer to the 3rd  question--a mother said--"You are my affectionately-cherished

children--you all are gems.Why not you exist??"   --Motherly affection knows no bounds and knows
no philosophy. Tagore sang--"O thou Lord of all heavens--where would be thy love if I were not??"

Suppose a beaming face by any means can express flaunting insult.There's no marked difference If it would happen that the icy smile of the

between forest stillness and silence in exile.To be frank,aware-aversion willy-nilly can send an mid-day sun would refuse to      burn the
dense cloud of impulsive gratitude in spite
invitation to overwhelming sadness--and stealthy look can seldom give countenance to inattentive
of thousand-fold requests !!.........If people at

love.Ever and anon,active mind and joyful spirit can dream of exalted freedom Through fair and foul

insolent placidity can compose a glowing epigram.Godlike independence ,head and heart ,is capable
of adding a new dimension to the life of a person crowned with impecunious banishment.  --Can a
tutored mind agree on all these??  --If unyielding pride comes out of an untrue tongue--if

inauspicious rumours strengthens instigated hostility--if curable measures bring only posthumous
pride--if any quixotic impetus achieves spotless respect---then why the disgraceful falsehood of a
'tutored mind' takes refuge to superlative ingeniousness--builds an unwanted alliance with warning
prediction.For a highly-hostile selfishness to become defeated to enticing idleness is nothing but a
Is it possible to clothe the characteristics of
bewildering perplexity.The appearance of scornful disrespect in bizarre dress is another form of
a class-less society ? In fine language. But it
profaned ideals.To be free from wildly-excited ecstasies one must struggle for effective power.Not to
can't be denied that a unique alliance is of
run after deceptive hopes--not to believe in hypocritical feigning--no more wrapping with the black utmost importance among the different …

sheet of mean superstition..Each and everyone with queer endurance should dream of a 'tutored

A know it all may probably define what consciousness is.The neurological and philosophical nature of
it is never an understandable matter.A school of thought says--it is a mental state that expresses

complex interactions between different functional processes.It is the space,time and

contents(intuitions and feelings) of our minds.Most of the processes in the brain are non-conscious.
One need not to be a worrywart--instead one should keep up saintly serenity in mind.The ethics of

consciousness is also questionable.It is 'religion' that arouses consciousness.It inspirits some--to kill
some--to save some or to keep mum.An outstanding philosopher of the East --Sankaracharya says-
-"Salutation to that Consciousness which is the source of the apparently 3-fold divisions of --
knowing,knowledge and known--seer,sight and seen--doer,doing and deed.......I'm consciousness--

Bliss Absolute.I am He,I am He!!"--A monk poet announces-"I'm form in infinite space,I'm undying
life,Endless time am I,I'm order in chaos,I'm lull in the storm,I'm fury of the wind,I'm calm of the
deep...  "Vivekananda says-"Open the window of your hearts to the clear light of truth and sit like

children at the feet of those who know what they are talking about--the sages of India.--Did they
possess a 'tutored mind'?--Wrote Alexander Pope--"Lo-the poor Indians! whose untutored mind
//Sees God in clouds or hears Him in the wind/"     ---Why does a pencil have eraser?Is killing a foetus

to save the life of the mother  -ethical?Can a conscious man kill one to save many? Can the believers
in soul say exactly when a soul enters into a foetus? Which is acceptable---euthanasia or honour-
killing??Today's tutored mind is in favour of abortion and death penalty.

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