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Comparison of TV Viewer & Video Gamers

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First, we would like to acknowledge the Almighty Allah, because without His mercy it would not have an easy and guidance provided by our instructor Mr. S.H. Hashmi, who gave us his precious time. Most Submitted by: Ahmer Masood (BB-083045) Awais Farooq (BB-083025) Rakhshanda (BB-083033) especially to our parents for their full support throughout our Academic career and friends for

task for us. After acknowledging the This report is based on the data collected from Islamabad to compare the TV viewer and Video gamers in Islamabad. This research would mercy of Allah Almighty, We would help out advertiser for future and current advertisement and for the upcoming students and to putsecondary data. like as a on record the support

Submitted To: Sir S.H. Hashmi Section: 01

Comparison of TV Viewer & Video Gamers

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Part 01


Comparison of TV Viewer & Video Gamers

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Comparison of TV Viewer & Video Gamers

A survey was conducted to check the difference between the usages of TV & Video games from different people of different ages residing in Islamabad. A sample consists of 200 people and their age ranging from 06-35 years.

T-V Viewer:
Out of 200, 125 preferred to watch TV in their leisure. Mostly people who watch TV are above 25 years or they are in early teens or below the teens. A table is shown below to show the AGE BRACKET 06-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 Total actual data in the forms of group and their ages. FREQUENCY 17 24 11 9 35 29 125

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Video Gamers:
Out of 200, 75 people want to spend their time in playing Video games. Mostly the adolescents are involved in playing video games, especially from the age of 21 to 25. A table is given below about the statistics of video-gamers in Islamabad.
AGE BRACKET 06-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 Total FREQUENCY 7 9 10 39 5 5 75

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Part II


Comparison of TV Viewer & Video Gamers

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The analyses of the data are attached in the form of Excel Worksheet; the summary of the data and critical comments on them are given below and then there is comparison between graphs to discuss further.

TV Viewer Ships:

The mean of the TV viewership is 22.32 or you can say 23(round off). This means that on the mean or averages there are 23 people who are interested to watch TV in their leisure. Standard deviation is 9.08 shows that how much scattered or the variables are deviates from its mean value. Median and mode is also calculated.

Less Then & More than CF:

Less than cumulative frequency Ogive is made to understand easily that who much people watch TV below the age & Similarly More then to see that how much above the age watch TV. Less than Ogive shows that the people who watch TV below the age of 6 are zero (this is because they are not able to fill questionnaire & they have no critical thinking in them ; according to Professor John Steven that the critical thinking of a child is start from the age of 07 so below of them are not included). Similarly it shows that below the age of 11 there are around 17 children out of 200 who want to watch TV or want to spend their mostly time on watching Televisions. There is sudden increase from the age of 26 to 31 and then 31 to 36 years which shows that a large number of people watch Television in this range. A table is given below to give the accurate measurement of Less than CF.

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LOWER LIMIT 6 11 16 21 26 31 36

LESS THAN CF 0 17 41 52 61 96 125

More than Ogive shows that above the of 5 years there are 125 people who want to spend their time on watching TV. Similarly there are different points are show in graph to show that how much people are above the certain or particular range of age. This would help out to advertiser to advertise according to their target market on the basis of their age For example if they want to target above the 25 then there are around 60-70 to seventy people watch of 125 who watch television.
upper limit More Than CF

5 10 15 20 25 30 35

125 108 84 73 64 29 0

Video Gamers:
Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation are calculated for the critical analysis of calculated data. Mean is 20.73 which means on the average there are

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21 people who are interested in playing Video games the deviation from means is around 4.89.


20.73 23.91 4.89

Less than & More than CF

Variance standard deviation

Less than ogive of video gamers show the below the age people who are interested in playing video games. There are 0 children below the age of 6 who play video games. As seen from the graph that there is sudden increase in curve from the age of 21-26 which shows that a large number of people whose age are from 21-26 are the big users of video games. A table below the graph is listed to show the accurate data.
lower limit 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 less than CF 0 7 16 26 65 70 75

More Than:
More than ogive shows the above age trend in video gamers. There are 75 people out of 200 who are above the age of 05 and play video games.

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And then there is sudden decrease from the age of 25 shows that a very small number of above 25 years are the users of video games.

upper limit 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

More Than CF 75 68 59 49 10 5 0

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Part III


Comparison of TV Viewer & Video Gamers

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A graph is shown below that shows comparison of the frequency of TV viewer and Videogamers. Blue curve represent TV viewer while Red curve talk about Video-gamers. If we talk about on the basis of ages and frequency, the children of ages 8 are mostly indulge in watching T.V. If we talk about the early teenagers (13 years) they are also interested in watching Television as compared to Video games in Islamabad. But at the age of 18 years the numbers of people who want to watch T.V and Play Video games are almost same. In early twenties to 25 they are very large number of people who want to spend their time on gaming. And after that there is a boom in watching Television in Islamabad.

Correlation: A correlation between TV Viewer and Video gamers is found on the basis of ages of the people to check their relationships. A table and the correlation is given below:

T.V Viewer (X) 17 24 11 9 35 29 125 Video Gamers (Y) 7 9 10 39 5 5 75 XY 119 216 110 351 175 145 1116 X2 289 576 121 81 1225 841 3133 Y2 49 81 100 1521 25 25 1801

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There is negative correlation between the TV Viewer and Video-gamers on the basis of different age groups, which show if any-one want to advertise and to target whole audience and from all ages then he have to advertise in both medium. Advertising in Video games is a new concept known as Advergaming and it is more fruitful because games are more vivid and interesting so the gamers are more deeply involved in video games as compared to Televisions.

Suggestion & Beneficiaries:

On the basis of this research it is suggested if the advertiser want to target different age group he has to choose the most appropriate and most famous media in the selected age-group. This research would help out different advertiser in which they want to advertise to get maximum benefit and maximum result. And if they want to target people of all the age then they have to advertise both in Television as well as in Video games. ***----**--*--**---***

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