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Name: Seema Sahu

Age: 28 yrs

Address: shanti Nagar

Eduction: Husband: graduation

Wife : home maker

occupation i husband: Businessman

Wife: home maker

Per capita income: middle class

Dale of admission:

Time of admission :

History of amenorrhea: 8.5 month

Chief complaints: bleeding per vaginum since 2 days

History of presenting Illness : patient was apparently alright 2 days. Then she developed bleeding
per raging which was sudden blood in onset , which completely soaks sad, associated with bright
red coloured bleed. Gt stopped spontaneously. The Fetal moment are well perceived

No h/o pain in abdomen associated with bleeding

No h/0 excessive fatiguability palpitation

No h/0 blurring of Vision of pedal edema

No h /o Trauma

Obstetrics history

Married life: 4years

Non consanguineous marriage


History of present pregnancy : 1st trimester pregnancy was detected by urine pregnancy test
following 35 days of missed periods

history of spontaneous conception

1st trimester scan was done and found to have normal weight gain in 1st trimester 800 grams of
folic acid tablets were taken

No h/o burning micturition

No h/o spotting or bleeding p/v

No h/o pain abdomen

No h/o exposures to radiation and drug intake

No h/oFever with rashes, excessive vomiting

2nd trimester: she felt quickening at 5th month and continued to perceive fetal movements well

2nd trimester scan was done and found to be normal.

Weight gain in 2nd trimester is 3 kg

2 doses tetanus toxoid were taken.

Iron and calcium tablets were taken.

No H/o increased frequency of micturition and increased thirst

No H/o pedal edema ,blurring of vision, headache.

No H/o increased appetite

No H/o burning micturition

No H/o pain abdomen, leaking or bleeding per vagina

Third trimester: Fetal moment well perceived

Iron and calcium's tablets were taken

Growth scan done at 32 weeks and found to be normal

Past obstetrics history : prmigravida i

Menstrual history LMP : 20/6/2021


Regular cycle of 28 to 30 days, flow for 4-5 days

Changes 4 pads per day

Not associated with dysmenorrhea, no h/o of passage of clots

Past medical history: patient has no previous history of diabetes or hypertension earlier in life.

Marital history: Married at the age of 19 , married life of 5 years. Non consanguineous marriage

Personal history

Diet- mixed

Appetite- normal

Sleep- adequate

Bowel and bladder- regular

No history of substance abuse

No history of any known drug allergy

No history of use of any contraception

On examination

General examination:

Gait: normal built :average nutrition: well nourished

Weight 80 kg height 150 cms

BP 110/80, PR: 80/min (normal rhythm and volume) RR: 18/min

Pallor : absent ,icterus absent temperature : afebrile

Pedal edema : absent

Breast normal

Clubbing,cyanosis absent

Systemic examination:

CVS: s1 and s2 normal, no murmurs heard

RS: B/L normal vesicular breath sound heard

CNS: no abnormalities noted

Abdominal examination

Inspection : abdomen distended longitudinally

umbilicus: central linea Nigra and. Striaegravidarum present

No visible veins/lumps/scars.


Uterus relaxed

Fundal height: 36 weeks

Syphysiofundal length

Abdominal circumference:

Leopard maneuvers:

Ist Leopold's maneuver: Mon ballot-able broad based Part felt at the fundus.

2nd Leopold's maneuver. Multiple nodules parts felt as right side and smooth curved part felt on
left side.

3rd Leopold's maneuver hard round ballot-able part felt on tower pole

4th Leopold's maneuver: presenting part not engaged

Ausculfalim:FHS:140-150bpm, regular heardonrightspinoumbilical line

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