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Alfian Zainul Arif

Jl. Kh Moertaji, Sukolilo


Tuban, August 25 2027

The Hiring Manager of Bosnet by Telkom Indonesia

Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No.82

Jakarta Selatan

Dear Sir/Madam,

Based on the online advertising information on October 28, 2027 about an available job as
Software Developer at Bosnet by Telkom Indonesia, I volunteer to fill the role. I believe that my
skills align well with the job description that is listed on the website of your company. Bosnet
Group needs employees who are highly systematic and organized and also capable of working
under the strict deadlines. I believe that I am proficient for the available role.

I earned my bachelor’s degree from the Brawijaya University and I had two years experience as
the Staff Computer engineer. I am familiar with some computer software like the C++, VBA,
Provision, JMP, AutoCAD, 3Dsmax, Photoshop, Solidworks, Aftereffect And Professional
Certificate of Assistant Information Officer (AIO).

I am expecting to work with the company you lead and I look forward to the chance of any
further discussion about the qualifications I have. I enclose the resume of myself for the
reference. You can contact me in buisness hours via phone (+62) 89677618211 or email

Thank you for your consideration.


Alfian Zainul A, S. Kom

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