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Get Well Soon!

For Private Circulation Only


When The Bowels Dont Move

Feel Great Every Day

Eating Should Be Fun

Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow



Scale Respite

Dual Relief

I was suffering from psoriasis for the past 35 years. I tried conventional treatment with no relief. I finally came to Dr Batra's Homeopathy and started treatment. I could notice a miracle happening after a few months of treatment, I felt better than ever before. I thank Dr Arnab Mukerjee for his immense patience and skill in treating my condition effectively. Himmat Singh Shekawat, Jaipur

I was suffering from dysmenorrhoea [painful periods] and backache, for over two years. After having tried many allopathic medicines, which did not give me any relief, but only worsened my condition, I switched over to homeopathic treatment. My obvious choice was Dr Batra's. Dr Mamta Arora treated me, after evaluating my case. Today, the pain [during periods] is gone. Besides, there is no trace of my backache. Many thanks to Dr Arora for her excellent treatment. Thara R Joy, Gurgaon

Vitiligo Treated

Wart A Way To Go!

I was suffering from vitiligo [white patches] for the past two years. I was obviously upset and depressed. I came to Dr Batra's. I am now taking medicines under Dr Neelam Tiwaris care. The patches have eased, with no relapse. I thank and appreciate Dr Tiwari for her sincere efforts and wonderful moral support. Archana Mehta, Noida

I first came to Dr Batra's for my warts, which disappeared astonishingly, after treatment. My migraine attacks, for which I could never find a cure, is also much better after two years of treatment, under Dr Rashmis care. I now feel stress-free, thanks to Dr Batra's Homeopathy. My special thanks to Dr Rashmi for her effective treatment. Geetu Reehi, Rajouri

Tress Returns

I was suffering from severe hair loss. This was not getting cured by conventional treatment. I was fed up of taking medicines. I finally decided to visit Dr Batra's Clinic in Mangalore. Dr Sujatha who analysed my case, took personal care and guided me throughout my two years of successful treatment. I recommend Dr Batra's for all those people looking for holistic health solutions for their problems. V S Ravi Kumar, Mangalore
2 I AUGUST 2010


Feel Great Every Day

his is one of my favourite stories. Long ago, a king had a huge rock placed near the central square. He began to secretly watch if anyone would take the trouble to remove the obstacle in the path. People from all walks of life including the king's advisors, merchants and courtiers came and simply avoided the rock. They walked around it. They all blamed the king for the hindrance, but none ventured to remove the impediment. One day, a farmer came to sell vegetables and fruits. When he approached the boulder, he stopped his cart, got down, and tried to move the stone. After extraordinary efforts, he was able to relocate the obstacle. When he walked back towards to his cart, something caught his eye. It was a pouch, lying in the same place where the boulder earlier was. When he opened the pouch, there were many gold coins. Besides, there was a letter from the king which exclaimed, in bold letters, that the gold coins were a reward for whoever moved the boulder from the path. The farmer was a practical man; he knew what many of us know, but dont seize: that every obstacle presents us with opportunities. It is up to us to leave, or grab them with both hands. Success is not an illusion. Success is also not just a dream that makes us happy. Success is what we seize today, and turn it around, for our good and everyones good. Success is also what we find in everything we do in life and career. Living with passion and feeling great every day is what we should all aim at.

This is an achievable prospect, although we may not lose all the extra flab we want to, or find all our dreams fulfilled, or win a lottery prize. It would be well worth the effort, if we can only tell ourselves that, Im here and Im doing my best. The reason is simple. Taking pride in what we do is the only thing that matters, any which way you look at it... no matter what others say.

Dr Mukesh Batra Founder & Chairman DBPHCPL


Nail Good As New

ivas Gupta [19] presented with symptoms of ringworm of the nail and detachment of the nail from the nail bed in all his fingers and toes. He first noticed the problem in October 2008. Soon, it began to spread its tentacles. He consulted a local physician, and took conventional medicines for over six months. There was no improvement. He began to feel uncomfortable and avoided social interaction, because of his apparent cosmetic glitch especially finger nails. This was the time that he came to us for treatment. When we began to take his case and speak to him, at length, we found that he was a gentle, organised type of person. It was apparent that he did not like to share his stresses with anybody. When under stress, he reported that he had the habit of biting his nails an obvious defence mechanism. His associated complaint was sinusitis. We found him to be a responsible individual, who trusted his friends, and was helpful. He would often go out of the way to help everyone but, he also had a tendency to postponing things for another day, for himself. When his stresses got the better of him, he wanted to be alone. He simply did not like anyone consoling him. Interestingly, he showed signs of being an impulsive shopaholic he just loved shopping. He also loved salty food. Homeopathy does not just treat symptoms on the surface, but it goes to the root, or cause, of the problem, including the
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Before Treatment

After Treatment individuals unique nature, temperament, sensitivities, likes and dislikes, among other things. This was what that led us to prescribe Natrum Muriaticum, which matched his distinctive individuality and also sensibilities. He responded to homeopathic treatment favourably, and is now free of his nail-wracking complaints.

Case handled by Dr Shomit Kumar Singh Lucknow Clinic DBPHCPL


Eating Should Be Fun

helped to pick up different fruits. This should be part of a fun, special time that families can spend together and get involved. Children, when given the opportunity, love to help making it fun only adds to positive emotions to the whole event. When we give our children healthy choices, they will certainly feel like they are in control of their food choices. They will feel empowered and good about making decisions for themselves. Its just fine to enjoy a candy or cookies, now and then, more so during vacations but, one should not get hooked to them. What Makes A Quick Healthy Snack Apples with peanut, or almond butter Brown bread with cottage cheese Curd [yogurt] Frozen grapes, or blueberries Fruit smoothies Whole grain crackers Carrot sticks Dried fruits Nuts and seeds Hard boiled eggs Sliced avocado on crackers.

any people are eating sticky, fatty treats today. This has become contagious. Children, who often pick up their elders habits, seem to be the most influenced. Children want to be like us. They look up to their parents for direction and guidance to know what is good food and what is bad food. There are too many children who are fussy eaters; they need positive examples to change. Its no surprise that some youngsters nowadays avoid attending dinner when they know they get healthy food. This should change. They should be gently made to understand that lunch or dinner means healthy food, not junk-food, or a quick bite at the mall. Kids, after all, want to learn from us even if they dont like the TV serial you watch, and vice versa It would be an excellent idea to have a fruit salad time, at home, where children are

5 I AUGUST 2010


When The Bowels Dont Move

It typically presents with having difficulty in bowel movement, or when your bowel movements are irregular. The stools, as a result, may be hard, or difficult to pass without straining. Or, you may feel like you need to have another bowel movement, even after you've had one. It is also interesting to note that a large number of people mistakenly believe themselves to be suffering from constipation, if they do not have a bowel movement, every day. The medical definition of the disorder is having less than three bowel movements a week. In addition to this, having hard stools, or straining at stool, also constitutes constipation. The most common causes of constipation are poor intake of fluids, ignoring the urge for stools when it comes, purging with purgatives, and thyroid problems, among others. Constipation affects two per cent of the global population and people of all ages. It is, of course, more common among children and the elderly [above 65 years of age]. Statistics suggests that nearly 40 per cent of people in the age group 65-75 years experience chronic [long-term] constipation. Constipation also tends to be more common among women as compared
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onstipation is a common digestive disorder.

to men. The male-female ratio is 1:3. Constipation is common during pregnancy and after childbirth, too. Symptoms Bloated feeling in the abdomen Lethargy Unsatisfied feeling after passing stools; or, a sense of incomplete evacuation Rectal fullness needing manual evacuation of stools in long-standing cases. Diagnosis This is largely done on the basis of symptoms in a clinic consultation. Apart from this, c e r t a i n t e s t s l i ke b a r i u m e n e m a , colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and thyroid tests to find out the causes, if any, for constipation may sometimes be required.


Healing With Homeopathy Homeopathy takes into consideration not only the individual's physical symptoms, but also psychological aspects, while prescribing medicines. Thus, the individual's habits, nature and behaviour are all taken into account. This helps to treat from the root rather than simply treat symptomatically. Homeopathic remedies gently turnaround the functionality of the bowels to normal. This helps in the regularisation of bowel movements as well as formation of stools of normal consistency. After starting homeopathic treatment, most people reduce their dependence on laxatives and purgatives successfully. However, the importance of a proper, balanced diet and regular exercise cannot be over-emphasised, when it comes to treating constipation, safely, gently, and also effectively. For constipation with a feeling of dryness in the rectum or, where the problem is often a result of stress, Bryonica Alba is a useful

Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains, high in fibre Drink plenty of water and other fluids [juice; green tea] Get adequate exercise Take time to have a bowel movement when you need to When simple measures dont work, seek professional homeopathic treatment.

Did You Know?

That constipation is a classical outcome of wrong eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. The problem is most often under-diagnosed, since most of us prefer to try a lot of unwanted medications, rather than report for treatment. What's more, the belief that constipation leads to accumulation of toxins in the blood also results in a significant abuse of laxatives. remedy. Likewise, when there is pain after the bowels have moved, or when stools look like little balls attached together with mucous, Graphites is often useful. For constipation, with indigestion, gas and bloating, along with great craving for sweets, Lycopodium is most helpful. Nux Vomica is another effective remedy. It suits impatient, tense, and ambitious individuals who love partying and gulping down their good fill of alcohol, or cigarettes, and leading a sedentary life.
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Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow

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Dr Batras Launches Two New Clinics In South

Dr Batras launched its first Clinic in South India at Ulsoor, Bengaluru, in 1996. Since then, we have expanded into 18 Clinics, located at five major cities in South. With the launch of our two new Clinics at HiTech City, Hyderabad, and Whitefield, Bengaluru, we now have a total of 58 Clinics worldwide. The launch of these Clinics is due to the growing demand of our homeopathic healthcare services in

Blues Calmed
V Prabhu [36] was troubled by depression and phobia since 2004. He would often sit in total darkness, and talk to himself not with others. He did not like to socialise. He detested his relatives that visited his home, no less. He used to ask them, without ado, Why have you come to my house; when will you leave?" His depressive spells affected him greatly, so much so he was not able to stick to a job for more than a few weeks. He worked in 6-8 companies in as many months, but stopped going to work after a while. Being jobless began to affect his personal life. It caused great mental agony to his parents. After taking treatment at Dr Batras for a year, Prabhu is now fine. He is able to mix with his friends, and is also much better disposed towards his relatives. Much to his parents delight, he is also now working in one of the citys top-most schools, as a computer professional. He tells us confidently, "I am perfectly all right, thanks to Dr Batras holistic treatment. I work 9-12 hours a day, at present, without any fear, fatigue, depression, annoyance, or anxiety. Dr Suganthi, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad

Hyderabad and Bengaluru. These Clinics are ideally located for the convenience of our patients, many of whom live in close proximity to HiTech City and Whitefield. More than making quality homeopathic healthcare available for our existing patients, these clinics also offer the goodness of homeopathy to their near and dear ones in the vicinity. Services at both Clinics have commenced. Patients who wish to transfer their case histories to these Clinics may contact the front desk person on 4235 1734-37 [4 lines] for Whitefield, Bengaluru, and 92468 30938 for HiTech City, Hyderabad.
10 I AUGUST 2010


1. Lack of vitamin B-1 [thiamine] causes a. Beriberi b. Scurvy c. Cold d. Flu 2. What is tinnitus? a. Webbed feet b. Cold feet c. Ringing sound in the ear d. Warts 3. A myologist is a doctor who studies a. Bones b. Muscles c. Hair d. Eyes 4. Where on the human body is the skin thinnest? a. Nose b. Eyelid c. Ear d. Feet 5. What is tinea capitis? a. Noseblock b. Joint pain

c. Earache d. Ringworm infection of the scalp 6. The homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa is made from a. Brinjal b. Turmeric c. Chillies d. Red onion 7. What do Indian tennis ace Vijay Amritraj and English cricketer Ian Botham have in common? a. Asthma b. Heel pain c. Carpal tunnel syndrome d. Arthritis 8. This is found in certain deodorants and anti-perspirants and linked to skin toxicity and cancer a. Chromium b. Iron c. Aluminium d. Lead

11 I AUGUST 2010

1. 3. 5. 7.

a- Beriberi b- Muscles d- Ringworm infection of the scalp a. Asthma


2. 4. 6. 8.

c- Ringing sound in the ear b- Eyelid d- Red onion c- Aluminium

Dr Batra's brings to you a new and improved range of hair and skin care products. Our new hair care products contain Thuja, a DHT-inhibitor, which prevents hair loss. Our range of new skin care products are dermatologistrecommended. You can avail these safe and sure products at all our Clinics for healthy hair and skin care and also to tackle hair- and skin-related problems.

Special Offer*
Hair kit with handwash worth
*Conditions apply.

Rs 624 now Rs 375

only at Dr. Batra's Clinics

Medical Mystery

quiz 56

1. Constipation is more common in women and children a. True b. False 2. Hair loss affects 85% men and 45% women a. True b. False

Answer to Quiz No 54:

1. A - True
Winners of Quiz No 54

2. A - True

1st. Vishal Devidas Khedkar, Kalyan [East] I 2nd. Karuna Parulekar, Mumbai I 3rd. Sandeep Arora, Delhi 4th. Peenal Iyer, Pune I 5th. Uttam Biswas, Noida
*Conditions Apply. ** Winners to collect their prizes within one month of announcement. August/2010/Corporate Communications

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Dr Batras Positive Health Clinic Pvt Ltd Regd Office: 2nd Floor, H Kantilal Compound, Andheri-Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Andheri [E], Mumbai - 400 072 Dr Batras Positive Health is Edited and Designed by the Corporate Communications Division of Dr Batras Positive Health Clinic Pvt Ltd [DBPHCPL]. The information presented here is for DBPHCPL patients only.

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