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(OMB Approval No, 2502-0285, A. Settlement Statement (HUD-1) B. Type of Loan 7 ‘FHA 20 RHS~— 351Conv, Unins.| & Fle Number 7. Loan Number 8, Mongage Insurance Case Numbee ie ones last! 14168 eorats Note: This form is ursishedto give you a statomont of actual eotfement costs. Amounts pal to and by the settlement agert are shown. dems marked *(p.0.c)" were pai outside the closing: they are shown here for information purposes and are nat include in the totale. . Name and Address of Bortower Maks Lisvakly “Tatyana Lsovshiy 423 Elauna Stoet Loganuite, GA 20052 Fichars 0. inky 18220 Gib Evans Foad Davsonile, GA 30594 Name and Address of Setar F. Namo and Aderese of Lender Noightortaod Monga, re 1855 Locloway Brivo, Suite 306 ‘Alphareta, GA 30008 Property Location H, Settement Agent (6789589585) 8520 Gib Evane Plead Law Office of Racal & Associates, LLC paslaaislkaceee 190 Ketton Crossing, Dulth, GA 30067-6789585959 12320011, 252-093, 22.076 Plaoe of Setuerent 1 Settlement Date +80 Katon Crossing o7asita 678-958-9963 Duluth, GA, 30007 Do:_orrasiia J. SUMMARY OF BORROWER'S TRANSACTION: "1c SUMMARY OF SELLER'S TRANSACTION: 100. GROSS AMOUNT DUE FROM BORROWER. 4400, GROSS AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER. 101. Contract sales price 280,000.00] 401. Contract sales price E 260,000.00) 102, Personal property 402, Personal property _ 108, Settlement charges to Barner line 1400) '6.768.68| 403. 704, 04, 106. 405. ‘Adjustments for toms péld by seller in advance ‘Adjustments for items paid by edler in edvance 106, Ciytoun taxes © 408. Gitytown taxes. to [107. County tes 2 407. County taxes to 108. Assessments 2 408. Assessments to 109. 09. 110, ‘10. i a1 11 112. 412. 120, GROSS AMOUNT DUE FROM BORROWER. 286,753.65 | 420. GROSS AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER. 20,000.00! £200. AMOUNTS PAID BY OR IN BEHALF OF BORROWER '500. REDUCTIONS IN AVOUNT TO SELLER 201. Deposit or earnest money 1,000.00 | 501. Excess Deposit (see Instructons) _ 202. Principal amount of new loans) £224,000 00 | 502. Setlerent charges to seller (Ine 1200) 15,800.00] 203, Esting loans) taken subject 1 a 508. Bsting loans taken subject to 204, : 504, Payot of frst mortgage loan. Es “305, Payot of second morgage loan = 206 '506. Comission: Daposit had by broker "1,000.00 ‘or. 507. 208. Seller Paid Gosing Costs 2,000.00 | 508. Geier Pal Closing Costs 72,000.00 208. 508. Adjustments for items unpaid by seller : ‘Adjustment for itame unpaid by eller 210. Cyto taxes, te 510. Citytown taxes = [a1t. County taxes O13 to O72 1688.19 | 511. County taxes WOT to 0725. 588.18 212, Assessments 9 512. Assesomente 0 218. 513, 214. St. 216. 516. 216. 516. 217 Terr, z 7 218. 518. 218. 510. 200. TOTAL PAID BY / FOR BORROWER. 227,688.19 | 520, TOTAL REDUCTION AMOUNT DUE SELLER. 19,408.19] ‘200. CASH AT SETTLEMENT FROM OR TO BORROWER 1600. CASH AT SETTLEMENT TO OR FROM SELLER. | 301, Gross amount de trom barrower (Ine 120 "286,759.68 | 601. Gross amount due to sel (ine 420) 230,000.00 ‘302. Less amounts paid byior borrower fine 220) 227 688, 19| 602, Less eduction amount ave to sole (ine S20) 19,488.19 308. CASH FROM BORROWER 59,065.49 | 698. CASH 70 ‘SELLER 2ep511.81 Paget 3 Hub 7 Talal a rr fs oa paprnon | pao From Division ef eammission (in 700) a alow Kessel itehlade Petbateeart 7O1S 7400.00 te Chapman Hal Heaore (8400.00 Less 1,000.00 Deposiy] FUNDSAT | FUNDS AT 72 $ ‘3400.00 10 elMax/l Properties Sete Seer: "ro. Commision pal al Seto ont 35,90000 704, Restor Holts Deoosit (Chapman Hal Reais “00020 705. 000, Hom Payable in Connection with Laan Pos. 801. Our ogiration charge _intudes Origination Poin) $1815.00) 8 1,315.00 (fom GFE) 802. Your eect or charoe (pointe forthe epecc intrest rate ehoaen 8 tom FEN) 308. Your adjusted ongiaton charges fom GFE A) i800 208. Agpaisal Fee ed Door fom GFEHS) 325.00) 1508. Crit Report ‘Nelohboriood Morgane FEO Credit Technologies trom GFE#S) Tat 206. Taxeenioe [1] Neignbornood Wotgage, ta. trom GFE) 73.00 207. Flood cenicton [L] Neighbornosd Morgane, tne rom GEES) 18.00 208. 209. 10 aut 212 233, a4, 900, tems Required by Lender to Be Pal in Advanes 901. Dellyinerestchayges from O72Sit4 to osbilté @S 276164 Way (rom GFEWO) aap) 1981 | 902. Mongage insurance Premium for to ‘om GEER) 809. Homeowners insurance {ory to American States inure G228800_ (rom GFE#S5) 5,258.00) 904, 905, ‘000. Reserve Daposited with Lender 001, nial dopo for your eseow acon iam FEI) 5.01085) 1002, Hazard insxanoe 2me@S 6S perme § 29m 1009. Mortgage insurance m0. @$ perme, § 1004. Giy property tae. 70.0 § er mo. $ 1008. County papery axes 72 mo.@8 10161 permo, 6 {21982 1008. Annual Assessments m.@S perme. § 007, 70.08 perme. § 3008, m0.@8 perme. § 5009. Aggregate Adjustment =s_ ass 1100. Tie Charges 1101. Tie sonices and lenders We insurance (rom GFE) 70.00] 1102, Settementorcosing tee __Law Office of Racial & Assooates, L$ 000.00 thom GFE) 1103. Owners wie nswenes Lan Ofc of Rashfal & Associate, trom GEES) 260.00 1104 Londers toe insurance La Of of Rashi & Associates, LL_6 100.60 1105. Lenders coverage 2,000.00 — 190.00 1108. Onmners coverage 20,000.00 ~ 96.00 1107. Agents porton ofthe total Wie insurance premium Law Offcs of Rashad Associates, UG 748.00 1108. Undente's potion of he wil te surance prema Chicago Tile s_s1800 1100. Tile Examination “radon THeABA, $200.00 (rom GFEVA) 1110. Couter Fee Fasfal & Associates, LO 'S_ $6.00. (rom GFE#s) fit. Ot. ee cricago Tie $85.00 (rom GFEW4) si2, 3, "200. Government Racerding and Transfer Charges: 1201. Government recoding ona em FEV 14.00] 202, Dood 3600 Morgans § 68.05, eloases § 1209, Transtor tes (rom GE) 952.00 1204, Civiccunty nisms — Da6d§ omens 5 1205, State wstarps Ded $280.00, ongage $672.00 1206, GRMA Fee. 8__ 10.09 from GFE 207, 1208, 1900. Additional Sstloment Charges 901. Roques orvees that you can shop for (rom GFE) 0. 1004, 1905. 1906 1907, 1908. 100. Total Setfement Charges lentor on lines 103, Seaion Jand S62, Section KL es ERED) Paid Outside Cising * by Brower Page 2ote RUD ‘Comparison of Good Falth Estimate (GFE) and HUD-1 Charges Fie Number: 14168 ‘Good Faith Estimate HUD [chacges That Cannot Increase HUD-1 Line Number ‘Our origination charge 203 sis.0 1315.00 “Your erect o charge (points) fe the specifeiteest rao chosen 802 "Your adjusted origination args. #803 515.00 7315.00 “Tranetor tes | #1203 "262.00 952.00 ‘State tavetamps Deed 3380.00 # 1205 ‘State tavstamps - Mortgage ‘S_672.00 # 1205 ‘Charges That in Total Cannot increase More Than 10% ‘Good Faith Estimate HUD ‘Government recording charges W208 70.00 11400) ‘Government recording charges - Deed ‘39600 # 1202 ‘Government recording charges= Worag@ ‘$6.00 # 1202 (GAIA Fee: ‘$10.00 # 1206 Aprasal Foo #804 225.00 485.00 (Creat Repo W805, 50.00 158.541 Tax service #06. 79.00 73.00 Flood corttion ‘#07 18.00 18.00 Tile seve and ioners We neuen #1101 7350.00 670.00 TOTAL 1892.00 464.54 Increase between GFE and HUD-1 Charges § 12748 oF 2.01 3) ‘Gharges That Can Change ‘Good Fath Estimate HUD Inia deposi for your escrow eocourt 1005 450.00 101088 Dally interest charges #901 $27 6164 ida 138.08) 19331 Homeowners insurance. #902 ‘200.00 7283.00 (Owners ile insuranee #1103, 7,080.00 ‘960.00 Loan Terms "Your iia loan amount i 5 224,000.00 Yur loan term is 20. ‘Your inkl iresrest rae is 45 © "Your ial monthly amount onod for principal, Interest, 51,1948 ineudes ‘1 any mortgage insurance is 13 Principal BE oterest 8 113498 1D Morgage insurance ‘Gan your interest rate rise? No. C1 Yes, tean isa 0 a manimum of “The fret change wil be on ‘and can change again every ‘attor Every change date, your interest rate can increase or decrease by 1%, Over the fe ofthe loan, your interest rate is guaranteed ta never be lower tan or higher than %. Even if you ake payments Gntime, ean yourioan balance rise? No. 0 Yes, ican ge toa maximum of Even if you make payments cntime, ean your menthiy ‘amount owed fr principal, interest, and mortgage insurance rise? No. 11 Yes, the fist increase can be on ‘owed can rise to § “The maximum ican ever rise tos $ ‘and he morihly amount ‘Does your loan have a orepayrient penalty? Bl No._O] Yes, your maximum prepayment penalty is © Does your loan have a balloon payment? 1H No. C1 Ves, you have a balloon paymentof § weln “Total manthiy amount owed including escrow asaunt payments 11 You do not have « menthy escrow payment for tems, such as property taxes and homeowner's insurance, You mut pay these items Srecty yoursel, 5 You have an adctonal monthly escrow payment ofS 208.53 that results in a total nial monthly amount owed of $ 1343.51 Ths includes principal, meres, any mortgage insurance and any tems ahecked below, Propeny taxes 1 Fomooumer’s insurance 1G Food insurance o o o Note: Ifyou have any questions about the Setiement Charges and Loan Torms listed on thi form, please contact yourlenier, Page sof3 Hub

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