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University of Asia Pacific (UAP)

Department of Business Administration

Sample Question for Admission Test

Time: 1 Hour Total Marks: 100


Serial No. :


Signature of the Invigilator:

Marks obtained:

General Knowledge

Essay Writing



Start writing from the next page


Instruction: Choose the best option and fill in the blanks. 20x2=40

1. All the members ----------------------to improve the plan at present.

A. tries
B. are trying
C. try
D. tried

2. They can consider the proposal, ---------------------?

A. can't they
B. is it
C. aren't we
D. don’t we

3. The girl -------------------for several hours today.

A. have worked
B. had worked
C. is working
D. has worked

4. The student ------------------------ to explain the question again.

A. ordered his teacher
B. invited his teacher
C. asked his teacher
D. said to his teacher

5. We should all-----------------------silly mistakes.

A. avoid to made
B. avoid make
C. avoid making
D. avoid to have

6. The synonym of “support” is-------------------

A. Courage
B. Intimidate
C. Aspiring
D. Advocate

7. The antonym of “ambitious” is----------

A. Haughty
B. Lazy
C. Post-pone
D. Oppose

8. The synonym of “Artificial” is-----------------------

A. Aptitude
B. Real
C. Authentic
D. Fake

9. The synonym of the word “prohibit” is---------------------

A. Forbid
B. Burst
C. Plump
D. Far

10. “Consecutive” means –---------------------------

A. Interrupted
B. Open
C. Continuous
D. Polite

11. She is writing------------------pencil.

A. with
B. from
C. for
D. among

12. I met him-----------------the field.

A. at
B. on
C. in
D. by

13. She was looking at the girls----------------------the window.

A. in
B. at
C. beside
D. through

14. We planned to meet--------------the weekend.

A. at
B. in
C. on
D. during

15. She is working in ---------------- kitchen.

A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article

16. They-------------------------------waiting for two hours.

A. had been
B. was
C. is
D. have been

17. A cousin of -------------------told me to stop smoking.

A. mine
B. my
C. I
D. Our

18. “At one’s wit’s end” means-------------------------

A. perplexed
B. clear up
C. explain
D. enlighten

19. “A Lion’s share” is---------------------

A. A major share.
B. An act of bravery.
C. Food for a lion.
D. A cage for a lion.

20. “At the spur of the moment” means-----------------------------

A. difficult moment
B. without delay
C. great moment
D. very slow

Instruction: Circle the correct answer.

10×4= 40

1. If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour?
A. 30
B. 300
C. 720
D. 18000

2. If a² = 12, then a4 =
A. 144
B. 72
C. 36
D. 24

3. 10. A certain animal in the zoo has consumed 39 pounds of food in six days. If it continues
to eat at the same rate, in how many more days will its total consumption be 91 pounds?

A. 12
B. 11
C. 10
D. 8

4. A car traveled 281 miles in 4 hours 41 minutes. What was the average speed of the car in
miles per hour?
A. 60
B. 62
C. 59
D. 61

5. There are 8 boys and 6 girls in a classroom. What is the ratio of boys to the total?
A. 3:7
B. 7:4
C. 4:7
D. 7:3

6. Which of the following is the greatest?

A. 90% of 10
B. 6% of 1000
C. 5% of 1400
D. 3% of 2500

7. What is x if x + 2y = 10 and y = 3?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5

8. The original price of a toy was $15. If the price is reduced by 20%, what is the new price
of the toy?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 11
D. 13

9. Convert the fraction 3 / 4 to percentage.

A. 75%
B. 80%
C. 76%
D. 55%

10. What is the perimeter of this figure?

8 cm
6 cm

7 cm
6 cm
A. 27 cm
B. 32 cm
C. 35 cm
D. 40 cm
Total Marks: 20
General Knowledge carries 12 marks and Essay writing carries 8 marks.
1. Currency of Italy?
A. Lira
B. Rupee
C. Yen
D. Euro
2. The sign of country's growth is -
A. More and more industries
B. Higher standard of living
C. Higher per capita income
D. More means of transport
3. Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in-
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2009
D. 2010
4. Recently two telecommunication companies merged in Bangladesh and they are-
A. Grameenphone & Citycell
B. Robi & Airtel
C. Banglalink & Robi
D. Robi & Citycell

5. What is “Brexit”?
A. Exit of Britain from EU
B. B. Exit of EU from Britain
C. Exit of Belgium from EU
D. Exit of EU from Belgium

6. SAARC was founded in…

A. Nepal
B. India
C. Pakistan
D. Bangladesh

With increasing populations and ever growing urban centers, many countries are losing
their natural beauty spots. What benefits are there to protect places of natural beauty?
How can this be solved

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