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Christian Ethics/Moral Theology -is that part of Theology which studies in the light of Christian faith and of reason

the guidelines man must follow to attain his final goal.

Philosophical Ethics/Moral Philosophy - also endeavors to establish guiding principles and rules for a person s moral life. -excludes the OT and the NT as sources of its moral knowledge and guidance.

The Imperatives of Ethics Ethics presupposes some imperatives, without which Ethics would not be possible.

1) The existence of God or a Supreme Being - Who metes out reward and punishment?

2) The existence of Human freedom - No ethics is possible without human freedom.] -Responsibility, which is an indispensable factor in ethics, would be meaningless if men were not free.

3) The existence of an Afterlife -The soul is immortal is a postulate in ethics. -If evil deeds are unpunished in this world, proper retribution will be done in the next life.

BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS -All religions have an ethical content. ** Religions are commonly schools of ethical thoughts and teach their followers the paths of goodness and holiness.

THE MORAL TEACHING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT A. The Covenant with God as the Foundation of OT Morality

- Core of OT morality: Decalogue and Mosaic Law

1. The dialogue character of the Covenant -election of Israel through Abraham -Yahweh: a personal God who acts in history -Covenant-binds-Commandments Ex 20:1-17

2. The providential role of Israel s covenant -The election of Israel was not an end in itself but was meant to prepare the way for mankind s universal salvation.

3. Israel s basic response to the God of the Covenant A. Obedience to God Ex 19:8;24-7 B. Fear of the Lord C. Love of God Ex20:18ff; Deut 5:4ff Deut 4:32-40

B. Message of the Prophets: Sense of Community -This sense of community is the determining factor in Israel s relation to fellowmen. -In Israel s morality, SERVICE TO MAN IS SERVICE TO GOD. - Israel s communal sense manifests itself in an attitude of fraternal solidarity, in a strong awareness of social responsibility and a great concern for the weal and woe of the community.

C. FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT MORALITY 1. Absolute rule of Yahweh over all of life. -Ethical norms, cultic regulations and secular laws derive their validity from being a direct command of Yahweh.

2. No class distinction-all are equal under the law. -It does not know of any class distinction in the administration of justice.

3. Absence of magic

-Salvation can only be found in obedience to God s will.

4. High regard of the human person 5. Fellowship with God -supreme goal of moral action.

D. LIMITATIONS OF THE OT MORALITY 1. Strong eudaemonistic ethical traits -temporal and material blessings are valued highly.

2. Exclusivity of fraternal love and concern to the Jewish community 3.Historically and culturally limited: polygamy, slavery, divorce - Lex talionis - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 4. Legalistic approach to the Law -righteousness was sought in a most literal observance of all the different commandments, rulings and laws. - Moral perfection consisted in the perfect fulfillment of the Law.

THE MORAL TEACHINGS OF JESUS 1. The proclamation of the Kingdom as Foundation of Moral Demand 2. Concentration of Moral Demand in the Commandment of Love * Every man in need becomes my neighbor if I am in a condition to help him.

3. Jesus attitude to the Jewish Law: No outright rejection - No literal following-against letter of the Law -Spirit of the Law -Single most important criterion: God s will be done

4. Imitation of Christ: fellowship with Christ * The Christian s moral life is measured in relation to Christ s life.

*Internal imitation rather than external. Action follows being.

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