MILQ101.1 Introduction To Media and Information Literacy

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Self-Learning Module

SY 2022-2023

Grade Level: 12

Subject (Code): Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

Quarter/Term: 1

Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

The learner:
1. Defines the key concepts (media, information, technology literacy,
and media and information literacies;
2. Identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy,
information literacy, and technology literacy;
3. Shares media habits, lifestyles, and preferences; and
4. Creates a media portal.

Instructional Computers with Internet connection, video discussion, and PowerPoint

Materials: presentation of the topic.

____. (2016). Evaluating Internet Sources. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2015). Philippine Education for All 2015 review report. Retrieved from

____. (2018). Defining Knowledge, Information, Data. Retrieved from


Hidalgo, L & Mopera, M. (2015). #MediaTrends: Importance of New Media

Technology to Modern Filipinos. SalesianaBooks by Don Bosco Press,

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contents are the intellectual property of and are meant for the exclusive use of Corpus Christi
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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information
or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of Corpus Christi School, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted
by copyright law.

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information
I. Overview
In this lesson, we will define various key concepts describing Media and Information
Literacy. We will create our own media portals. We will also create our personal online page or

The learner:
1. Defines the key concepts (media, information, technology literacy, and media and
information literacies;
2. Identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy;
3. Shares media habits, lifestyles, and preferences; and
4. Creates a media portal.

Keywords: Media, Information, Media literacy, Mass media, Information literacy,

Technology literacy, and Media and information literacy


1. All outputs shall be submitted to your teacher through WELA.

2. If you have questions/clarifications about the lesson, you may send it to your teacher’s
email address:
Denise A. Abuso –
Please do not forget to fill out the email SUBJECT:
 Format: Question/Clarification (Module Code)
 Example: Question/Clarification (MILQ101)
3. Please read everything in this module and watch the video/s by following the link/s
stated in this module.

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information

II. Activity 1

Creating a Curated Facebook Page (as a class)

General instructions: One student will create a group Facebook page account.
This Facebook page will be the official platform to be used for the entire semester. This
is where all outputs, reflections, and other activities shall be displayed. This Facebook
page must be viewed by the public, thus, only post activities approved by the teacher.
Follow the given format for your Facebook Page’s name.
What to include in the Facebook Page:
 Everyone in the class must be added as an Admin so contents may be
posted in the Page itself.
 Class section will serve as the Profile Picture
 Page banner

Section_Campus_Subject Code_S.Y.

Example: 12H_MACA_MIL_21-22

What is a  These refers to a system of submission, checking, tracking, and displaying

media of online works.
portal?  This account will be used for posting, submission, and checking of activities
for the entire semester.

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information

VIDEO DISCUSSION: For the discussion, please watch the video entitled “MILQ101 –
Introduction to Media and Information Literacy” on CCS HUMSS-GA YouTube Channel.

III. Discussion

Communication plays an important role in human development. One factor in the human
development if the consumption of information. The availability of information in mass
media play a pivotal role in the lives of people, especially in the communication process.

A. Media
 Sources of reliable and current information created through an editorial process
determined by journalistic values
 Are vehicles that carry messages from one person to another, or from one person to a
group of large people
 Serves as channels which people use to send and/or receive information (UNESCO).
 Before a message would reach its intended reader, it would need to go through the post
office, taking a least a day to two before it arrived.
 As long as one has an internet connection, anyone can receive or send information to an
individual no matter the time or location.
B. Information
 Knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction (Merriam-Webster’s
 Information can also refer to any facts or details about a subject that represent meanings
to a person.
C. Media Literacy
 The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms
 Another definition of the term is the ability to decode, analyze, evaluate and produce
communication in a variety of forms. (UNESCO MIL Curriculum for Teachers).
 Aims to empower citizens by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and
skills) necessary to engage with traditional media and new technologies.

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information
D. Mass Media
 Refers to the various ways, especially television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, by
which information and news are given to large number of audience. (Collins Dictionary).
 Examples include televisions, radio, newspaper, book, and the Internet.

E. Information Literacy
 Refers to the abilities to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate,
effectively use, and communicate information in its various formats. (UNESCO MIL
Curriculum for Teachers).
 People in the past used to rely to messengers, a person who would go to the center of
the town and read aloud whatever information needs to be announced to the public.
Today, newspapers are used to gather and broadcast information to the public.
 In the Information Age, students research can be done at home or wherever there is
internet connection. Students are no longer bound to stay long hours at libraries to
gather materials for a research.
E.1. Data vs. Information vs. Knowledge
- Data refers to the unstructured facts and figures that create
the least impact on the receiver (Thierauf, 1999).
- For data to become information, it must be contextualized,
categorized, calculated and condensed (Davenport & Prusak
- The knowledge possessed by each individual is a
product of his experience, and encompasses the
norms by which he evaluates new inputs from his
surroundings (Davenport & Prusak 2000).
Fig E.1. Hierarchy among knowledge, information, and data

E.2. Ethical Use of Information

Below are concepts that one must be familiar with in practicing ethical use of
1. Privacy - state of being alone or being away from public attention (Merriam-
Webster’s Dictionary).

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information
- Concept is often questioned as almost any information is within public
- A technology expert, who has the skills to get through digital securities,
can still access information that is labelled as private in a digital medium
2. Accuracy – refers to the correctness of the information source to the details of the
- Dates, places, time, persons involved and other details are necessary
data in testing the accuracy of an information source
3. Plagiarism – the use of words or ideas of another person as if they were your own
words and ideas (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary).
- access to a huge number of information online makes it easy for people
to download or copy-paste materials on the web.

E.3. Indicators of Information Literacy (Eisenberg and Berkowitz, 1988) – these are the skills
learners must maximize in gathering information.
Skills Indicators
The student is able to…
1.1 Define the problem.
1. Task definition
1.2 Identify the information needed to complete the task.
2. Information seeking 2.1 Determine all possible sources.
strategies 2.2 Select the best source.
3.1 Locate source.
3. Location and access
3.2 Find information within sources.
4.1 Engage the information in a source.
4. Use of information
4.2 Extract relevant information.
5.1 Organize information from multiple sources.
5. Synthesis
5.2 Present the result.
6.1 Judge the result (effectiveness).
6. Evaluation
6.2 Judge the process (efficiency).

F. Technology Literacy
 The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate,
evaluate, use and create information. (UNESCO MIL Curriculum for Teachers).

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information
 It also refers to the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a
wide range of sources when it is presented via computers and to a person’s ability to
perform tasks effectively in a digital environment.
 Technology literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data
and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge
gained from digital environments (University of Illinois).

G. Media and Information Literacy

 MIL stands for Media and Information Literacy
 MIL refers to the essential competencies and skills that allow citizens to engage with
media and other information providers effectively and develop critical thinking and life-
long learning skills to socialize and become active citizens (UNESCO MIL Curriculum for
What does  Critical thinking and enables citizens to raise questions about the
MIL information they receive, how the information was broadcasted, and why
promote? was it shared.
 Allows a person to become a critical thinker, a producer of information, and
a pioneer of media and information.

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Module Title: MILQ101 – Introduction to Media and Information

Good job for taking the time to watching the video and reading this module. Now,
to prove that you have learned and accomplished something in this module, please do
the following:
1. Please see MILQ101.2 file for the activity sheet.
2. Convert your file into PDF format. Submit your outputs through SILID.
3. Upon submitting your output, change the file name into this format:
4. MILQ101.2 deadline is August 9, 2022, 6:59 PM (12N, 12H), August 10, 2022,
6:59 PM (12HP).



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