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WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU DON’T REMEMBER A WORD EFUL When you can’t think of the word you want to use, use differe ! ! * sea simpler word. If you can’t remember the word fo currency, use money. + Use a different sentence structure. If you want to say ‘I don’t like science-fiction films’ but you can’t remember the word science fiction, change the Sentence: ‘| don’t like films about life in the future." peering + Explain the word, e.g. hosepipe. What does it look like? (it's a long, green, plastic tube) What Is it used for? (watering the garden) eR: x Use and comparisons. (Hideous) is the opposite of beautiful, It’s a bit ike ualy=But worse tharugly. = rae * Use examples, and be as specific as you can. If you can’t remember the word f squirrel, say, ‘It’s a smaitanimal, about the size of a ratcwhtr tony DSR als grey, and it eats nuts and seeds from trees. ——— ie, a — Conversations Listen to several conversations in which people can’t remember the word they want to use. a Zoe: Have you seen that invitation from Miriam? She's invited us to her party ... you know, it’s a party to celebrate her new house. Nat: Oh, know what you mean! Her house-warming party? Zoe: Yes, that's the word. Anyway | said we'd go. Vicky: You look very smart, David! Are you going for an interview or something? David: No. Someone at work died and it's... not his funeral, that's just for family and close friends, but they're having a special service for him ... It’s to remember him. Vicky: A memorial service? David: Yes, that's I'm going to his memorial service. 20 Speaking UNIT 9 | Wwitet Wu say wien yOu Wun Cremeniver a wore Patrick: Can | help with the cooking, by the way? Eve: Yes, you can help me slice the vegetables, if you like. Have you got a... What's the word I'm looking for? The thing you use to slice vegetables really thinly. It's made of metal... Eve: Oh, know what you mean ~ a grater! Patrick: Yes, that's it! Have you got one? Eve: I haven't, no! Understanding @ How do the speakers try to describe what they mean? Make notes about the concepts or objects the speakers are talking about. house warming memorial I grater _ > _ | a party to celebrate her new house Saying it accurately ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 What's the word I'm ..... =) es know 2 eer ee — tike BLAME ce cnyendy h- OF the word for it. looking for ~ 4 It's... WZ. aywaterfall, but smaller and decorative. —— mean 5 It'sa terrace, just off the living room} but sort of 7 aE: think its got a yooden floor, “lL. what you mean, out I can't remem! Cultural note It’s acceptable to use ‘fillers’ (er ... um ... you know ... sort of ... | mean ...) when you can’t think of the exact word(s) to use, but be careful not to overuse these as they can make it difficult for the listener to concentrate on what Youre saying. pinup ee a —————— Section 2: Keep talking 21 22 @ Judith is from Poland. She’s studying English in Britain. Complete her conversation with her English teacher. Use suitable words or phrases from Saying it accurately exercise 1. Listen and check your answers. Ju We had lunch in their garden. It’s really lovely. Teacher: Did you sit on the lawn? Judith: No, we sat on the ... - what do you call it? 1.... 7 Teacher: Oh, you mean the deck? Dosen ina pot. Ju . . And just beyond the deck, there's a little waterfall Teacher: A waterfall? Judith: No, that's not what | mean 3 Bi gardens, they're small Teacher: A fountain? Judith: Yes, that's it You know, you get huge ones in parks, but in © Read the conversations and decide in which category A’s sentences belong. Using a simpler word: .). Explaining the wort 3 a Using examples: -: 1 A; It’s an insect, with eight legs and two sets of wings, and it jumps. You hear it a lot in summer. St a B: A cricket, you mean. 2 A: The wedding reception was in a big, open, sort of ... tent in the garden ... A marquee, that's the word. — 3. A: I'm looking for something you can use to separate water from tea leaves in a teapot. It’s small, with little holes in it, and you hold it over your cup before you pour the tea. B: Oh, you mean a tea strainer. Saying it clearly @ Listen to these sentences. Note the intonation. Oh, her house warming party?___ “Oh, you mean the deck? Amemorial service? Speaking UNIT >| wnat to say wnen you don't remember 4 wore @ Listen again to the sentences and repeat them, following the same intonation as on the audio. aeenitl Saying it appropriately @ Listen to these sentences and questions and decide whether the speakersound aif they are trying to be helpful in getting the right word, or not. = helpful unhelpful = | Looking for the word aaa 1 [It’s sort of .... Oh, | can’t think of the word. 2 | It’s sort of .... Oh, what's the word I'm looking for .. VA 7 | 13 | No, Idon’t mean a tent! It's much bigger than that! I I Trying to felon 3 speaker find the right word _ 4 | [know What you mean! {— t t 5 | Oh, I can’t think of the word either! @ Listen to the speakers say the phrases more politely and repeat. Get speaking @ Play the Audio CD and follow the cues. = You're having a phone conversation with a technician about your computer problem. (Your disk drive isn’t working ~ it won't open. But you can’t remember the word for di drive = the part where you put a CD into your computer.) = 2 You're in a department store looking for a kitchen utensil, but you can’t remember what it’s called. (It's a sieve, used for sifting flour wien you are baking.) 3. You're having a conversation with a friend about a mutual friend, who has decided to travel around the world for a year before going to university. You can’t remember the word to describe this lifestyle. (gap year) Section 2: Keep talking 23

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