GIYA Teachers Guides For Instructions Yielding Archetype Teachers Grades 4 6 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Curriculum Implementation Division
Catbalogan City

“GIYA Teachers” (Guides for Instructions Yielding Archetype Teachers)

Classroom Visitation Tool (Grades 4 - 6) and Instructional Leaders
Technical Assistance Provision

Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________
Learning Area/Subject: ______________________ School: __________________________________
Division: _______________

Part I. Teaching-Learning Process

Instructions: Check the box that corresponds to your observation of the instructional
behavior of the teacher following the given indicators:
Description: Y - Yes, if the indicator was appropriately conducted;
N - No, if the indicator was not appropriately conducted
and Remarks must be provided; and
N/O - Not Observed, if indicator was not seen but part of
the plan and/or class’s protocols

Indicators Y N N/O Remarks

A. Preparation for Teaching-Learning
1. Prepares a teaching-learning delivery plan (i.e. Daly
Lesson Log/Plan, Weekly learning Plan, or its
equivalent/alternative) with aligned objectives,
learning resources, teaching strategies and techniques,
learning activities, and assessments
2. Ensures a child-friendly and conducive learning
environment (includes classroom structuring, seating
arrangement, light, and ventilation)

3. Sets class’s rules and maintains discipline and order in

the classroom

4. Establishes systematic flow of the learners’

movement, including submission of outputs

5. Checks learners’ outputs from the previous class days

(includes Distance Learning Delivery Modality
B. Learning Resources
1. Organizes the learning resources (for the present, past,
and future lessons) in the classroom

2. Arranges the needed learning resources (such as

SLM/LAS, audio-video materials, and other
instructional materials) for use in class

3. Utilizes appropriate, relevant instructional materials or

LRs for the level and types of learners

4. Ensures that the LRs used are aligned with the

lesson’s MELCs, Objectives, and leaning activities

5. Facilitates the learner’s use of and engagement with

the learning resources in class

C. Learning Delivery
1. Displays confidence during the instruction

2. Shows flexibility in time management

3. Articulates the lesson or meeting goal(s) and


4. Establishes rapport and employs appropriate


5. Connects present lesson to learners’ prior knowledge,

life experiences, and interests

6. Explains concepts and principles clearly,

comprehensively, correctly, and logically
7. Delivers appropriate instruction (teaching strategy) for
the subject/topic to the learners’ level, instructional
needs, abilities and skills, strengths and weaknesses,
inclusivity, and other relevant circumstances

8. Applies appropriate and meaningful learning activities

or tasks for the subject matter, problem solving, and
critical thinking skills

9. Develops, sequences, and modifies instructional

activities and materials for maximum learning

10. Provides appropriate analogies and/or real-life

situations to enable learners to understand abstract
concepts when necessary

11. Provides opportunities for learners to work

independently and collaboratively

12. Asks questions (especially HOTS) to elicit desired


13. Answers learners’ questions and addresses learners’

misconception and common sources of learners’

14. Gives supplementary examples and applications

when needed

15. Promotes content-based instructions, learner-directed

inquiry, and reflective learning

16. Integrates appropriately

a. positive values

b. education technology (e.g. use of ICT applications

and tools/gadgets)

c. ideas and information within and across subject

matters when necessary
F. Learning Assessment
1. Involves and guides learners’ in assessing their own
learning (includes crafting of rubrics, if needed)

2. Utilizes variety of assessment to guide instruction and

measure learners’ performance

3. Ensures alignment of the learning assessment to the

MELC, objectives, and learning activities

4. Provides immediate or timely feedback

5. Provides avenues in assessing important dimensions

of learning (e.g. conceptual understanding,
interdisciplinary themes, scientific investigation, and
practical reasoning)

Part II. Guide-Teacher’s Conversation (Kumustahan)

Instructions: Fill-in the table below with the Other Remarks of the teaching-learning
process that were not identified in Part I and the Teacher’s Needs and Challenges that
he/she and the Guide have identified/encountered/realized per Coverage Area

Coverage Area Other Remarks Identified Teacher’s Needs and

Preparation for


Learning Delivery

development of








Part III. Technical Assistance Provided by the District and School Heads. Write here the
TA provided by the Instructional Leaders, based on the interview conducted:
1. What technical assistance on Instructional activities aid your School/District Heads offered?
District Head’s TA School Head’s TA

2. Does the District/School Head/EPS conduct the three processes in observation? What did they
do as proof of their TA?
Pre-Observation During Observation Post-Observation

School Head

3. What trainings/forms have been conducted and initiated by The EPS/District Head and the
School Head?
TA Provider Technical Assistance Provided


District Head

School Head

4. Do you appreciate it when someone is observing your classes? Yes No

Why? How often do these instructional leaders observe classes?
TA Providers
District Head

School Head

5. What are recommendations/suggestions for the smooth and successful observation of classes
can you give?





Prepared by: Conforme:

____________________________________ ________________________________
Guide/Visitor Teacher
____________________________________ ________________________________
Date Date

School Head

District Head

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