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Large web community for one of world’s largest airlines

High Life

For all Delta people who have truly touched the High Life/

Summer time cruise in the Caribbean!

Pilot Communication Net - Group Section……

a. Mark’s Remarks
High Life 237 PCN Home | Post to PCN | G-Group | Calendar | PCN Ads | Sign Up | FAQs

High Life Theme Song:

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Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),

Out of Control
Have you ever felt like your life was in the grip of outside circumstances? Spinning and spinning but no way to
add opposite rudder? Lately, I have been flying my posterior off for my job and when not there, working the
other cheek off helping my aging parents who are 8 hours away from my own home. I really apologize about
being inconsistent the last few months with the High Life. That is definitely not the way I like to operate, but
family is always most important and, while the group has been placed on hold, I wouldn’t change a thing. I
have told you this before, but my father is and has been my lifelong hero. He has accomplished sooo much
more than I with much bigger hurdles and done it all with character and class. Serving him in his failing days is
difficult but it is still a privilege. Both of my parents gave me, (and Barb, my wife) incredible love and support.
My upbringing, faith and debt of love I owe all compel me now to be a son that is there for them. For the
curious, he is doing better and the 93 year old WWII Nightfighter Pilot is like a cat with 9 lives now rehabbing
in a skilled nursing center. I am sorry that the volunteer work for the PCN suffers, but I am also convinced that
you understand and have probably had moments like this in your own life.

Number 9…….with 10 in the hangar!

Little Bailey Ann (2 weeks old) came to visit and I was all smiles. She is number 9 and it was so beautiful to
hold her and envision the future. Sometimes things seem flying by like a flury, but family is always worth a
pause. Bailey Ann Sztanyo:


PCN Forum!

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PCN specific emails:
b. Finance Section ((Claims, PBGC, HCTC, Insurance, Planning, Tax, Estate) — section containing items with financial
consequence to our group)):

Helpful miscellaneous articles regarding our retirement plan and planning. Like you, I review my retirement nestegg and plan from
time to time. Recently, I went though some continued education for some credentials I maintain and it occurred to me that we all
could use a review about these issues. So with your help, we will share and post articles and info that may be helpful and of interest
to many of you in this section.

Hi folks,
I am badly in need of info regarding taxes paid on the DL stock at the time it was awarded to us.
I cashed in my stock in 2013 when it reached $19. Per share. I withdrew the money at that time from my retirement and
did not withhold further taxes.
Now the IRS is trying to collect taxes again on the sale of the stock. My CPA is handling this but needs documentation
stating that taxes were previously paid on the stock.
Where can I go to find this situation clarified? Thanks much if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Mal Harper


Mark and Mall,

In my case I received a letter from Delta, Robert l. Kight, dated
February 11, 2008, that included materials relating to the distributions
received from Delta in 2007 on account of the allowed claims in Delta's
bankruptcy. This letter included:
-An individual statement regarding the distributions received.
-A copy of the Social Security Adminstration Form 131 (SSA 131)
filed on my behalf.

The statement shows in detail the different classifications of award,

the values and the amount of income tax withheld. The W-2 Form for 2007
received from Delta also showed this information and it matched the
statement to the penny. By the way, my cost basis per share was $19.55
so if Mal's basis is the same he might wind up with a refund if he sold
it at $19.00 per share!!
The letter shows a contact email of '' however
that is probably not active anymore. Maybe you can get the information
from the Employee Service Center, it will just take a while.

Hope this info is helpful,

Ray Jones
L-1011 Retiree 1997

Hey Mark,
Thanks for the help with my tax problem. The group really came through.
I received many suggestions as to where to find the needed information and what action to take.
My CPA says he has sufficient information now to make the issue go away.
My thanks to everyone.
Mal Harper


(As with any of these informative articles, anyone who needs someone to talk to about
this very subject contact me and I can direct you to a knowledgeable advisor).

Remaining financial items for retirees to watch:

After Aug 2007 these are retirement items remaining with financial consequence.
1. PBGC 2nd look re-calc at qualified annuity benefits — completed 8/24/07
2. PBGC make up lump payment for underpayments since termination: most reported received 1/31/08
3. Final claim distribution by DAL through BSI – distributed at or around Mar 23, 2011.
4. Class Action suit against DAL concerning 5 yr look-back worth in excess of $100 million — withdrawn
5. Appeal of Final Benefit Determination Letters (BDL’s) PBGC re-calc “determination” of qualified annuity (likely
after claim stock sale) – in process until end of year (only 45 days to appeal) Appeal extensions generally granted
in Nov 2010 now extended by our law firm for all to: revised to Feb 18, 2011 Now Mar 18, 2011, April 29, 2011,
July 29, 2011, Aug 29, 2011, Filed with PBGC on Oct 28, 2011 Ruling rendered on appeal Sept 27, 2013!!
6. Pension reinstatement/contribution request by DP3 representing the retired pilots. Very long shot….pending
7. Roth IRA creation as per Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 — deadline June 22nd, 2009
8. Expiration of HCTC 80% premium subsidy will expire on December 31, 2010. Action has continued 80% for Jan
& Feb. Action expired and subsidy effective April 1, 2011 payment, the HCTC is at 72.5%.) Expiration of whole
HCTC program scheduled for January 1, 2014.
9. Financial condition of the D&S Plan—a plan that pays benefits to eligible survivors of deceased pilots
as well as to disabled pilots. A form 5500 for the D&S Plan is filed annually.
10. Formation of a VEBA Health Insurance plan by DP3 – VEBA has been created and in effect.
11. Rob Moser’s petition led effort to address the terminated non-qualified benefits (terminated along
with the defined benefit plan) with an inadequate stock payout solution. Began in Spring of 2013 and
have meeting with company held Nov 12th 2013.


c. Insurance (issues about health, life or disability that are of interest):

HCTC will be back………just not quite yet!

HCTC: Latest News and Background

Latest News

IRS working to implement new law; Reminds taxpayers to continue existing health coverage during interim period.

The Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-27), enacted June 29, 2015, extended and modified the
expired Health Coverage Tax Credit. Previously, those eligible for HCTC could claim the credit against the premiums they
paid for certain health insurance coverage through 2013. The HCTC can now be claimed for coverage through 2019.

The IRS is currently reviewing the legislation and is working with its partners, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
and the Department of Labor State Workforce Agencies, to determine the best way for taxpayers to receive this
important credit. The law is similar to the version of the credit that expired in 2013 but includes modifications that affect
how the credit is administered. The IRS will provide guidance on the credit in the near future, including guidance for
taxpayers who also qualify for the Premium Tax Credit under the Affordable Care Act.

In the meantime, the IRS offers the following guidance to anyone who may be eligible for the Health Coverage Tax

 Until the IRS provides further information and can confirm taxpayer eligibility for HCTC, taxpayers should not
discontinue or change current health coverage, including COBRA or Health Insurance Marketplace coverage.
 The HCTC is retroactive for tax year 2014, meaning eligible taxpayers can claim it for 2014 by filing an amended
 More details will be available soon and taxpayers should wait for this information before they file an amended

Updates and guidance will be posted to this page on as it becomes available.

Background of the HCTC

The Health Coverage Tax Credit is a federally funded tax credit that allows individuals to pay only a portion of their
qualified health insurance. The HCTC helps make health coverage more affordable for eligible individuals and their
families by paying a significant portion of qualified health insurance premiums.

Certain displaced workers are certified by the Department of Labor as eligible to receive Trade Readjustment Allowances
under the Trade Adjustment Assistance program. Others may be eligible because they receive benefits from the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation and are 55 years old or older.

HCTC Program Timeline

 2002: HCTC began as a ground breaking tax credit program.

 August 2003: HCTC was first made available on a monthly basis.
 May 2009: Benefits expanded under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. These benefits were set to
expire on December 31, 2010.
 December 2010: Congress passed a short term extension of the changes made to the HCTC by the ARRA. These
provisions expired on February 13, 2011.
 October 2011: Benefits again expanded by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act of 2011.
 January 1, 2014: The legislation that authorized the HCTC expired. This expiration date was set by Congress
when the Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011 was passed.
 June 29, 2015: H.R. 1295, the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-27), enacted June
29,2015, extended and modified the expired HCTC through 2019.

Pilot's Disability and Survivors annual report for 2014


Hi Mark:

The full "Pilot's Disability and Survivors annual report for 2014" can be viewed on the link below.
It's about 380 pages. If you are interested in the viability of the plan, this may answer some of your

If you would like an estimate of what your wife will receive as a benefit when you die, you have to call
800-693-3582 and follow the prompts. It took me about six weeks and several phone calls to get this
information. The gentleman I spoke with last, ask if I would like these documents E-mailed to me. Of
course, I said. I had them both in 2 minutes. So ask them to E-mail them to you; even though that
was not an initial option.

My estimate was almost exactly what I anticipated. It is a one page summary that tells you the date
you retired, your final average monthly earnings, multiplied by .30, equals the monthly benefit.
Example: $30,000/Month X .30 = $9,000/Month.

It might be a good idea for each pilot to get a copy of his individual report, make sure it is correct, and
give it to his wife so she knows what amount to expect. As much as we hate to face it, we're all "in the

As we discussed recently, if our wives could immediately start receiving these benefits, prior to our
demise, with Delta agreeing to the funding, the "Survivors of the Delta Bankruptcy"
could finally enjoy their last few years. That would be great!

Mark, thanks for everything you do for me and the Retired Delta Pilots!


Larry Rodammer

d. Pension:

d1. Petition:
Life Section…

e. Event Announcements (Click here for Calendar): to post

From: "Chris Rieder" <>

Subject: ROMEO breakfast and slide presentation +++++CHANGE OF LOCATION++++++++

Date: August 21, 2015 at 16:10:49 EDT

To: "Chris Rieder" <>

Once again it is time for our ROMEO breakfast on Tuesday, September 1st at 0930.
However, for this next breakfast only, the LOCATION will be at the ROUNDABOUT
DINER. The Roundabout Diner & Lounge is located at the Portsmouth Traffic Circle
(formerly the Howard Johnson's at the intersection of US1 Bypass and NH Route 16,
opposite the NH State Wine/Liquor Outlet).

The reason for the change in location at this next breakfast is best explained in the
following email from Bob Patterson, Jr:

My name is Bob Patterson Jr., my Dad is a retired Delta Air Lines captain. He started his career in 1966 with
Northeast as a co-pilot on the DC-6B. He retired in 1992 on the Boeing 727-200. I have always admired my
Dad for his flying career, and have always held an appreciation for aircraft civil, and military. I have been
collecting color original Kodachrome slides of Northeast and Delta aircraft from the 1950s through the early
1970s. I contacted Chris Rieder and asked him if he thought the group of retirees that meet at Hampton would
enjoy viewing some of my collection and he said he thought they would. So Chris and I have arranged to have
the ROMEO breakfast @ the Roundabout Diner in Portsmouth on September 1st @ 09:30. Norm Houle will be
showing his slide collection as well. I hope that you would be interested in attending this event and could
please send e-mails to the group to let them know this will be a special breakfast they all might want to attend.
I hope we can bring back a lot of great memories for the Northeast/ Delta retirees. Thanks again for your help,
Bob Patterson Jr.

The breakfast and slide show will take place in one of Roundabout Diner's meeting rooms.
A server will be available to take breakfast orders so you will be able to have a great meal
while enjoying Bob's and Norm's slide presentation. Or, if you prefer to arrive earlier than
0930 you can have breakfast in the diner's main dining room.

So please join us at the Roundabout Diner on September 1st for a great presentation and

Warm regards,

Chris Rieder

From: "Julian Black"

To: "Julian Black" <>
Subject: 2015 Delta Golden Wings Christmas Party

Delta Golden Wings Folks:

We have everything lined up for another great Christmas Party. The party will be at the Dunwoody Ravinia Crowne Plaza
just north of Atlanta.

We have hotel rooms for those of you that are out of town or local and would like to stay overnight or longer at the
Ravinia Crowne Plaza at a special rate of $92. This is something to consider for you rather than driving back home. You
can come in early and do a little shopping at Perimeter Mall, sleep in the next morning.

The hotel has beautiful walking trails behind the hotel that is worth checking out.

The party reservations are attached!

2015 Delta Golden Wings Christmas Party

When: Sunday, December 13th, 2015

Where: Ravinia Crowne Plaza-Banquet Room

4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30346

Dress: Business casual

Time: 5:30pm Social hour-drinks and appetizers

Dinner: 7pm

Cost: $40/person: salad, chicken, beef or fish, two sides, dessert, coffee, tea, cola (tip & tax included)

Cash Bar: domestic beer $4; 4 oz. glass wine $5; mixed drink $6 (tip and tax included). Cash bar is open from 5:30pm to
at least 10pm.

Parking: Self-parking on the lower level of the hotel is free. They do have valet parking; the cost is about $7.

Hotel Room: $92 at the Dunwoody Crowne Plaza Ravinia. This rate is good for three days before the event and three
days after the event. Call 770-392-9503, 1-800 593 5447, 1-800 593 5447 FREE and ask for the Delta Golden Wings Rate.

More Hotel Info:

Speaker: TBD

History: This is the 7th year we have had a Dunwoody Delta Golden Wings Christmas party. This is the third year we have
been at the Ravinia Crown Plaza in Dunwoody. We had a great turn out last year and hope to have an even bigger group
of friends this year.

If you are in the Atlanta local area or if you are coming from out of town and would like to stay for a night or so, we have
a really good hotel rate of $92 at the Ravinia Crowne Plaza. This rate is good for three days before the event and three
days after the event.

Having a nice rate on the rooms has given us the opportunity to open the invitation to all of the Delta Golden Wings
membership. Caution on the rooms: we do not have a guarantee on the number of rooms, so if you are planning on
coming and would like to have a room, go ahead and reserve it. We had about 37 rooms last year used by Delta Golden
Wings folks.

If you are doing some Christmas shopping, Perimeter Mall is right across the street from the hotel. MARTA (train from
Dunwoody, Atlanta and the Airport) is just two blocks away and the hotel has free service to Perimeter Mall and the
MARTA Dunwoody station.

MARTA will quickly and cheaply get you to and from the airport and downtown Atlanta.

Atlanta has sporting events, shopping, World of Coca-Cola, Georgia Aquarium (world’s largest), the new College Football
Hall of Fame and many other places of interest.

We look forward to renewing old Delta friendships! We hope to see you!

Contact Julian for reservation instructions:


From: Carol
Date: 8/12/2015 4:49:30 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:,
Subject: 2015 Annual Western Wallybird "Gathering" Sept. 29-30, 2015 Reno NV
Special invitation to all ground crew, agents, dispatchers, all interested parties
& their are invited!
It's time for the 2015 Annual Western Wallybird “Gathering”

Golf & Banquet ... El Dorado Hotel & Casino , Reno NV

Mark your calendars: September 29 & 30, 2015

Please see information below...then note your choices...and RSVP to Dick Deeds.

Guaranteed a good time .... spread the word ... time to reminisce and enjoy time with

Still got questions? ctc Dick at or (408) 268-0670

Dick Deeds , 6555 Gillis Drive , San Jose, CA 95120

Mark your Calendars!!! September 29 & 30, 2015 at El Dorado Hotel, Reno, NV.
I have paid the registration fee to the hotel so now all we need are
lots of Western people to meet the guarantee. Many of you last year said
that you would "talk" it up and get your other WAL friends and flight
attendants And agents to come because of the good time had by all. Lets
Do IT! Make a point to call at least 2 other pilots and/or Flight
Attendants and any Western persons.

Remember, wives, husbands, Flight attendants, Agents & significant

others are welcome.

When making a reservation or RSVP to me PLEASE include your attendance

at Al Ehringers "Gathering", if you are playing golf, and of course the
food selection for the banquet. I need counts for all of these.

Al Ehringer has once again offered his bar, booze and hors d'oeuvres to
all on Tuesday 9/29 from 2PM to 6PM. Good friends, free food and booze.
Speaker: We have one of our own pilots who was making a record setting
flight from Reno to Fallon to Reno. When back over Reno he had a roll
problem, lookout and his left wing was GULP ........ MISSING! He had
to bail out over downtown Reno. Should be a great presentation.

The banquet will be at the Eldorado hotel on 9/30 Doors open at 5PM (no
host bar open) If you drink, you can walk to your room! (I've been told
that we actually have some WAL people who drink?) The Eldorado has given
us a good deal this year on rooms. Here's the info:
To reserve a room:
Call: 800-648-5966
Standard Room: $49.00
Deluxe Room: $55.00
Luxury Room: $65.00
You MUST reference the group code: "MBIRD15" to get the rate when you call.

You can cancel your reservation up to 24 hrs prior with no penalty. The cutoff date

for room reservations is September 7 (I'll and extend that).

note... El Dorado will provide discount on show tickets for those who wish to attend

The food selection will be:

Grilled Salmon - Grilled salmon filet, served with rice du jour and
fresh seasonal vegetables Roast Prime Rib of Beef - slow;ow roasted
choice prime rib of beef, seasoned to perfection. Served with your
choice of baked, garlic mashed or pesto mashed potatoes and fresh
seasonal vegetables. All dinners include a choice of fresh garden salad
with house dressing or a Caesar salad with homemade garlic croûtons.
Entrees also include rolls, butter, and desert. All dinner selections
are also served with Eldorado's own Blended and roasted coffees, Iced
Tea and Water and gratuity and hopefully speaker costs!.
$55.00/person. - Includes the meal, Drink of choice & desert, Tax and all gratuities!

For those who golf, the event will be held this year at a course in Reno.

Mel Younker is making the arrangements and as soon as I get the info I'll forward it
to you.
September 29 - Golf
0900 Shotgun Start

Please RSVP me at (and send check to) along with your preference for the
"gathering", golf and food selection:
Dick Deeds
6555 Gillis Drive
San Jose, CA 95120

f. Travel & Non-Reving (share a quick reco):

Note about layover hotels: The layover hotel info IS STILL AVAILABLE in a couple of locations
including Inflight (IFS) section of Delta net. Login to DeltaNetDepartmentsIFSHotels.
g. Good Read - Good Deal/Bad Deal (Share a quick good deal or bad deal you have found – no
commercials here!)

From: kerschner
Date: 8/22/2015 2:31:08 PM

Subject: from Barron's

Delta’s CEO Has the Right Flight Plan

The airline’s shares have soared since Richard Anderson took the controls, forming global partnerships and improving
customer service. By DYAN MACHAN Aug. 22, 2015

Next month will mark 10 years since Delta Air Lines filed for bankruptcy protection, laid low by industry fare wars and
management blunders. What a difference a decade has made: The nation’s second-largest airline based on passengers
served, Delta is thriving today after waves of industry consolidation and savvy investments in technology, employees,
and international growth. The company boasts rapidly rising earnings, the highest credit rating of the legacy U.S.
carriers, an excellent service record, and a loyal shareholder base.

Much of the credit for Delta’s (ticker: DAL) comeback goes to CEO Richard Anderson, 60, who took the controls in
September 2007, just a few months after the company’s emergence from bankruptcy court. Straight-laced, cost-
conscious, and fonder of Faulkner novels than management tomes, Anderson has proved to be a strategic thinker and
innovator in an industry once bereft of both. In addition to offering customers more and better choices in the air, he has
made some surprising moves on the ground—like buying an oil refinery from Phillips 66 (PSX) in 2012 to help control
fuel costs. Despite Wall Street’s initial skepticism, the purchase has paid huge dividends for Delta.

Most important, Anderson recognized early on that Delta’s success would depend on forming partnerships with non-
U.S. carriers and building a global route network. An airline, he says, is “essentially like the mobile-phone, railroad, or
trucking business, in that it is capital intensive and has to have economies of scope and scale.”

Anderson has formed multiple international partnerships to help Delta spread its wings. Photo: Stan Kaady for Barron's

WITHIN A YEAR of taking charge, Anderson merged Delta with Northwest Airlines, his former employer, crucially giving
the combined company a hub in Tokyo and Asian routes out of Amsterdam via Northwest’s longstanding alliance with
Dutch carrier KLM. The deal set the stage for a string of partnerships that has made Delta a global player; the airline and
its Delta Connection partners now serve 334 destinations in 64 countries.

Following the Northwest merger, Delta expanded its European base, including links with KLM and Air France, to include
a joint venture with Italy’s Alitalia. It also acquired 49% of Virgin Atlantic to gain greater access to London’s Heathrow
Airport, a nexus of global business travel. The Virgin partnership paired Anderson with his temperamental opposite,
Virgin’s freewheeling founder, Richard Branson, who has made a game of slicing off the Delta chief’s neckties. Anderson
foiled a scissor-wielding Branson at a meeting earlier this summer by wearing a tie made of wire mesh.

Delta has ramped up its presence, as well, in fast-growing markets in Latin America and Asia. In March, the airline
announced plans to launch a $1.5 billion joint venture with Mexico’s Aeromexico, and recently increased its stake in the
Brazilian airline GOL (GOL). Then, last month, it paid $450 million for a 3.6% stake in China Eastern Airlines (CEA),
becoming the first U.S. carrier to own part of a Chinese airline. “Building Delta’s presence in Asia is a real asset,” says
Gerald Grinstein, the company’s former CEO. “Anderson has the right view from 30,000 feet.”

Delta has expanded aggressively in the U.S., too, gaining coveted business travelers at New York’s LaGuardia airport by
swapping Washington landing rights in 2012 with U.S. Airways, now part of American Airlines Group (AAL). Today, Delta
dominates the New York market with 227 daily departures from LaGuardia, more than its major competitors combined.
The company, based at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson airport, has tripled its U.S. hubs in recent years, to nine.

ANDERSON’S MOVES have paid off handsomely for Delta investors. The stock has soared 250% since the end of 2007, to
a recent $47, more than quadruple the gain of the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. The company boosted its quarterly
dividend in May to almost 14 cents a share from nine cents, for an annual yield of 1.2%, and announced it would buy
back $5 billion of stock by 2017; dividends and buybacks are expected to return $6 billion to shareholders.

Delta also has been paying down debt. Adjusted net debt, which stood at $7.1 billion as of June 30, is down from $15
billion at the end of 2010. Management aims to reduce that number to $5 billion in 2016.

Delta’s shares have slipped in recent months from a January peak of $51, due to slower-than-expected domestic
growth, unfavorable currency trends, and pricing pressure. To some degree, the company failed to anticipate the
market’s -- and the economy’s -- current weakness; it increased flights and seating capacity in the first half of the year.
Revenue per passenger mile fell 3% in the June quarter, meaning customers spent 3% less per mile flown.

Delta earned $2.8 billion, or $3.31 a share, last year, on revenue of $40.4 billion. (Only American, with revenue of $42.7
billion is larger.) Analysts expect the company to earn $4.51 a share this year, helped by lower fuel costs, and $5.42 in
2016, as revenue climbs to $42 billion. Shares trade for nine times 2016 estimated earnings, although Anderson argues
the company deserves a price/earnings ratio closer to 16, in line with P/Es accorded consumer packaged-goods
companies and high-quality transportation concerns such as CSX (CSX) and United Parcel Service (UPS). “After investing
$3 billion in this airline, it will produce close to $5 billion in free cash flow,” he says. “There are only 35-40 companies
that are going to do better than that.”

ANDERSON WAS REARED in Texas in a close-knit family of seven. His father was a railroad manager and his mother, a
medical-office worker. In his freshman year at Texas Tech University, he learned that both parents were dying from
cancer. His maternal grandmother, who had lived with the family, was also dying. Within about a year, all were gone. “It
sure did get you focused,” he says.

Anderson finished college at a University of Houston satellite campus to be closer to home, taking part-time
construction jobs and looking after his two younger sisters. He earned a law degree in 1982 by taking night classes at
South Texas College of Law, and became a prosecutor in a district attorney’s office. Motivated to find a better-paying job
when his wife, Sue, also an attorney, decided to become a stay-at-home mother, he joined Continental Airlines in 1987
at the suggestion of his neighbor, Ben Hirst, then the airline’s general counsel.

Anderson followed Hirst, now Delta’s chief legal officer, to Northwest in 1990, and was CEO of the airline by 2001. But
he left the industry in 2004 for a job at UnitedHealth Group (UNH). “I wanted to find out about other businesses,” he

He joined Delta’s board in April 2007, and became CEO of the airline in September of that year, in a move the board
regarded as a coup. “Everyone seemed to know he was best,” says Daniel Carp, Delta’s nonexecutive board chairman.
“No one thought we could get him.”
But Anderson was attracted by the opportunity not merely to run a legacy airline but to transform it into something
bigger and better. He shared Carp’s view, and that of Delta’s creditors’ committee, that consolidation was the only way
to bring efficiency back to the airline industry and create value for shareholders. With a sharply reduced debt load and
strong employee culture, Delta had the right platform to acquire more routes, differentiate its service, and grow. “All
roads led to Atlanta,” Anderson says.

Delta’s overhaul has ranged far beyond acquiring Northwest and forming international alliances to encompass nearly
every aspect of its business. Anderson has improved the customer experience in myriad ways, notes Carp, from
upgrading the quality of plane interiors to offering more seating options to launching an app that allows passengers to
track their luggage. “Anderson didn’t accept that airline travel was a commodity,” says Carp.

Earlier this year, Delta introduced five classes of service, or so-called branded fares, that could bring in up to $1.5 billion
in additional revenue by 2018, the company says. They include basic economy, main cabin, Delta comfort (four inches of
extra legroom), first class, and Delta One (flat beds), available only on certain flights.

Ironically, basic economy, with seats assigned only after check in, hasn’t proved popular, despite the lower fares. Delta
might have more success than competitors in up-selling seats because it is known for better service, says Duane
Pfennigwerth, an analyst at Evercore ISI.

Many statistics point to its advantage. Delta was tops last year among U.S. airlines in on-time arrivals, according to the
U.S. Transportation Department. It “mishandled” two bags per 1,000, half the number that went missing on American,
United, and Southwest. “We had 95 days without a single canceled flight,” says President Edward Bastian, who credits
this record to Anderson’s “amazing grasp of operations technology,” adding “The other airlines, combined, had only 13.”

Anderson also has been savvy about buying and refurbishing used planes, thereby lowering Delta’s capital expenditures.
He understands the aircraft repair and maintenance business well, having previously overseen maintenance operations
at Northwest. Delta’s maintenance operations are a profit center for the company, as it offers services to other, smaller

A motivated workforce arguably has played a big role in Delta’s turnaround. The company has an unusually generous
profit-sharing plan: It distributes 10% of profit to employees up to $2.5 billion, and 20% above that level. It paid out $1.1
billion in profit-sharing in 2014. With the exception of pilots, Delta’s workforce is nonunion, albeit not for lack of the
unions’ trying. Most recently, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers withdrew a bid to
organize flight attendants, after acknowledging some of the signatures it had collected were forged. The union said it
plans to renew its effort in a year.

Most airline passengers have come to dread flying, given long security check-in lines, crowded planes, and rising fares.
This summer, the Justice Department launched an investigation into possible price fixing among U.S. carriers to keep
airfares high. Domestic fares fell more than 16% from 2000 through 2014, according to the Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, but have been rising since 2009, in tandem with industry consolidation.

Anderson has a few grievances, too. He has publicly complained that Qatar Airways, Emirates, and Etihad Airways
receive sizable government subsidies in violation of the bilateral Open Skies agreement, and has asked the U.S.
government to intercede. The three Middle East carriers have been gaining market share internationally. “Give us an
even playing field and we’ll win,” he says.

Anderson also has had the Export-Import Bank in his crosshairs for giving cheap financing to his foreign competitors. Air
India received money for two Boeing 777s and took Delta out of the U.S.-India market by pricing tickets $300 to $400
below what Delta can charge. Delta sued the bank and lost, but the airline might prove an inadvertent winner, as the
bank’s budget expired on July 1 and Congress hasn’t yet reauthorized funding.

Whether in the skies, on the ground, or in the courts, Anderson, the former prosecutor, argues Delta’s case with zeal.
Given the company’s tumultuous history, and that of the industry, customers, employees, and shareholders couldn’t ask
for more.

h. Human Interest:

i. Investment (Legitimate firms that have helped our groupare encouraged to contact PCN to add articles here) :
Advertisement below:

Retirement Help Needed?

Hey PCN,

Is your retirement portfolio a little OFF COURSE and ONE DOT LOW?

If your Investment or retirement flight path is a little off course maybe you need a better ARC?

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This firm (Broadview Financial Advisors) has helped me out and I know they can help you as well. Watch the
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Mark Sztanyo

ARC Video Contact BFA

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J. Misc Posts:

Hearing Aid - Capt asks for some help:

From: William Kattula
Date: 8/21/2015 5:06:19 PM
Subject: hearing aids

I am helping a friend who is not V-A eligible for a hearing aid. Costco seems to have the safest deal.Has any one had any
luck with the less expensive hearing aids like-“MDHearingAid” or similar products? look forward to any help. Willie
Kattula-could you post this?



From: Carol
Date: 8/22/2015 6:41:12 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:,
Subject: Delta and it's grill

The Tech Ops fellows outdid themselves...

Now that's a GRILL


Email News Letter:

Ray Dahl has a “Jon Ley” type daily RSS feed that you may be interested in. I believe Ray retired off the 747 for NW but
now covers many issues that included Delta News. If interested in this very frequent email news release, please contact
Ray at .

Sample excerpt below:

From: Ray Dahl

Date: 8/22/2015 8:29:07 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:,

Delta Air Lines: Bigger Is Not Better

Aug. 17, 2015 5:28 AM ET | 23 comments

I have logged a fair amount of air miles this summer, and in doing so I have carefully watched several airlines as a
customer and observer, both on and off the ground. In terms of customer service, Delta Air Lines is not my favorite US
carrier, and maybe they are just too big to care about, or manage customer service breakdowns. According to the
American Customer Satisfaction Index the airlines are improving, but still remain near the bottom of the list as far as
the overall industry is concerned. In the same report Delta scored another 71, which is the same as last year and right in
line with the sector average, but well behind industry innovators like Alaska Airlines, Jet Blue, and Southwest. No
worries, however, because in order to perform due diligence, I am going to leave my emotions, and personal
experiences, out of the equation. This is the third article in a series devoted to the airlines. In a previous article I made a
bullish case for Southwest Airlines. Back in May, I identified Alaska Airlines as a buyable opportunity, and I also like Jet
Blue Airlines for the long-term.

If you fly out of the United States, there is a big chance that you will be on a Delta plane even if you book through Air
France, or another number of carriers. Delta Air Lines has aggressively expanded capacity, and the company has a
presence in nearly every major U.S. Airport. Bigger is not always better, and this article will examine the numbers, and
attempt to value Delta Air Lines in terms of potential performance. There remain a number of significant tailwinds,
which have produced record profits for the sector; including low jet fuel prices, increased efficiency, and growing
capacity. Despite some of the negative sentiment surrounding the sector because of DoJ talk and PRASM numbers,
these tailwinds should remain intact for the longer term. This summation is only a general analysis, and investors
interested in the airline sector are encouraged to do further due diligence.

Full story @


From: George
Date: 8/10/2015 3:13:00 PM
Subject: Tailhook - For all navy pilots to read
From: Dick Deeds

Subject: Tailhook Dear fellow NAVCADS (and others)...... As I was about

to send in my annual renewal for the Tailhook Association membership I

paused to call them to ask if they had an discounts for us old guys. I

was pleasantly surprised to be rewarded with a free "Life Membership"

for being a long time member and supporter. A nice and unexpected

gesture. Check to see if you qualify. pdh (800)322-4665


This may fall under the category of curiosity but thought you may enjoy taking a look:

From: David L. Roberts

Date: 8/22/2015 4:08:14 AM
Subject: Selling our home in Italy
Hello all,
Retired DL Captain Roger Arndt and his wife are selling their beautiful Villa/B&B, Le Vigne, in Italy and he asked me to
spread the word. The correspondence between us is below so read it from the top to the bottom this time.
By way of reference Roger was born in '42 and hired by DL in '69.


From: Joan & Roger Arndt

Ciao Dave,

As our Italian experience slowly ends we are offering Le Vigne for sale. Our website,, contains brief
comments and pictures of the property.
We would be pleased if you would share this with anyone who might be remotely interested in an Italian adventure.
How much? The short answer is four million euro plus Italian legal fees (not a lot) for a private sale. More if a broker
is involved. The price includes most of the furniture and fixtures plus all the equipment (tractors, olive press, etc.),
land and buildings and two cars. Many thanks and warm regards…¦….Joan and Roger

k. Hangar Flying (Share a bit of ole hangar flying with the net. Need a sim buddy? Use PCN for request) :
Pilots and passengers alike were a little nervous after this happened on Aug 21st at ATL.
Joel Payne
Issue Area General
Comments - Time wuz, when I couldn't even spell "pilot", then I wuz one for 31 years. Enjoy-


From: Bob Pike

Date: 8/7/2015 12:28:13 PM
To: Mark Sztanyo
Subject: In-Flight Troubleshooting - 1924 Version


Joel Payne
Issue Area General
Comments - A 360 view from a P-51, in formation with an F22. You can use the arrows in the upper left corner to
change the view, or hold down the left "mouse" button to do the same. Pretty neat-


Can you pass this along to your Atlanta area pilots and friends?
The Mid Georgia Soaring Association (MGSA) which is one of the oldest glider clubs in the Southeast is
currently looking for a qualified pilot to tow gliders for them.
They operate mostly on the weekends from March thru November out of the Monroe Airport on the southeast
side of Atlanta (D73).

This would not be every weekend as they have some members that can tow but not enough are available so they
need some assistance.

Their tow plane is a 235 HP Piper Pawnee former crop-duster that is professionally maintained and hangared at

Anyone meeting the following criteria please contact me:

 Private Pilot Airplane rating or higher

 200 hr PIC in Category/Class
 50 hr and 100 takeoffs and landings as a tailwheel PIC on pavement as a minimum.
 High Performance Endorsement

Prior towing experience and glider flying experience would be preferred.

This would be a great opportunity for someone to fly and be compensated for their efforts.

If anyone knows someone who is interested or qualified please contact me and I will coordinate.


Cal W. Tax

770-781-6593 Home

l. I am looking for……” (Share a post of who you are seeking, if one sought answers….wallah):
As a reminder to all who are “looking for someone,” the PCN never shares contact info with anyone! What we do
instead is make an appeal (either direct or publicly in the newsletter) to a person about a party’s interest in getting in
touch. In this way the person looked for is in control of the connection.

Nephew seeks Info concerning Flown West Capt Harold Wood Smith - Can anyone help Dudley?

Subject: Search

I was told that my uncle was a pilot for Delta in the early 1950's. "Uncle Sonny" was a Marine fighter pilot in the Pacific
during WW II. I have significant photographic evidence of his wartime service. Unfortunately, he died from a brain
tumor in the mid-50's. My father used to tell me the story of how he was landing in Atlanta one night and "saw double."
Apparently the first indication of his tumor.

From: Dudley Meier

Date: 8/21/2015 4:50:02 PM
Subject: Fwd: Search

I wonder if you have a moment to look at my original post to the Archive Director. Perhaps you could help me find some
info about my uncle - Harold Wood Smith who went by the nickname "Sonny."


M1. Safety/Security (Share some tips with the net):

RFID Skimming:
Your passport and most new credit cards have RFID. If you don’t know about this, it may be time to get some
education about “skimming.” I just received two new credit cards both with chips. From my research, tinfoil
or aluminum is not 100% but can drastically limit access to unwanted readers. Here are a couple of articles on
the issue:

RFID Technology:


DIY Protection:

m. Humor/Sobering or Fun (Share some humor with the net):

Date: 8/2/2015 9:44:36 PM
Subject: Deer hunt humor

Looking forward to hunting season but I do have a question...

If I shoot a buck, but I only have a doe tag, can I claim that the buck wasn't really a buck?
I mean, maybe he'd always wanted to be a doe, but with no choice of his own he was born with the physical attributes of a
male. Yet on the inside he'd always known he was truly female.
I'm just wondering if the game wardens will buy it. Our society and the Supreme Court does!


From: George
Date: 8/5/2015 10:25:50 AM
Subject: “Senior USB Stick”
Very shortly it will become compulsory for senior citizens to carry not only their ID, but also
their insurance documents, their prescription list, a compact version of their medical file, the
statement declaring if they want to be resuscitated after a heart attack, stroke, etc. etc.
Consequently, a lot of paperwork will have to be carried when a senior citizen goes out the
front door OR When they Travel!

Specifically for this purpose, a special “Senior USB Stick” has been developed.

Take a look below….


Mark Sztanyo (Stăn’yō), PCN Dir & HL Editor

Pilot Communication Net from Aug 2009
Contact the Net

Life on earth will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!

Serving the Delta community, and pilots (active and retired) and their families, including original Delta, and former: C&S,
Northeast, Pan-Am, Western, NWA, Republic, North-Central, Southern Airways, Hughes- Airwest, and all the Delta
Connection carriers.

Delta Pilots Pension Preservation Organization -
Delta Museum & Fly-in information -
Delta Pioneers -
Delta Golden Wings -
Delta Retiree Connection -
Delta Retirement Committee -
DAL Pilots DDPSA -
Delta Extra Net Portal -
National Retiree Legislative Network -

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