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Religion and Values (Year 7)

#05 Project – Worship and Sacred Places
Number of marks: 50
Due: To be submitted Week 8 RV day by 4pm

Name: Marks:

There are two parts to this project:

Part A: You are to interview an Imam by asking five questions of your own choice and sound
record this interview.

Part B: You are to write a research piece on the topic of the change of direction of prayer (qiblah).
In your research piece, make sure to include:

1. What was the initial qiblah of Muslims for their daily prayers and what is the
current qiblah of Muslims?
2. When did the change of qiblah happen?
3. Where did the change of qiblah happen (provide information on that mosque)?
4. Why should Muslims have a qiblah?

Your questions for the interview should be analytical, reflective and insightful. Make sure to design
your questions accordingly. The duration of the interview with the Imam should not exceed 5
minutes (1 minute per question). You will submit this voice recording of the interview via MyEd,
SEQTA or USB depending on your teacher’s choice.

Your research piece should be between 300-400 words. It should follow the correct conventions
of writing (capital letters, sentences, paragraphs, spelling…etc).
Assessment Criteria: 20% of the maximum available score is deducted if a task is completed late
(unexcused) within one week after the actual date. After one week the mark of zero will be
Please make sure you read through the rubric very carefully in order to understand how to achieve a
high mark for your project.
Religion and Values (Year 7) - #05 Project – Worship and Sacred Places
Student Name: ________________________ Class: ____ Mark: ____ / 50 _____ %

CATEGORY 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0

Part A (out of 20): Interview with an Imam
Quality of The five questions asked The five (or less) Less than five questions Less than five The questions asked
questions to the Imam are all questions asked to the asked that were average questions asked that were very few and/or not
asked analytical, reflective and Imam are all majorly in levels of analytical, were somewhat analytical, reflective and
insightful. analytical, reflective and reflective and insight. analytical, reflective insightful.
insightful. and insight.
Sound Sound recording has Sound recording has not Sound recording has not
Recording been submitted within been submitted within been submitted.
the required time limit ___ the required time limit ___
(not more/less than 5 (too long/too short).
Part B (out of 30): Research Piece
Amount of The four points are The four points are Less than four points are Less than four points The topic has been
Information covered in depth with covered adequately. covered in depth. are covered covered in very little
covered details. adequately. detail/Only a few points
have been covered.

Conventions Exceptional use of Great use of formal Some use of formal Little use of formal No use of formal
formal language as well language, with only a few language, consistent language many language, excessive
as no errors in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar, consistent errors in errors in grammar,
punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, grammar, punctuation, punctuation, spelling,
sentence structure and sentence structure and sentence structure and spelling, sentence sentence structure and
no use of slang. no use of slang. some use of slang. structure and use of use of slang.
References All references (at least Some references (less No references are listed.
___ ___ 3) are listed. than 3) are listed.
Word Count Content covered within Content covered in less
___ ___ ___ the required word than 250 words/more
count 300-400 words. than 450 words.

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