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Catarman, Camiguin



Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Family name first name middle name

Address: __________________________________________________ mobile #: _______________________

Date of Birth: ________________________________________ Age: _____________ Sex: _______________

School last attended: ______________________________ FB account name: ____________________

Brothers and Sisters ________________________________________________ age: ___________________

_____________________________________________ age: __________________
_____________________________________________ age: __________________
_____________________________________________ age: __________________

Department (please check)

( ) Kindergarten ------- 5 yrs. old
( ) Pre - Kinder ------- 4 yrs. old

Vaccination status? ( )1st dose ( ) fully vaccinated ( ) not vaccinated


Father’s name: ____________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________

Mother’s name: ___________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________
Marital Status: ( ) married ( ) living together
( ) separated

Guardian/Yaya: __________________________________________________________________

Does your child have any allergies? _____________ if yes, what?


Name of Child’s doctor: _______________________________________________________________


1. The school admits four, and five years old children.

2. If any adult stays with the child as watcher he/she must wait away from kindergarten
area. It should be understood that during class hours only the teacher would be the
one to supervise the children.
3. Prompt arrival and regular attendance are important values to be developed in the early
educational foundation of the child.
4. The school reserves the right to teach Biblical principles in molding the moral values of
the child.
5. Acceptable and proper disciplinary action will be imposed on the child whenever he/she
breaks any rules or show any misbehavior that would distract the class activity.
(Proverbs 13:1,24)
6. Children are required to have complete materials such as pencil, pad paper, notebook,
crayon, eraser, sharpener, and face towel.
7. Children are required to wear complete uniform during school days except Wednesday.
8. Children are required to have their own workbook and have their own snacks.
9. The teacher will have the privilege to visit the pupils and parents on Saturday asthe
need arises.
10. In Case of absences the parents / guardians should write a letter of excuse to the
11. Children are to be kept at home when show any of the following symptoms: symptoms:
cough, fever, headache, chicken pox and others.
12. Parents must follow-up their children.
13. Parents must support the school and children’s program.
14. If you have any question about your child’s progress, feel free to talk to the teacher.
15. Cooperate in training your child.
16. Parents must attend the meeting. Attendance will be checked
17. Children must attend a Kindergarten Sunday school.
(Kindergarten every 2nd Sunday, Pre-kinder 3rd Sunday..
18. Christmas and other Holidays are observed. The Grace Christian Pre-School calendar
corresponds with the public school calendar.
19. The guardian/watcher must have a weekly Bible Study.
20. Pay all obligations and have a zero balance before the end of the school year
a. Entrance / Registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P 1,100.00
b. Monthly tuition fee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P 750.00
c. P.T.A. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P 250. 00
d. Material fee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P 350. 00
e. Books (to be partial half of the price and to be fully paid after a month)
Kindergarten - - - - - - - - - - - P 4, 700.00
Pre - Kinder - - - - - - - - - - - P 2, 885.00

“I do hereby agree voluntarily abide the school rules and regulations.”

_________________________ _____________________
Parent’s name and signature Date

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