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PE 3


Date: August 23, 2022

 At the end of the lesson, the grade 3 pupils should be able to:

1. Define define locomotor movements

2. Express the importance of locomotor movements
3. Create dance steps using locomotor movements


Title: Locomotor Movements
References: Physical Education 3 - page 67- 70
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Dice, Music, Paper, Marker
Competency: The pupils are expected use locomotor movements in dancing,
learn to budget money, and work with a group.
Value Focused: Unity and giving importance to money given by parents.

III. Preliminary Activitiess

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Greet the students then ask them to seat properly
 Checking of attendance
 Motivation: Pictures about Stages of Life.

Comprehensive Question:
1. What are the stages of life?
2. What is the role of human in each stages?
3. How do human act in each stage?
4. What stage are you now?
5. What role do you play?

B. Reading Activity/Riddle Game

1. I am the first letter of right.
2. You’ll find me in bore but not in bear.
3. I am in the middle of a ceiling.
4. You’ll find me in ore but not in our.
5. I have the sound of the sea.
Put the letters together to answer this riddle:
What is it in life that I have to form?
____ _____ _____ _____ ______
C. Presentation
(Lesson Presentation)
The teacher present the topic for the day and post the days objectives that are
to attained.
1. Define the elements of poetry (theme, mood, tone, and symbolism),
2. Identify the theme, mood, tone, and symbolism used on the poem,
3. Summarize the content of the literary piece used,
4. Analyze literature in enhancing one’s self

* Teacher will present the lesson for the day.

* The teacher will present the poem “The Seven Ages of Man” by William

* Teacher will analyze the poem and extract the theme, mood, tone, and
symbolism used in the poem.
* The teacher will discuss the poem by stanza.

D. Activity Proper
a. Activity
* Let the students define the elements of poetry (theme, mood, tone, and
* Let the students analyze a certain poem and identify its theme, mood, tone,
and symbolism.
* Let the students share their insights about the poem “The Seven Ages of
* Let the students share their insights/memories/experiences of being an
infant, toddler, child, teenager, lover, and adult.

b. Analysis
1. What is theme?
2. What is mood in poetry?
3. What is tone in poetry?
4. What is symbolism?
5. Why do human undergo stages of life?
6. What is your role in life?

c. Abstraction
* The teacher will give a brief description about the author William
* The teacher will explain the essential core of the poem “The Seven Ages of
* The teacher will explain the elements of the poem (Theme, Mood, Tone, and
* The teacher will analyze the poem and explain the importance of poem in
one’s life.

d. Application
* Let the students make a poem and identify its theme, mood, tone, and
Rubrics for Grading:
Content - 25%
Creativity and Coherence - 25%
Grammar and Punctuation - 25%
Elements of the Poem (Theme, Mood, Tone, and Symbolism) - 25%
Total - 100%

IV. Evaluation
A. Give the correct answer of the following questions.
1. _______is the lesson about life or statement about human nature that the
poem expresses.
a. Symbolism b. Tone c. Theme d. Mood

2. _______is the feeling created by the poet for the reader.

a. Symbolism b. Tone c. Theme d. Mood
3. ________is the feeling displayed by the author toward the subject of the
a. Symbolism b. Tone c. Theme d. Mood

4. _________ a literary device where symbols work to represent ideas.

a. Symbolism b. Tone c. Theme d. Mood

5. Who wrote the poem “The Seven Ages of Man”?

a. Armstrong
b. Lennon
c. Shakespeare
d. Frost

B. Identify the theme, mood, tone, and symbolism in the poem “The Road Not
Taken” by Robert Frost. (20 Points)

V. Assignment
* Let the students write a reflection paper about the poem “The Seven Ages of
Man” by William Shakespeare.

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