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In today’s life, energy plays an important role, but it is in danger of running out, so we

need to save energy. I think here are some ways to save energy at home, they are useful and
very easy to do. Firstly, we can turn off all electrical appliances such as air conditioners, fans,
TVs when not in use and turn off the lights before going to bed, doing these things will help us
reduce our electricity bills. Secondly, we should save water by taking a shower instead of a
bath and turning off the faucet when not in use. Thirdly, we can use solar or wind energy
instead of electricity in our house, this way we can save a lot of money. Finally, we can use
public transport for long distances and bike for short distances, which can help our health. In
short, energy is very useful to us, so we must save energy to protect human life and we save
energy for future generations.

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