Fuel and Power Coal

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Unlike agriculture fuels such as coal and oil are not replaceable once depleted. With the rate at which
automobile and industrial plants are consuming coal and oil a time bomb is set that will be off set resulting
into challenges with production and transportation. Therefore new substitutes have to be found to
complement the large demand and also to sustain modern civilization. These fuels include coal and oil. To
this end scientist and governments over the world have taken measures to conserve resources and to invent
substitutes. Among other inventions is hydroelectricity, solar energy and nuclear power reactors.

It comprises mainly carbon of vegetative origin. It is one of the oldest forms of power. It provides the basis
for the Industry Revolution. Its importance as fuel and raw material was enhanced by the invention of the
steam engine by Jams Watt in 1769. It became the greatest single factor of industrial location. The pull of
coal fields on industrial location was so great the most of the world manufacturing was centered around or
near coalfields. This all changed with the discovery of oil and the invention of electricity.

Reason why the demand and prominence of coal declined

i. Its low heat output
ii. Its untidy appearance
iii. Its great bulk which raises transport costs.
Despite all this coal is still being used in many parts of the world as a domestic fuel, source of power for
industry and as an important raw material for chemical industry.
Products of coal
Gas, tar, Benzole and Sulphate of ammonia

Coal Mining Methods

Coal which occurs in sedimentary in layers or seams of varying thickness may be exposed or concealed.
The coal which is exposed or outcrops the surface
This is easily and economically mined by open cast or strip-mining methods. The coal bearing rocks are
simply stripped off by giant shovels and the coal is scooped up into the trucks to be carried away.

When coal is underneath the Earth surface or in concealed beds

This necessitates underground mining which involves the excavation of the coal by driving vertical shafts
down to the seams and removing the coal through tunnels. This method is more expensive and more
dangerous. This is because of costs for ventilation, water supply and underground transport, gas poisoning,
explosion and the collapse of the tunnel roofs.
When the coal seam lies beneath the sea, off- shore marine mining methods have to be employed.

Types of Coal

There are different types of coal which vary greatly in their prices and their industrial uses. The following
categories of coal are arranged in descending order of hydrocarbons and calorific value.

Hydrocarbons: family of organic compounds composed entirely of carbon and hydrogen. They are the
organic compounds of simplest composition and may be considered the parent substances from which all
other organic compounds are derived. Calorific value; Amount of heat generated or released by the
combustion of a mass of fuel.
A. Anthracite
B. Bituminous coal
C. Lignite or brown coal
D. Peat

Properties / characteristics

i. This is the best coal and constitutes not more than 5% of the world’s total coal output.
ii. It is the hardest with the highest hydrocarbon content.
iii. It has very litttle volatile matter and almost practically smokeless
iv. Burns quietly with great heat and leaves very little ash behind.

Uses of Anthracite

It is mainly used for steam-raising in industrial plants and for domestic heating. Due to its scarcity and its
higher price anthracite is only used when other types of coal are not suitable

Bituminous coal

This is the most abundant type of coal and is subdivided into three classes;

a. Steam coal
b. Coking coal
c. Gas coal

Steam coal

Properties of Steam coal

i. Its hydrocarbon content is a little less than that of anthracite.

ii. It is superior grade of the bituminous coal.
iii. Occurring in seams that have highly been compressed.
iv. It is black, very hard and burns readily with great heat.

As is it relatively smokeless like anthracite it is used as bunker coal in steamship and locomotives

Coking coal

This is a very useful type of coal which is burnt in ovens to drive off the volatile matter and to increase its
carbon content. This particular type of coal softens and fuses while burning and produces coke. Coke is a
hard grey porous material which is used in blast furnaces to extract iron form its ores.

Gas coal

This is low rank bituminous coal has a high percentage of moisture and volatile matter. When heated it gives
out much of its gases and vapour which are collected for use as coal gas and other chemical by-products.

Lignite or brown Coal

This is the lowest category of coal with a high moisture and ash content. It is smoky for it still retains some
of its vegetative matter. It has comparatively little carbon and little carbon and low heat value. Half the
world’s lignite resources are in the West and East Germany. Its uses include domestic heating, generating
thermal electricity and in the chemical industry.


This is exclusively of vegetative matter and represents the initial stage of coal formation. Its carbon content
is in form of wood or decayed plants and it is highly charged with moisture. A large amount of peat is found
in the Bogs in Ireland and Scotland where it is cut into pieces, dried, and burnt as a domestic fuel. It has only
local importance is not traded.

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