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HOANG VAN VAN (Téng Chi bién) - NGUYEN QUOC TUAN (Chd bién) NGUYEN TH) LAN ANH - 80 THI NGQC HIEN - NGUYEN BICH THUY ~ LUONG QUYNH TRANG: macmillan NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC VIET NAM education Tiéng Anh 1 Séch hoc sinh dugc bién sogn theo Chuong trinh gido duc phé thong -Lam quen tiéng Anh lop 1 va l6p 2 cia BO Gido dyc va Bao tao. Cudn sdch gidp hoc sinh lop 1 bude déu lam quen va ¢6 nh4n thc don gidn nhétvé tiéng Anh, lam tién dé cho viéc hinh thanh va phat trién nang lye fiéng Anh 6 cdc lop hoc sau. Tiéng Anh 1 - Séch hoc sinh duoc bién soan theo mét sé quan diém sau: * Ly dinh huéng giao ép (Communicative approach) lam co sé bién sogn sch gido khoa va cdc hoc liéu hoc tp. Theo dé, Tiéng Anh 7 - Sach hoc sinh gidp céc em lam quen va rén luyén cac ki nang giao tiép nghe, néi, doc, viét (dac biét nhén manh hai Ki nang nghe va noi. Hé théng Gm, ti vung, cu tréc rt don gidn va co ban cia tiéng Anh la phuong tién hinh thanh cc ki nang giao tiép. © Coihoat dong hoc cla hoc sinh earning-centred approach]|a trong tam cla qua trinh day hoc. + Léyhoat dong hoc qua choi, choi dé hoc kam phuong thic co ban trong lam quen va hoc tiéng Anh voi dé tugng hgc sinh nhé tudi. Tiéng Anh 1 ~ Sach hoc sinh gém 16 don vi bai hoc (Unit, duoc day trong 70 tiét. Mdi don vi bai hoc €6 3 bai hoc Lesson], mdi bai hoc duge day trong 1 tiét. Xen ké cdc don vi bai hoc 16 4 bai Funtime, bao gm cdc hoot déng va rd choi ngén ngi, too hing thd trong hoc tap cho hoc sinh. B6n bai Review (bao gém phdin Sfory va Self-check) dugc dat sau méi bén don vi bai hoc gilp hoc sinh 6n 1p, cUng cé kién thuc, Ki nang va ty kiém tra, danh gid két qua hoc tap. Méi don vi bai hoc cé & hogt dong chinh: @ Listen and repeat: Gitp hoc sinh lam quen voi 4m va ty co ban trong chi dé thong qua céc ng cdnh giao tip @ Point and say: Gitp hee sinh luyén tap Gm va ty cha am trong finh husng giao tiép. @ Listen and chant: Gidp hoc sinh nghe, luyén tap va van dung am va tir cha dm trong céc cum tir hoac cau don gidn qua céc bai chant. © Listen and tick: Giup hoc sinh luyén nghe am trong ty, tu'chua am trong cau. © Look and trace/Look, trace and write: Gidp hoc sinh tip 16 céc con chit ch hoa va chi thuéng) va dién cdc con cho cén thiéu vao cac tu. @ Listen and repeat: Gidp hoc sinh nghe va nhéc Iai cfc edu trdc cau, cdc hdi thogi don gién. @ Let's talk: Gidp hoc sinh tap noi cdc cau va cdc hoi thogi don gidn qua cac tinh huéng giao tip. @ Lets sing: Gidp hoc sinh 6n tap, cing c6 cdc Gm, tirvung, edu irc cau da hoc théng qua bai hat. Tiéng Anh 1 - Sach hoc sinh la két qua cia su hop tac gia Nha xudt ban Gido duc Viét Nam va Nhé xuét ban Macmillan Education Limited. Phén minh hog dugc thé hien bang nhong tranh anh dop, hép dan. Cac bai nghe hiéu, bai chant, bai hat dugc Nhé xudt ban Macmillan Education Limited thuc hién thu ém tai Anh quéc, gitp céc em lam quen véi tigng Anh dich thuc cla nguei ban ngé. Tap thé cdc tac gid hi vong cudn séch sé 1d tai liéu hoc tap bé ich va li thd cho cdc em hoe sinh. Cac tée gid Listen and repeat. Point and say. 42 Listen and chant. @& Listen and tick. Look and trace/Look, trace and write. ew ow DP Listen and repeat. Let’s talk. a 8 . sing! Phonics Vocabulary Sentence patterns Page Hi, I'm Bill. Bye, Bill. S cake, car, cat, In the dining room Cc cup Ihave a car. 9 At the street Aa ‘epple, bag, This is my bag. a market can, hat - desk, dog, sy, ; In the bedroom Dd door duck This isa dog. 7 PS: | like milk. It’s a red pen. 26 9°, There’sagarden. 31 Touch your hair. 34 Book map Hh hair, hand, |, horse Pg Mire Tg eo any How many clocks? te o mango, monkey, That's a monkey. mother, mouse IAs ws bee oe At the lake ao Eas 14 In the toy shop bus, run, sun, She's running. truck He’s running. lake, leaf, lemons Look atthe lemons. 5! el ananas, She's having ts noodles. ste | teddy bear, figes top, tunile 10" see @ tiger. At the football Ape ww face, ee : Point to your hand. en How many windows wet te, I can see six. INIT In the D schoo playground yy = Point and say. a. eS es pox ae ® Wak Listen and chant. ) uonnon2 , B,b,aball. B, b, a book. B, b, bike. A bike, a bike. B, b, a bike. Listen and tick. oY Was Listen and repeat. 1) Let’s talk. e Hi, I'm. Hi, I'm Ba. Hi, I'm Bill. Hi, Bill. I'm Ba, Hi, Ba, I'm Bill, we, Unit In the school playground Chaar Inkthe diningiroom Point and say. melo Una inthe diingroom = Boasage 2 Listen and chant. ak C,¢,a cup. C,c,a cake. A cup and a cake. C,c,acat. C,c,acar. Acatandacar, y Listen and tick. 4 ay te cve Look and trace. @e@ VO Gai int dining room Listen and repeat. -.C~—“‘s~‘SN | Thave a car. oe q Let’s talk. Ss -- \T havea. © ay = ©. 8 © 6 eo 8 * sing! T have a cup. T have a car. T have a cup and I have a car. T have a cake. T have a cat. T have a cake and I have a cat. Find and circle. Then say. QBe - 12 amtime Read and tick. Then colour and say. e728 1. a book 2.acup SI rp or Lb Bo ol ol ec) OC) 3. a ball 4.acat el e| eC) OC) Let’s play. a A happy circle (Hi, 'm Bill.) ( Enove: a cat. é / Hi, I'm Ba\, Oaths Atatheyay streetamanrket, r : Gp ae repent: Cc) 4 A a, apple. /A, 4, bag. / There's an apple In the bag. / A,a, cat. / A, a, hat. ; There's a cat On the hat. iiznm ~= | = Look and trace. aw erat | ARR Unit atthe street market — 15 Listen and repeat. This is my bag. Let’s talk. S = This is my ‘ . coms) aan (gamed hy 9% y Let’s sing! Hi, hi, hi. Hi, I'm Ann. T'm Ann. I'm Ann. I'm Ann. iS This is my apple. This is my hat. This is my bag. This is my can. 16 Unita atte sreet martet ) Beonn 2 | es ad r 3 Listen and chant. D, d, duck, D, d, dog. A duck and a dog. D, d, door. D, d, desk. A door and a desk. Listen and tick. Wer Look and trace. Yor 18 unit 4 inthe bedroom Listen and repeat. 82 Let’s talk. fof 6 0 Let’s sing! This is a duck. It's on the desk. This is a dog. It's near the door. And this is a desk. It’s near the window. but nactanan 19 Listen and repeat. mow Se mic I'm And Tim aI a rere one Super Sue! ) T have a car... and a book, T have a ball... and a duck. Look and circle. SB 4. Ly // (dog) ) cake cat duck book can car ball 20 > review Listen and tick. 1 > Listen and circle. 1 bd 2 ac 3 bic 4 Listen and tick or cross. our QT Read and tick. ¥ 1. Hil 2. aball 0 © eo ® 3. a duck 4.acan Re os i] Colour the apple, the ball, the cat and the dog. a ll) ee ee Se le i* ea I ey At, the’ fish and) chip) ‘shop : Ia ‘isten and repeat: or so Unt 5 At the fish and chip shop fon aes and chant. @ es Li fi ie atiiilites Fish and chips. Fish and chips. T, i, milk. T, i, chicken. Milk and chicken. = FW Milk and chicken. ¢ oF : - ; q pores : "@- = | =u 4 a, Look and trace. Or 24 unit s atthe fish and chip shop pasAsa 3 Listen and repeat. T like milk e 8 eT sing! Let’s talk. Tlike ee § } } ] oP @e ® e 0 Milk and chicken. Milk and chicken. T like milk and chicken. Fish and chips. Fish and chips. T like fish and chips. Unt Atthe fshandchipshop = 25) TInitheyclassroom r ——' 1 Goose f | haeneaatae Listen and chant. E, e, red. E, e, pen. E, e, ared pen. E, e, red. E, e, pencil. E, e, ared pencil. Unité Inthe dasstoom — 27 _. Listen and repeat. wae ~ oe It's aed pen. a>. : , —_ » Let’s talk. It'sared ; / © Let’s sing! 8) x Hello, I'm Jen. I have a pen. It's red. It's ared pen. This is Ben. He has a pencil. It's red. It's aed pencil. 28 units inthe classroom Circle and match. Then say. 2e@oe \o ee end 4 1st een edbchipscipe®™ en ; — | 0@ 3 J & ee 8 © @ eo ° Oz" Air drawing anime2 29 Write and say. 82 a a ay € Se of [h Leo nic | @ Let’s play. ee ua Ww 3/8 Slap the board E Unit — sInithe) sre - OH? Inthe garden 31 Basen 2 Listen and chant. oe G, g, goat. G, g, gate. A goat and a gate. G, q, girl. G, 9, garden. A girl and a garden. Listen and tick. oY Look and trace. @ we 32 unit? inthe garden Listen and repeat. There's a garden. Let’s talk. There's a ‘i Let’s sing! w There's agirl In the garden. A girl in the garden. A girl in the garden. There's a goat In the garden. A goat in the garden. A goat in the garden. Unit? Inthe garden 33 Listen and chant. a id 4 — il Lule] s!s]o/n py ex H, h, h. a. a Head and hair. Hoa's head. Hoo's hair. &e=. af a H, hh, “or Hat and hands. Ho's hat. f Hoa's hands. er Listen and tick. nasasa 3 Listen and repeat. Touch your hair. Let’s talk. Touch your z 8 * sing! Your head and your hair. Your head and your hair. Touch your head. Touch your hair. Your hand and your horse. Your hand and your horse. Touch your hand. Touch your horse. 36 unite inthe park Listen and repeat. Zoom @®@ Hello, Sue and Phill Look! I have a bag. Look out, cat! There's a goat! Look and circle. ** @ &@ ill cat gate girl goat hand head bag ball review? 37 )\ Listen and tick. ay nn o ® Ce cl El ix) € |p it |e \\d IK) he: Fa: ||| (6 se (2) eo 4 9 9 Find the words. Pe | pate fish ae Cra Write the letters. fafa @® = cl tick. C) In the) shop 5 \ i) | Py} Ba Ye MG | Poi . say. . er LS « yy 40 wsicitedon t mE gar Listen and chant. @& O, 0, locks and clocks. There are two locks. There are three clocks. O, 0, mops and pots. There are four mops. There are five pots. Listen and tick. ay : -” 1 2 Ea four clocks three mops two pots five locks 6 | 8. | 6] Cb Look, trace and write. oe e be we |__cks cl__cks Untointheshop 41 Banas S Listen and repeat. e How many clocks? Let's talk. “e How mary — —— Let’s sing! we One, two. One, two. There are two clocks. Two, three. Two, three. There are three locks. Three, four. Three, four. There are four pots. Four, five. Four, five. (fre There are five mops. AD inasnneven i Atatheszoo 2 ae “y WW GQ r a Welels!s[eln| 2 | bi aaa Listen and chant. 6s M is for monkey. \ is for mother. M is for mouse. \ is for mango. Monkey and mouse. Mother and ma Listen and tick. 1 2 ik, trace and write. OP Listen and repeat. Let’s talk. g That's a : o sing! Monkey, monkey. That's a monkey. Mango, mango. That's a mango. Mother, mother. That's my mother. Unt10 atthez0o | 45 Fun time o » Trace and colour. Then point and say. eka @ Let’s play. e Simon says 96 ixntimoa Match and say. es a 1. five monkeys 6 45 2. three clocks 8 gp 3. two locks @ ~) 4. four pots 0 Gane @ Let’s play. ze Kim's game Unit Sah Atathe)bus}stopy» Listen and repeat. Wee VES 2 em te NE, f Ors” Gee = ee as @ The boy is running in the sun. 4) a tie am | & Ge ie < o ® ° Look; trace and write. 6 kfat the boy. The boy is running, r__nning Uni atthe busstop 49 Listen and repeat. @ B 1. He's running. 2. She's running. f @ Let's talk. ‘srunning. Let‘s sing! ok 2Oe | It's a sunny day. 39) It's a sunny day. It’s sunny today. \ = The boy is running. il , e The boy is running. eg ech ha The boy is running in the sunt a Oe ak) za & 50 unin atthe bus sop Listen and repeat. U7 32 BoasAoo 2 L, |, Lucy. L, |, lake. L, |, lemons. Look at Lucy. Look at the lake. Look at the lemons. Listen and tick. Look, trace and write. ose a ae __eaf ___emons 52 unite atthe tke A/C z posase 3 Listen and repeat. 1. Look at Lucy. i“ c 2. Look at the lemons. 7 Let’s talk. S rr —— \ Look at ‘ \ Look at the. Look at rea She's na round the ee Look at the leaf. Look at the leaf. Look at the leaf. It's falling to the ground. uni? Attheloke = SB Tea TS ae Listen and repeat. And there's a mouse, It's running, too. S@Rh#aLZaen ‘aa Look and circle. @ @ 9 ie bus lake locks lemons 5A cmar monkey mouse running sun _— l Or hie gn oh % 0. | ¢ 0) OL) Listen and circle. 68 Listen and tick o arn and tick. ead og Find the words. am) ai af. @ |g Vina (iba) Fe) ile) Rud Fe eS ILO peypls Pope [ib om Gm lt emonsnif By 1 ies a iva pd ed Eis On ery) tan (LN ea ey Een Sct) sald Fe) ie Esa fe AS) [Mm] Fou lies: is) fe) Ful ie Ted iy) Lesa Vistas EN WK Fg ee Write the letters. In the school canteen posasa i Listen and repeat. W seetons, i oodles ‘ bananas uts ‘Point and say. 6 Unit 13 Bogan 2 nate ROO Listen and chant. 7 64 Qo ACANTEEN! & ge @x Nam, Nam, Nam. Nuts, nuts, nuts. Nam's having nuts. Nick, Nick, Nick. Noodles, noodles, noodles, Nick's having noodles. Listen and tick. J& » o Look, trace and write. ewe p H RECEP t pee a = ba__anas 5B Gitte inthe school canteen Listen and repeat. &e@ 1. He's having nuts. 2. She's having noodles. Let’s talk. oS (He's having a (She's having - i = A Let’s sing! There's Nam. There's Nam. Nat's having nuts. He's having nuts today. There's Nick. There's Nick. Nick's having noodles. He's having noodles today. UNIT Au Enthestoysshop : ‘== +e Listen and repeat. ee ls ae S va today mee as iger, yo 7 el ire. 7 5 weinendserm ee 4 turtle ee 60 thi 4 inthetoyshon, Listen and chant. oe T, t, top. T, t, turtle. T, t, tiger. T, t, teddy bear. Tony has a top. Tony has a turtle. Tony has a tiger. Tony has a teddy bear. 4 Listen and tick. ay e4 > eo.) OL Look, trace and write. —_urtle _—iger Unt 14 nthe toyshop — 61 Listen and repeat. Sjaa _ Icanseeatiger. Let’stalk, = T) . @ JH i a 8 s a 8 2 I can see Tony. I can see Tony. He's in the toy shop. He's holding a teddy bear. I can see a tiger. I can see a tiger. It's in the toy shop. It's on the shelf. TN of y Trace and colour. Then say. @2s5 o@ ie @ ae play. Write and say. 7S 3. ees —-ger 4.b____anas @ Let’s play. eg 64 nines ‘ Listen and,tepeat. A cans sy - 7 — - ee J a \.. 6 eee. -' % Sirs, is Upnne bar's ifs gh Oe re eae fee, intrand\say, ie eke Ef ame) = \ Init 15, Al r at a ar if F, f, face. Bill has a lovely face. F, f, football. Bill's watching football. F, f, father, Father's watching football. > ___ather __oot ___ootball ace 66 crits atthe tbl match Listen and repeat. Point to your hand. Let’s talk. Let’s sing! . — 8) x That's your face. q That's your foot. Point to your face. Point to your foot. That's your hair. That's your head. Point to your hair. Point to your head. Uni At thefootalimakh 67 w Listen and chant. 6s W. w, window. How many windows? W, w, window. Six or seven. How many windows? Eight, nine or ten. Six, seven. Listen and tick. Eight, nine, ten. > ome: 9 c— | he NZ | LE six windows — ten lemons seventops eight pens el) OL el) ®o ashing _—indow Uunitté Athome 69 posasaS Listen and repeat. Le Joe (sr ( “How m fhany windows y as can you see? _« Let’s talk. 2 S"a= = How 1 aay can Feu see? 2) T i can can see__ az@z- o Let‘s sing! 8 % 7 >. Tan see six. | a a ema One, two, three, four. Te ) Wendy's at her bedroom door. 2 Five, six, seven, eight. She can see a hat on her bed. Seven, eight, nine, ten. She can see a cat at the window. Unit16 Athome Stop! Lucy! Your teddy bear! Look and circle. a ; HH @ face hands foot teddy bear bus tiger turtle windows revews | 71 a Listen and tick. oe we . 1||OL) &| Listen and circle. loo w 3 f #b eB er + Listen and tick or cross. ees 72 coos @ Read and tick. Tut (2) six footballs fl e 01 oe @ cite one te EA Find the words. 8 f t wre o 0 i = Aeneas fi Sie 0 ead | li ed Ie Es: we) LE in) (id! [Fo |e 2) uaa a) Ut a Ke Ae |= Write the letters. v I ae « GLOSSARY [cca apple xpl/ qua tdo U3 bag /bweg/ cai tui U3 ball Poo:l/ qua bong u1 banana fos'na:nal qua chudi u13 bell /ocl/ cai chuéng U6 bike /baik/ xe dap U1 book fbok/ quyén sach u1 bus /bas/ xe 6 t6 buyt U1 cake ‘Aketk/ cai baénh U2 con ikzen/ lon dé uéng U3 car /ka:(r)/ xe 610 u2 cat (ket! con méo U2 chicken /tfikin/ thit ga us chips /Ajips! khoai tay chién us clock /klok/ cai ding hd ug cup kap/ cai chén u2 desk /desk/ cai ban hoc sinh U4 dog /dog/ con ché U4 door /do:(r)/ ctra ra vao U4 duck /dak/ con vit U4 eight fest tam (8) U16 face /fers/ mat U15 father /'fa:d0(t)/ bd U15 fish /fif! ca US fish and chips /.fifon ‘tfips) mén cd tim bét va khoai tay chién U5 five Hfary/ nam (5) ug foot /fot/ ban chan U15 football /*fotbail béng da/qua bong da u1s four /fo:(r) bén (4) ug garden ga:dn/ khu von Uz gate /gew cdng ra vao uz girl ign: cO bé U7 goat (govt! con dé U7 hair shea(ry/ toc Us hand Mheend/ ban tay us TA cossary truck turtle wash window Mhcet/ Jhed/ Iha:s! Metk/ Nick? lemon! Nok! /mnulk/ /mayki/ /*maengoo/ /mpp/ /mada(ry /mavs/ /nain/ /'nuzdlz/ /nat! /wan/ /pen/ /‘pensl/ ipot/ /red/ iran /'sevn! /stks/ /san/ /tedi bea(r)/ /ten/ /Ori:/ /taigo(r)/ /top/ /trak/ /'tatl/ /tu/ homof? Jwo:ta(e)) /'wandav/ cai ma dau con nga hd nude la cay qua chanh 6 khoa stra con khi qua xoai cay lau nha me con chudt chin (9) mi hat lac mét (1) but muc but chi cai ndi mau 46 chay bay (7) sau (6) mat troi con gau béng mudi (10) ba (3) con ho con quay 6 t6 tai con rua hai (2) lau nuwoc clva sé Glossary U3 UB Us uU12 u12 U12 U14 Ud U16 U16 U16 75 Nha xudit ban Gido duc Vigt Nam xin tran trong cam on cic tée gid c6 tie phim, te ligu dieoe sit dung, trich din trong cuén sich ny. Chiu trach nhiém xuat ban: Chil tich Hoi ddng Thanh vién NGUYEN BUC THAI Téng Giém d6c HOANG LE BACH Chiu tréch nhiém ngi dung: Téng bién tap PHAN XUAN THANH Bién tap noi dung: LE TH| HUE - NGUYEN TH] THANH XUAN LE NGUYEN HOAI NGAN - TRAN THU HA - VU THI LAI NGUYEN BANG MA\ LINH - KEN WILSON - CHANTAL SERHAN Bién tap mi thuat: BUI QUANG TUAN Thiét ké sch: BUI QUANG TUAN - THAI THANH VAN Trinh bay bia: BUI QUANG TUAN Minh hoa: NGUYEN THE PHI - NGUYEN TH! THANH VAN - PHUNG DUY TUNG ‘Siva ban in: TRAN THU HA Ché ban: CONG TY CO PHAN BAU TU VA PHAT TRIEN GIAO DUC HA NOI ‘Sach dugc bién soan, bien tap, thiét ké vat sy cong tac oda Nna xuét ban Macmillan Education Limited, 1a division of Springer Nature Limited Ban quyén © (2020) thudc Nha xuat ban Gido duc Viét Nam va Nha xuat ban Macmillan Education Limited Xuat ban pham da dng ki quyén tac gid. Tat cd cdc phan cla ndi dung cudn séch nay déu khéng duge sao chép, luu tri’, chuyén thé dui bat ki hinh thie nao khi chua c6 sy cho phép bang van ban clia Nha xuat ban Gido duc Viet Nam. ENG ANH 1 - sack Hoc siNH (Sach kem aia) Ma sé: G3HCA001A20 In ban, (QB )khd 19 x 265m BOM WHI rove a Chi 'S6 QDXB: 988-2020/CXBIPH/ 11-545 /GD $6 DKXB: /QD - GD - HN ngay ... thang ... nim 20. tn xong ngp lyu chiéu thang... nam 20, Ma sé ISBN: 978-604.0-22405:7

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