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OK, my second guide, this took a bit more thinking about cos I haven�t used

Stellarium before but I wanted a �single device� option as my other stuff is IOS. I
will be using this with my Canon tethered to the PC by an active usb cable so I can
do pretty much everything (bar focussing) indoors when it�s too cold outside!

Anyway, this how I did it. If there is a better way I am happy to update this
guide. Let me know. Hopefully this is straight forward cos there isn�t a lot of
info on how to do this all in one place! I�ve had this working indoors this PM so
I�m really excited to try it at night now.

1. Download & install Stellarium (I�m using v18) � do not run at this point
2. Download & install Stellarium Scope (I�m using v2016.12.26.330) � do not run
at this point
3. Download ASCOM software & install (I used ASCOM Platform63) � do not run at
this point
4. Download ASCOM driver from Skywatcher & install
5. Download and install SynScan App (it will run either Alt Az or Eq mounts as
6. Open SynScan app
7. OPTIONAL TEST STEP OTHERWISE GO TO STEP 8. In settings set to �emulator� if
you want to test first. Go back to main screen and �connect� � you will need to
select eq or alt az. Note: you can do this part without the WiFi adaptor as it is
only testing the software. Go to step 9.
8. In settings, select UDP, go back to main screen and connect (select eq or alt
az). Do a star align if you are ready and leave running.
9. Run ASCOM diagnostics, tools, telescope chooser .net � select SynScanMobile
Telescope in dropdown box. You may have to select and exit properties before �OK�
is enabled.
10. Open Stellarium Scope. Accept the disclaimer, select mount as
ASCOM.Synscanmobile.Telescope and connect.
11. Label your Telescope on this screen if you want and then select update
Stellarium. Accept all the warnings. If you want to customise further look in
�options� for auto start of Stellarium etc. You may need to update Stellarium again
via this screen if you change anything.
12. Open Stellarium. It should now be ready with your scope. If you scroll
around the reticle should be on the star you last aligned. You are now good to go!
Select something in Stellarium and press CNTL and 1 together. Your scope should
slew to the new target. Conversely, if you select something on the SynScan App it
will show in Stellarium.
13. If you did this all in test mode and have a SynScan WiFi connected you
should now be able to go to step 8. You do not need to do the other steps again
apart from restarting Stellarium Scope and Stellarium. I have Stellarium auto open
in options so I just click on StellariumScope.

Hope that helps anyone interested. I�m happy to update this as needed, or do pics
if required.

PS I�m running this on a Win10 Dell Laptop - I have experienced a �form error� bug
when looking up stars in the SynScan App but that maybe because I moved the folder
to a new location so it can�t find a library or something. It�ll be interesting if
anyone else gets this. This does not affect the running in Stellarium so I�ve
ignored it for now and will recheck later.

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