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‫ ايه خالد‬/‫اعداد الطالبه‬

‫ بهاء نور‬/ ‫باشراف الدكتور‬ thrombocytopenia

What are the types of thrombocytopenia?

Thromb What is thrombocytopenia? -toe-n Platelet destruction such as with an auto-

Thrombocytopenia occurs when your blood antibody that attaches to the platelet
platelet count is low. Platelets are also called surface.
thrombocytes. This type of blood cell clumps Platelet sequestration such as in someone
together to form blood clots to help stop bleeding with a large spleen or with liver disease.
at the site of a cut or wound. Another name for a
blood clot is thrombus. Decreased platelet production as occurs in
certain bone marrow diseases.
Bone marrow is the soft, spongy tissue inside bones
that makes all blood cells including platelets.
People who have thrombocytopenia don’t have
enough platelets to form a blood clot. If you get a
cut or other injury, you may bleed too much and
the bleeding can be hard to stop. r wound. Another a
name for a blood clot is.

What causes thrombocytopenia?

Alcohol use disorder and alcoholism.
Autoimmune disease which causes ITP. ITP is sometimes associated with other autoimmune conditions such
as lupus.
Bone marrow diseases, including aplastic anemia, leukemia, certain lymphomas and myelodysplastic
Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Enlarged spleen caused by cirrhosis of the liver or Gaucher disease. The enlarged spleen traps platelets and
other blood cells and prevents them from circulating in the blood stream.
Exposure to toxic chemicals, including arsenic, benzene and pesticides.
Medications to treat bacterial infections (antibiotics), seizures (epilepsy) and heart problems, or the blood
thinner heparin.
Viruses, such as hepatitis C, CMV, EBV and HIV.

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