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In the first of three contributions about architectural interchanges

between East and West, Peter Blundell Jones presents the first
English translation of a little known article by Hugo Häring.

Conversation with Chen Kuan Lee

about roof profiles (1947)
Hugo Häring

We spoke about the usability and further afterthoughts in an inappropriate (unecht) material.
development of the Chinese roof profile in Chinese What is this roof? As we thought all form (gestalt)
buildings today. How did this roof, this remarkable must lead back to technical issues, because we knew
Chinese roof, which gives Chinese architecture a nothing of the underlying force of image and gestalt,
special signature against which other features pale we sought technical explanations – that the roof
into insignificance, come about? It is a saddle roof derived from a tent, or from a woven roof covered in
with an exaggerated rounding of the ridge and wide reeds or bamboos. This is unsupportable.
out-swinging eaves, and the surface is raised to the Developments do not simply follow on from
highest shine through the intensity of gleaming technical demands if an impetus towards form-
glazed tiles which display all the colours of nature: making reliant on deep form-images and form-
light and dark red, lemon yellow and golden yellow, worlds is already present. The origin of forms lies in
sky blue and peacock blue, rare green and brown deep connections with being.
glazes of every kind. Through the wave profile of the The Chinese live willingly and sympathetically
over- and under-lapping tiles – which all adds to the with nature, integrating themselves within and
formal effect – it survives every kind of weather. under her reign. They understand this in relation to
all earthly and heavenly occurrences. The roof
profile supports this. Sustaining their first great
elevation to the world of earthly being, it arises out
of endlessness to float over the contemplating,
meditating, human figure. It covers this person,
roofs him, then sinks back down to the earth to
renew the connection. In so doing it carries the line
of the earth, of mountains, of other elevations of the
earth itself, whose cosmic personality it feels, over
the person’s head. In this form an image and
And these tiles lie in a thick mortar-bed, so that the expression of nature lives within him.
whole roof becomes extraordinarily heavy. It is
supported by a most elaborate roof structure of
intersecting beams, struts and small columns, which
seems not the result of calculation but only of a will
to form, to image, in connecting this skin to the
great tree trunks which allow these extraordinary
loads to hang poised above the earth. It would be
wrong to call these tree trunks columns and to
group them with the columns of the West, for they
are the precise opposite. They are proportional – in But this is the roof profile of his house, his temple.
relation to the heavy load and the wind-pressure as Also the place where he erects his house, his roof,
on a sail – there are few of them, and they are always determines for him the underlying rhythm and wave
of slender growth. Between them are set partitions of form of nature. It values the connection with the
clay, more wind screens than true wall construction, earth, it does not lead out of this earthly world to
and not in the slightest load-bearing. The roof is the another, for the profile elevates itself only to provide
whole building: all else is subordinate. It can even cover for the human being. The decisive thing is the
stand alone with no house beneath, just a roof held ridge, for the sides do not rise together into a peak
high by tree trunks, when it takes the form of a gate. but rise and fall in a single movement, a continuous
The stone-built bases are misunderstood flow in either direction.

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another way, human strength holds high earthly

load – does not pull the protective earth as a covering
over people as in China.
Let us now consider the Greek roof in this
It is so, or so, but not so, connection. That we only reach the roof via the
for the latter would lead the movement out of the columns shows the shift of emphasis or even reversal
earth. And the direction in which the profile flows is in importance of the two form-elements, leading to
north-south. This is why the rounding of the ridge is the following question. How did the Greek roof gain
so important and is the basis of its emphasis through its form and identity?
repetition. Along the ridge the tiles are piled up to The mass of its elevation in a flat triangle is
stress the connection with earth. Only later came the meaningless in comparison with the columns’
demon of a light, straight dropping away. Lee says determination to hold up this triangle. Also the
that this form is the oldest and purest Chinese form. horizontal bearer of the load is more important
than the raising of the triangle (Greek temples are
stronger in effect for their columns and architraves
than for their gables). What does this show? What
kind of cosmic connection is there? The gable has
become a protective roof for the Gods themselves, for
a place of refuge is made for them, which in relation
to earthly power and human elevation, the
Promethean drive, has come out modestly enough.
The Chinese roof is thus essentially a picture-form of Nothing however binds this form to the everyday
Chinese being. It presents Chinese being-like-ness. world, the current happenings on earth. It is a
And therefore it can exist as roof, only as roof, and protective form, sheltering against heavenly forces
even as roof, while everything else is being dictated (the gods, whichever of them it is, sit under the
on grounds of use. But in itself it is not understood as cover), not inviting linkage with cosmic events.
an object of use, only as a representation of Chinese The Greek temple therefore presents this image.
I already mentioned that the tree trunks
supporting this roof should not be called columns,
for that would put them into a false and European
perspective. They never became the objects of special
individual development but always remained tree
shafts. Such painting and decoration as was applied
to them did not alter the essence of the shaft but
remained only a superficial addition or was Roof forms produce essential images of Chinese and
connected with the finishing of the shaft itself. Why Greek beingness. They are images of their individual
with few exceptions they were never replaced by presence-forms. Lee said that for the Chinese a
another material, although they needed replacing if caryatid would be an incomprehensible form.
a temple was to last, and why they remained mere We should take this discussion of roof forms and
trunks of wood, is now self-evident. Because only this their physiognomic expression further to consider
living being of a tree – another elevation of the earth, modern roof forms, the much-contested theme of
and trees are greatly revered in China – could really the recent past in building.
take part in this process, in which the image of The flat roof, if employed for technical reasons as
humanity should be elevated above the earth itself. the covering of a building and not chosen for its
expression or effect, is as a roof non-existent. It is
only the upper surface of a cube. Existent is only the
cube, the basic figure of Architecture, the concept of
geometry, the base-figure of the earth and pure
ordering concept. On this there is nothing more to
say here.
It is quite otherwise with the roof brought to effect
as horizontal form, as a plate. This is typical of Mies
van der Rohe. With him it is exclusively as horizontal
In what way is the column the opposite of the tree energy, as extension of the power-grabbing of the
trunk? It is the opposite in that the idea of the horizontal, with no limit to this striving,
human body as a bearer of weight is always circling uncontrolled in its outward spreading. Nothing
in it. In its origins in Crete and Mycenae it was competes with this horizontality: the rising triangle
broader at the top than the bottom – which goes of gods in the Greek temple falls away and
against the whole practice with tree trunks – and Promethean man no longer proudly carries the
shows an old concept of humanity which at its end, earthly load of the architrave, but sways, bobs up and
that is at the end of its unfolding and European down, a resting Prometheus beneath the architrave,
birth, gave rise to the caryatid. It becomes very much which is now supported only by the thinnest of
a human figure which holds high a load. Seen in columns. It shows the triumph of two thousand

Conversation with Chen Kuan Lee about roof profiles (1947) Hugo Häring
28 arq . vol 12 . no 1 . 2008 document

years of Promethean striving, the effect of the A break in the protective roof facing south retards
elevation of humankind. But nothing indicates any the meditative practice in a rudimentary way. China
further elevation: will never run like Europe.

everything orders itself, layers itself out under the

horizontal power-expansion, with no capacity to In the new Chinese house, new roof forms like these
break out. The earth and its riches are protected by it will arise, but the ancestors’ hall will stick to the old
and arranged in horizontal harmony, sublimating a form. It is unmistakable that these form-elements
this-sided world. Expensive materials and the noblest which appear in roof forms reflect the deeper
work belong to this, but not in their essential beingness of the Chinese,
meaning, rather in their bodily display.
The reverse of all this is Scharoun. For him the
material illuminates in a being-like way in the
orchestra of a musical elevation in space. To him and have in the whole world of images a dominant,
belongs no single roof form, but rather roofscapes. even constitutive importance. This is seen above all
in the span-like forms of Chinese script.

Lee feels that these forms remember the ever-

repeated mountain ranges in Chinese pictures and
the great importance which the wave-like line plays
Another situation is offered by the gently sloping in Chinese. He states that it is a new enlightenment
roof in repeating layers and in the running in and to see the new roof forms in terms of characters,
out, which give impetus and initiation to its such as …
movement and direction.

Movement into the house, and then with the

addition of the human being: thus out of our
discussions emerges a crowning statement of their
deeper meaning.

The south-directed rise addresses the sun, to which

the people are therefore orientated. They pull it in Translated by Peter Blundell Jones 12 January 2007, based on
this here-floating and at the same time rising the version published in Jürgen Joedicke and Heinrich
movement. It decks over, roofs over, protects and Lauterbach, Hugo Häring, Schriften, Entwürfe, Bauten
welcomes an approaching person, its elevation is to (Stuttgart: Karl Krämer Verlag, 1965), pp. 60–63. The piece
the sun, here the opposite pole of the meditating was first published in Neues Bauen: Schriftenreihe des
Chinese. Climbing out of the horizontal of the earth, Bundes Deutscher Architekten, vol. 3 (Hamburg, 1947).
taking its exit from it, yet at the same time directing Chen Kuan Lee was a young Chinese architect from
itself towards the sun, this roof form finds itself in Shanghai who came to Berlin in 1935 to study at the
perfect harmony with nature. It is the effect-image of Technische Hochschule under Hans Poelzig. After completing
another kind of European man. the course in 1939, he worked in Hans Scharoun’s office for
The connections of this form to the Chinese form some years. He then started an office of his own in Stuttgart.
are nonetheless unmistakable. Identical in both is The original typescript is dated 12 February 1942, a period
direction towards the south. Similar too is the of numerous meetings between Lee and Häring. The
connection with earthly happenings, its departure ‘conversation’ was probably several and took place on many
from them and the elevation towards the above. New occasions over at least a year. For further background and
is the movement of striding out, of movement and discussion, see ‘The lure of the Orient: Scharoun and Häring's
direction of will. A current problem for the Chinese East-West connections’, pp. 29–42.
presents itself. Buddha must rise up and stride out.
In his roof form it means this:

Hugo Häring Conversation with Chen Kuan Lee about roof profiles (1947)

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