Escaperoom 2021-22

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Taking Technology to Society


In the magical world of Harry Potter, things are about to get exciting. The Ministry of Magic
has made its decision and the Triwizard Tournament is back. The quest to discover some of the
best wizards and witches has begun, and you are next.
The Goblet of Fire has chosen all the competitors, and one of them is YOU!
Three Tasks await you, filled with tons of dangerous creatures, menacing traps, perplexing
riddles and tough-to-crack passwords. Do you have what it takes to be the better wizard,
among a hundred others? Can you complete all the tasks and carve your names on the
prestigious Triwizard Tournament Cup?
This will be a test of your survival skills, problem solving strategy and how swift your
decision-making is. Lose and you will be trapped forever in a world full of merciless
dementors, starving werewolves and evil merpeople.
Let the tournament BEGIN!

Mode of conduct:

Google meet
Google Classroom

Team Specifications:
A team may consist of minimum 2 and maximum 4 members.
Round 1: Steal the Dragon’s Egg
The Dragons of the Wizarding World are known for their fiery breath and unstoppable rage.
But your task requires you to steal the only item that these dragons hold close to their hearts –
Dragon Eggs.
Each Group will be given 3 cryptograms that will require them to use combination and pairing
logic in order to get deciphered. If a team is unable to decipher most of the 3 cryptograms
within the stated time limit, they will be burnt to the ground by the Dragons.
Time limit for this round is 15 minutes.
Top 16 teams who complete their task the earliest within the given time will be qualified for
the next round.

Round 2: Outsmart the Merpeople

One of your precious belongings have been stolen by the cunning merpeople and you have to
dive into the Black Lake to retrieve it. But the clever thieves have guarded your artifact behind
a large, magical crossword.
Find the 20 words of the crossword within the time limit and you will gain access to your
artifact. Beware! The crossword is not as simple as it sounds. With trivia ranging from Math,
Physics, Logical Reasoning, Riddles, Morse Codes, General Knowledge and a lot more, this
crossword will surely sweep you off your feet!
Time limit for this round is 10 minutes.
Top 8 teams who are able to find the most words within the given time will be qualified for the
next round.

Round 3: Run through the Maze

The Four Teams will have to solve a Google Form with 10 mind-boggling questions, that will
test their wit, logic and memory. Every choice matters and one wrong choice can end the round
for your team at the very instant! The challenges will get more difficult with every question,
and it is up to you to decide between beating the clock and crossing the most hurdles. Each
team will get three lives for every wrong attempt, you will lose one life. Once all lives are lost,
your team will forever be lost within the magical maze.
The Labyrinth is filled with turns and dead ends, within which reside the most frightening
spiders, dementors, werewolves, monsters, carnivorous grass and many more creatures that
will petrify any wizard.
Each team will enter into a Google Meet and solve the G-Form in front of at least one
supervisor. All team members are allowed to interact and help the leader in solving the
challenges. The top two teams who are able to solve the maximum number of challenges
within the time limit will proceed to the final round.
Time limit for this round is 10 minutes.
Top 4 teams will get qualified for the final round.
Round 4: The Ultimate Battle
Alas! The top four teams have grabbed the Triwizard Tournament Cup at the same time, but it
wasn’t just a cup. It was a Portkey!
A Portkey that has teleported the top four teams in front of Lord Voldemort! Are you prepared
for the craziest and most dangerous challenge of them all?
Evade Voldemort’s attacks by rapidly defending yourself and escaping his mind games.
Answer a string of rapid-fire questions and try to survive for as long as you can.
Remember, do not be the Spare, for he shall be the loser.
Can you make these tough decisions based on pure intellect and memory? Can you prove your
worth in front of You Know Who? Can you escape the vessels of dementors and win not only
the Triwizard Tournament, but also save your lives?
Time limit for this round is 10 minutes.

1. In the third and fourth rounds you have a choice of taking a hint if you get stuck.
2. Taking a hint will surely help you get through the rounds but it will come at a cost.
3. For each hint you decide to exploit, a penalty of 10 seconds will be added to your time.

General Instructions:
1. Layout of rounds can be changed by the organizers of events at any point of time.
2. No rash behaviours with the organizers will be tolerated.
3. While attending quizzes or submitting Pdfs and other materials for you work or attending
interactive rounds, make sure you are well connected to internet as no complaints regarding
low internet speed or poor connections will be entertained and time period given for the
particular round will be followed strictly.
4. Organizer’s decision will be final.

Certification Policy:
1. Certificate of Participation will be awarded to all the teams.
2. Certificate of Excellence will be given to the top three teams.
3. Disqualified teams will not be considered for any certification.

Cash prize of INR 12,000/- to be won.

Contact us:
Abhishek Somwanshi: 7620388010
Sarth Shah: 8291153854

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